

COVID-19: Singapore enters Transition Phase from 22 Nov 2021

Updated 22 Jan 2022: 3,155 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore as MOH starts including milder infections in daily case count

Singapore reported 3,155 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Friday (Jan 21), comprising 2,794 local infections and 361 imported ones. The surge in the number of new cases, considering Thursday's figure was just 1,472, is due to the inclusion of the number of Protocol 2 cases in its daily updates, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). Protocol 2 cases are individuals who are well and tested positive, or have been assessed by a doctor to have a mild condition. Two sets of numbers will be reported every day - one for the infections confirmed by PCR tests, and another for the Protocol 2 cases.

There was one fatality, according to the latest infection statistics on the MOH website. This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 846. The weekly infection growth rate is 2.70, up from Thursday's 2.17. A figure above 1 means that the number of new weekly cases is rising. A total of 1,539 new Protocol 2 infections were confirmed on Friday, comprising 23 imported cases and 1,516 local cases. Another 1,616 cases were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction test (PCR), which were made up 1,278 local infections and 338 imported ones.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 307,813 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. Case numbers have been backdated to Jan 6 when GPs started to order Protocol 2, for the purposes of calculating the total number of infections in Singapore as well as the week-on-week increase in infection numbers.

1,472 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 1,001 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 1,472 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Jan 20), comprising 1,133 local infections and 339 imported ones. There was one fatality, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 845.

Thursday's case count is down from the 1,615 reported on Wednesday. The weekly infection growth rate is 2.17, up from Wednesday's 1.96. This is the first time it has gone above 2 since Sep 19, 2021, and is the highest weekly infection rate since Sep 16, when it was 2.25. A figure above 1 means that the number of new weekly cases is rising. A total of 1,001 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Thursday, comprising 49 imported cases and 952 local cases.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 297,549 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

1,615 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 1,185 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 1,615 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (Jan 19), comprising 1,205 local infections and 410 imported ones. There was one fatality, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 844.

Wednesday's case count is up from the 1,448 reported on Tuesday. The weekly infection growth rate is 1.96, up from Tuesday's 1.76. A figure above 1 means that the number of new weekly cases is rising. A total of 1,185 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Wednesday, comprising 220 imported cases and 965 local cases.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 296,077 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

1,448 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 589 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 1,448 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Jan 18), comprising 990 local infections and 458 imported ones. There were no fatalities, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. The death toll from coronavirus complications stands at 843.

Tuesday's case count is up from the 1,165 reported on Monday. The weekly infection growth rate is 1.76, up from Monday's 1.60. A figure above 1 means that the number of new weekly cases is rising. A total of 589 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Tuesday, comprising 85 imported cases and 504 local cases.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has recorded 294,462 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

1,165 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 609 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 1,165 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Jan 17), including 534 imported infections. There were no fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications remains at 843, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Monday’s case count was up from the 863 reported on Sunday. Among the new cases reported on Monday, 631 were locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 609 new Omicron infections were also confirmed on Monday, comprising 229 imported cases and 380 local cases.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 293,014 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

863 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 675 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 863 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jan 16), including 363 imported infections. There were no fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications remains at 843 according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Sunday’s case count was down from the 956 reported on Saturday. Among the new cases reported on Sunday, 500 were locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 675 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Sunday, comprising 253 imported cases and 422 local cases.

As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 291,849 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

956 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 692 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 956 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Jan 15), comprising 552 local infections and 404 imported ones. There were three fatalities, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 843.

Saturday’s case count is up from the 945 infections reported on Friday. The weekly infection growth rate also went up to 1.47 compared to Friday’s figure of 1.38. A figure above 1 means that the number of new weekly cases is rising. A total of 692 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Saturday, comprising 541 local cases and 151 imported cases.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 290,986 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

945 new Covid-19 cases in Singapore; 832 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 945 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jan 14), including 363 imported infections. There was one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 840, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Friday’s case count was down from the 960 infections reported on Thursday. Among the new cases, 582 were locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 832 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Friday, comprising 289 imported cases and 543 local cases.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 290,030 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

960 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 549 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 960 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Jan 13), including 479 imported infections. There were no fatalities. The country's death toll from coronavirus complications remains at 839, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Thursday's case count was up from the 882 infections reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases, 481 were locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 549 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Thursday, comprising 183 imported cases and 366 local cases.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 289,085 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

