

Faces of Singapore

Here’s a guide to Singapore’s diverse melting pot of cultures and races. It’s a vibrant brew that gives the country its unique character.

The Chinese in Singapore make up Singapore's largest ethnic group

The Chinese are the largest ethnic group in Singapore, making up almost three-quarters of the country’s population. It’s not surprise then that Chinese culture – from the language and food to entertainment and festivals - features prominently in Singapore.

The Malays in Singapore are a part of a very close-knit community

The original settlers of Singapore, the Malays are the second largest ethnic group here. As such their culture has influenced other ethnicities that arrived here later.

The Indian culture adds much vibrance to Singapore's multi-ethnic society

The Indians are Singapore’s third largest ethnic group, and the community here boasts one of the largest overseas Indian populations.

The Eurasians in Singapore epitomise the city's vibrant east meets west vibe

The small but influential Eurasian community in Singapore encapsulates the east meets west vibe of the country. This ethnic group is made of people who have mixed European and Asian lineage and have been present in Singapore since the early 19th Century.

The Peranakan traditional dress for women known as the Nonya Kebaya features beautifully embroidered details

The Peranakans, are a fascinating blend of cultures from the region. The term Peranakan refers to people descended from marriages between Chinese or Indian men and local Malay or Indonesian women who can be found throughout Southeast Asia.

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Peranakan Museum in Singapore: Straits-born Culture

Beaded slippers, sarong kebaya and ornate furniture. These are some of the objects closely associated with the Peranakans that you can view at the Peranakan Museum in Singapore.

Peranakans trace their ancestry to the marriage of Chinese men who came to the Malaya archipelago in search of work and the local women. This mixed parentage resulted in a blend of cultures and their descendants are the Peranakan or Straits-born Chinese.

At the three-storey Peranakan Museum, the culture, customs and traditions of Peranakans are presented through various galleries, each serving as a window into different aspects of the local, Peranakan culture.

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S’porean man creates Peranakan Rhapsody music video, viral parody of Bohemian Rhapsody

A local Peranakan named Alvin Oon, has produced a parody of the song called Peranakan Rhapsody.

Oon set up Peranakan Sayang as a platform for him to showcase the Peranakan culture, and this video was created for the same purpose. According to Oon, the idea for the parody had been sitting in his head for “quite some time” and the recent release of the Queen biopic pushed him to produce it.

He also said that the toughest part of the parody were the vocals, for which he enlisted the help of his friends.

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Peranakan Dressings
Peranakan Sayang in Concert
Peranakan Sayang
The Peranakan Story