
Animals That Mate for Life

When it comes to fidelity, lovebirds could write the book. (Photo: Getty Images)

When it comes to bonding for life, we humans may think we have it all figured out, but it turns out our animal friends might be able to teach us a thing or two about fidelity.

True monogamy is rare in the animal kingdom, but it does exist among certain species. It's unclear whether or not these animals feel "love" for their partners in the same way that humans do, but it is clear that for many species, forming a lifetime pair bond is as much about survival of the species as it is about having someone to help build your nest and keep your feathers clean.

No matter the reason for their monogamy, we humans can learn a lot from the dedication shown by several animal species to their mates. Scroll through this list to meet eight of the wonderful animal pairs that mate for life:
  • Swans - Symbols of True Love
  • Wolves - Loyal for Life
  • Albatross - Always Faithful
  • Gibbons - Maybe Faithful, Maybe Not
  • French Angelfish - Love Under the Sea
  • Turtle Doves - Always in Twos
  • Prairie Voles - Romantic Rodents
  • Termites - A Family Affair