According to a Geomancy Master, The Presidential Election polling day on Sep 23 is a special day:
If there’s more than one person qualified to run
- 2 +3 = 5
- 5 in Thai is "Ha" and in Malay is "Lima"
- So, it is "Halima"
If there’s more than one person qualified to run
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued the Writ of Election for the Presidential Election, naming Sep 13 as Nomination Day. If we’re lucky to have more than one person who qualifies to run for the position of Singapore’s president, the polling day will be held 10 days later, on Sep 23.
As reported, debated and written about in various think pieces, the upcoming presidential election will only be reserved for Malay candidates, due to the implementation of a “hiatus-triggered” model, said to ensure multiracial representation in the highest office in the land. According to a press release by the Elections Department, the nomination place will be the auditorium of the People’s Association along King George’s Avenue.
Currently, there are only three big contenders who’ve publicly indicated that they’ll be running for president. There’s Bourbon Offshore Asia Pacific chairman Farid Khan. There’s Second Chance Properties founder and CEO Mohamed Salleh Marican. And, of course, there’s (former) People’s Action Party stalwart Halimah Yacob, who recently stepped down from her roles as Speaker of Parliament and a Member of Parliament for the Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC.
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Lee Hsien Loong is with Arun Trivedi 4 hrs
I have issued the Writ of Election for the Presidential Election. Nomination Day will be on 13 September.
This is the first PE to be reserved for Malay candidates. I have explained in Parliament (, in last year’s National Day Rally, and in TV forums why we are adopting this “hiatus-triggered” model. (It means that if we have not had a President from a particular community for 5 consecutive terms, the next term will be reserved for a President from that community.)
We are a multiracial country, and every citizen should know that someone of his community can become President, and does become President from time to time, and thus represent all Singaporeans.
I hope Singaporeans will support the candidate who will best represent their interests and aspirations, and our nation. Not just at home, but internationally too. – LHL
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Presidential Election Polling Day on September 23: PMO

Singaporeans will vote for their 8th President on September 23, if more than one person qualifies to run for the position.
The winner will be the 2nd Malay president in Singapore's history, and the 1st to be chosen in a presidential election reserved for candidates of a specific community.
Singaporeans will know if they will get to cast their vote or if the election will be a walkover, on Nomination Day, which will be on September 13.
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Nomination Day for Presidential Election set for Sept 13, Polling Day on Sept 23
PRIME Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued the writ of election for next month's Presidential Election, with Nomination Day set for Wednesday, Sept 13.
The nomination centre is the auditorium of the People's Association headquarters along King George's Avenue. If there are at least two nominated candidates for this election that's reserved for those from the Malay community, the Returning Officer Ng Wai Choong will declare Saturday, Sept 23 as Polling Day.
Applications for the Certificate of Eligibility and the Community Certificate must reach the Elections Department (ELD) by 5pm on Sept 4.
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Workers’ Party Blocked from Raising Elected Presidency Issue in Parliament ahead of PE2017
If not now, then when?
The Workers’ Party had intended to raise the “counting of presidents” issue in parliament on Monday (11 Sept).
This would have been a relevant discussion, considering that Singapore is set for Nomination Day on 13 Sept and Singaporeans will elect their next President on 23 Sept.
However, parliamentarians chose to scupper debate on the validity of the PE2017 reserved election, in favour of discussing namely “Community Sentencing and Other Rehabilitative Options”.
related: WP Raised “Reserved” Election Issue in Feb, but Maj-Gen Chan Chun Sing Shut Things Down
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Sylvia Lim’s Motion On Elected Presidency Will Not Be Discussed In Parliament Because Of Random Balloting

Workers’ Party Sylvia Lim’s Motion Not Selected Due To Random Balloting
Those keeping track of the political scene in Singapore are surely to have noticed yesterday (5 Sept) the unexpected announcement of the next Speaker of Parliament by our Prime Minister.
Amidst fallout of the news, you might have missed out on equally-as-important information provided by The Workers’ Party (WP) on their Facebook page just an hour later.
WP Chairman Sylvia Lim’s proposal to discuss the controversy regarding the recognition of Singapore’s first Elected President was not chosen for the 11 Sept Parliament sitting. Titled “Counting from President Wee Kim Wee or President Ong Teng Cheong for Reserved Presidential Election – Policy Decision or Legal Question“, the adjournment motion was supposed to be the final debate on the reserved presidential election.
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Workers' Party to raise reserved presidential election in Parliament
The Workers’ Party has filed an adjournment motion on the upcoming reserved Presidential Election (PE) for the next sitting of Parliament on 11 September.
In a Facebook post titled “Counting from President Wee Kim Wee or President Ong Teng Cheong – policy decision or legal question?” on Monday (28 August), the opposition party said that Aljunied GRC MP Sylvia Lim had filed an adjournment motion with the above title.
