
National Day Rally 2024

PM Lawrence Wong’s first National Day Rally speech in English

Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong will deliver his first National Day Rally speech in English on Sunday (Aug 18), 8pm, at the Institute of Technical Education Headquarters in Ang Mo Kio.

Highlights of PM Lawrence Wong's first National Day Rally
This was Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's first National Day Rally speech, three months after he was sworn in

A “major reset” in Singapore’s policies and attitudes – that was how Prime Minister Lawrence Wong described the road ahead for the country in his first National Day Rally speech. 

The National Day Rally is seen as the most important political speech of the year.

Among the key initiatives announced on Sunday (Aug 18) was:

NDR 2024: Key highlights from PM Wong’s first National Day Rally
PM Lawrence Wong outlined enhancements in areas such as families, jobs, housing and education

Keeping Singapore strong and united, and sharing the benefits of progress to uplift all Singaporeans, and not just a few. This was a key message from Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, who delivered his first National Day Rally speech on Aug 18 at the ITE College Central in Ang Mo Kio.

PM Wong, who took over as Singapore’s fourth head of government in May, said Singapore needs a renewed social compact where every Singaporean feels there is hope. It is also where all citizens, even the most disadvantaged, know that they can get a fair shot in life and can get ahead if they make the effort and work hard, he said as he outlined enhancements in areas such as families, jobs, housing and education.

Here are eight highlights from his speech delivered in Malay, Mandarin and English:
  • Shared parental leave
  • New scheme to provide up to $6,000 to job seekers
  • Housing enhancements for couples, singles and aged
  • Gifted Education Programme to be revamped
  • Higher mother tongue learning
  • Kallang Alive Masterplan
  • Prime waterfront coastline
  • New Singapore College of Islamic Studies

National Day Rally 2024: Follow ST’s live coverage of PM Lawrence Wong’s speech from 6.45pm

Keeping with past practice, PM Wong will start his speech at the Institute of Technical Education College Central at 6.45pm, speaking first in Malay, followed by Mandarin and then in English at 8pm.

Jobs and the economy, families, housing and education are on the agenda for Prime Minister Lawrence Wong’s first National Day Rally (NDR) on Aug 18. Singapore has major changes to make in its policies as well as its attitudes and mindsets, he said in a video posted across his social media channels on Aug 16.

This is in pursuit of new ambitions set out in the Forward Singapore road map, he said. The Forward Singapore Report, drawn up by PM Wong and other fourth-generation leaders and unveiled in October 2023, provides an overarching view of the moves the Republic will make in the coming years.

Happy 59th National Day 2024 at the Padang
Despite an earlier downpour, the National Day Parade at the Padang kicked off as planned on Friday (Aug 9) to celebrate Singapore's 59th year of independence. 

About 27,000 spectators, dressed in red and white, were treated to a visual spectacle that included the Red Lions' skydiving performance and the Total Defence segment featuring new military hardware.

Here are the highlights, with our reporters and visual journalists out and about to capture key moments of the parade.

Swearing-in of Singapore's fourth Prime Minister Lawrence Wong
Mr Lawrence Wong and his wife, Ms Loo Tze Lui, arrive at the Istana on May 15, 2024

Mr Lawrence Wong was sworn in as Singapore's fourth Prime Minister on Wednesday (May 15), replacing Mr Lee Hsien Loong.

The swearing-in at the Istana took place just after 8pm, with more than 800 guests attending the ceremony. They include Cabinet ministers, members of parliament, frontline healthcare and transport workers, religious and business leaders, teachers and students, among others.

The ceremony began with a speech by President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, followed by the swearing-in of the new Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet. In his first remarks as Prime Minister, Mr Wong said: “We will lead in our own way. We will continue to think boldly and to think far. We know that there is still much more to do … and the best chapters of our Singapore Story lie ahead.”