
Spate of Racist Incidents

‘You are India, I’m a Chinese... You are the very worst kind’: Tada driver caught on video abusing passenger
The passenger said the ride started uneventfully, but the driver suddenly got upset that part of the road was blocked due to construction. PHOTO: SCREENGRAB FROM JAN HOEDEN/FACEBOOK

A five-minute car ride that she had taken dozens of times before turned into a nightmare for one Tada passenger when she was allegedly racially abused by the driver on Saturday. Ms Janelle Hoeden, 46, booked a ride on the ride-hailing platform at around 2pm from her home in Pasir Ris Drive 6. The destination: her sister-in-law’s house in Pasir Ris Street 12.

Ms Hoeden, a telemarketer, told The Straits Times that she punched in the address and got a booking with Tada not long after. She was with her nine-year-old daughter and was heading to Pasir Ris with cushions and bedding in hand as her sister-in-law had just moved in. The only interaction Ms Hoeden had with the driver initially was when he got out to help put her bags in the boot. She declined help as the bags were light. She said the ride started uneventfully and she was talking to her child when suddenly the driver got upset that part of the road was blocked due to construction of an upcoming MRT line.

“He started shouting at me, saying that I gave him the wrong address and wrong directions,” she said. “He said, ‘You are Indian, you are stupid’,” added Ms Hoeden, who said it was then that she took out her mobile phone to start recording the interaction, which got progressively more heated. In the video – uploaded on her Facebook page and an account by TikTok user Rhiley26746, and later shared by alternative news site Wake Up Singapore – the driver, a Chinese man, is seen accusing Ms Hoeden’s daughter of being less than 1.35m tall.

3 months’ jail for man who kicked woman in racially charged attack
Wong Xing Fong attacked Madam Hindocha Nita Vishnubhai near Northvale condominium in Choa Chu Kang in May 2021 PHOTOS: KELVIN CHNG, HINDOCHA NITA VISHNUBHAI

A man who racially insulted a stranger and kicked her in the chest in May 2021 was given three months’ jail on Monday, after a district judge stressed that racial and religious hostility can have dire consequences in Singapore society.

Wong Xing Fong, 32, attacked Madam Hindocha Nita Vishnubhai near Northvale condominium in Choa Chu Kang on May 7, 2021, amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

He was also ordered to pay the victim $13.20 as compensation.

Australian girl called Indians smelly for not wearing “diodarent” after Physical Education
After a few seconds of making different faces, she explained that the bad smells she was referring to was “smelly indians” who “don’t know what diodarent is after doing pe”

On 19 March 2022, Instagram Page Singapuraa.Viral shared a TikTok video by @eetswalayne. The 14-second video was captioned “racist” and drew the ire of many users.

The video itself is pretty simple. After all, do you expect much sophistication from racists? In the first frame of the video, the girl is seen making some funny faces and stating that she smelt some “bad smells” in the room without disclosing the source of the smell. After a few seconds of making different faces, she explained that the bad smells she was referring to was “smelly indians” who “don’t know what diodarent is after doing pe”.

The girl, who did not know how to spell deodorant, promptly limited her comments section after being called out for racism. When confronted with the accusation, she doubled down by saying “no really, they (Indians) just have a different smell”.

S’pore Woman Allegedly Cheated By Grab Driver Makes Racist Comments

Taking to social media to complain about unpleasant experiences isn’t uncommon, but some people may take things too far. This seemed to be the case for one Grab customer, who was accused of making racist remarks in several rants about her driver.

In a series of complaints on her Instagram stories, Ms Wong alleged that she had received unfair treatment after her driver charged a higher fare than what was quoted on the app. Sharp-eyed netizens who saw her stories noticed her use of racially insensitive language, and proceeded to call her out. Even famous local comedian Kumar had something to say. In the process of calling out the Grab driver, Ms Wong pointed out the fact that he was Malay, before following up with a racially charged comment.
Bro I know you poor but don’t need to resort to lying and deceit.
She later claimed that the driver had insulted her too by calling her a “cheapo”, an accusation she described to be “libel”.

Woman makes racist comments about Grab driver who “swindled” her

Praise Wong (@reiwng_ on Instragram) posted a series of Instagram stories containing various racist remarks directed at her Grab driver, and the Malay community at large. These stories, as of 4.00pm on 5 March 2022, are still visible on her Instagram Highlights titled “GRAB & matt Saga”.

