

How to know whether your “Good” Friends


Being together with a supportive friend is good for your health – mental and emotional alike. Garnering positive social support from these friends are important as you would want to know who’s there to break your fall, or be there when you meet an unfortunate encounter and not just shun you when life gets hard.

Unfortunately, we will always bump into a couple of such “friends” in our life, and we often might not realise how detrimental they are to our well-being until things turn ugly and you realise that you were wrong about them all along.

Even though we agree that there are no hard and fast rules of determining such friends. there are some signs that you can look out for and have “the talk” before it becomes too late to salvage the friendship.
  • You are frenemies
  • They can’t see their own flaws
  • They are negative
  • They are unsupportive
  • They are selfish
  • They betray your trust
  • They are a bad influence
  • You dread seeing them

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Is the Glass or Half-full or Half-empty?


The world’s most-surveilled cities

Singapore – 86,000 cameras for 5,638,676 people = 15.25 cameras per 1,000 people

Cities in China are under the heaviest CCTV surveillance in the world, according to a new analysis by Comparitech. However, some residents living in cities across the US, UK, UAE, Australia, and India will also find themselves surrounded by a large number of watchful eyes, as our look at the number of public CCTV cameras in 120 cities worldwide found.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras serve many purposes, ranging from crime prevention to traffic monitoring to observing industrial operations in environments not suitable for humans. The digital age has boosted the prevalence of CCTV surveillance. Cameras are getting better and cheaper, while live video streams can be remotely accessed, stored on the internet, and passed around. The adoption of face recognition technology makes it possible for both public and private entities to instantly check the identity of anyone who passes by a CCTV camera.

Depending on whom you ask, the increased prevalence and capabilities of CCTV surveillance could make society safer and more efficient, could trample on our rights to privacy and freedom of movement, or both. No matter which side you argue, the fact is that live video surveillance is ramping up worldwide.

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Singapore is the 11th most-surveilled city in the world – but it doesn’t even come close to China
Singapore ranked at 11th place on the global list, making it the third-most surveilled city outside of China. The Straits Times

Ever felt like someone was watching you? If you live in China, there’s good reason to feel that way.

According to a study by UK consumer comparison website Comparitech, Chinese cities are under the heaviest CCTV surveillance in the world, making up eight out of the top 10 most-surveilled cities globally.

At the top of the ranking released on Thursday (August 15) was Chongqing, which Comparitech said had over 2.5 million cameras for 15.3 million people. That works out to be around 168.03 cameras per 1,000 people, Comparitech said.

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Singapore is the 3rd most-surveilled city outside of China, says report
The Singapore police force install security cameras in public areas in and around the island. (Image by Dinoman / Shutterstock)

Singapore is the 11th most-surveilled city in the world, according to UK comparison website Comparitech, and 3rd most-surveilled outside of China. According to the rankings released by Comparitech on 15 August based on a study of 120 cities, Chinese cities have some of the highest number of CCTV cameras per person.

In Singapore, Comparitech notes there are about 15.25 cameras per 1,000 people. Following closely was Abu Dhabi (12th place), Chicago (13th place), and Sydney (15th place) with 13.77, 13.05, and 12.35 cameras per 1,000 people respectively.

Even so, those numbers are much smaller compared to the numbers in Chinese cities which make up 8 out of the top 10 most-surveilled cities around the globe.

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Singapore to test facial recognition on lampposts, stoking privacy fears
SenseTime surveillance software identifying details about people and vehicles runs as a demonstration at the company's office in Beijing, China, October 11, 2017. REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File Photo

In the not too distant future, surveillance cameras sitting atop over 100,000 lampposts in Singapore could help authorities pick out and recognize faces in crowds across the island-state.

The plan to install the cameras, which will be linked to facial recognition software, is raising privacy fears among security experts and rights groups. The government said the system would allow it to “perform crowd analytics” and support anti-terror operations.

GovTech, the Singapore government agency in charge of a “Lamppost-as-a-Platform” pilot project scheduled to begin next year, has given companies until May to register their interest in providing technology for the network.