“In the wake of intense public discussion after the parliamentary debates and a court case on the reserved presidential election, the Workers’ Party believes it is in the public interest for the Government to clarify this issue surrounding the election of our Head of State,” the post added.
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The Workers' Party 3 hrs
Counting from President Wee Kim Wee or President Ong Teng Cheong - policy decision or legal question?
Sylvia Lim, MP for Aljunied GRC, has filed an adjournment motion with the above title for the sitting of Parliament on 11 September 2017. In the wake of intense public discussion after the parliamentary debates and a court case on the reserved presidential election, the Workers' Party believes it is in the public interest for the Government to clarify this issue surrounding the election of our Head of State.
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It is all about one man, Stupid!

We heard yesterday from People's Action Party (PAP) Ministers and the Emeritus Senior Minister a full rehash of their tired and by now totally discredited arguments for a reserved Presidential Election. For good measure, terrorism was also thrown in as part of the PAP's staple of fearmongering. Despite all the political sophistry, it is not difficult to penetrate the PAP's fog of propaganda. Fair-minded Singaporeans know that this dastardly election is all about denying one man, Dr Tan Cheng Bock, the Presidency. The entire Establishment has connived in this dishonourable venture. History will not be kind to them.
This racially divisive election has the same effect as segregating our various races into seperate and isolated settlements. How can the PAP compare it with the Ethnic Integration Policy in Public Housing designed to promote racial integration? Multiracialism and multiculturalism are all about inclusion and not exclusion, which is what the reserved election amounts to.
A Party that once rejected Bumiputra privileges and made a " Malaysian Malaysia " their battle cry is now reduced to feeble arguments based on race for a policy that has hung, drawn and quartered our National Identity. A policy that snubs meritocracy in the face and has no belief that the cream will always rise to the TOP, as Tiger Woods, Barack Obama and the new Irish Prime Minister, who is of Indian descent, have shown the world. It is most interesting to note that the printed version of the Straits Times today did not carry that part of Goh Chok Tong's speech where he admitted that:
"this reserved election made a large part of the population unhappy as it is against meritocracy."read more
ESM Goh Chok Tong: Malay Presidency goes against Meritocracy

Former Prime Minister and Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong today (Sep 8) publicly acknowledged that the Malay Presidency goes against Meritocracy:
“The reserved election this year is quite unpopular with a large proportion of the population because it goes against the principle of meritocracy.”Minister Goh Chok Tong however was quick to soften his tone. ESM Goh Chok Tong added that Singaporeans “should understand why the government is doing this”.
The former Prime Minister claimed that the Malay Presidency is just like the HDB housing rule having a racial quota per block: “The ethnic integration policy for public housing as an example. The policy helps to ensure an ethnic mix in HDB estates to help promote racial integration and harmony.”
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Mdm Halimah’s slogan “Do Good Do Together”?

Mdm Halimah Yacob unveiled her campaign slogan at the NTUC Centre on Tuesday (29 August) and introduced the members of her campaign team.
The former Speaker of Parliament and People's Action Party Member of Parliament announced that her campaign slogan is “Do Good, Do Together”.
She said, "It allows us together as one people to come together and do what is good for the community and the country – I think that is the most important part of it," and added, "We 'do good, do together' regardless of race, language or religion, and we come together to make Singapore a home we can all be proud of."
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Farid Khan: Vote for someone good for Singapore
The chairman of marine services company Bourbon Offshore Asia Pacific yesterday urged Singaporeans to vote for the best person in the Presidential Election - "someone who is good for the country and will serve the country".
"I would prefer those who vote for me, to vote for who I am, what I stand for," he told reporters after performing morning prayers at An-Nur Mosque in Woodlands.
Mr Farid, 62, is one of the three people known to have submitted applications to contest the Presidential Election, which is the first to be reserved for Malay candidates.
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Mr Mohd Salleh Marican - Chief Executive Officer, Second Chance Properties Ltd
Mr Salleh Marican founded Second Chance Properties Ltd and has been Chairman and CEO since its incorporation. He has 35 years of retail experience and a recipient of the 1996 Entrepreneurship Excellence Award of the Nanyang Technological University.
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Salleh addresses claims of close connection with establishment for being board member on Temasek Foundation Cares
The Online Citizen wrote to Mr Salleh if he would like to address the claim, such as how such a position should not indicate his connection with the establishment, and why he had chosen to take up the position on the board. Mr Salleh in his prompt reply wrote:
- Thank you for this opportunity to clear the air. In May 2009, I was approached to be a founding director of Temasek Foundation Cares (TFC), a newly set up foundation to help Singaporeans.