882 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 797 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 882 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (Jan 12), including 396 imported infections. There was one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 839, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Wednesday's case count was up from the 846 infections reported on Tuesday. Among the new cases, 486 are locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 797 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Wednesday, comprising 284 imported cases and 513 local cases. This is presented as a separate set of data from the daily COVID-19 cases.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 288,125 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

846 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 438 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 846 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Jan 11), including 400 imported infections. There were no fatalities, keeping the death toll from coronavirus complications at 838, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Tuesday's case count is up from the 750 reported on Monday. Among the new cases, 446 are locally transmitted. The Health Ministry did not provide a breakdown of the number of cases in the community and in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 438 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Tuesday, comprising 279 imported cases and 159 local cases. This is presented as a separate set of data from the daily COVID-19 cases.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has recorded 287,243 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

750 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 389 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 750 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Jan 10), including 487 imported infections. There were no fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications remains at 838, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. Monday’s case count was down from the 845 reported on Sunday.

Among the new cases reported on Monday, 263 were locally transmitted. The Health Ministry's latest COVID-19 update on Monday did not specify the number of cases in the community or those in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 389 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Monday, comprising 263 imported cases and 126 local cases. The daily COVID-19 cases and new confirmed Omicron cases are presented as two separate sets of data on MOH's website.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 286,397 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

845 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 327 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 845 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jan 9), including 587 imported infections. There was one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 838, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Sunday's case count was up from the 811 infections reported on Saturday. Among the new cases reported on Sunday, 258 were locally transmitted, comprising 242 in the community and 16 in migrant worker's dormitories. Separately, 327 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Sunday, comprising 218 imported cases and 109 local cases.

As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 285,647 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

811 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 404 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 811 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Jan 8), including 544 imported infections. There were no fatalities, with the death toll from coronavirus complications remaining at 837, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Saturday’s case count was up from the 777 infections reported on Friday. Among the new cases reported on Saturday, 267 were locally transmitted, comprising 253 in the community and 14 in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 404 new Omicron infections were also confirmed on Saturday, comprising 243 imported cases and 161 local cases.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 284,802 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

777 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 535 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 777 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jan 7), including 396 imported infections. There were two fatalities, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 837, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Friday’s case count was down from the 813 reported on Thursday.  Among the new cases reported on Friday, 381 were locally transmitted, comprising 366 in the community and 15 in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 535 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Friday, comprising 284 imported cases and 251 local cases. The daily COVID-19 cases and new confirmed Omicron cases are presented as two separate sets of data on MOH's website.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 283,991 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

813 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 365 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 813 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Jan 6), including 390 imported infections. There was one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 835, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Thursday’s case count was up from the 805 reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases reported on Thursday, 423 were locally transmitted, comprising 404 in the community and 19 in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 365 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Thursday, comprising 234 imported cases and 131 local cases.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 283,214 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

805 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 440 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 805 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (Jan 5), including 439 imported infections. There were two fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications rose by two, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 834, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Wednesday's case count was down from the 842 reported on Tuesday. Among the new cases reported on Wednesday, 366 were locally transmitted, comprising 353 in the community and 13 in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 440 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Wednesday, comprising 302 imported cases and 138 local cases.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 282,401 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

842 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 438 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 842 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Jan 4), including 502 imported infections. There were three fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 832, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Tuesday’s case count was up from the 464 reported on Monday. Among the new cases reported on Tuesday, 340 were locally transmitted, comprising 334 in the community and six in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 438 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Tuesday, comprising 347 imported cases and 91 local cases. The weekly infection growth rate on Tuesday was 1.09, the first time it had gone above 1 since Nov 12.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has recorded 281,596 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

464 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 187 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 464 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Jan 3), including 285 imported infections. There were no fatalities, with the country’s death toll remaining at 829, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) website.

Monday’s case count was up from the 429 reported on Sunday. Among the new cases reported on Monday, 179 were locally transmitted, comprising 177 in the community and two in migrant worker's dormitories. A total of 187 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Monday, comprising 183 imported cases and four local cases.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 280,754 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

429 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; 155 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 429 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jan 2), including 297 imported infections. There were no fatalities, and the death toll from coronavirus complications remains at 829, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Sunday's case count was down from the 456 infections reported on Saturday. Among the new cases reported on Sunday, 132 were locally transmitted, comprising 128 in the community and four in migrant worker's dormitories. Separately, MOH's website also showed that 155 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Sunday, comprising 119 imported cases and 36 local cases.

