

Singapore approves Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

Update 16 Nov 2021: Pfizer Shot Generated Most Antibodies in Comparative Study

Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE’s Covid-19 shot yielded the strongest immune response among four vaccines tested in a study, which found people getting Sinopharm’s inoculation may be particularly susceptible to a breakthrough infection.

Levels of protective antibodies to the part of the coronavirus that SARS-CoV-2 uses to infect human cells varied widely across each of the four vaccine groups. “Relatively low” antibody concentrations were stimulated by the Sinopharm and Sputnik V vaccines, intermediate levels for the AstraZeneca Plc vaccine, and the highest values for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, a study in the journal Cell Host and Microbe showed. 

The reasons for the differences in immune responses between vaccine types are the subject of intense research. They are likely to include factors such as the amount of active ingredient in each dose and the interval between getting the first and second shots, said the authors from Stanford University, the Onom Foundation, and the National Center for Zoonotic Diseases in Ulaanbaatar in the paper published Thursday.

Pfizer or Moderna booster - which is more effective?
The Health Ministry recently did a study on the relative effectiveness of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines as booster shots. PHOTO: AFP

Getting a booster shot with either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine further reduces the risk of infection by over 60 per cent. Those who had taken a Moderna booster shot after two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech saw a further reduction in infection risk by 72 per cent, while those who took a Pfizer booster shot after two jabs of the Pfizer vaccine saw a 62 per cent reduction.

The statistics was shared by Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Monday evening (Nov 15) at a virtual press conference held by the multi-ministry task force on Covid-19. He said that the Health Ministry had recently done a study on the relative effectiveness of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines as booster shots in terms of reducing infection risk, and compared the two combinations.

One possible combination is three consecutive shots of the Pfizer vaccine (two regular jabs and one booster) while the other combination is a Moderna shot after two regular doses of the Pfizer jab. Mr Ong noted that results for other combinations, such as a Pfizer shot after two doses of Moderna jabs, do not have large sample sizes and hence may not yield meaningful statistics.

Third dose of Pfizer vaccine 'really lifts the level of immunity', immunologist says

An immunologist says those who qualify should get a Covid-19 booster shot because it seems that the third dose of Pfizer really lifts people's level of immunity. The government yesterday announced that booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine would be available in a fortnight from 29 November for people who got their second dose more than six months ago.

Ultimately the booster shots will be available to everyone, though those initially seeking a third shot will be the over-65s, border workers and medical staff - the first cohort to be vaccinated earlier this year. Immunologist Graham Le Gros, who is director at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, said booster shots had great potential to change the game for the better.

"It seems that with this Pfizer vaccine, the third dose really lifts the level of immunity way beyond and it really gives the person who receives it a very strong immune response, very protective and it really resists against that waning immunity we've seen from overseas." He said some people, such as those on immune suppressive drugs or those who are older, may not have had such a good immune response to two shots of the vaccine and the third dose would bring their immune response up to a good level so they stay protected.

Thoughts on third shot: Boosters will likely be useful

When a person is fully vaccinated with the recommended number of doses, a certain level of protection is achieved against infection, hospitalisation, and death. That level of protection varies with time, with vaccine and by variant.

Early data from Israel demonstrated the high rates of protection afforded by the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, Comirnaty. By July, the Israeli data showed declining protection, with people who were vaccinated earliest in the pandemic having less protection than those who were vaccinated later, particularly the elderly.

In other data from the Middle East, inactivated vaccines protected less than mRNA vaccines, and less well against the Beta variant. A number of countries began first discussing and then implementing policies to vaccinate either vulnerable groups, or their entire eligible populations, with booster doses. The early experience of these countries has shown that adding a booster dose results in better protection than staying with just the original full vaccination schedule.

US rolls out COVID-19 vaccine for young children ages 5 to 11

The United States on Wednesday (Nov 3) began administering the COVID-19 vaccine to children ages 5 to 11, the latest group to become eligible for the shots that provide protection against the illness to recipients and those around them.

On Tuesday, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the Pfizer-BioNTech shot for broad use in that age group, four days after it was authorised by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Only a limited number of the 15 million shots being distributed now will be available on Wednesday. They are expected to be more widely accessible at paediatrician's offices, children's hospitals and pharmacies next week.


Government to begin Sinovac COVID-19 jabs at Raffles City

Individuals can make appointments to receive the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccination at Raffles City Convention Centre from Saturday (Oct 30), with seniors being allowed to walk in without an appointment from Sunday.

"This will greatly expand capacity on top of the private clinics and public healthcare institutions that administer the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine on behalf of the Ministry of Health (MOH)," said the ministry in a press release on Saturday.

Last week, the COVID-19 multi-ministry task force announced that the Sinovac vaccine would be included in the National Vaccination Programme.

Sinovac included in Singapore's national Covid-19 vaccination programme
Under the national vaccination programme, the Sinovac vaccine will be administered for free. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI

The Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine will be included in the national vaccination programme to cater to those unable or unwilling to be vaccinated with mRNA vaccines, the multi-ministry task force managing the pandemic said on Saturday (Oct 23).

This follows the Health Sciences Authority's (HSA) interim authorisation of the vaccine under the Pandemic Special Access Route (PSAR).

Three doses of the Sinovac vaccine will be required for a person to be considered fully vaccinated, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Why vaccinated people dying from Covid-19 doesn't mean the vaccines are ineffective

Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell died on Monday of Covid-19 complications. His family announced that he was fully vaccinated. He was 84 years old, and had multiple myeloma, a blood cancer.

Health officials worry that anti-vaccine activists will seize upon Powell's death to make the claim that vaccines don't work. If you can still die after being vaccinated for Covid-19, what's the point of getting the vaccine?

What's the answer to that question? I discussed it with CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. She is also author of a new book, "Lifelines: A Doctor's Journey in the Fight for Public Health."

It’s Time to Trust China’s and Russia’s Vaccines

While the richest countries in the world are grappling with shortages of Covid-19 vaccines, some of the poorest worry about getting vaccines at all. Yet a solution to both problems may be hiding in plain sight: vaccines from China and Russia, and soon, perhaps, India.

Chinese and Russian vaccines were initially dismissed in Western and other global media, partly because of a perception that they were inferior to the vaccines produced by Moderna, Pfizer-BioNtech or AstraZeneca. And that perception seemed to stem partly from the fact that China and Russia are authoritarian states. But evidence has been accumulating for a while that the vaccines from those countries work well, too. The leading medical journal The Lancet published this week interim results from late-stage trials showing that Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine, had an efficacy rate of 91.6 percent. Those confirmed findings released in mid-December by the vaccine’s developers, the Gamaleya Center and the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Serbia, Morocco, Hungary and Pakistan have approved the Sinopharm vaccine from China; as of mid-January, 1.8 million people in the U.A.E. had received it. Bolivia, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil and Chile have approved and begun to roll out another Chinese vaccine, from Sinovac. Sputnik V will be distributed in more than a dozen countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

The world turns to China for Covid-19 vaccines after India, US stumble
The WHO is weighing data on Chinese vaccines before a decision on clearance, which is expected in days or weeks. PHOTO: EPA-EFE

The world is fast becoming ever more reliant on China for vaccines, with India's raging virus outbreak stifling its ability to deliver on supply deals, even as the US tries to position itself as a champion of wider access.

Over the past few weeks, leaders of some of the globe's most populous nations have sought more shots from China despite concerns about their effectiveness. Demand is expected to rise even further if the World Health Organisation, as expected, authorises vaccines from China's Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm Group, allowing developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to access them through Covax, the global vaccination effort.

"China has become not just the largest exporter," said Yanzhong Huang, a China specialist and senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations. "In many countries it has become the only option." China's reliability as a vaccine supplier is increasing its geopolitical clout at a time when the US and the EU have been slow confronting the global pandemic as Covid hot spots rage out of control in India, Brazil and elsewhere.