According to Praise, her grab driver, one Abdul Aziz Bin Ahtam, charge her an additional $7 from the listed price because the vehicle was a large one. She claimed that she took a GrabXL the day prior and she was not charged extra. In calling out her grab driver, she made some racist and incendiary remarks:
The rate grab quoted me was $13+ but the fucking malay driver (bro I know you poor but don’t need to resort to lying and deceit if you want me to tip you lmk?)
She went on to claim that the driver insulted her, and called her a “cheapo” when she informed the driver that she intends to dispute the charge. She characterised this remark as “libel” and said the man does not “deserve to earn this income”.

Woman shames catcaller who made kissy noises and told her, 'I wanna lick your p***y'

Enraged by a man she claims made a lewd and obscene remark to her in public, a Singaporean woman took to social media to shame the alleged offender. The woman, whose TikTok handle is n00tison, posted a video on March 2 where she reveals that a man catcalled her from inside his car while she was in Yio Chu Kang on the way to the gym.

She claims the man made kissy noises at her before saying: “I really like your tights man, I wanna lick your p***y.” “This man, this person, decided that he (wanted) to be an idiot today,” she said, pointing to a clear picture of a man inside his vehicle. She added that she plans to make a police report.

According to her, the man appeared shocked when she responded with “what the f**k did you just say?” He then corrected himself and said he merely thought she was beautiful, before driving off. His shocked response could mean that no one had stood up to him before, she said.

Netizens outraged after F45 fitness studio posts racially insensitive video of two women shaking their heads side to side, while saying “Happy Deepavali”

video circulating online of two women at F45 Fitness Studio in Serangoon Garden has made its way around the internet, drawing the ire of netizens for being insensitive.

The fitness studio, which is part of a chain, uploaded a 14-second Instagram Story – which has since been taken down – featuring two women on Thursday (Nov 4). In the clip, the two women, presumably members of the studio, could be seen shaking their heads side to side vigorously, while saying “Happy Deepavali”.

Other voices can be heard laughing in the background. Whilst doing the head movement, one of the women said: “My head/hair cannot turn”. The head bobble or Indian head shake derogatorily refers to a common gesture found in South Asian cultures, most notably in India.

S'pore's racial harmony not yet on 'knife's edge' despite spate of racist incidents: K Shanmugam

Is Singapore's racial harmony on a "knife's edge", especially after the recent spate of high-profile racist incidents in Singapore? Not yet, according to Minister for Law and Home Affairs K Shanmugam, who said that claiming so would be "overdramatising" the issue, given that Singapore has made many positive steps towards being a multiracial society over the years.

In a 12-minute interview with CNA938 on Thursday (June 10), Shanmugam said that he was not surprised by the recent racist incidents in Singapore, and that they were "predictable" for those who have been following developments around the world. He did not elaborate on those developments, but said that the recent incidents here were due to "external developments", as well as "some things that have been happening within Singapore".

When asked whether members of the public should always call out racism, he agreed, but added that it is important to do so "sensibly".

The 3Cs of Racism in Singapore: CECA, COVID-19 and Culture clash
Fighting racism means calling it out, in public and online, rather than shrugging it off to keep up the pretence of getting along

Racism has been much in the news after a video was widely circulated of a Chinese man scolding an Indian man, who was out with his girlfriend, for preying on Chinese girls. The Chinese man was heard on video calling their relationship a disgrace and saying they should date within their own race.

Mr Dave Parkash, 26, is of Indian-Filipino descent and his girlfriend Jacqueline Ho, 27, is half-Thai and half-Chinese Singaporean. The encounter was filmed by Ms Ho and made public by Mr Parkash, and rapidly went viral.

This came after an incident last month, when a Singaporean Indian woman out exercising with her face mask on that left her nose uncovered, was asked to wear her mask properly, and then reportedly kicked in her chest by a Chinese man uttering racial slurs. Many have spoken up against these incidents, which are being investigated by the police.

Racist comments made in public may break laws in S'pore: Lawyers
A Ngee Ann Polytechnic lecturer allegedly directed racist remarks at a mixed-race couple while they were out in Orchard Road.PHOTOS: DAVE PARK ASH/FACEBOOK

From the Penal Code to the Protection from Harassment Act, lawyers say Singapore has a range of laws to guard against racist comments.

They apply whether the comments were made online or involved a non-verbal gesture made in public. The law can also be invoked even if there was no intention to hurt racial or religion feelings.

Take the case of 35-year-old Zainal Abidin Shaiful Bahari.