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'Smart lamp posts' in Singapore won't shine light into people's lives

Some aspects of the "smart lampposts" have sparked concerns about privacy, especially the platform’s prospective ability to recognise faces

In an exclusive interview with Channel NewsAsia, Smart Nation and Digital Government Office Deputy Secretary Tan Kok Yam tells Ahmad Khan that the aim of smart lamp posts is strictly to improve urban planning and operations.

An ambitious project is underway to equip lamp posts in Singapore with various capabilities to improve urban planning - serving to be more than just a light source. A trial by the Smart Nation and Digital Government Office (SNDGO) and the Government Technology Agency (GovTech) will start next year in Geylang and One-North.

This is part of Singapore’s Smart Nation Sensor Platform project, which could see all of Singapore’s 110,000 lamp posts fitted with a network of wireless sensors, to transform them into "smart lamp posts". 

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Singapore to pilot smart city facial recognition project

Singapore government agency GovTech is planning to perform crowd analytics with facial analysis from a “Lamppost-as-a-Platform” (LaaP) pilot project, Reuters reports.

“As part of the LaaP trial, we are testing out various kinds of sensors on the lampposts, including cameras that can support backend facial recognition capabilities,” a GovTech spokesperson told Reuters in an email. Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said last week he did not want the project to be overbearing, intrusive, or unethical. The GovTech spokesperson added: “The need to protect personal data and preserve privacy are key considerations in the technical implementation of the project.”

Last year the former head of Singapore’s civil service Peter Ong said the country wants to deploy the technology to all 110,000 lampposts in the country.

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Singapore to use facial recognition for national digital identity
The country will use biometrics, such as fingerprint, facial and voice recognition, for the new digital identity

Singapore will adopt a centralised biometrics identification system as part of its National Digital Identity (NDI) system.

“We want to extend this biometrics system as a service,” said Kwok Quek Sin, Senior Director of NDI from the Government Technology Agency (GovTech), at a session during the inaugural GovTech STACK Summit. “We will start off with facial recognition,” he added.

GovTech is creating a centralised biometrics system to save users the hassle of repeated enrollments. Citizens will only need to register their biometric information once under the centralised NDI system, and from there on, will no longer need to personally enroll this information for every service.

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Singapore to test facial recognition on lampposts

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said last week that the Smart Nation project was aimed at improving people’s lives and that he did not want it done in a way “which is overbearing, which is intrusive, which is unethical”.

The spokesman for GovTech said: “The need to protect personal data and preserve privacy are key considerations in the technical implementation of the project.” The government also hopes to use other sensors on the lamp posts to monitor air quality and water levels, count electric scooters in public places, and collect footfall data to aid urban and transport planning, GovTech said.

GovTech did not say how many lampposts would be used in the initial pilot project. But a former head of Singapore’s civil service, Peter Ong, said last year that the country aims to bring all of its 110,000 lampposts into the sensor network.

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More surveillance cameras as deterrent
Measures to boost security will also apply to soft targets like sports facilities and malls, said Mr Shanmugam

The network of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras will expand significantly over the next four years, to ramp up surveillance and deter those plotting terror attacks in Singapore.

The Government will also, where necessary, pass laws to require building owners and organisers of major events to step up security, said Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam yesterday. In a speech to senior Home Team officials, Mr Shanmugam laid out plans to protect key infrastructure such as government buildings, as well as soft targets like shopping malls and sports facilities.

All 10,000 Housing Board blocks and multi-storey carparks will have police cameras installed by the end of this year, he said.

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Surveillance cameras to be installed to monitor high-rise littering

The National Environment Agency (NEA) will install surveillance cameras in places with a persistent high-rise littering problem. Previously, it would have required many hours of stakeouts to catch the offender in action.

NEA said the number of high-rise littering cases rose to 5,232 last year - nearly 700 more than the previous year. The agency has apprehended and prosecuted some 40 cases in the last 10 years.

Offenders of killer litter, or high-rise littering, can face imprisonment, a fine, or both. The Housing Development Board may also compulsorily acquire the HDB flat or terminate the flat tenancy if the killer litter is thrown from any HDB property.

