

Ho Mia Lah Lu

A Peranakan song

What is a Peranakan?

Babas, Nyonyas (Sometimes spelt as ‘Nonya’), Bibiks, Straits Chinese, Straits-born Chinese... these terms are commonly used by many to refer to the Peranakan Chinese. Do these terms refer to the same group of people? Let’s look at a typical impression of what a Peranakan couple would look like when dressed in their traditional attire. In reality, this is not always true. A Peranakan can look like practically anyone, and be anyone. Why, some of your friends may be Peranakans, and you may not even be aware of it!

This book explores the world of the Peranakans, so that the richness of the culture and its people can be shared with anyone and everyone. A Baba is a Peranakan, but are all Peranakans Babas? Yes, but not always. ‘Peranakan’ is a Malay word that means ‘local-born’. Therefore, it would be more accurate to describe the children of Chinese immigrants as ‘Peranakan Chinese’, to differentiate them from the members of other locally-born races. However, Singaporeans generally use the term ‘Peranakan’ or ‘Baba’ to refer to the Peranakan Chinese.

In the early days, Bibiks* would indulge in their cherki sessions in the afternoons, while the nyonyas kept a strict eye on their daughters. Their husbands, on the other hand, made their presence known amongst the British rulers and indulged in western pursuits whenever they could.

S’porean man creates Peranakan Rhapsody music video, viral parody of Bohemian Rhapsody

A local Peranakan named Alvin Oon, has produced a parody of the song called Peranakan Rhapsody.

Oon set up Peranakan Sayang as a platform for him to showcase the Peranakan culture, and this video was created for the same purpose. According to Oon, the idea for the parody had been sitting in his head for “quite some time” and the recent release of the Queen biopic pushed him to produce it.

He also said that the toughest part of the parody were the vocals, for which he enlisted the help of his friends.

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Peranakan Dressings