
LOL is out, IJBOL is in

According to Twitter, US Vice-President Kamala Harris is the unofficial face of IJBOL, which stands for "I just burst out laughing". PHOTO: NYTIMES

First, there was LOL (“laugh out loud”), an acronym that first appeared in the 1980s and became the reigning shorthand online for what people found funny.

Then came ROFL (“rolling on the floor laughing”), LMAO (“laughing my a** off”) and non-verbal cues such as smiling emojis. Still, most type these terms straight-faced, relegating them to dull punctuation added carelessly to the end of a message.

Now, the Internet wants to revitalise laughing online with a new term: IJBOL. Though it may sound like a Korean word or the name of a new boy band, IJBOL (pronounced “eej-bowl”) stands for “I just burst out laughing”.