As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 280,290 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

456 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, highest in more than 2 weeks

Singapore reported 456 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Jan 1), including a high of 260 imported infections. There was one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 829, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Saturday's case count of 456 is the highest in more than two weeks, since Dec 15. Among them, 196 are locally transmitted, comprising 187 in the community and nine in migrant workers' dormitories. A total of 155 new Omicron infections were confirmed on Saturday, comprising 128 imported cases and 27 local cases.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 279,861 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Imported infections make up half of Singapore's 344 new COVID-19 cases

Singapore reported 344 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Dec 31), half of which - 172 - were imported infections. There was also 1 fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 828, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Friday's case count was up from the 311 infections reported on Thursday. Among the new cases reported on Friday, 172 were locally transmitted, comprising 165 in the community and seven in migrant worker's dormitories. Separately, MOH's website also showed that 158 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Friday, comprising 124 imported cases and 34 local cases.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 279,405 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

311 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 103 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 311 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Dec 30), including 114 imported infections. There was also one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 827, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Thursday's case count was down from the 341 infections reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases reported on Thursday, 197 were locally transmitted, comprising 193 in the community and four in migrant worker's dormitories. Separately, MOH's website also showed that 103 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Thursday, comprising 70 imported cases and 33 local cases.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 279,061 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

341 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 170 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 341 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (Dec 29), including 153 imported infections. There was also one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 826, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Wednesday's case count was down from the 365 infections reported on Tuesday. Among the new cases reported on Wednesday, 188 were locally transmitted, comprising 182 in the community and six in migrant worker's dormitories. Separately, MOH's website also showed that 170 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Wednesday, comprising 151 imported cases and 19 local cases.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 278,750 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

365 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 134 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 365 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Dec 28), including a record 173 imported infections. There were no fatalities and the country's death toll from coronavirus complications remained at 825. Tuesday was the second day since Sep 19 this year that saw no new COVID-19 deaths reported.

Tuesday's case count was up from the 280 infections reported on Monday. It is also the highest total number of new infections reported in the country since 412 cases were reported on Dec 17 this year. Among the new cases reported on Tuesday, 192 were locally transmitted, comprising 191 in the community and one in a migrant worker's dormitory. Separately, MOH's website also showed that 134 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Tuesday, comprising 94 imported cases and 40 local cases.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has recorded 278,409 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

280 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 101 new Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 280 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Dec 27), of which 134 were imported. There were also three fatalities, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 825, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Monday's case count was up from the 209 infections reported on Sunday. Among the new cases reported on Monday, 146 were locally transmitted, comprising 141 in the community and five in migrant workers' dormitories. 
Separately, MOH's website also showed that 101 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Monday, comprising 79 imported cases and 22 local cases.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 278,044 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

209 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 104 new Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 209 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Dec 26), of which 100 were imported. There was also one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 822, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

Sunday's case count was down from the 248 infections reported on Saturday. Among the new cases reported on Sunday, 109 were locally transmitted, comprising 105 in the community and four in migrant workers' dormitories. MOH's website also showed that 104 new Omicron variant infections were confirmed on Sunday, comprising 73 imported cases and 31 local cases. In an earlier statement on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore, MOH said a total of 546 confirmed Omicron cases have been detected in the country as of Saturday. This figure comprises 443 imported cases and 103 local cases.

As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 277,764 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

248 new COVID-19 cases reported in Singapore; 98 new Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 248 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Dec 25), of which 66 were imported. There was also one fatality, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 821.

A total of 98 new Omicron variant infections were also confirmed, comprising 73 imported cases and 25 local cases, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. Saturday's case count was down from the 265 infections reported on Friday. Among the new cases reported on Saturday, 182 were locally transmitted, comprising 177 in the community and five in migrant workers' dormitories.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 277,555 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

265 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, 82 fresh Omicron cases confirmed; no deaths reported

Singapore reported 265 new COVID-19 cases on Friday (Dec 24), of which 79 are imported. No fatalities were reported for the first time since Sep 19, with the country's death toll from coronavirus complications remaining at 820.