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REACHSingapore shared a note. April 19, 2012

High-rise litterbugs, beware! Come August, the National Environment Agency will be installing surveillance cameras in 40 areas with persistent high-rise littering activity, following an effective pilot initiative in 10 locations last year. Residents of affected blocks will be informed prior to the installation, and cameras will only focus on the blocks’ facade. Without the use of technology, nabbing litterbugs in action was previously a labour-intensive task. Last year, 31,126 man hours was spent in enforcement stakeouts and community outreach efforts, resulting in the prosecution of only 8 people.

related: Litterbugs, look out - you can get caught on camera

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Will NEA’s high-rise littering surveillance cameras invade my privacy by recording footage of activities inside my home?

The National Environment Agency (NEA) has stepped up on our enforcement efforts against littering to increase the likelihood of catching litterbugs, especially high-rise litterbugs, through the deployment of surveillance cameras. In 2018, NEA deployed cameras at more than 1,000 areas with persistent high-rise littering feedback, and took more than 1,100 enforcement actions against persons caught.

In our deployment of surveillance cameras, we are mindful of residents’ privacy and have put in place precautions. Our enforcement officers will ensure that the surveillance cameras are focused only on the external façade of the housing units being investigated, to capture the act of littering.

As for the handling of the video footage, only authorised NEA staff and the vendor can access to the recording for official purposes. There are strict protocols governing the viewing and copying of the footage, to ensure that the recordings are used only for enforcement against high-rise litterbugs. The video evidence will be shared only for the purpose of court prosecution or to facilitate investigations. Footage that does not show any littering act will be destroyed after three months.

related: Enforcement For Littering Offences Increased By Almost 22 Per Cent In 2018

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Singapore is a top hacking nation
But we are also number one in security strategy

Forget about being a Smart nation or a startup country The city-state has made into the podium as one of the top ten attacking countries, based on data from (Threatmap). The website tracks malicious cyber-attacks across the globe and consistently ranked the top aggressors in cyber-attacks. One glance on the list of top ten attacking countries, one will find the great powers of the world pitting each other for glory and honors in the cyberspace.

However, a nation or rather a city-state stood out from the rest of big countries with likes of USA, Russia, UK, Germany and China. Surprise, surprise … the city-state is none other than Singapore. According to Threatmap, the island-nation is placed on the fourth position among the top attacking countries. Singapore has held the same position rather consistently over the past two weeks, which saw almost an average cyber-attacks of 14 million cases over the world daily.

The first place in the hit-list among the Singaporean hackers is reserved for USA and the city-state is likely to inflict its target with tons of malwares. By computation, Singapore’s favorite weapons of choice belongs to access to malicious resources at 61.7%, followed by bot communication at 30.3%, then malicious file transfer at 0.9% and others malwares at 7.1%. Meanwhile, the “numero uno” or first-place among the top attacking countries is conferred to Russia which infects other machines and global networks mostly with bot communications. Ironically, Russia is also placed consistently as the number one target by hackers all over the world.

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Smart Nation Vision For Singapore
A new platform, data sensors, trials at JLD and industry collaboration will help Singapore realise its smart nation vision

Singapore is en route to becoming the world’s first smart nation with the introduction of several new initiatives, including a new platform that encompasses the necessary infrastructure and technical architecture to support a smart nation ecosystem.

Unveiled at the opening of the Infocomm Media Business Exchange (imbX) event, these new building blocks are aimed at bringing together policies, people, and technologies in a concerted fashion that will help the country realise its smart nation ambition.

Singapore has made good progress establishing the backbone infrastructure to support big data and analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and other transformational ICM technologies outlined in its Intelligent Nation Masterplan (iN2015), said Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for Communications and Information, during his opening address at imbX.

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Is travel insurance really worth it?

We’ve all deliberated this before – do we really need travel insurance? And we’ve all heard the stories from travel insurance companies – what if there’s an emergency? Without travel insurance, it would cost thousands of dollars which could have been covered, if you got insurance.

Is it true? Most of the time our travels go without hiccups. You’ll probably not experience the nightmare of being injured or your family members getting seriously ill in a foreign country. But what if you do? The last thing you want is not having the financial means to get treated and return home, safe and sound.

For that peace of mind and 100% enjoyment on your holidays, insurance is worth every cent. Let’s get down to the 5 reasons you should get travel insurance:
  • To have a real adventure
  • To be ready for anything
  • To save money
  • To care for your family
  • For your health’s sake

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Guy becomes 'famous' after throwing soiled diaper

You want to be famous? Let's make you famous"

Onto car at Tampines Mall carpark

A man has become 'famous' for the wrong reasons after he was caught on video throwing a soiled diaper onto another car at Tampines Mall's carpark on Aug 24.