Comparing the Vaccines - How Are They Different?
Although each vaccine is unique, all of them offer strong protection against severe disease

In the United States, the highly transmissible Delta variant is driving an uptick in COVID-19 cases, primarily among the unvaccinated. But the good news is, as the weeks pass, more reports have been coming out about the effectiveness of the vaccines that are in use and the potential of those still in development. So, how do they differ?

It’s important to keep up, but it’s also a daunting task, given the flood of information (and misinformation) coming at us from so many directions. Vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are being administered in the U.S. right now, and others are on track to do the same.

We mapped out a comparison of the most prominent COVID-19 vaccines. The three vaccines in use in the US:
  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Moderna
  • Johnson & Johnson

Rate of suspected adverse events linked to the Covid-19 vaccines

In its sixth safety update on Covid-19 vaccines, covering the period from Dec 30 last year to Sept 30 this year, the HSA said 9,209,201 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines have been administered as at Sept 30 this year.

The rate of suspected adverse events linked to the Covid-19 vaccines under the national vaccination programme is 0.14 per cent, with 12,589 reports received. The rate of serious adverse events is much lower, at 0.006 per cent, with 581 reports received.

As for the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine, 111 suspected adverse event reports were received after 180,903 doses were administered, which means the rate of suspected adverse events is 0.06 per cent. Nine (0.005 per cent of doses administered) of the reports were assessed as serious. With the Sinopharm vaccine, 17,630 doses were administered, with three suspected adverse event reports received, which means an adverse event rate of 0.02 per cent. No serious adverse events were reported with the Sinopharm vaccine.

3 suspected ‘adverse events’ reported out of 17,630 Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine doses: HSA

As of Sept 30, there were a total of three reports of suspected “adverse events” experienced by people who received the Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said. In its sixth safety report, HSA said on Friday (Oct 15) that the three reports were out of a total of 17,630 doses of the China-made vaccine administered here since Aug 30, when the first dose was given. It was approved under HSA’s special access route. There were also no serious adverse events reported for the vaccine so far, it added. An adverse event for vaccination is any undesirable medical condition that occurs after taking the vaccine, which does not necessarily have a direct link to it. It may be coincidental or related to an underlying or undiagnosed disease.  These have to be reported by healthcare providers to HSA.

As for the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine, HSA said it has received 111 reports of suspected adverse events, including nine serious ones, out of a total of 180,903 doses of the vaccine being administered here since Sept 30. The 111 reports is an increase from the 90 suspected adverse events stated in HSA’s fifth safety report about a month ago.

As for the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, which are part of Singapore's national voluntary vaccination programme, HSA said it has received 12,589 reports of suspected adverse events. This is 0.14 per cent of the more than 8.9 million doses administered as of Sept 30, just marginally more than the 0.13 per cent in the update last month. About 79 per cent of the suspected adverse events were among people younger than 60 and 67 per cent were women. Suspected serious adverse events made up 581 or 0.006 per cent of all doses of the mRNA vaccines, the same percentage as stated in the last update

Moderna vs Pfizer - Both knockouts, but one seems to have the edge
Pfizer-BioNTech (left) and Moderna Covid-19 doses ready for patients at a pharmacy on March 8, 2021. In a half-dozen studies published over the past few weeks, Moderna’s vaccine appeared to be more protective over the long term than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

It was a constant refrain from federal health officials after the coronavirus vaccines were authorised: These shots are all equally effective. That has turned out not to be true. Roughly 221 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have been dispensed thus far in the United States, compared with about 150 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine. In a half-dozen studies published over the past few weeks, Moderna’s vaccine appeared to be more protective than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the months after immunisation.

The latest such study, published on Wednesday (Sept 22) in The New England Journal of Medicine, evaluated the real-world effectiveness of the vaccines at preventing symptomatic illness in about 5,000 health care workers in 25 states. The study found that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine had an effectiveness of 88.8 per cent, compared with Moderna’s 96.3 per cent. Research published on Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against hospitalisation fell from 91 per cent to 77 per cent after a four-month period following the second shot. The Moderna vaccine showed no decline over the same period. If the efficacy gap continues to widen, it may have implications for the debate on booster shots. Federal agencies this week are evaluating the need for a third shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for some high-risk groups, including older adults.

Scientists who were initially sceptical of the reported differences between the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines have slowly become convinced that the disparity is small but real. “Our baseline assumption is that the mRNA vaccines are functioning similarly, but then you start to see a separation,” said Dr Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University in Atlanta. “It’s not a huge difference, but at least it’s consistent.”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla predicts normal life will return within a year and adds we may need annual Covid shots

There will be a return to normal life within a year, Pfizer CEO and Chairman Albert Bourla said on Sunday, adding that it’s likely annual Covid vaccination shots will be necessary. “Within a year I think we will be able to come back to normal life,” Bourla said in an interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

Returning to normal life will have caveats, he said: “I don’t think that this means that the variants will not continue coming, and I don’t think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations,” Bourla said. “But that, again, remains to be seen.” Bourla’s prediction about when normal life will resume is in keeping with that of Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel. “As of today, in a year, I assume,” Bancel told the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung, according to Reuters on Thursday, when asked for his estimate of a return to normal life.

In order to make that happen, Pfizer’s Bourla suggested it is likely annual coronavirus vaccine shots will be needed. “The most likely scenario for me is that, because the virus is spread all over the world, that it will continue seeing new variants that are coming out,” Bourla said. “Also we will have vaccines that they will last at least a year, and I think the most likely scenario is annual vaccination, but we don’t know really, we need to wait and see the data.”

COVID-19 vaccine boosters could mean billions for drugmakers
In this March 2021 photo provided by Pfizer, a technician works on a line for packaging preparation for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at the company's facility in Puurs, Belgium. Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans' protection against the virus. (Pfizer via AP)

Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers as the U.S. moves toward dispensing COVID-19 booster shots to shore up Americans' protection against the virus. How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on how big the rollout proves to be. U.S. health officials last week endorsed booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for all Americans 65 and older — along with tens of millions of younger people who are at higher risk from the coronavirus because of health conditions or their jobs.

Officials described the move as a first step. Boosters will likely be offered even more broadly in the coming weeks or months, including boosters of vaccines made by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in particular. “The opportunity quite frankly is reflective of the billions of people around the world who would need a vaccination and a boost,” Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said.

Wall Street is taking notice. The average forecast among analysts for Moderna’s 2022 revenue has jumped 35% since President Joe Biden laid out his booster plan in mid-August. Most of the vaccinations so far in the U.S. have come from Pfizer, which developed its shot with Germany’s BioNTech, and Moderna. They have inoculated about 99 million and 68 million people, respectively. Johnson & Johnson is third with about 14 million people. No one knows yet how many people will get the extra shots. But Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen expects boosters alone to bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer and BioNTech and around $14 billion for Moderna if they are endorsed for nearly all Americans.

Moderna Covid-19 vaccine edges Pfizer in new US research
The Moderna vaccine was 93 per cent effective against hospitalisation, Pfizer was 88 per cent effective, and J&J was 68 per cent effective. PHOTO: REUTERS

A new study released by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday (Sept 17) is the latest to suggest the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine confers better long-term protection against hospitalisation than Pfizer.

CDC researchers conducted an analysis of nearly 3,689 adults who were hospitalized with severe Covid-19 from March 11 to Aug 15, 2021 - a period that precedes and includes the dominance of the Delta variant.

Overall, 12.9 per cent were fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine, 20 per cent were vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, and 3.1 per cent were vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson.