Friday's case count is down from the 322 infections reported on Thursday. Among the new cases, 186 are locally transmitted, comprising 177 in the community and nine in migrant workers' dormitories, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. A total of 82 new Omicron cases were confirmed on Friday, of which 17 are local and 65 are imported.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 277,307 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

322 new COVID-19 infections in Singapore, including record 89 imported cases

Singapore reported 322 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday (Dec 23), of which 89 are imported, setting a record high for the second day in a row. There are also two fatalities, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 820 deaths.

Thursday's case count is down from the 335 infections reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases, 233 are locally transmitted, comprising 226 in the community and seven in migrant workers' dormitories, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 277,042 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

335 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including record 76 imported infections

Singapore reported 335 new COVID-19 cases and one fatality as of noon on Wednesday (Dec 22). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 818 deaths.

Wednesday's case count is up from the 280 infections reported on Tuesday. Among the new cases, 259 are locally transmitted, comprising 245 in the community and 14 in migrant workers' dormitories, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. There are also 76 imported cases, the highest number of new imported infections reported in Singapore since the start of the pandemic. The previous high was 67 imported cases on Dec 19.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 276,720 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

280 new COVID-19 cases and 2 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 280 new COVID-19 cases and two fatalities as of noon on Tuesday (Dec 21). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 817 deaths.

Tuesday's case count is up from the 195 infections reported on Monday. Among the new cases, 226 are locally transmitted, comprising 221 in the community and five in migrant workers' dormitories. There are also 54 imported cases, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 276,385 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

195 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 45 Omicron infections

Singapore reported 195 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Dec 20), including 45 Omicron infections. According to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website, 42 of the reported Omicron cases are imported, while three are local. There are two fatalities, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 815.

Monday's case count is 195, down from the 255 infections reported on Sunday. Among the new cases, 146 are locally transmitted, comprising 141 in the community and five in migrant workers' dormitories. There are a total of 49 imported cases.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 276,105 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

255 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including record 67 imported infections

Singapore reported 255 new COVID-19 cases and three fatalities as of noon on Sunday (Dec 19). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 813.

There were also 67 imported cases, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This is the highest number of new imported infections reported in Singapore since the start of the pandemic. The previous high was 55 cases on Jan 30.

Sunday's case count is down from the 271 infections reported on Saturday. It is also the lowest in more than three months, since Sep 6. Among the 255 new cases, 188 are locally transmitted, comprising 182 in the community and six in migrant workers' dormitories. As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 275,910 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

271 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 2 imported Omicron infections

Singapore logged 271 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Saturday (Dec 18), including two imported cases of the Omicron variant. One fatality was reported, taking the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 810.

Saturday's case count is down from the 412 infections reported on Friday. It is also the lowest in more than three months, since Sep 6. Among the 271 new cases, 227 are locally transmitted, comprising 221 in the community and six in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 44 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This is the highest number of imported infections since Jan 30, when 55 imported cases were reported.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 275,655 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

412 new COVID-19 cases and one death in Singapore

Singapore reported 412 new COVID-19 cases and one fatality as of noon on Friday (Dec 17). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 809.

Friday's case count is up from the 355 infections reported on Thursday. A total of 377 cases reported on Friday are locally transmitted, comprising 371 in the community and six in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 35 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This is the highest number of imported cases since Apr 26 this year, when 43 infections were reported.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 275,384 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

355 new COVID-19 cases and one death in Singapore

Singapore reported 355 new COVID-19 cases and one fatality as of noon on Thursday (Dec 16). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 808.

Thursday's case count is down from the 474 infections reported on Wednesday. A total of 324 cases reported on Thursday are locally transmitted, comprising 315 in the community and nine in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 31 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 274,972 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

474 new COVID-19 cases and three deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 474 new COVID-19 cases and three fatalities as of noon on Wednesday (Dec 15). This takes the country's death toll from coronavirus complications to 807.

Wednesday's case count is up from the 442 infections reported on Tuesday. A total of 452 cases reported on Wednesday are locally transmitted, comprising 442 in the community and 10 in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 22 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 274,617 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

442 new COVID-19 cases and six deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 442 new COVID-19 cases and six fatalities as of noon on Tuesday (Dec 14). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 804.