Alleged incidents of racism 'go against what we stand for in Singapore'
Images of two recent incidents of alleged racism in Singapore: A photo of injuries sustained by Mdm Hindocha Nita Vishnubhai on May 7, 2021 (left), and a screengrab of a man telling Mr Dave Parkash (in white) that it is "racist that Indians marry Chinese girls" (right). (Photo: Parveen Kaur; Screengrab: Facebook/Dave Parkash)

Recent incidents of alleged racism "go against what we stand for in Singapore", said Education Minister Chan Chun Sing on Monday (Jun 7).

In a Facebook post, Mr Chan highlighted two incidents - one in which an Indian woman was allegedly attacked and insulted with a racial slur and another where a man allegedly directed racist remarks towards an interracial couple.

“Racial intolerance goes against our founding values as a nation and has no place in our society," Mr Chan said.

‘Small minority’ of Singapore residents sowing racism against local, expat Indians
Singapore’s Minister of Law K. Shanmugam says some people are deliberately stoking anti-Indian sentiments. Photo: AFP

A small minority of Singapore’s residents are sowing racism against local and expatriate Indians in the same manner as the discrimination being imposed on Asian people in the United States, the city state’s law and home affairs minister K. Shanmugam warned on Tuesday.

The minister’s sharp comments in parliament followed similar condemnation among senior officials, including Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, over an alleged racist attack against a local Indian woman last Friday.

Police said on Tuesday that a 30-year-old man had been arrested in relation to the incident for being a public nuisance, “uttering words with intent to wound the racial feeling of others” and voluntarily causing hurt.

Everyday Racism in Singapore

Little India [an Indian shopping enclave and popular tourist destination in Singapore] and it was pitch dark but not because there was no light, but because there were too many Indians around’.

Choo later apologised in Parliament, though his disparaging and racist remarks had earned him no censure there.

There was no public outrage against Choo’s comments either. His ability to get away with the audacious witticism that pitch-darkness around Little India was due to the high number of (dark skinned) Indians in the area seems to suggest that there was tacit approval of his comments by other members of parliament.

Loving outside the lines, Singapore’s interracial couples break down racism and division

It was a date night he could never forget. Nirej Tamilrajan had gotten into a cab after saying goodbye to his fiance when the driver asked him a pointed question: “Why? Not enough Indian girls for you to date is it?”

Throughout the rest of his cab journey home, Nirej, who is of Indian descent and engaged to a woman of Chinese ancestry, tried explaining to the driver that not all relationships must be bound by the same culture and religion. The driver was unconvinced.

“I was very taken aback by that question. I told him no, I didn’t fall in love with her because she’s Chinese, but as a person. Then I had to like, case in point, argue with him that it has nothing to do with race,” he told Coconuts Singapore in a recent interview.

NP lecturer in racist remark incident: Poly says it would not hesitate to take disciplinary actions

Former students of Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) lecturer Tan Boon Lee have accused him of racially and religiously insensitive behaviour in the classroom.

One of them, Ms Nurul Fatimah Iskandar, 22, in an Instagram post on Wednesday (June 9), said Mr Tan had initiated an offensive discussion about Islam during lesson time when she was his student about four years ago.

She told The Straits Times on Thursday: "He opened websites about Islam and explained why he didn't agree with certain Quranic verses. He then singled me out, and tried to start a debate on the topic. It didn't help that I was the only Muslim student in class and I sat in the front row."

Horrible: Interracial dating is 'racist'

Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam on Sunday (6 June) weighed in on a video circulating online of a man claiming that interracial dating is "racist", stating that what he saw in the video is "quite unacceptable" and "very worrying".

The nine-and-a-half minute video posted on Facebook by user David Parkash shows him arguing with another man outside Far East Shopping Centre. Parkash appears to be offended by the other man's claim that interracial dating between Indian men and Chinese women is "racist".

"I have nothing against you personally but I think it's racist that the Indians prey on the Chinese girls," says the other man, who is wearing a red shirt with "Singapore" on the front of it. "You don't see a Chinese guy preying on the Indian girl," the other man also claims.

S'pore police investigating woman, 48, seen disrupting neighbour's Hindu prayers

The police are investigating an incident in which a woman was filmed interrupting her neighbour's Hindu prayers by clanging a gong repeatedly.

A 48-year-old woman is assisting the police with investigations after a report was lodged, the police confirmed in response to media queries. Livanesh Ramu, who is believed to be the woman's next-door neighbour, posted a 19-second video clip of the incident on Facebook on June 9. The video showed a bespectacled man ringing a bell while conducting rites outside his HDB flat. He is likely performing Hindu prayers, where ringing a bell is a common practice.