- They would like me to accept the appointment as I had been active in charitable work. I accepted because it was something I believed in. TFC is a charitable body with IPC status, it is not a political body or in any way related to politics. The board members serve on a voluntary basis.
- On 29 August 2013, I was appointed Treasurer for a 4-year term that ended on 28 August 2017. For further information on TFC please visit: Temasek Foundation Cares
Mr Salleh has submitted his forms required of him to stand nominated for the upcoming Presidential Election but it still remains to be seen if he will be qualified to stand as a candidate by the Presidential Election Committee as he does not automatically qualify under the recently introduced amendments to that of private sector candidates for the Elected Presidency.
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Veteran radio personality Hamish Brown questions Halimah Yacob’s independence to be Elected President
Prominent radio personality Hamish Brown has questioned if Presidential hopeful Halimah Yacob is as indeed independently-minded as she has claimed in a newspaper interview. In an interview with The New Paper Madam Halimah illustrated an incident where she abstained from voting on an issue after the Whip was listed, to make a point that she not always followed the directions of her political party elders in the People’s Action Party.
“An occasion she remembered clearly was when she abstained from voting on amendments to the Human Organ Transplant Act in Parliament in 2007. Changes tabled by then Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan would allow organ recipients to reimburse donors’ expenses if they wished. She was concerned that this would lead to poor people being persuaded to “sell” their organs. The party whip was lifted, and she abstained, sending a strong signal of her misgivings. She recalled: “I decided not to say yes. I didn’t ask the Health Minister how he felt, but I can still remember the expression on his face.”
Writing in his Facebook Mr Brown said, abstaining from voting doesn’t send a signal that she agrees or disagrees. That Madam Halimah’s decision only showed that her position was a non-committal one.
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Hamish Brown 3 September at 19:47
I'm sorry to disappoint you Madam Yaacob but meritocracy went out the window as soon as this presidential election was reserved for one particular ethnic Race over all others. And, not to put too fine a point on it, but abstaining from voting during the Human Organ Transplant Act parliamentary sitting doesn't show that you do not toe with the party line, it only shows that between standing with voters who agree and voters who don't, your action was neither, rather your decided course of action was to abstain from voting altogether, an act that really means, I prefer not to stand for either option and just be a fence sitter (so if the proverbial s@&/,! Hit the fan, you would go on record as not having been party to it either way) that's what abstaining from taking a stand or voting means.
No madam, I'm sorry but abstaining from voting doesn't send a signal that you disagree or agree, it just says that your position is non commital.
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Criticisms of Elected Presidency persist despite explanations and justifications

In a Today report dated 15 September 2017, it is reported that despite the fact that it was the week of firsts for Singaporean to have the first reserved election which resulted in the city state's first woman President and the first Malay Head of State in 47 years, criticism of the election process for the Elected Presidency (EP) has persisted online.
Madam Halimah Yacob, 63, was sworn in on 14 September as President. However, instead of revelling in her role on a historic occasion, she had to answer questions about how she was going to unite a country divided by her election.
The report noted that the biggest reason why the criticism arose was because Singaporeans were denied to vote as the government had disqualified two other potential candidates.
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DPM Tharman ‘would have preferred a contest’ for Presidential Election
Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said on Wednesday that he would have preferred a contest in the recent Presidential Election
Speaking at the first Majulah Lecture organised by the Nanyang Technological University on Wednesday (20 Sept), Tharman was quizzed on the 2017 Presidential Election after the lecture, according to media reports.
One student asked if the reserved presidential election is an indication that Singapore is “regressing as a society”, despite Singaporeans growing up reciting a pledge with the words “regardless of race, language or religion”.
In response, Tharman said while he was “proud” that Halimah Yacob was the first Malay president in 47 years, he told the audience of more than 1,500 it was “understandable” that Singaporeans had questions about the recent election, which was reserved for Malay candidates.
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It is one of the worst kept secrets this year, where she decided not to say yes until everything has been sorted out (she had to talk to her family, residents, consider her existing duties etc etc).
It’s not like she can suka suka drop everything and go for the presidency, and if she loses, it’s not like she can just say “Can put me back as Speaker?” right?
So what other worst-er kept secrets did Halimah Yacob have that maybe you already knew (or can just pretend you did)?
- Halimah Yacob’s a Malay (no, you don’t say!)
- She was a lawyer who took companies to court over workers’ rights
- She started working at 8 years old at an illegal pushcart
- She studied at Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
- She lives in a 5 room HDB flat in Yishun
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A doctor’s prescription on ‘who is a Malay’ could settle Halimah’s Malay credentials
To be a Malay, said Mahathir, is no more an ethnic thing as today it is more of a legal matter
Who is a Malay? The debate is still raging in Singapore with many disputing the Malay credentials of the PAP’s Presidential election’s candidate.