Tuesday's daily case count is up from the 339 infections reported on Monday. A total of 409 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 401 in the community and eight in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 33 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has recorded 274,143 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

339 new COVID-19 cases and four deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 339 new COVID-19 cases and four fatalities as of noon on Monday (Dec 13). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 798.

Monday's daily case count is down from the 370 infections reported on Sunday. A total of 324 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 318 in the community and six in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 15 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. The number of new infections reported on Monday is the lowest since Sep 8, when 349 COVID-19 cases were reported.

As of Monday, Singapore has recorded 273,701 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

370 new COVID-19 cases and 5 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 370 new COVID-19 cases and five fatalities as of noon on Sunday (Dec 12). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 794.

Sunday's daily case count is down from the 559 infections reported on Saturday. A total of 359 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 355 in the community and four in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 11 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Sunday, Singapore has recorded 273,362 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

559 new COVID-19 cases and 6 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 559 new COVID-19 cases and six fatalities as of noon on Saturday (Dec 11). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 789.

Saturday's daily case count is up from the 454 infections reported on Friday. A total of 538 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 532 in the community and six in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 21 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Saturday, Singapore has recorded 272,992 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

454 new COVID-19 cases and 4 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 454 new COVID-19 cases and four fatalities as of noon on Friday (Dec 10). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 783.

Friday's daily case count is down from the 682 infections reported on Thursday. A total of 440 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 436 in the community and four in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 14 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website. This is the first time in three months that total new daily cases have fallen below 500. There were 457 infections reported on Sep 9.

As of Friday, Singapore has recorded 272,433 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

682 new COVID-19 cases and 5 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 682 new COVID-19 cases and five fatalities as of noon on Thursday (Dec 9). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 779.

Thursday's daily case count is down from the 709 infections reported on Wednesday. A total of 665 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 649 in the community and 16 in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 17 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

MOH also reported two more COVID-19 cases who have tested preliminarily positive for the Omicron variant. One was a local case who works at Changi Airport while the other was an imported infection. As of Thursday, Singapore has recorded 271,979 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

709 new COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 709 new COVID-19 cases and three fatalities as of noon on Wednesday (Dec 8). This takes the death toll from coronavirus complications to 774.

Wednesday's daily case count is down from the 715 infections reported on Tuesday. A total of 699 are locally transmitted cases, comprising 679 in the community and 20 in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 10 cases are imported, according to the latest infection statistics on the Ministry of Health's (MOH) website.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has recorded 271,297 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

715 new COVID-19 cases and 8 more deaths in Singapore

Singapore reported 715 new COVID-19 cases and eight more deaths from the coronavirus as of noon on Tuesday (Dec 7). A total of 771 people in Singapore have died from complications related to COVID-19.

Tuesday's daily case count is up from the 662 infections reported on Monday. The locally transmitted cases comprise 700 infections in the community and five cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 10 cases are imported, according to data on the MOH website.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has reported 270,588 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 662 new COVID-19 cases and 4 deaths; 2 Omicron infections confirmed

Singapore reported 662 new COVID-19 cases and four deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Monday (Dec 6). The fatalities were aged between 81 and 97. All had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 763.

The daily case count on Monday is up from the 552 infections reported on Sunday. Among the new cases, 651 are locally transmitted, comprising 638 infections in the community and 13 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 11 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.30pm.

As of Sunday, Singapore has reported 269,873 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 552 new COVID-19 infections and 13 deaths; 1 more imported case tests positive for Omicron variant

Singapore reported 552 new COVID-19 cases and 13 deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Sunday (Dec 5). The Ministry of Health (MOH) also reported one more imported COVID-19 case who has tested "preliminarily positive" for the Omicron variant. The fatalities were aged between 52 and 96. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 759.

The daily case count on Sunday is down from the 743 infections reported on Saturday. It is also the lowest since Sep 13. Among the new cases, 537 are locally transmitted, comprising 523 infections in the community and 14 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 15 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.20pm.

As of Sunday, Singapore has reported 269,211 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 743 new COVID-19 cases and 2 deaths

743 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday (Dec 4), the lowest figure since Sep 13. Two more people died, taking the country's death toll from the coronavirus to 746. The fatalities, both 70 years old, had various underlying medical conditions. The Ministry of Health (MOH) did not specify what these conditions were.