In an update on Thursday evening, Livanesh said he and his family have been in touch with the police.

Police investigating man for allegedly racist rant towards Indian family at Pasir Ris Beach Park

A man is under investigation for public nuisance and uttering words with deliberate intent to wound the racial feelings of others, said the police on Thursday (May 13).

This was in relation to an incident at Pasir Ris Beach Park on May 2. The man, 47, had allegedly uttered offensive remarks towards an Indian family and confronted a male member of the family for not wearing his mask at about 6pm, the police said in a statement.

A video of the incident sent to Mothership last week had shown a man shouting at another person, telling him not to "come and spread the virus".

Man allegedly used racial slur, kicked woman in the chest for not wearing mask while exercising

The police are investigating a case of a man who allegedly kicked a 55-year-old woman in her chest and shouted a racial slur at her for not wearing her mask while brisk walking.

The woman, private tutor Hindocha Nita Vishnubhai, was brisk walking on Friday (May 7) when she had a run-in with the man.

Madam Nita, who is an Indian Singaporean, was walking from Choa Chu Kang MRT station towards the stadium at about 8.30am on Friday when the alleged assault took place.

Woman in racist rant on train assisting with police investigations, YouTube channel removed

The YouTube channel allegedly run by a woman who grilled passengers about their race on a train last week has been terminated.

In a statement to The Straits Times on Wednesday (April 28), YouTube said the channel was removed due to violations of its harassment and cyber bullying policies.

"We have strict policies that prohibit harassment on YouTube, including content that maliciously insults someone based on their race, gender expression or sexual orientation," said the spokesman.

Man allegedly confronted woman and insisted her 7-month-old baby wear a mask

Police are investigating an incident in which a man allegedly confronted a woman, insisted that her infant wear a mask and made racist remarks against her at Bedok Reservoir.

Stomper Anonymous, who is an Indian Singaporean, said the incident occurred last Tuesday morning (May 25) at around 8.30am.

According to Anonymous, she had been taking a walk while pushing her seven-month-old son in a stroller when a man "confronted" her.

Xiaxue deletes racist posts, cites past sexual assault to vilify ‘Group B’

Social media influencer Wendy Cheng, better known as Xiaxue, blamed past sexual assault for racially offensive tweets now being investigated by the police.

In a lengthy blog post today, the 36-year-old online personality said the police had questioned her motive for posting the old messages and told her to remove them after receiving a number of complaints. Cheng, who said she gave a statement to the authorities, went on to link the messages to frequent sexual assault when she was a minor.

“By now, some of you may have seen that some idiots went to dig up 10 year old tweets of mine and reported them to the police. And yes it’s true, the police came to my house yesterday and took my statement,” she wrote in a post titled Raeesah Khan, GE 2020, and being labeled a Racist.

Singapore Poly looks into racist Instagram posts linked to student

Singapore Polytechnic said today that it is investigating a student over an alleged history of racist comments made on social media.

In the school’s second controversy to erupt on social media this week, administrators said they were aware of posts, many of which expressed racism toward Malays and Indians, allegedly made by a male student on Instagram over the past year. Screenshots of the posts resurfaced briefly Tuesday on Twitter but have since been removed.

“We are aware of offensive remarks” that were called out Tuesday, the institution said in a statement. “We are investigating the incident and will not hesitate to mete out the necessary disciplinary action.”

Publisher sorry if readers ‘misunderstood’ racist book for Singapore’s kids
Who Wins? depicts a dark-skinned bully tormenting the light-skinned protagonist as “smelly” and with oily, curly hair. Photo: Umm Yusof/Facebook

The publisher of a Chinese-language children’s book accused of spreading racial discrimination has pulled the book from stores and suspended further distribution.

Days after the National Library Board said it was removing the Who Wins? book, publisher Marshall Cavendish Education today apologized not for its racist depictions, but rather any confusion readers may have experienced.

“We would like to apologise for any misunderstanding caused to some readers. As a socially responsible publisher, we have decided to cease the sale and distribution of this series and recall the books from retail stores,” it said in a statement.

Police investigating rap video made in response to ‘brownface’ ad for ‘offensive content’

Police are investigating a rap music video featuring Singaporean siblings Preeti and Subhas Nair that was made in response to the controversial brownface advertisement by the E-Pay initiative.