80% immunity from Pfizer vaccine lost in 6 months

COVID-19 antibodies generated by the Pfizer vaccine dipped by more than 80% six months after the second dose, a study conducted in the United States has found. The research, led by Case Western Reserve University and Brown University, examined the blood samples of 120 nursing home residents and 92 healthcare workers, reports say. Here are more details on this.

The results were the same in seniors, with a median age of 76, and caregivers, with a median age of 48, according to the researchers. The study has been posted on the pre-print server medRxiv but is yet to be published. In fact, seniors who had not previously contracted COVID-19 had substantially reduced antibodies within two weeks of receiving the second dose, researchers reported. Six months after the vaccination, the blood of 70% of the nursing home residents showed "very poor ability to neutralize the coronavirus infection in laboratory experiments," said David Canaday, a professor at the Case Western Reserve University. Canaday added these findings support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) recommendation for booster shots, especially for the elderly.

Pfizer's was one of the first vaccines to be approved in the US. It uses mRNA-based technology, meaning it gives your cells instructions to make the coronavirus's spike protein, teaching your immune system to protect you if the virus affects you. Earlier, company CEO Albert Bourla had said the efficacy of Pfizer's vaccine declines to about 84%, four-six months after the second dose. The study has further highlighted the need to give out booster shots, especially to vulnerable populations. The US is expected to start administering COVID-19 booster shots this month. That campaign will start with the Pfizer vaccine from September 20, according to top officials. Israel has already started giving out booster shots while several other countries are planning to do so.

Moderna says COVID-19 vaccine protection wanes, makes case for booster

New data from Moderna's large COVID-19 vaccine trial shows that the protection it offers wanes over time, supporting the case for booster doses, the company said in a news release on Wednesday (Sep 15).

"This is only one estimate, but we do believe this means as you look toward the fall and winter, at minimum we expect the estimated impact of waning immunity would be 600,000 additional cases of COVID-19," Moderna President Stephen Hoge said on a conference call with investors. Hoge did not project how many of the cases would be severe, but said some would require hospitalisation.

The data stands in stark contrast with data from several recent studies that suggested Moderna's vaccine protection lasts longer than a similar shot from Pfizer and German partner BioNTech. Experts said the difference is likely due to Moderna's higher dose of messenger RNA (mRNA) and the slightly longer interval between the first and second shots. Both vaccines proved to be exceedingly effective at preventing illness in their large Phase III studies.

90 reports of suspected adverse reactions to Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine in S'pore

There have been 90 reports of suspected adverse reactions to the Sinovac-CoronaVac vaccine, including five serious ones, as of Aug 31, the authorities announced on Thursday (Sept 16). With 168,439 doses of the vaccine administered in the same period, this amounts to a rate of 0.053 per cent for suspected cases, and about 0.003 per cent for serious ones.

In its fifth safety update on Covid-19 vaccines, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) also said 8,716,085 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines have been administered under the national vaccination programme as of Aug 31. A total of 11,737 suspected adverse reactions - 0.13 per cent - were reported for vaccines under the national vaccination programme in the same period. Of these, 498 reports (0.006 per cent) were classified as serious adverse events.

The most commonly reported symptoms were consistent with those typically observed following vaccination. They include dizziness, shortness of breath, chest tightness or discomfort, palpitations, injection site reactions such as pain and swelling, fever and allergic reactions (such as rashes, itching, hives and swelling of eyelids, face and lips). These typically resolve within a few days, said HSA. Among the serious cases, the most frequently reported were anaphylaxis and other severe allergic reactions.

Singapore fully vaccinated 81% of its population. What’s next?

Back in 1959, publicity trucks roamed the streets of Singapore to encourage citizens to get vaccinated against smallpox. The nation has taken a page from history – it’s rolling out mobile vaccination drives and catchy jingles to persuade citizens to get their Covid-19 shots.

Singapore has fully vaccinated 81 per cent of its population from the virus, making it one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. “I don’t think there are many countries that have achieved such a high rate of vaccination,” says Ong Ye Kung, Singapore’s Minister for Health.

How did Singapore do it, and what’s next in the country’s reopening as infections rise? In an exclusive interview with GovInsider, Ong discusses lessons from the pandemic, the need for public trust in government, and mental health.

Tracking Singapore's Covid-19 vaccination progress
Note: Fully vaccinated individuals refer to those who have received their second doses and recovered people who have received at least one dose

A total of 8,867,170 doses have been administered in Singapore under the national vaccination programme as at Sept 12.

Both first and second doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty and Moderna vaccines are currently being administered.

In addition, 176,860 doses of other vaccines recognised in the World Health Organization’s Emergency Use Listing, which includes includes Sinovac-Coronavac, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca, have been administered as at Sept 12, covering 86,614 individuals.

COVID-19 - To Boost or not to Boost

How long does the protective immunity provided by the COVID-19 vaccines last? Do we need to “boost” immunity for continued protection? Recently, these questions have thrown science and politics into a contentious situation. The Biden administration has strongly recommended booster shots for COVID-19 beginning this month, with the caveat that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would have to approve. As a result, significant public and political pressure has been put on the FDA to fast-track approval of the booster. The FDA traditionally proceeds slowly and cautiously with insistence on rigorous supporting data and usually does not respond well to pressure.

This conflict recently led to the resignation of the FDA’s director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Dr. Marion Gruber, and her deputy director, Dr. Philip Krause. Both are capable scientists with years of experience evaluating vaccines.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration appears not to have adhered to its plan to follow the science when making the recommendation for vaccine boosters. If vaccine-induced immunity is indeed waning, it would be prudent to ready the supply chain to administer millions of booster shots. However, if robust immunity remains sufficient to protect from severe disease, then this rush to boost wastes valuable resources and compromises the goal of ending the pandemic. This decision requires rigorous scientific evidence that protection afforded by the vaccine is indeed waning.

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Those given Sinovac, Sinopharm or AstraZeneca jabs counted as fully vaccinated from 10 Aug

From next Tuesday (10 August), those in Singapore who receive COVID-19 jabs that are not under the national programme but are under the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) emergency use listing will also be recognised as fully-vaccinated two weeks after completing the vaccine regimen.

This means that those who received shots made by AstraZeneca, Covishield, Janssen or Johnson & Johnson, Sinopharm, and Sinovac will be eligible for the vaccination-differentiated safe management measures and be counted under Singapore's daily vaccination numbers, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Friday (6 August) during a virtual multi-ministry press conference.

"As our vaccination coverage increases...we are collectively more resilient, the consideration will change. What is important now is the difference between those vaccinated and non-vaccinated, and less so between different vaccines," said Ong.

More vaccines including Sinovac to be recognised

SINGAPORE'S vaccination rate is on track to hitting 70 per cent by National Day on Aug 9, with 67 per cent of the population having received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine as of Thursday. Those who have taken at least one jab now stands at 78 per cent of the population, and Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Friday that Singapore will have 80 per cent of people be fully vaccinated a month from today.

The government is adopting a "vaccination-differentiated" approach as it adjusts its safe management and border measures going forward. Fully vaccinated people will be able to engage in a wider range of activities - such as food and beverage dine-in for groups of up to five people from Aug 10 - compared to the unvaccinated. 

With Singapore now having a higher vaccination coverage, MOH said it will recognise more Covid-19 vaccines in the World Health Organisation's Emergency Use Listing (WHO EUL). From Aug 10, those who are fully vaccinated with the WHO EUL vaccines such as Sinovac-CoronaVac, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca will be eligible for the new vaccination-differentiated safe management measures.

Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Sinovac: A look at three key COVID-19 vaccines

By the end of this week, people in the country worst-hit by COVID-19 could gain access to a second COVID-19 vaccine. On Tuesday (Dec 15), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) endorsed mRNA-1273 - the vaccine candidate made by American biotechnology company Moderna - as safe and effective. Singapore has also approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, with the first shipment expected by the end of the year. A third COVID-19 vaccine, developed by China's Sinovac Biotech, is also currently in late-stage trials. Indonesia already has 1.2 million doses of CoronaVac, the vaccine it has been testing since August. Here’s a look at how the three COVID-19 vaccines differ:
  • PFIZER-BIONTECH (Type: mRNA) - The COVID-19 vaccine developed by US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech was the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by the US FDA for emergency use. How it works: The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine uses messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. mRNA vaccines teach our cells to make a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. This is different from traditional vaccines which put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies.
  • MODERNA (Type: mRNA) - The initial results from Moderna's vaccine were described a month ago by the US' leading expert on infectious diseases Anthony Fauci as "stunningly impressive". How it works: Just like the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the Moderna vaccine uses mRNA technology.
  • SINOVAC (Type: Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus) - Developed by China's Sinovac Biotech, the vaccine, known as CoronaVac, is currently undergoing phase 3 clinical trials in places such as Brazil and Indonesia. How it works: Sinovac's vaccine uses inactivated vaccine technology, which utilises virus particles that have been killed to stimulate our bodies to produce an immune response. This vaccine is similar to the flu vaccine.

Watch out for misinformation about mRNA and inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccines

Misleading social media messages have been claiming that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines – authorised by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) under the Pandemic Special Access Route (PSAR) – are unsafe and ineffective in protecting against COVID-19, including Variants of Concern (VOCs) such as the B16172 or “delta” variant. These messages also asserted that inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccines, like Sinovac, would provide superior protection, and should be offered to children instead. Let us examine the claims:
  • Claim #1: mRNA vaccines are ineffective against COVID-19. Both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines continue to be highly efficacious, with efficacy rate at around 90%. This has been established by the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination (EC19V) based on their continual review of global and local data. These two vaccines are also especially effective in protecting against severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalisation.
  • Claim #2: mRNA vaccines are useless in protecting us against COVID-19 mutations. The mRNA vaccines are effective in protecting us against key VOCs, including the B16172 or “delta” variant. Studies in the UK demonstrated that two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine can provide around 80% protection against symptomatic COVID-19 infection with the delta variant. While further studies are required before drawing definitive conclusions, the available data globally indicates that substantial protection is preserved. The asymptomatic to mild infections detected locally with the delta variant in vaccinated persons is consistent with the global evidence that mRNA vaccines provides protection against symptomatic and severe disease.
  • Claim #3 - mRNA vaccines are not safe. The mRNA vaccines have gone through rigorous evaluation by HSA and EC19V and have been assessed to be safe for use. They had been authorised by HSA under the Pandemic Special Access Route (PSAR) and included as part of our COVID-19 national vaccination programme. Like all vaccines, people who receive the COVID-19 vaccines may experience common side effects. Most of the side effects are mild or moderate, and usually get better within a few days. In very rare instances, persons may experience serious side effects, such as a severe allergic reaction to the mRNA vaccine (e.g., anaphylaxis). The currently available data also suggests that there may be a very small risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the second dose of an mRNA vaccine, particularly in young men. However, these serious side effects are rare, and risks are mitigated with careful monitoring of symptoms and seeking medical attention early. Overall, the benefits of receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, i.e., reduction in COVID-19 infections and severe complications even if infected, continue to outweigh the risks of vaccination. It is strongly recommended that medically eligible persons are vaccinated with them.
  • Claim #4 - Inactivated virus vaccines, like Sinovac, can protect us better than mRNA. Sinovac, an inactivated virus vaccine, has shown variable protection across multiple international studies. The most complete analysis of the vaccine showed a vaccine efficacy of 51%. The protection of Sinovac against newer variants, such as the delta variant, and under real-world conditions remains unknown. On the other hand, global and local data has shown that the PSAR-authorised mRNA vaccines are able to protect against COVID-19 and its variants by reducing the severity of symptoms. The Sinovac vaccine has yet to meet the requirements for PSAR authorisation. HSA is currently still waiting for the additional safety and quality data from Sinovac for evaluation.
  • Claim #5 – Children should be given Sinovac since the vaccine technology has proven to be safe. WHO does not recommend the use of Sinovac in persons below age 18 years even though it is put under its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) Procedure. As such, this is currently not an option for children and adolescents globally nor in Singapore under the Special Access Route (SAR). On 18 May 2021, HSA endorsed the use of Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine in children between 12 to 15 years old. This decision was made after the careful assessment of the safety and efficacy data from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for persons of this age group.

Comparing COVID-19 Vaccines: Timelines, Types and Prices

Getting a handle on the COVID-19 vaccine market and sales is definitely a moving target, with governments subsidizing manufacturing and distribution, and prices varying from country to country. Morningstar noted on May 3, 2021, that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines account for more than 60% of the total COVID-19 market estimate in 2021 and 2022. The overall COVID-19 market. The overall market for COVID-19 drugs and vaccines is projected to peak this year at $67 billion, drop to $61 billion in 2022. Most likely, as more and more of the world’s population become vaccinated, Morningstar projects the overall COVID-19 market to be $8 billion annually beginning in 2023, but could drop as low as $500 million.

  • Pfizer-BioNTech (Type: mRNA) - The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was sent to the FDA for possible Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on Friday, November 20 and authorized on December 11. It is an mRNA vaccine that codes for the virus’s spike protein and is encapsulated in a lipid nanoparticle. Once injected, the cells churn out the spike protein, triggering the body’s immune system to recognize the virus. In Phase III trials, it demonstrated 95% efficacy. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine requires storage at about -94 degrees F, which requires specialized freezers. Now authorized in the U.S. for adolescents 12 to 15 years of age.
  • Moderna (Type: mRNA) - On November 16, Moderna issued a preliminary data readout out of its COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting an efficacy rate of 94.5%. It was authorized by the FDA on December 19. Like the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, it is an mRNA vaccine. Unlike that vaccine, however, the Moderna vaccine is stable at 36 to 46 degrees F, about the temperature of a standard home or medical refrigerator, for up to 30 days and can be stored for up to six months at -4 degrees F.
  • AstraZeneca (Type: Adenovirus-based) - On November 23, AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford announced high-level results from an interim analysis of their COVID-19 vaccine, AZD1222. The analysis was from the trials in the UK and Brazil and demonstrated efficacy of up to 90%. The vaccine was effective at preventing COVID-19, with no hospitalizations or severe cases in people receiving it. There were a total of 131 COVID-19 positive cases in the interim analysis group. One dosing regimen was given at a half dose and demonstrated 90% efficacy, followed by a full dose at least one month apart. Another dosing regimen demonstrated 62% efficacy when given two full doses at least one month apart. The combined analysis showed average efficacy of 70%. The AstraZeneca vaccine can be stored, transported and handled at normal refrigerated conditions, about 36-46 degrees F for at least six months and administered within existing healthcare settings.
  • Johnson & Johnson (Type: Adenovirus-based) - Johnson & Johnson announced on November 15 that it initiated a second global Phase III trial of its Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. They expect to enroll up to 60,000 volunteers worldwide. Whereas all of the other three vaccine candidates require two doses about 28 days apart, the J&J vaccine only requires a single dose. Interim results from its Phase I/IIa trial demonstrated a single dose of the vaccine induced a robust immune response and was generally well-tolerated. The ENSEMBLE 2 study evaluated a two-dose regimen as well.
  • Russia’s Sputnik V Vaccine (Type: Adenovirus-based) - Around November 11, Russia’s National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, which Russia authorized for use in August—ahead of even beginning a Phase III trial—claimed had an efficacy rate of 92% after the second dose. It was based on a first interim analysis 21 days after the first injection during the ongoing Phase III study. On November 24, the organization claimed 95% efficacy based on new preliminary data. On December 14, 2020, they reported efficacy of 91.4%. It also offered to share one of its two human adenoviral vectors with AstraZeneca to increase the efficacy of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
  • Sinovac Biotech (Type: Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus) - On January 13, 2021, China-based Sinovac Biotech reported that its COVID-19 vaccine had a 50.38% efficacy in late-stage clinical trials in Brazil. The company’s clinical trials are demonstrating dramatically varying efficacy rates. In Indonesia, a local trial demonstrated an efficacy rate of 65%, but the trial had only 1,620 participants. Turkey reported an efficacy rate of 91.25% in December 2020. Another trial in Brazil run by a local partner, Butantan Institute, reported last week a 78% efficacy rate in mild cases while 100% against severe and moderate infections. It is an inactivated vaccine that uses inactivated SARS-CoV-2 viruses.
  • Novavax (Type: Protein-based vaccine) - On January 28, 2021, Novavax announced that its COVID-19 vaccine, NVX-CoV2373, hit the primary endpoint with a vaccine efficacy of 89.3% in its Phase III trial in the UK. The vaccine is a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate. It also has data from the South Africa Phase IIb trial and several Phase I, II and III trials. It has demonstrated high clinical efficacy against the UK and South Africa variants as well.
  • CanSino Biologics (Type: Viral vector) - CanSino Biologics vaccine was co-developed with the Chinese military. It has an efficacy rate of 65.7% at preventing symptomatic cases. This is based on a multi-country analysis first posted on Twitter by Faisal Sultan, Pakistan’s health adviser, on February 8, 2021. The Phase III trial includes 30,000 participants and demonstrated 90.98% efficacy in preventing severe disease. It only requires a single shot. It has agreed to supply 35 million doses to Mexico and is in talks with Malaysia for 3.5 million shots. Pakistan is running one of the largest trials, and has contracted for 20 million shots. It is also working with the WHO for approval for the vaccine through the Covax program. It is also planning a trial with Russia to determine if swapping the second dose of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine with Can Sino would produce the same or better protection.
  • Bharat Biotech (Type: Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus) - On April 22, 2021, India’s Bharat Biotech reported interim data from the Phase III trial of its COVID-19 vaccine COVAXIN, which demonstrated a 100% efficacy against severe infection. The vaccine was developed with seed strains from the Indian Council of Medical Research’s (ICMR) National Institute of Virology. It is a highly purified and inactivated vaccine. A second interim analysis suggested a 78% efficacy against mild, moderate and severe disease, and 70% efficacy against asymptomatic disease. Does not require sub-zero storage, no reconstitution requirement, and ready to use liquid in multi-dose vials, stable at 2-8 degrees C.

Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech or Sinovac? You Can Now Choose Your Preferred Vaccine in Singapore
Both vaccines also have similar efficacy rates with Moderna's being at 94 per cent and Pfizer's at 95 per cent. Sinovac's efficacy rate is still varied

If you are among those who would like to choose which Covid-19 vaccine to receive, take note that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has released the full list of vaccination centres and types of vaccines on their website.

Those eligible will be able to choose their vaccine according to the vaccination centre that offers their preferred type, be it Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech or Sinovac:
  • MODERNA AND PFIZER-BIONTECH - The Moderna vaccine is currently available at 11 of the 38 vaccination centres in Singapore. All the other centres are supplied with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Currently, both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech are very similar. They both use the new messenger RNA technology which injects parts of the virus's genetic material into the body. This then teaches cells to create a protein that will trigger an immune response. This will allow your body to produce antibodies to fight the virus. The reported side effects of both vaccines are also very similar with people typically reporting pain or swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, fever, chills, nausea and joint pains.
  • SINOVAC - Sinovac, on the other hand, is the latest vaccine to enter the market. Currently, there are 24 private clinics islandwide that have been selected to administer it. A single dose will cost you between $10 to $25 and you will need two doses. "As these vaccines are being provided to the providers at no cost, individuals should take note that the providers should not charge them for the vaccine cost. There should not be any additional costs (beyond the vaccination administration fees listed) charged by these providers," the Ministry Of Health (MOH) said. However, do note that because Sinovac is not part of the national vaccine programme, it will not be covered under the Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme for Covid-19 Vaccination. Additionally, recipients of the Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine will not be exempted from pre-event testing according to MOH.

Sinovac and Pfizer equally effective against Covid-19, says Dr Noor Hisham
Medical data from vaccine use showed that both Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines are equally effective against Covid-19, said Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah. - NSTP/MOHD ADAM ARININ

Medical data from vaccine use showed that both Sinovac and Pfizer vaccines are equally effective against Covid-19, said Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.

In a Facebook post today, Dr Noor Hisham said on July 7, the New England Journal of Medicine published a report on the Sinovac experience in Chile from February to May 2021 on 4.2 million fully vaccinated individuals compared to 5.5 million unvaccinated residents, with the study also having documented 218,784 Covid-19 cases.

"Sinovac was found to reduce Covid-19 infection by 65.9 per cent, reduce hospitalisation by 87.5 per cent, reduce intensive care unit (ICU) admission by 90.3 per cent and reduce deaths by 86.3 percent," he said.

Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine: All You Need to Know

What is the Sinovac vaccine? The Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, also known as the CoronaVac, is a COVID-19 vaccine created by Beijing-based pharmaceutical company Sinovac. It is the second China-made vaccine after the Sinopharm COVID-19 BBIBP-CorV vaccine to be approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for use against COVID-19. As of 19 June 2021, the Sinovac has been approved for use in 32 countries and is undergoing 15 trials in 7 countries. On 2 June 2021, the Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that the Sinovac vaccine can be administered in Singapore by approved private healthcare providers under the Special Access Route (SAR). It has yet to be approved as part of the national vaccination programme. MOH is awaiting outstanding data on the Sinovac vaccine to evaluate if it should be provided under the national vaccination programme.

How does the Sinovac vaccine work compared to the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines:
  • The Sinovac vaccine uses an inactivated form of COVID-19 virus, where the viral particles are killed so that it cannot replicate. However, the surface spike protein of the virus particle is kept intact to trigger the body’s immune system to create antibodies to protect against the live virus in the event that the person is infected with COVID-19. Inactivated viruses are a tried and tested form of vaccine technology and have been traditionally used to create vaccines over the past century. Examples of inactivated virus vaccines include the flu, polio and hepatitis A vaccines.
  • In contrast, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines use a different form of vaccine technology. They are Messenger RNA vaccines – also known as mRNA vaccines – which are a new type of vaccine. Both vaccines are the first vaccines approved for use in humans using the mRNA technology. Instead of introducing an inactivated form of the COVID-19 virus into our bodies, mRNA vaccines give instructions to our cells to make a harmless spike protein which is found on the surface of COVID-19 virus particles. When this happens, our immune systems create antibodies that are used to protect against the live virus in the event that there is an infection.

What do we know about China's coronavirus vaccines?

As the global race to produce a Covid-19 vaccine continues, China appears to have made huge strides, with vaccines from two front-runners - Sinovac and Sinopharm - already making their way abroad. But what do we know about China's vaccines and how do they compare to those being developed elsewhere:
  • How does the Sinovac vaccine work? The Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is behind the CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.
  • By comparison the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines being developed in the West are mRNA vaccines. This means part of the coronavirus' genetic code is injected into the body, triggering the body to begin making viral proteins, but not the whole virus, which is enough to train the immune system to attack.
"CoronaVac is a more traditional method [of vaccine] that is successfully used in many well known vaccines like rabies," Associate Prof Luo Dahai of the Nanyang Technological University told the BBC. "mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine and there is [currently] no successful example [of them] being used in the population," Prof Luo adds.