The daily case count on Saturday is down from the 766 infections reported on Friday. Among the new cases, 731 are locally transmitted, comprising 707 infections in the community and 24 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 12 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 10.40pm.

As of Saturday, Singapore has reported 268,659 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 766 new COVID-19 cases and 9 more deaths; ICU utilisation rate at 57.3%

Singapore reported 766 new COVID-19 cases and nine deaths linked to the coronavirus on Friday (Dec 3). The daily caseload fell below 1,000 for the first time since Nov 28. The fatalities were aged between 67 and 98. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. The Ministry of Health (MOH) did not specify what these conditions were. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 744.

The daily case count on Friday is down from the 1,101 infections reported on Thursday. Among the new cases, 749 are locally transmitted, comprising 738 infections in the community and 11 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 17 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 10.05pm.

As of Friday, Singapore has reported 267,916 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,101 new COVID-19 cases and 9 deaths; ICU utilisation rate at 56.4%

Singapore reported 1,101 new COVID-19 cases and nine deaths linked to the coronavirus on Thursday (Dec 2). The fatalities were aged between 56 and 99. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 735.

The daily case count on Thursday is down from the 1,324 infections reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases, 1,091 are locally transmitted, comprising 1,050 infections in the community and 41 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 10 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.05pm.

As of Thursday, Singapore has reported 267,150 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

COVID-19 - The Omicron Variant

The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-VE) is an independent group of experts that periodically monitors and evaluates the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and assesses if specific mutations and combinations of mutations alter the behaviour of the virus. The TAG-VE was convened on 26 November 2021 to assess the SARS-CoV-2 variant: B.1.1.529.

The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

This variant has a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, as compared to other VOCs. The number of cases of this variant appears to be increasing in almost all provinces in South Africa. Current SARS-CoV-2 PCR diagnostics continue to detect this variant. Several labs have indicated that for one widely used PCR test, one of the three target genes is not detected (called S gene dropout or S gene target failure) and this test can therefore be used as marker for this variant, pending sequencing confirmation. Using this approach, this variant has been detected at faster rates than previous surges in infection, suggesting that this variant may have a growth advantage.

Singapore reports 1,324 new COVID-19 cases and 8 deaths; ICU utilisation rate rises to 59.7%

Singapore reported 1,324 new COVID-19 cases and eight deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Wednesday (Dec 1). The fatalities were aged between 59 and 86. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 726.

The daily case count on Wednesday is up from the 1,239 infections reported on Tuesday. Among the new cases, 1,311 are locally transmitted, comprising 1,266 infections in the community and 45 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 13 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.25pm.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has reported 266,049 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,239 new COVID-19 cases and 8 deaths; ICU utilisation rate rises to 58.5%

Singapore reported 1,239 new COVID-19 cases and eight deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Tuesday (Nov 30). The fatalities were aged between 47 and 87. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 718.

The daily case count on Tuesday was up from the 1,103 infections reported on Monday. Among the new cases, 1,217 were locally transmitted, comprising 1,193 infections in the community and 24 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 22 were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.30pm.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has reported 264,725 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,103 new COVID-19 cases and 9 deaths; ICU utilisation rate drops to 51.2%

Singapore reported 1,103 new COVID-19 cases and nine deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Monday (Nov 29). The fatalities were aged between 58 and 91. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 710.

The daily case count on Monday was up from the 747 infections reported on Sunday. Among the new cases, 1,095 were locally transmitted, comprising 1,070 infections in the community and 25 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining eight were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.45pm.

As of Monday, Singapore has reported 263,486 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore's daily COVID-19 cases fall below 1,000 for the first time since Sep 20

Singapore reported 747 new COVID-19 cases and 11 more deaths linked to the virus as of noon on Sunday (Nov 28). This is the first time since Sep 20 that the country's daily caseload has dipped below 1,000. The fatalities were aged between 67 and 98. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. The Ministry of Health (MOH) did not specify what these conditions were. This brings Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus to 701.

The daily case count on Sunday is down from the 1,761 infections reported on Saturday. Among the new cases, 744 are locally transmitted, comprising 719 infections in the community and 25 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining three are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.10pm.