Facebook user Jonathan Lee posted a video of the incident after finding the dirty nappy on his vehicle.

In the video, a woman is seen passing the man a plastic bag containing the diaper as he is about to close his car's boot.

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Jonathan Lee August 24 at 6:23 PM

Met an inconsiderate driver who threw his child's used diapers onto my car. After doing his deed, he took a 2nd look and realised that I have a rear car cam looking right at his face. If he was wise enough, he would have taken the diaper and threw it away, heck, even if keep in his car and throw when convenient also better then leaving it on other people's car.

If u want to do such disgusting things, make sure no one is around. In this case, ur luck ran out coz u met me. You want to be famous? Let's make u famous.

Update: For those who are in doubt, this happened today (24 Aug) at Tampines Mall carpark.

A report has been made to NEA.

#SJV3941E #dirtybombom

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Driver slammed for tossing soiled diaper onto another car at Tampines Mall
Here's one way to get famous on the internet

A driver in Singapore has achieved online notoriety after he was caught on video tossing a soiled diaper onto another car.

The victim, Jonathan Lee, took to Facebook to call out the man for his behaviour, sharing footage that was recorded using his in-car camera. According to Lee, the incident happened on Saturday (Aug 24) at a carpark in Tampines Mall.

In the video, the man had loaded a stroller into the boot of his car before a woman leaned back to pass him a seemingly used diaper. He looked around to check for passers-by but missed the camera pointing directly at him. The man then swiftly threw the diaper onto Lee's car in a smooth backhand movement and made a quick getaway — but not before revealing his face and car license plate for all to see.

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One Man’s Car Is Another Man’s Trashcan

Cars in Singapore are expensive. So, when you return to your car after a nice lunch with your family and find scratches on the sides, it’s not unreasonable to suddenly develop homicidal tendencies.

But what if you find a used diaper on your car? On Saturday (24 August 2019), Jonathan Lee posted a video on Facebook showing a driver in the Tampines Mall carpark leaving a soiled diaper on his car.

The video starts off with the driver placing his baby’s stroller in the boot of his car. A woman in the car, presumably his wife, then hands him a used diaper. The man then closes the boot, looks around suspiciously like a murderer in a movie, and throws the soiled diaper on Lee’s car. Just before he gets into his car, the man turns back and freezes, realizing Lee’s car has a dashboard camera.

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S’porean Dad Kantoi On Dashcam Throwing Used Diaper On Car Hood Behind Him

Remember, if you think you can get away with anything these days, think again. We are living in a time where cameras are everywhere. One foul move, no matter how small it is, if a camera is recording you, prepare to land yourself in a shitty situation.

Recently, Jonathan Lee shared a video taken from his car’s dashcam showing a man casually throwing a used diaper onto his car with finesse. According to Jonathan, the incident happened at Tampines Mall at about 1.42pm on 24 August (Saturday).

From the video, you can clearly see the man putting his child’s stroller at the trunk of his vehicle, before a hand, presumably the wife’s, passes him a used diaper for him to discard.

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Man Throws Dirty Diaper On Nearby Car And Drives Off; Incident Reported To NEA

Hold a child’s dirty diaper up to someone and they’d immediately pinch their nose and turn away in disgust.

None of us wants to smell, let alone touch soiled diapers, but not to the extent of flinging one away randomly and running off.

Unfortunately, a man allegedly did just that at the Tampines Mall carpark on Saturday (24 Aug). And the victim of the diaper missile was an unlucky car parked just behind his.

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Full Coverage:
Caught on cam: S’pore driver tosses used diaper on car parked behind him
Singapore dad caught on video throwing dirty diaper onto another car
Man Throws Dirty Diaper On Car at Tampines Mall; Incident Reported To NEA
Man Caught On Video Throwing Used Diaper On Another Person's Car
Unhygienic S’pore driver casually tosses used diaper on car behind him
Man Becomes Singapore's Online Villain After Being Caught Throwing
Singapore driver slammed for throwing dirty diapers on another car
Driver in Singapore slammed for tossing soiled diaper onto another car
This is high level sc**bag. Throwing diaper on other people's car

Parliament - There’s no stopping Yishun’s sanitary pad litterbug, period

The issue of high-rise littering stirred up a lively exchange in Parliament on Tuesday (Sept 3), with Ms Lee Bee Wah (Nee Soon GRC) throwing light on a peculiar form of high-rise litter that has been a persistent issue in the past few years: soiled sanitary pads.

