
Raising Kids In Singapore Is Expensive!

Here’s How To Reduce The Costs

With the rising cost of living in Singapore, raising a child here isn’t cheap, and it’s only going to get more expensive.

Fortunately, the government’s Baby Bonus and raft of childcare subsidies are there to help defray kid-related costs (though perhaps not quite enough — but that’s a story for another day).

So for those of you who are thinking of adding a new member to the family this year, just what subsidies do you qualify for, and what are you excluded from:
  • Baby Bonus (from birth onwards)
  • Baby Bonus cash gift
  • Baby Bonus First Step Grant
  • Dollar-for-dollar matching of savings in Child Development Account (CDA)
  • Preschool, infant care & child care subsidies (up to 6 years old)
  • Childcare Basic Subsidy
  • Kindergarten subsidies (from 3 to 6 years old)
  • Start Up Grant (SUG)
  • Primary & secondary school subsidies (from 7 years old onwards)
  • Edusave contribution