As of Sunday, Singapore has reported 262,383 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,761 new COVID-19 cases and 6 deaths; ICU utilisation rate rises to 56.6%

Singapore reported 1,761 new COVID-19 cases and six deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Saturday (Nov 27). The fatalities were aged between 55 and 82. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 690.

The daily case count on Saturday was up from the 1,090 infections reported on Friday. Among the new cases, 1,752 were locally transmitted, comprising 1,689 infections in the community and 63 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining nine were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.05pm.

As of Saturday, Singapore has reported 261,636 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,090 new COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths; ICU utilisation rate at 54.2%

Singapore reported 1,090 new COVID-19 cases and three deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Friday (Nov 26). The fatalities were aged between 69 and 83. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 684.

The daily case count on Friday was the lowest since Sep 20. It was down from the 1,275 infections reported on Thursday. Among the new cases, 1,086 were locally transmitted, comprising 1,064 infections in the community and 22 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining four were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.05pm.

As of Friday, Singapore has reported 259,875 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,275 new COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths; daily caseload lowest in more than 2 months

Singapore reported 1,275 new COVID-19 cases and three more deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Thursday (Nov 25). This is the lowest number of new infections since Sep 21 as well as the lowest number of deaths since Oct 7. The fatalities were aged between 69 and 74. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 681.

The daily case count on Thursday was down from the 2,079 infections reported on Wednesday. Among the new cases, 1,259 are locally transmitted, comprising 1,228 infections in the community and 31 in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 16 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.10pm.

As of Thursday, Singapore has reported 258,785 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 2,079 new COVID-19 cases and 6 deaths; ICU utilisation rate rises slightly

Singapore reported 2,079 new COVID-19 cases and six deaths from complications due to the coronavirus as of noon on Wednesday (Nov 24). The fatalities were aged between 60 and 83. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 678.

The daily case count on Wednesday was up from the 1,782 infections reported on Tuesday, and was the highest in a week. Among the new cases, 2,070 were locally transmitted, comprising 2,030 infections in the community and 40 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining nine were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11pm.

As of Wednesday, Singapore has reported 257,510 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,782 new COVID-19 cases and 5 deaths; ICU utilisation rate at 55.2%

Singapore reported 1,782 new COVID-19 cases and five deaths from complications due to the coronavirus as of noon on Tuesday (Nov 23). The fatalities were aged between 62 and 92. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 672.

The daily case count on Tuesday was up from the 1,461 infections reported on Monday.  Among the new cases, 1,775 were locally transmitted, comprising 1,754 infections in the community and 21 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining seven were imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 10.15pm.

As of Tuesday, Singapore has reported 255,431 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

1,461 new COVID-19 cases and 5 more deaths in Singapore; daily caseload lowest in nearly 2 months

Singapore reported 1,461 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Nov 22), the lowest number of infections in nearly two months. This is the first time since Sep 25 that Singapore's daily caseload has fallen below 1,500 infections.

Five more deaths linked to the coronavirus were reported, with the cases aged between 61 and 105. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions.

As of Monday, Singapore has reported 253,649 COVID-19 cases and 667 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Singapore reports 1,670 new COVID-19 cases and 8 more deaths; ICU utilisation rate falls to 52.9%

Singapore reported 1,670 new COVID-19 cases and eight more deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Sunday (Nov 21). The fatalities were aged between 63 and 95. All of them had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 662.

The daily case count on Sunday is down from the 1,931 infections reported on Saturday. It is also the lowest since Sep 27. Among the new cases, 1,657 are locally transmitted, comprising 1,577 infections in the community and 80 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining 13 are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.05pm.

As of Sunday, Singapore has reported 252,188 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

'End of stabilisation phase': Group size limits for dining in, social gatherings of up to 5 from Nov 22

From Monday (Nov 22), fully vaccinated people can dine together in groups of up to five, even if they are not from the same household. The two-person cap on social gatherings will also be raised to five persons, and households may take in up to five distinct visitors a day from Monday.

The changes came after the Government announced that the Covid-19 "stabilisation phase" will end on Sunday. In a statement on Saturday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said that Singapore will move into the “transition phase” of its reopening plan, bringing the country back on track on its four-stage roadmap to live with Covid-19.

Right now, fully vaccinated people are allowed to dine at food establishments in groups of up to five only if they are from the same household. If they are from different households, they may only dine in pairs. The easing of measures were in view of the Covid-19 situation having improved since the stabilisation phase was extended for a month in October.