A note on COVID-19 and its variants

In an effort to make it easier for the public and media to discuss variants, WHO convened experts from various organizations and divisions of WHO to “consider easy-to-pronounce and non-stigmatizing labels.” Which is why there are now Greek Alphabet names for the various variants, at least those that WHO has declared “Variants of Concern” and “Variants of Interest.”

Wuhan or wildtype - The first strain to be identified that originated in the city of Wuhan, China. Greek Alphabet names for the various variants:
  • Alpha (UK) - Dubbed B.1.1.7, the UK variant was first identified in the fall of 2020. It spreads more easily and quickly than other variants, according to the CDC, and potentially is 30% more lethal than the wildtype version, although that is still being investigated. It was first detected in the U.S. at the end of December 2020.
  • Beta (South Africa) - Dubbed B.1.351, it emerged independently of B.1.1.7 (UK) and was first detected in South Africa in early October 2020. It shares some of the same mutations as the UK strain. Cases in the U.S. were first reported at the end of January 2021. At this time, it is the variant that has most experts the most concerned, because it seems less responsive to existing vaccines and antibody therapies. That said, current evidence suggests it does respond to them, just not as well as the other major known variants.
  • Gamma (Brazil) - The Brazilian variant is called P.1 and was first identified in people traveling from Brazil during routine testing in Japan, in early January. It appears to have a group of additional mutations that affect its ability to be recognized by antibodies, according to the CDC. It was first observed in the U.S. at the end of January 2021.
  • Iota (New York) - This variant first appeared in New York City and then sporadically in the northeast. It has been named B.1.526. It has been named B.1.526. One of the mutations is similar to that seen in the South African variant that seems to help it evade the body’s response to vaccines. The data on this has, as of February 25, 2021, not been peer-reviewed. The mutation of concern is called E484K, which has been observed in at least 59 different lineages of coronavirus. This means it is evolving independently around the world in what is called convergent evolution.
  • California - This variant is called B.1.427/B.1.429 and appears different than the UK variant. One of the mutations, called L452R, affects the virus’s spike protein, which may allow it to attack itself more efficiently to cells, making it more infectious. Again, like the New York variant, the data has not yet been peer-reviewed. However, it appears to be associated with severity of disease and increased risk of high oxygen requirement. In particular, this virus appears to be prevalent in the San Francisco area.
  • Delta (India) - The Indian strain what is being dubbed a “double mutant” variant, B.1.617, which had two key mutations observed in other coronavirus variants. The variant was actually first sequenced in a global database of COVID-19 variants in October 2020, but went largely unnoticed. The B.1.617 strain carries features from two lineages, the California variants (B.1.427 and B.1.429) and the ones in South Africa (B.1.351) and Brazil (P.1). The Indian variant’s two prominent mutations include a position 452 of the spike protein and the second at 484. It is believed that existing vaccines should be effective against the variant. It is believed to be about 60% more contagious than the Alpha variant.

Understanding why some people are not taking Covid-19 vaccines and how to gain their confidence

Ever since Singapore kicked off its national vaccination programme for Covid-19, data on take-up rate has increasingly painted an encouraging picture: More than 4.4 million doses of vaccines have been administered as of Wednesday (June 9).

However, there remains a proportion of the population who may be wary and are hesitant about getting their shots. The following are the statistics so far:
  • About 1.9 million people have completed the regimen of taking two doses and about 2.5 million — or 44 per cent of the population — have received at least the first dose.
  • About 74 per cent of eligible seniors aged 60 and older, nearly 74 per cent of eligible persons aged 45 to 59, and 65 per cent of eligible recipients aged 40 to 44 have received their shots or booked their appointments.
  • For eligible teenagers, about 85 per cent have received their first vaccine shot or booked to receive it.
By August, the Government is expecting half its population to be fully vaccinated, with this rate rising to 75 per cent or more by October.

157 ‘serious adverse events’ reported out of nearly 3.7 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines given: HSA
The 157 suspected serious adverse events from Covid-19 vaccination were part of 4,704 suspected adverse events reports that the Health Sciences Authority had received as of May 23, 2021

A total of 157 suspected serious “adverse events” have been reported out of nearly 3.7 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines that have been administered in Singapore as of May 23, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) said.

In an update late on Friday (June 11) night, HSA said that the number of suspected serious adverse events comprises 0.004 per cent of the total number of doses given so far. The 157 suspected serious adverse events were part of the 4,704 suspected adverse events reports that the HSA had received as of May 23. This translates to 0.13 per cent of administered doses. Both percentages are consistent with the percentages that had been reported by the authority earlier last month.

Reactions are classified as serious or severe if they result in hospitalisation, disability or a life-threatening illness, among other reasons. Among the serious reports, HSA said that the most frequently reported adverse events were anaphylaxis and other severe allergic reactions.

Some 2,000 people had 'severe adverse reactions' to Pfizer, Moderna vaccine

There are some 2,000 individuals who have experienced severe adverse reactions after the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine and they should not receive an mRNA vaccine again, said the Ministry of Health (MOH). 

In a Facebook post on Saturday (5 June), the MOH said it is evaluating other suitable non-mRNA vaccines. "We expect to make such vaccines available before the end of this year for use in our national vaccination programme, after the vaccines have been rigorously assessed and approved by the HSA (Health Sciences Authority)," the ministry said.

In a press release on Friday, the MOH said that these 2,000 individuals are those who had developed "anaphylaxis or allergic reactions (hives, face/ eyelid/ lip/ throat swelling, generalised rash within 7 days after vaccination)". The individuals can consider taking vaccines under the Special Access Route (SAR), such as the Sinovac vaccine, if they cannot wait, the ministry added in its post.

Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine to be allowed in Singapore under special access route after WHO approval

China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine can be administered in Singapore under the special access route after it was approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization (WHO), said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Jun 2).

MOH had announced on Monday that through the special access route, private healthcare institutions will be able to bring in unregistered COVID-19 vaccines.

These vaccines must be on WHO's emergency use listing and they include the ones from Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Sinopharm. The Sinovac vaccine was approved by the WHO on Tuesday.

MOH approves special access to Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine through private healthcare sector

Sinovac's Covid-19 vaccine will be allowed under the Special Access Route (SAR), said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (June 2).

This follows the announcement by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Tuesday that it had approved the shot under its Emergency Use Listing.

In response to queries from The Straits Times, MOH said that given this latest development, the Sinovac product would be allowed under the SAR.

WHO approves Sinovac COVID shot in second Chinese milestone

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday it has approved a COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac Biotech (SVA.O) for emergency use listing, paving the way for a second Chinese shot to be used in poor countries.

A WHO emergency listing is a signal to national regulators of a product's safety and efficacy and will allow the Sinovac shot to be included in COVAX, the global programme providing vaccines mainly for poor countries, which faces major supply problems due to curbs on Indian exports.

The WHO's independent panel of experts said in a statement it recommended Sinovac's vaccine for adults over 18. There was no upper age limit as data suggested it is likely to have a protective effect in older people.

World Health Organization approves China's Sinovac Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use

The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved a Covid-19 vaccine made by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac for emergency use.

The decision will allow CoronaVac to be used in WHO's vaccine-sharing program, COVAX, which seeks to provide equitable global access to immunizations.

China's Sinovac vaccine gets WHO emergency approval

The WHO said it prevented symptomatic disease in 51% of those vaccinated and prevented severe symptoms and hospitalisation in 100% of samples.

Some evidence and data gaps are still lacking though, according to WHO experts.

It is the second Chinese vaccine to receive the green light from the WHO, after Sinopharm.

COVID deaths plunge after major world city introduces ivermectin

A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths, two studies found.

Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital Agency for Public Innovation, Mexico's Ministry of Health and the Mexican Social Security Institute, according to a TrialSiteNews report highlighted by LifeSiteNews.