In a statement today, police said that a report was lodged over the video’s “offensive content” and investigations are ongoing.

It added: “The police will not tolerate any offensive content that causes ill-will between races.”

Mediacorp actor Dennis Chew says he is ‘deeply sorry’ over ‘brownface’ ad

The Mediacorp actor who fronted the “brownface” e-payment advertising campaign that sparked an online firestorm finally issued an apology of his own on Instagram last night.

Dennis Chew, who had his face visibly darkened to portray an Indian man, said that his “role in a recent ad has caused much disappointment.”

The 45-year-old added: “I cannot undo things, but I would like to say to everyone, I am deeply sorry.”

Man who did not wear mask and verbally abused store supervisor with racist remarks fined $4k

A man caught on video verbally abusing a store supervisor with vulgarities and racist remarks was fined $4,000 on Wednesday (Dec 9).

Mohamed Ali Ramly, 53, pleaded guilty to one count each of harassment and wounding the supervisor's racial feelings, as well as a charge for failing to wear a mask over his mouth and nose while outside his home.

According to court documents, the Singaporean left his residence on a bicycle on April 17, intending to purchase soya milk from nearby shops.

Man who hurled racial insult at off-duty police officer during Hari Raya Puasa gets jail

A day of celebrating Hari Raya Puasa for an off-duty police officer and his family was marred after they got into a dispute with a man who hurled a racial insult at him.

Walter Goh Chong Han, 43, was jailed for seven days on Friday (Nov 27) for deliberately wounding the racial feelings of the officer, and using insulting words that caused him distress.

Goh had pleaded guilty to his offences on Thursday.

Man investigated by police for racist remarks and breach of Covid-19 circuit breaker measures

A 52-year-old man who made racist remarks and breached Covid-19 circuit breaker measures is being investigated by the police.

The incident took place at about 6pm on Friday (April 17), when the man visited a grocery store at Block 651 Jurong West Street 61 to buy a packet of soy milk, the police said on Saturday.

The store supervisor denied the man entry and declined to sell the item to him, as he was not wearing a mask.

Man allegedly posing as 'SharonLiew86' charged over offensive tweets against racial harmony

A Singaporean man, who allegedly posed as "SharonLiew86" to post offensive tweets, was hauled to court on Thursday (July 2).

Zainal Abidin Shaiful Bahari, 34, was charged with four counts of committing acts against racial harmony.

He is accused of creating a post on Oct 11, 2019, purporting that the academic achievements of Malay students were inferior to that of their Chinese counterparts.

Full Coverage:
Man investigated for public nuisance, intent to wound racial feelings over Pasir Ris Beach Park incident
'Hwa Chong' woman asking MRT train passengers 'what's your race' leaves Twitterverse fuming
Police investigating case of a man who allegedly used racial slurs, kicked woman for not wearing mask
Man, 30, arrested for alleged racist attack on woman along Choa Chu Kang Drive
'Cloth thingy on your head': Sikh man's discriminatory experience applying for job goes viral
Alleged racist attack: Racism, xenophobia will become normalised if Singapore is not careful, warns Shanmugam
Woman filmed making racist remarks on MRT loses her job; YouTube removes channel linked to her
Police investigating incident on MRT train involving woman making racist remarks about other commuters
'Judged by the colour of my skin': Tutor disheartened by families checking on his race
Man investigated for public nuisance, intent to wound racial feelings over Pasir Ris Beach Park incident
Woman in racist rant on train assisting with police
Police investigating incident in which racist remarks were
Man allegedly confronted woman and insisted her

Man who hurled racial insult at off-duty police officer

Man allegedly confronted woman and insisted her 7-month-old baby wear a mask
Police investigating man for allegedly racist rant towards Indian family at Pasir Ris Beach Park
Police arrest man accused of using racial slur, kicking 55-year-old woman in Choa Chu Kang
Man allegedly used racial slur, kicked woman in the chest for not wearing mask while exercising
Woman in racist rant on train assisting with police investigations, YouTube channel removed
Man who hurled racial insult at off-duty police officer during Hari Raya Puasa gets jail
15-year-old boy charged over racially aggravated assault on S'porean student in London
Temasek Poly student arrested for inciting violence and posting religious hateful comments
Man investigated by police for racist remarks and breach of Covid-19 circuit breaker
Man allegedly used racial slur, kicked woman in the

Police arrest man accused of using racial slur, kicking

Police investigating man for allegedly racist rant

Spate of Online Scams