
‘Blood moon’: Longest total lunar eclipse of the century

Red planet and 'blood moon' pair up to dazzle skygazers
Coinciding with Mars' closest approach in 15 years, the longest "blood moon" eclipse of this century will offer skygazers, who will need no protective eye gear, a thrilling astronomical double bill. FOTO: AFP

The longest "blood moon" eclipse this century will coincide with Mars' closest approach in 15 yrs on Fri (July27) to offer skygazers a thrilling astronomical double bill.

Viewers will need no protective eye gear to observe the spectacle - unlike when watching solar eclipse.

"All you have to do is ... go outside!" the Royal Astronomical Society in London advises.

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Star gazers seek a glimpse of 'blood moon' in longest lunar eclipse of 21st century
A full moon rises behind the Temple of Poseidon before a lunar eclipse in Cape Sounion, near Athens, Greece on Jul 27, 2018. (foto: REUTERS/Alkis Konstantinidis)

Star gazers across much of the world sought a glimpse of a blood-red moon on Fri (Jul 27) as the Earth's natural satellite moved into the shadow of our planet for the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.

From the Cape of Good Hope to the Middle East, & from the Kremlin to Sydney Harbour, thousands of people turned their eyes to the stars, hoping to see the moon which began to appear orange, brown or crimson as it moved into the earth's shadow.

The total eclipse will last 1 hour, 42 minutes and 57 seconds, though a partial eclipse precedes and follows, meaning the moon will spend a total of three hours and 54 minutes in the earth's umbral shadow, according to NASA.

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Facts About the July 27/28, 2018 Total Lunar Eclipse

On the night of July 27-28, 2018 the Moon will be totally eclipsed for 1 hour and 43 minutes. Here are some things you should know about this total lunar eclipse:

  • Second Lunar Eclipse of the Year
  • Longest Eclipse of the Century
  • A Micromoon Eclipse
  • Earth Also Farthest from the Sun
  • Look Out for Mars
  • Perseids May Also Light Up the Sky
  • Early Morning, Evening, and Night Eclipse
  • No Need for Eye Protection
  • Preceeded and Followed by a Partial Solar Eclipse
  • It Is Part of Lunar Saros Series 129

The July 27/28, 2018 total lunar eclipse is part of the Saros series 129, same as the July 16, 2000, total lunar eclipse—the longest eclipse of the 20th century. The series has 71 eclipses. It began with a penumbral lunar eclipses on June 10, 1351 and will end with another penumbral eclipse on July 24, 2613.

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Total lunar eclipse on July 28: Here's all you need to know

Astronomy enthusiasts will have the chance to catch the longest total lunar eclipse of the century in Singapore on Sat (Jul 28). Starting at 3.30am, the eclipse will last 1hr 43min.

The lunar eclipse will also coincide with the Mars opposition, where the planet is on the side of the Earth opposite to the Sun.

Mars will be near its closest approach to Earth since 2003. The red planet will thus appear as a bright reddish "star" close to the Moon throughout the night.

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How to watch longest total lunar eclipse of the century

A total lunar eclipse happens when the moon, Sun and Earth line up, with the moon in Earth’s shadow

The ‘blood moon’ effect is created due to light passing through Earth’s atmosphere, which scatters blue light, meaning the moon turns a reddish colour. It’s going to be a rare celestial event. Fabian says, ‘If you were standing on the moon in this eclipse, you would see the sun and then the earth would come in the way and blot out the sun. ‘The rim of the earth would be glowing because light is being scattered by the earth’s atmosphere.’

Sky-watchers will also be able to see Mars burning brightly in the sky, looking like an orange-red star. The total lunar eclipse will be the longest one so far this century, with the next eclipse of a similar length only due in 2123.

related: 'Blood moon' to appear for 21st Century's longest lunar eclipse

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Why You Need to Watch Out for This Lunar Eclipse

Both solar and lunar eclipses occur only a few times a year, and each one can be viewed as turning a page to the next chapter of your life. Forces that you have no control over enter the stage, shake things up, and leave town before you know what hit you. Secret feelings towards you might be exposed, or shocking news may cause you to readjust your plans. If you've been having confusing, recurring thoughts about a person or problem for some time now, this eclipse may bring clarity.

Whatever situation you’re presented with will lead to a choice with permanent consequences—no take-backs. The longer the eclipse, the more powerful it is, and this particular one lasts an hour and 23 minutes—longer than any other eclipse this century. The eclipse is centered on the axis of Aquarius/Leo, which highlights the concept of the self or the ego versus relationships or the collective.

How do you operate within relationships, and which relationships hinder or help you express yourself most? Struggles with your friendships or partnerships could occur with this eclipse, so stay level-headed when dealing with others.

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Why do people think today’s blood moon heralds the end of the world?
Thunderstorms could blot out tonight’s blood moon in parts of Britain, Met Office warns

Whenever there’s a blood moon, various doomsday fans jump aboard predicting the end of the world – and this year’s extra-long eclipse is no exception.

Pastor Paul Begley – known for frequent YouTube rants where he predicts the end of the world – has claimed that it’s a ‘sign’ of the end, and that a ‘Blood Moon war’ might be beginning. It’s all rubbish, of course: online conspiracy theory fans became fascinated by ‘blood moons’ after Pastor John Hagee seized on a series of ‘blood moons’ to predict that time was nearly up for the human race in 2013.

Devotees of the Blood Moon Prophecy predicted that the world would end on September 28, 2015 (obviously, it didn’t happen).

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Solar and Lunar Eclipses Worldwide – Next 10 Years
Featured Eclipses in Coming Years

Find Solar Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses, and Planetary Transits Worldwide from 1900 to 2199

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