Earlier this month, as WND reported, a significant decrease in cases in India coincided with the national health ministry's promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine treatments. In Mexico City, after a spike in cases in December, the city's Ministry of Health created a home-treatment kit for residents. The city's metro population is 22 million.

Children aged 12 to 15 to receive Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in Singapore

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has been authorised by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to be used for children between 12 and 15 years old, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Tuesday (May 18).

From Wednesday, those aged 40 to 44 years will also be invited to register for their vaccinations, Mr Ong added.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was previously given only to those aged 16 years and above. It was granted interim authorisation by the HSA under the Pandemic Special Access Route in December last year. At that time, the data for children aged below 16 years was not yet available.

‘Pfizer vaccine is safe, effective for those aged 12 to 15’: Covid-19 expert committee addresses concerns of some Singapore doctors

The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective for children aged 12 to 15, Singapore’s expert committee on coronavirus vaccination has stressed, as it addressed concerns raised in an open letter to parents penned by a dozen doctors. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, one of the two Covid-19 vaccines approved for use here, was earlier this week approved by the Health Sciences Authority to be safe for use for those between the ages of 12 and 15.

The letter from the doctors, dated May 20 and addressed to parents who are deciding whether to vaccinate their children, contained a list of what the doctors thought parents should be thinking through carefully before choosing to inoculate their children against Covid-19.

In a statement on Friday (May 21), the expert committee responded to that letter and laid out its reasons for deeming the vaccine to be safe and efficacious for this age group. It clarified that the vaccine, which makes use of messenger ribonucleic acid technology (mRNA), cannot alter a person’s DNA. This comes after the doctors’ letter cited a study suggesting that the RNA from Sars-Cov-2 — the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 — can be converted into DNA using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which the doctors said is “very troubling”.


Moderna says its Covid-19 vaccine found safe, effective in teens
Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine was shown to be effective in adolescents aged 12-17.PHOTO: REUTERS

Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine was shown to be effective in adolescents aged 12 to 17 and showed no new or major safety problems in a clinical trial, the developer said on Tuesday (May 25), potentially setting the stage for a second vaccine for school-aged children to be authorised in July.

Moderna, whose vaccine is authorised for adults aged 18 and older, said it will submit the findings of its adolescent study to the United States Food and Drug Administration and other regulators for emergency use authorisation in early June.

US regulators took about a month to review a similar study from Pfizer/BioNtech, which was authorised for ages 12 to 15 on May 10. If Moderna gets the same treatment, its authorisation would come in early July.

Pfizer, Moderna vaccines effective against Covid variants from India: Study

The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna coronavirus vaccines appear to protect against COVID variants B.1.617 and B.1.618 first identified in India, researchers have reported in a new pre-print paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, CNN reported.

Based on lab experiments involving cell cultures, the B.1.617 and B.1.618 variants seem to be partially resistant to the antibodies elicited by vaccination, according to the pre-print paper posted to the online server on Sunday. "Thus, there is a good reason to believe that vaccinated individuals will remain protected against the B.1.617 and B.1.618 variants," the researchers from New York University wrote in their paper. But more research is needed to determine just how effective the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are against those variants in the real world.

Moreover, the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the coronavirus variant first found in India as a "variant of global concern".It said studies show the B.1.617 mutation spreads more easily than other variants and requires further study, CNN reported.

South African variant can 'break through' Pfizer vaccine, Israeli study says
Wesley Wheeler, President of Global Healthcare at United Parcel Service (UPS) holds up an example of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine vial during a Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee hearing on the logistics of transporting a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C., U.S., December 10, 2020

The coronavirus variant discovered in South Africa can "break through" Pfizer/BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine to some extent, a real-world data study in Israel found, though its prevalence in the country is low and the research has not been peer reviewed.

The study, released on Saturday, compared almost 400 people who had tested positive for COVID-19, 14 days or more after they received one or two doses of the vaccine, against the same number of unvaccinated patients with the disease. It matched age and gender, among other characteristics.

The South African variant, B.1.351, was found to make up about 1% of all the COVID-19 cases across all the people studied, according to the study by Tel Aviv University and Israel's largest healthcare provider, Clalit.

Migrant worker who tested positive for COVID-19 completed vaccination

The sole dormitory case in Singapore on Sunday (Apr 11) had completed the full COVID-19 vaccination regimen and the case is a reminder that "it is possible for vaccinated individuals to get infected", said MOH.

The man, who is asymptomatic, was detected when he was tested on Apr 7 as part of rostered routine testing. The man's pooled rostered routine testing result came back positive for COVID-19 on Apr 8 and he was immediately isolated, said MOH. An individual test was done on Apr 9 and it came back positive the following day. He was taken to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases by ambulance. "His serology test result has come back positive but we have assessed that this is likely a current infection," said MOH.

The man received his first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine on Jan 25 and the second dose on Feb 17.

Coronavirus vaccine: in Singapore, 432 report side effects but experts ‘reassured
Singaporeans aged 70 yrs & above wait to get a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on Jan 27. Photo:Reuters

Health experts in Singapore say the relatively high rate of adverse effects from the initial Covid-19 vaccinations delivered by the island nation is not alarming, and is in fact reassuring.

Singapore has given more than 113,000 people the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, after which 432 suffered common side effects, including three people who had anaphylaxis, which is a rapid onset of severe allergic reactions. The data was released by the Ministry of Health on Thursday night as the country embarked on inoculating the general population, with those aged 70 and above getting their first shot on Wednesday. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is one of the 50 who has received their second shot of the vaccine.

The ministry said the three cases of anaphylaxis were “quickly resolved” by health care professionals, and had happened to individuals in their 20s and 30s who had a history of allergies, including allergic rhinitis and food allergies such as to shellfish. None had a history of anaphylaxis, which would have precluded them from the vaccine, and all have been discharged from hospital after a day’s observation or treatment. This puts Singapore’s incidence rate of anaphylaxis at about 2.7 per 100,000 doses administered, compared with other jurisdictions’ one to two per 100,000 doses administered. The ministry said initial variations in the incidence rate were expected given the numbers vaccinated in the island nation were relatively small.

Coronavirus vaccine: your questions answered

Information for people with heart conditions:
  • Is the vaccine safe for people with heart conditions?
  • Is the vaccine safe for people taking blood thinners like warfarin and other anticoagulants?
  • Is the vaccine safe for people taking blood thinners like clopidogrel and other antiplatelet drugs?
  • Is the vaccine safe for people taking heart medications?
  • I have a heart or circulatory condition - when will I get the vaccine?
  • I am in the shielding group, how soon will I get the vaccine?
  • Why are people with heart conditions not a higher priority?

Annual vaccination against Covid-19 a possibility as coronavirus mutates: Lawrence Wong
Education Minister Lawrence Wong said the pandemic could last four to five years

Singaporeans may have to be vaccinated against Covid-19 yearly, just like how it is for influenza, Education Minister Lawrence Wong said. This is because new vaccines may need to be developed to combat more virulent strains of the coronavirus, given the uncertainties surrounding how the virus could mutate.

In the worst-case scenario, the world could find itself one step behind viral transmissions once again, he said on Monday (Jan 25) during a dialogue hosted by the Institute of Policy Studies. The dialogue was the final event at the think tank’s four-day-long Singapore Perspectives conference titled Reset, which centred around a post-pandemic Singapore.

Early studies suggest that the South African variant of the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus can evade the defences that vaccines build in our bodies, Mr Wong said. The co-chair of the Government’s Covid-19 task force added: “The bottom line is that we live in a shared world and no one is safe until everyone is safe. It could take four to five years before we finally see the end of the pandemic and the start of a post-pandemic normal.”