Ms Lee, who does monthly litter-picking with residents in her constituency, was among a handful of MPs who expressed concern about enforcement actions taken by the National Environment. She pointed out that deploying surveillance cameras for a short period of time hardly addresses the problem.

"There were several high-rise littering of sanitary pads for many years and, until today, it is still not solved. And why? Because NEA deploys CCTV (cameras) only for a few days. And the problem persists," she said. "Actually, if you ambition to catch the culprit, I'm sure we'll be able to catch (him or her)." "Otherwise, (it) looks like this problem will disappear only when the litterbug (enters) menopause."

Man fined S$5,000 for jerking off to women’s shoes twice outside HDB flats

A 34-year-old man was fined S$5,000 after he was caught on video pleasuring himself with female shoes on two separate occasions outside HDB flats

Low Yan Long pleaded guilty to two counts of obscene acts in public places, with another two charges taken into consideration, according to CNA.

Low began seeking out women’s shoes at HDB blocks due to a need to relieve work-related and family stress.

Probation for teen who stole female primary school pupils’ clothing, masturbated at staircase landing

A 19-year-old teenager who repeatedly stole numerous female undergarments and primary school uniforms outside flats in public housing blocks was on Wednesday (Aug 25) given one year and nine months’ probation.

The Singaporean cannot be named because he was under 18 when he committed most of his crimes from September last year to February this year.

After taking the items, he would touch and smell them before masturbating at staircase landings.

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Voyeur alert!
A variety of innocuous items that can be used as spycams. Experts TODAY spoke to said the true extent of the problem of voyeurism is far deeper and broader than the ongoing NUS saga

Inspecting a changing room before undressing themselves. Double-checking for gaps in curtains. Steering clear of unattended baskets in the supermarket. Avoiding isolated toilets. Standing against the walls of a train carriage instead of at the centre.

These are some of the extra precautions women whom TODAY spoke to said they have come up with, to protect themselves as spycams and phone cameras take voyeurism to unsavoury new heights.

“This might be irrational fear and excessive caution, but it is better to be safe than sorry,” said one of them, a 27-year-old who only gave her name as Fiona. “We hear so many stories that hit so close to home, it’d be unwise to not be on our guard.”

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Being turned on by the smell of someone’s dirty panties and the problems it can cause
Dr Derrick Yeo, a consultant at the department of forensic psychiatry at the Institute of Mental Health, said that it is common for normal people to have unusual sexual fantasies, but only a small minority act on them and offend

Lurking in the corners of the Internet are things you would rather not see because it is just TMI (too much information).

A search for “used underwear” on a Singapore site that lists free classified ads churned out 157 listings. A separate search for “used socks” drew 142 listings, suggesting a demand for such personal items.

Over in some forums, anonymous online users lay bare their need for things that they do in private — sniffing other people’s used underwear, soiled socks and aromatic armpits, for instance.

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Man who shared photos of himself sniffing stolen panties arrested
A 34-year-old man who uploaded multiple posts on social media of him sniffing allegedly stolen female undergarments has been arrested, said the police on Friday (16 August)

The police said that he was arrested for his suspected involvement in a case of public nuisance at about 4.30am on Friday, less than eight hours after receiving the first of multiple reports on three Instagram posts uploaded by the man.

The man, who goes by Wei Ming Lim, had also uploaded a photo of a pair of stolen black shorts, along with a caption claiming that he had ejaculated on it and hung it back where he took it at Choa Chu Kang Street 51.

“This is three days’ worth of load,” the caption said.

From Teabags to Soiled Diaper & Sanitary Pad to Killer Litter
Fined for shooting rubber bands in public
Guy becomes 'famous' after throwing soiled diaper


10 Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a frightening disease because it has few symptoms yet puts people at great risk of heart disease or stroke. Huge numbers of people have been diagnosed (up to 75 million in the United States alone) but many more have hypertension and don’t know it.

