
How to stop being a Negative Nancy

Do you find yourself always looking at the glass half empty instead of half full? Is it hard to find the positive when something doesn't go your way? You may have the Negative Nancy syndrome. In otherwords, you’re kind of a pessimist.

It’s okay. Sometimes life can get you down but there is always a silver lining in every situation, whether it’s a lesson to be learned or something that could have a positive impact on the future. Luckily you don’t have to be a negative nancy forever.

Here are a few things you can do to help change your outlook on life:
  • Question your mind
  • Be thankful
  • Think happy thoughts
  • Read
  • Set a reminder
  • Block out negativity

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Negative Nancy: 17 Traits and Ways to Deal with their Attitude

Everyone knows at least one person in their lives who can make an exciting pregnancy announcement or any good news seem like an apocalyptic proclamation. You know the type. That aunt or relative or co-worker who, no matter what sunshine you happen to bring into the world, they can seem to tear it down in five seconds flat. This person is what we call a Negative Nancy.

While an interaction with a Negative Nancy may leave with you a host of stories to re-tell at parties *on account of how ridiculous this person is*, they’re also the most emotionally exhausting people you will come across. Since life is full of unexpected circumstances, the odds that you will end up stuck at a social gathering with one of these life-leeches is high. For this reason, you’re going to need to learn how to deal with them in an orderly fashion.

Don’t let negative thinking ruin your enthusiasm. You’re an awesome person with good thoughts that shouldn’t be drowned out by someone with a negative life view. Here are some things you can do about a Negative Nancy in your life:
  • Be on guard against participating in negativity
  • Hang out in groups
  • Try and be a positive influence
  • Don’t take things personally
  • It’s not always your problem
  • Avoid Negative Nancy like the plague

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Debbie Downer, Negative Nancy & Pessimistic Patty
Three people I can’t stand

There are three people that I have encountered in my life that I shouldn’t be dealing with. These are the people that suck the life out of the good things out there. These are the people that don’t know how to have fun. These are the people that are so entrenched in the bad things that there isn’t any room for the good things to grow.

Here are the three types of people that I have encountered that are no good people in my life:
  • Debbie Downer: You know a Debbie Downer when you meet one. They are the kind of person that says one thing that ruins the joyful mood in the room. They’ll say something that just ruins the entire atmosphere for you and your friends.
  • Negative Nancy: This kind of person shoots down every idea you have. They have no faith in your work and also continue to hold you down. A Negative Nancy doesn’t say any words of encouragement. Instead, they find every kind of fault in what you do.
  • Pessimistic Patty: Optimism is not in Patty’s vocabulary. All this person does is find a way to discourage your bright ideas. They will figure out a way to tell you that hope is not there.

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Is the Glass or Half-full or Half-empty?