

How to know whether your “Good” Friends


Being together with a supportive friend is good for your health – mental and emotional alike. Garnering positive social support from these friends are important as you would want to know who’s there to break your fall, or be there when you meet an unfortunate encounter and not just shun you when life gets hard.

Unfortunately, we will always bump into a couple of such “friends” in our life, and we often might not realise how detrimental they are to our well-being until things turn ugly and you realise that you were wrong about them all along.

Even though we agree that there are no hard and fast rules of determining such friends. there are some signs that you can look out for and have “the talk” before it becomes too late to salvage the friendship.
  • You are frenemies
  • They can’t see their own flaws
  • They are negative
  • They are unsupportive
  • They are selfish
  • They betray your trust
  • They are a bad influence
  • You dread seeing them

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