But a doctor’s prescription on who is a Malay in Malaysia could save Halimah Yacob the day in the court of the social-media haranguers.
The book A Doctor In The House could eventually settle the issue of ‘who is a Malay’ and could endorse Halimah’s Malay credentials
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Public sector service requirement
The public sector service requirement is that the person has:
a. held office for three or more years as Minister, Chief Justice, Speaker of Parliament, Attorney-General, Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Auditor-General, Accountant-General or Permanent Secretary;b. served for three years or more as the chief executive of an entity specified in the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution;c. served for three or more years in an office in the public sector for which the PEC must be satisfied, having regard to the nature of the office and the person’s performance, that he has the experience and ability comparable to a person who satisfies public sector service requirement (a) or (b). The PEC must also be satisfied that he has the experience and ability to effectively carry out the functions and duties of the office of President; ord. held office or served for two periods of at least one year each in any of the above-mentioned offices, and the two periods add up to three or more years in total.
Private sector service requirement
The private sector service requirement is that the person has:
a. served as the chief executive of a company and the following four criteria are met:
i. the person’s most recent period of service as the chief executive of that company, ignoring any period of service less than a year, must be three or more years in length;ii. the company must have, on average, at least $500m shareholders’ equity during the person’s most recent three-year period of service as chief executive;iii. the company must have, on average, made profit after tax for the entire period during which the person served as the chief executive; andiv. if the person has ceased to be the chief executive of the company before the date of the Writ of Election, the company must not have been subject to any insolvency event within three years of the person’s last day of service as the chief executive, or until the date of the Writ of Election, whichever is earlier;
b. served for three or more years in an office in a private sector organisation and the PEC must be satisfied (having regard to the nature of the office, the size and complexity of the private sector organisation and the person’s performance in the office) that the person has the experience and ability comparable to a person who satisfies the criteria laid out in private sector service requirement (a). The PEC must also be satisfied that he has the experience and ability to effectively carry out the functions and duties of the office of President; or
c. served for two periods of at least one year each in any of the above-mentioned offices, and the two periods add up to three or more years in total.
The President is the Head of State and hold office for a term of 6 years.
The President has two important roles - first, as a symbol and unifier of a diverse and multi-racial Singapore; and second, as a custodian of our nation's past reserves and the integrity of our public service.
The first Presidential Election was held on 28 August 1993.
related: "An Indian Muslim can be a Malay but a Malay Christian cannot be a Malay"
Yusof Ishak (Appointed) Term of Office: 9 Aug 1965 - 23 Nov 1970
Benjamin Sheares (Appointed) Term of Office (3 Terms): 2 Jan 1971 - 12 May 1981
Devan Nair (Appointed) Term of Office: 23 Oct 1981 - 28 March 1985
Wee Kim Wee (Appointed) Term of Office: 2 Sep 1985 - 1 Sep 1993
Ong Teng Cheong (Elected) Term of Office: 1 Sept 1993 - 1 Sep 1999
S R Nathan (Elected Unopposed) Term of Office (2 Terms): 1 Sept 1999 - 1 Sep 2011
Tony Tan Keng Yam (Elected) Term of Office: 1 Sep 2011 - 31 Aug 2017
Halimah Yacob (Elected Unopposed) Term of Office: 14 Sep 2017 - 13 Sep 2023
Tharman Shanmugaratnam (Elected) Term of Office: 14 Sep 2023 - 13 Sep 2029
Gimme Hope Halimah!
President Halimah launched Milo Gao Kosong
Decision On Who's Spore’s 1st Elected President Was Decided By Gov
Malay President, Chinese Prime Minister and Indian Chief Justice
Silent sit-in protest against PE2017
Singapore's 8th and first female President
No contest for Singapore Presidential Election 2017
President Tony Tan reflects on his six years at the Istana
PE2017: Mr Owl for President?
Presidential Election polling day will be on Sep 23
High Court dismissed Tan Cheng Bock's challenge on Elected Presidency
Presidential Election 2017: What makes a person Malay?
Silent sit-in protest against PE2017
Singapore's 8th and first female President
No contest for Singapore Presidential Election 2017
President Tony Tan reflects on his six years at the Istana
PE2017: Mr Owl for President?
Presidential Election polling day will be on Sep 23
High Court dismissed Tan Cheng Bock's challenge on Elected Presidency
Presidential Election 2017: What makes a person Malay?
2017 Presidential Election to be reserved for Malay candidates
Public Forum on Elected Presidency cancelled due to poor response
White Paper on Elected Presidency scheme
Spore push for minority President but not ready for non-Chinese PM
Changes to the Elected Presidency Scheme
Order of Succession And Baton Passing