On 20 October 2021, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced the extension of the Stabilisation Phase for four weeks, through to 21 November 2021. With the efforts and cooperation of everyone, our overall infection numbers and hospital situation have largely stabilised and improved. In the coming weeks, a significant proportion of the population would have had or will be receiving their vaccination boosters. Overall, we are in a better position to proceed with further easing of our community Safe Management Measures (SMMs), in a careful and calibrated manner, and exit the Stabilisation Phase into a Transition Phase.

From 22 November 2021, we will increase group sizes for dine-in and social gatherings from 2 to 5 persons, irrespective of whether the group members are from the same household or not. We will also extend our Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS) to protect the unvaccinated from getting infected and becoming severely ill. In-person visits to hospitals and residential care homes will also resume with VDS in place. To enhance protection for our population as we ease community measures, we will also accelerate our booster vaccination programme.

Even with these moves, it is important that we remain disciplined and vigilant. While the local situation is stabilising and our healthcare system is still able to manage the current caseload, we must not let our guard down. We should not seek to push the limits, but should continue to exercise restraint in our social interactions even as we approach the year-end period. All of us need to continue to play our part to prevent another wave of infection which could put pressure on our healthcare system.

Tapering down support measures as Singapore exits Stabilisation Phase

As Singapore exits the Stabilisation Phase, the Government will correspondingly taper down support measures to $90m to help affected businesses and those self-employed:
  • Extension of Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) - 10% Jobs Support Scheme support from 22 November to 19 December 2021 for F&B, retail, cinemas, museums, art galleries, historical sites, family entertainment, tourism, gyms and fitness studios, and performing arts and arts education. Please refer to the table below for more information.
  • Rental waiter for stallholders - 0.5 month rental waiver for the cooked food and market stallholders in centres managed by NEA or NEA-appointed operators.
  • COVID-19 Driver Relief Fund payout for taxi and private hire car drivers - Dec 2021: $10*/vehicle/day - Jan 2022: $5/vehicle/day

Stabilisation Phase extended by a month until Nov 21
The current Stabilisation Phase, which began on Sep 27 and includes measures such as the two-person cap on social gatherings and dining at food and beverage (F&B) establishments, will be extended for a month. PHOTO: SPH

SINGAPORE'S Stabilisation Phase, originally meant to end after Oct 24, will be extended by four weeks until Nov 21, with an additional S$640 million support package on the way to help companies and individuals, the multi-ministry taskforce on Covid-19 announced on Wednesday (Oct 20).

"We have explained earlier that we can relax the restrictions only if the pressure eases off on the healthcare system," said taskforce co-chair and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.

While the government is beefing up manpower and capacity, it will take time for these reinforcements to come in, and in the meantime, Singapore faces "considerable risk of the healthcare system being overwhelmed", he said.

Singapore enters the Stabilisation Phase on 27 September 2021

During this stabilisation period, safe management measures will be tightened to slow down the number of COVID-19 cases. 

From 27 Sep - 24 Oct, social gatherings will be reduced to a maximum of 2 persons. Work-from-home will be the default and home-based learning for Primary and Special Education schools will be extended till 7 Oct. Seniors are also strongly encouraged to stay home as much as possible. 

Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong was speaking at the Multi-Ministry Taskforce press conference on 24 Sept 2021.

COVID-19: Singapore abandoning ‘Zero COVID’ strategy

Singapore reported 1,931 new COVID-19 cases and 13 more deaths linked to the coronavirus as of noon on Saturday (Nov 20). The fatalities were aged between 62 and 98. All of them, except for an unvaccinated case, had various underlying medical conditions. Singapore's death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 654.

The daily case count on Saturday is up from the 1,734 infections reported on Friday. Among the new cases, 1,925 are locally transmitted, comprising 1,867 infections in the community and 58 cases in migrant workers' dormitories. The remaining six are imported cases, MOH said in its daily update released to the media at about 11.30pm.

As of Saturday, Singapore has reported 250,518 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic.

COVID-19 infections in Singapore:
Singapore reports deaths from COVID-19

Singapore urges calm after panic buying hits supermarkets
Singapore reports its first cases of local COVID-19 transmission
Singapore confirms cases of COVID-19 Virus