Oralgate Day 10b: We had oral sex 20 to 30 times…
Taking the stand for the first time after District Judge Siva Shanmugam ruled that he has a case to answer, former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) director Ng Boon Gay came clean on his relationship with former IT sales executive Cecilia Sue.
On day 10 of his sex-for-favors trial, Ng took the stand in the afternoon and recounted how the affair started around late 2008 or early 2009.
According to Ng, he had a three-year extra-marital relationship with Sue during which they had oral sex 20 to 30 times in various car parks and other secluded spots across Singapore.
The first encounter was at East Coast Park, and each [fellatio] session was consensual and lasted about 30 minutes, Ng said.
"She was a willing party and we were enjoying it together… she completed the act and I wasn’t angry at all."
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Ex-CNB chief Ng Boon Gay reveals intimate details of his affair with Cecilia Sue Siew Nang
Former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) chief Ng Boon Gay, 46, confessed today in court that he had a three-year extra-marital affair with former IT sale manager Cecilia Sue, 36.
They are both married. Ng’s wife was in court with him, as she has always been, in the 10th sitting of the trial.
Channel NewsAsia reported that Ng told the court he and Sue did not break up their relationship throughout the three years as said by the prosecution, adding that they continued to meet even after she gave birth to her daughter in 2010. Sue was the prosecution's key witness.
During the affair, which began in 2009, they had oral sex up to 30 times and also had sexual intercourse.
He said she was “a willing party” and the acts were consensual, contrary to what she had told the court before that he forced her to have oral sex with him. Full story
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PAP supporters, even your biggest monkey senses the branch he’s been hanging on is breaking
PAP Survival: an indictment of the highest order when Han Fook Kwang is worried
In the Sunday Shit Times this morning under the ‘think’ section, the Chief Editor and well-known PAP’s largest lapdog wrote in an article titled ‘Will new normal lead to different breed of leaders?’ displaying a huge dose of discomfort with the way he sees his favorite political leaders keeping ahead in the battle for political survival.
Although he calls upon Singaporeans to choose their leaders wisely, it cannot be lost on the reader that his call is one made out of desperation rather than out of real concern for the well being of Singapore and Singaporeans. It can also be said that he might be looking after his own rice bowl.
He lamented the changing fact that the old days where “top performers in the public sector… in their 30s and 40s with no political experience” were the pick of the crops. This manner of political succession within the PAP had been the hallmark of policy continuations and seamless successions
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No We Are NOT!
Now Yale University is a world famous institution and the Singapore government has been touting the establishment of a Yale campus in Singapore for quite some time. The campus along Dover Road is a collaboration with the local National University of Singapore (NUS) and it is not without its detractors.
One of the detractors is Jim Sleeper, a political science lecturer at Yale University
He is against the joint Yale/NUS campus and you have to give this guy some credit; he’s imaginative with his criticism.
Part of Sleeper’s criticism of Singapore is that we are the “Israel
of Southeast Asia”!
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Pay and you will get the answers
MAS is keen to know why some goods sold here are more expensive than in other countries or why the prices were different. A tender has been called to conduct a study on the causes. I think they roughly know that some of the factors could be labour, rent, tax, regulations, cost of living, markups, advertising, preference, the weather, hype, consumer irrationality, cost of govt, profiteering, no choice, monopoly, affordability etc etc.
The affordability factor is unique to Sin as it means that the seller can sell at any price as long as the consumer has the money and willing to pay, or has no choice but to pay.
Paying for this survey will come up with a clear picture of the whats and the whys of expensive things. Hopefully it will be used to bring down prices so that things that are expensive for rubbish or wrong reasons can be made cheaper. But this is conditional on the caveat that the affordable logic is not used.
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Singapore in 2022: Look at Plums to Quench the Thirst
Yes, life has been hard for the average citizen. The young cannot afford to buy a house, the elderly face high healthcare costs, commuters have to put up with the squeeze, and workers are faced with threats from foreign labour. Everything is up except the wages of the lowest 25% of the population.
These are big problems. The party knows it. If they are not solved by 2016, a portion of the 60% who have tolerated the pains and voted for it in 2011 may lose their tolerance and decide to switch sides. Then this would bring the party closer to the edge of the slippery slope.
The problems mentioned above are intractable. It is not possible to solve them in four years, more so with the poor economic outlook for the next couple of years
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Tensions flare at ASEAN summit as Philippines squabbles with other ASEAN countries over South China Sea issues
Japan warned on Monday that a row over the South China Sea could directly influence "peace and stability" in Asia as the Philippines publicly disagreed with Cambodia over the contentious territorial issue at a region.
That followed a statement on Sunday from Kao Kim Hourn, a Cambodian foreign ministry official, who said Southeast Asian leaders "had decided that they will not internationalise the South China Sea from now on."
In a sign of tensions within Southeast Asia over Chinese sovreignty claims, Philippine President Benigno Aquino disputed the Cambodian statement and said no such agreement had been reached, voicing his objections in tense final minutes of discussions between Noda and Southeast Asian leaders. Full story
Regional tensions flare at Asean summit - Financial Times
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Study reveals shocking finding on public housing
A study conducted by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) showed that a Singaporean household earning $5,000 in 2017 would be able to buy only a three-room flat.
Associate Professors Chia Ngee Choon and Albert Tsui made this projection in their study commissioned by the Ministry of Manpower.
The researchers made the following calculations for younger Singaporeans entering the workforce today and looking to buy an HDB flat in 2017 when they are about 30 years old:
- Lower-middle income households at the 30th income percentile (combined monthly income of $5,100) would be able to afford a three-room flat.
- Median-income households at the 50th income percentile (combined monthly income of $7,100) would be able to afford a four-room flat.
- Upper-middle-income households at the 70th income percentile (combined monthly income of $9,200) would be able to afford a five-room flat.
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Teaching teachers
I feel sorry for teachers. Now they are
going to have a conversation about what sort of values they have to
uphold. As teachers, the code has to be stricter than for most I
suppose. Just as its stricter for scholars, public servants and I don’t
know who else. Lest they bring their profession, institution or agency
into disrepute.
There were some noises about this
before, way before the case of the female teacher and the 15-year old. I
remember teachers having to recite something at an assembly of
educators. Now it seems parts of two current documents on ethics will be
grouped together and “codified” in some form. Reports don’t say if
breaches of the code will bring on penalties. Are these guidelines? Or
What’s good is that the teachers will be
discussing the code first. Seems it will get right down to the
nitty-gritty like whether they should visit casinos. Oh dear. Is a
teacher a teacher all the time, 24/7? Can there be a separation of
personal and professional capacity? ST said that some nitty-gritties are
already in place, on sending out suggestive texts and dining/lunching
with students alone. I think that’s fine but how much further will the
new Code go? Can you imagine a Code that goes like this:
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KK Hospital discharges newly-born babies to the wrong mothers
SINGAPORE: Two new—born babies were wrongly discharged to different mothers at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) on Sunday.
The babies have been reunited with their biological parents and are doing well.
KKH said the incident came to light when one of the parents noticed that the baby taken home wore an identification tag belonging to another mother. Full story
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