High blood pressure is quite manageable with diet and lifestyle changes, so don’t despair if you have been given (or even just suspect) this diagnosis.

Stick with us to learn what you need to do to continue living your best life for many years to come.

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No Putting Your Feet On Bus Seats Anymore

Declare New Public Transport Sign
Raise a hand if you’ve ever met passengers on the bus who enjoy the comfort of stretching their legs

Stretching their legs while sitting, making good use of that empty seat opposite, that is.

Well, it looks like bus operators are aware of how ungracious bus passengers can be. And they’re already making an effort to discourage such behaviour.

Last Saturday (17 Aug), a Redditor noticed a new sign on a bus officially banning the act. The picture was uploaded with the caption “So SMRT has finally had enough.”

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Why do some Singaporeans behave badly on public buses and what can bus captains do?

Mr J Kong was travelling home on bus service 157 last month when he saw an elderly man put his feet up on the seat opposite him. The 38-year-old senior paralegal told The Straits Times he was aghast at the “unhygienic” and “inconsiderate” act.

Noticing that the passenger seated next to the old man looked visibly uncomfortable, Mr Kong told him to put his feet down. “But instead of doing so, the man told me that he could put his leg up as long as he was not wearing shoes,” said Mr Kong. “I was surprised by his reaction because most folks would apologise and proceed to put their feet down from the seats.”

Stunned and unsure what else he could do, Mr Kong whipped out his mobile phone and snapped a photo of the man, and then sent it to citizen journalism website Stomp. “At the end of the day, what can commuters do besides Stomping?” he asked. “I’ve not informed bus captains about these incidents before. But if I do, what are they able to do? I feel that it is important that commuters are willing to voice out on such matters so that we can make a difference.”

Excuse me, seats on public transport are not for your legs or luggage
From time to time, seats on public transport are occupied by something out of the ordinary, from legs to luggage

Stomper Anonymous shared a photo with us of a teenager who had her legs up on a seat in a train. She witnessed the scene on Monday (July 8) at about 5.30pm when she boarded a train towards Punggol at Outram Park.

She said to Stomp:
  • "I was on the way home with my friend and thought about why they were behaving so indecently in the train.
  • "It felt like they were treating the space as their home.
  • "I usually don't take photos but this was over the limit."
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Shots of commuters putting their feet on bus seats next to warning signs go viral

It should already be common sense, but in case anyone’s struggling with the logic, putting your feet up on bus seats is considered A Rude Thing To Do.

Not only is it unhygienic (imagine sitting on the filth you might have stepped on), it also blocks other passengers from getting a seat. And no, it doesn’t matter whether the bus is empty — it’s just inconsiderate for everyone else when chairs get dirtied up.

Unfortunately, courtesy and graciousness aren't coming naturally to everyone. Last month, SMRT started putting up signs on buses that explicitly discourage commuters from stretching their legs onto seats opposite them.

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Inconsiderate passenger airs her feet on bus seat
Stomper Slc was disgusted when she saw a fellow commuter airing her feet on another bus seat yesterday (June 13)

The Stomper sent in a photo to Stomp showing the lady resting her bare feet on another bus seat with her shoes placed on the floor.

Slc was outraged and commented on the situation:

"Such disgusting and inconsiderate behaviour on bus service 141.

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All Singapore Stuff May 16

Some people think they pay bus fare means their feet and barang barang also deserve a seat on the bus.

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Spotted today as I was taking a bus, this queen of the SBS bus happily sitting, putting her feet up, and taking the seat next to her as well with her bags.

Granted, the bus might not be that full, but do you really need to put your feet up like that? This is a public bus, you should show some courtesy by not treating this as your home! Wonder what's her excuse?

Too tired after walking too much? But it was early in the morning! Maybe it is true, nowadays, there are more and more selfish people around.

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S’pore man uploads video of teens putting their legs on bus seats, challenges netizens criticising him to MMA fight

Some people take their duties of uploading videos to highlight anti-social behaviour seriously.

On Dec. 24, a video uploaded by Facebook user Joo Wee, showed three youths putting up their feet on seats in what looks to be an empty bus.

It was accompanied with the caption “3 stupid young punks on bus”.

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