
Chiobu boss with a heart of gold

She fights to keep her staff paid

There are good bosses in life, and there are terrible bosses too. Sometimes, a good boss may fall on hard times and need a helping hand.

Enter this 25-year-old chiobu boss, who used to be a baker. She took over her family’s business about four years ago and has been planning to expand the business. Unfortunately, as we all know, her food business has been badly impacted by COVID. Due to COVID and dining-in restrictions, business has greatly suffered, to the extent that she sometimes only manages to take in only $100 a month! Despite the poor business, she has insisted on keeping all 26 members of her staff and did not cut their pay!

It goes without saying that we have loads of respect for this young chiobu boss who is not only pretty but has a heart of gold! Due to the stress of maintaining the business during COVID, she sometimes loses sleep and cries. But she is still choosing to continue on and is paying her staff out of her own pocket. “My parents have handed the restaurant to me and I do not wish to disappoint them. I also have many older workers, and they are the reasons why I continue on.”, she said. Her restaurant, GoodYear Seafood Restaurant, is located at 15 Tampines Ave. Since the dine-in restrictions have been relaxed to five pax from yesterday, we’re gonna go support her right now! Bring your father, mother, brother and sister too! You will get nice food, some eye candy and help save the jobs of her older staff!