'A lot of uncertainty' over duration of protection from COVID-19 vaccines: Lawrence Wong
Co-chair of the multi-ministry task force tackling the pandemic Lawrence Wong speaking at the Institute of Policy Studies' conference on Monday (25 January). (PHOTO: Screengrab)

There is a lot of uncertainty both over the duration of protection following COVID-19 vaccination and whether those who have received the injections can still transmit the virus, said Education Minister Lawrence Wong on Monday (25 January).

While early data from some countries such as Israel suggest promising results from vaccination, Singapore will “still need time to look at all of these critical unknowns and to resolve them,” cautioned Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force tackling the pandemic. And there may also be setbacks: for example, initial research suggests that current vaccines may be less effective against the South African variant of the virus, he noted in a speech at an Institute of Policy Studies conference.

“In the worst case, we end up always a step behind the evolving virus and we will not be able to catch up in time,” he said. “So there are still tremendous uncertainties ahead of us and the bottom line is that we live in a shared world and no one is safe until everyone is safe.”

25 COVID-19 cases with B117 variant found in Singapore
Like all viruses, SARS-CoV-2 mutates in order to maximise its survival chances

Twenty-five cases of a COVID-19 virus variant originally reported by the United Kingdom have been detected in Singapore, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Friday (Jan 29). In an email response to CNA's queries, MOH said that of the 25 cases of the B117 variant as of Jan 26, five are community cases and 20 are imported cases from Europe. There are another two imported cases from Europe that have tested "preliminarily positive and are pending confirmatory results", said the ministry.

The B117 SARS-CoV-2 variant is one of a few mutated strains of the coronavirus to have caused concern around the world as it is said to be potentially more contagious. It has spread to 70 countries and territories now.

Singapore reported its first B117 COVID-19 case on Dec 23, a 17-year-old Singaporean student who had returned from the UK on Dec 6 and served her stay-home notice at a dedicated facility.

What we know about the COVID-19 cases in Singapore that tested positive for the B117 strain

Four COVID-19 cases in Singapore have so far tested positive for the more virulent B117 strain of the coronavirus.

Three of these cases were reported as community infections earlier this month, and MOH confirmed on Tuesday (Jan 26) night they had tested positive for the new variant. The other case confirmed to have tested positive for the B117 strain is an imported case from December last year.

Besides the four confirmed cases, another 14 cases in Singapore have tested “preliminarily positive” for the new strain. The health ministry has yet to provide an update on their status.

What we know so far about COVID-19 reinfection
A migrant worker undergoes a swab test in Singapore on Apr 28, 2020. (Photo: Reuters/Edgar Su)

Over the weekend, the Ministry of Health (MOH) reported Singapore’s first likely case of reinfection, a Bangladeshi migrant worker who had tested positive for COVID-19 again after recovering from the disease last year. The 28-year-old work permit holder, who lives in a dormitory at 43 Tech Park Crescent, first tested positive on Apr 12 last year as part of the cluster of infections there.

He recovered and tested negative for COVID-19 but on Jan 25, the man was confirmed to have COVID-19 again after being detected through rostered routine testing. MOH said that the virus detected in his samples taken in January this year was "genetically distinct from that associated with the dormitories outbreak in 2020, suggesting that this is likely a different and new infection", adding that reinfection is "rare".

Singapore now joins a list of places that have reported cases of reinfection, with the first documented case involving a 33-year-old man in Hong Kong in August last year.

Migrant worker in dormitory is first case of Covid-19 reinfection detected in S’pore
A 28-year-old Bangladeshi worker who resides in a dormitory has been detected as Singapore's first case of Covid-19 reinfection

Singapore has detected its first case of likely Covid-19 reinfection, a 28-year-old work permit holder who resides in a dormitory, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Saturday (Feb 6).

MOH said it had identified the reinfection in consultation with an expert panel after a rostered monitoring testing of recovered workers to monitor their post-infection immunity. The case, a Bangladeshi, resides at 43 Tech Park Crescent and had been confirmed to have Covid-19 on April 12 last year.

He subsequently recovered, and consistently tested negative for the coronavirus from June 2020 onwards.But on Jan 25 this year, his test result came back positive for Covid-19 infection, and he was isolated. Numerous repeat tests conducted subsequently were also positive for the virus.

3 more cases in S'pore later confirmed to have UK COVID-19 variant, all in community

Singapore has confirmed three more cases of the more contagious COVID-19 variant identified in the UK. The cases, all community infections that were previously reported, tested positive for the new B.1.1.7 strain based on whole-genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis conducted by the National Public Health Laboratory, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in a press release on Tuesday (26 January).

They include a 24-year-old Korean man, a work permit holder who works at Azur at Crowne Plaza Changi Airport, who was confirmed to have COVID-19 on 5 January and had tested preliminarily positive for the B.1.1.7 strain. His job entails delivering pre-packed meals to aircrew and hotel guests. He does not interact with diners at Azur.

The other two cases are a 39-year-old Singaporean man, a worker at Singapore Scouts Association, who was confirmed to have COVID-19 on 15 January, and his 39-year-old Singaporean spouse, an administrative officer at OCBC Tampines Centre One, who was confirmed to be infected on the same day

3 previously reported COVID-19 cases positive for B117 strain, could be linked: MOH

Three previously reported COVID-19 cases have tested positive for the new B117 variant and could be linked, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Tuesday (Jan 26).

"Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis conducted by the National Public Health Laboratory have revealed that three previously reported cases (Cases 59028, 59340 and 59351) have tested positive for the B117 variant, and could be linked," MOH said.

On Jan 5, Case 59028, a work permit holder who works at Azur at Crowne Plaza Changi Airport was confirmed to have COVID-19. The 24-year-old man from South Korea delivers pre-packed meals to air crew and hotel guests as part of his job. He does not interact with diners at the restaurant, said the health ministry then.

NCID nurse becomes first person in Singapore to receive COVID-19 vaccine
NCID senior staff nurse Sarah Lim, 46, became the first person in Singapore to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, as the country rolled out its vaccination exercise on Dec 30, 2020

Senior staff nurse Sarah Lim became the first person in Singapore to receive a COVID-19 vaccination on Wednesday (Dec 30), with more than 30 other healthcare workers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases also set to receive the jab.

They are getting their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by United States pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and German firm BioNTech. This vaccine requires two injections, given 21 days apart. Those who receive the first dose on Wednesday are scheduled to return for their second dose on Jan 20 next year.

Ms Lim, 46, is stationed at the Special Precaution Area at NCID’s Clinic J, and carries out screening for suspect COVID-19 cases. It was a straightforward process for her to get the jab, with the nurse administering the injection asking her to "relax" as she rolled up her sleeve.

The COVID-19 Virus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Vaccines?
A nurse prepares to vaccinate a health care worker at the Berks Community Health Center in Reading, Pa. Jan 6

As we enter the second year of living with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus is celebrating its invasion of the world’s population with yet more mutated forms that help it to spread more easily from person to person.

One, first detected in the UK in December, has already raised alarms about whether the COVID-19 virus is now escaping from the protection that vaccines just being rolled out now might provide. The variant has also been found in the US. Already, U.K. officials have tightened lockdowns in England, Scotland and Wales, and over the holidays, more than 40 countries banned travelers from the region in an effort to keep the new strain from spreading to other parts of the world. Health officials are also concerned about a different strain found in South Africa that could become more resistant to vaccine protection. This variant includes a few mutations in key areas that antibodies, generated by the vaccine, target.

Exactly how the new strains affect people who are infected—such as whether they develop more severe symptoms—and whether they can lead to more hospitalizations and deaths, aren’t clear yet. But scientists are ramping up efforts to genetically sequence more samples from infected patients to learn how widespread they are. So far, there are enough hints to worry public health experts.

Second reported local COVID-19 case who tested 'preliminarily positive' for new B117 strain

A 20-year-old Singaporean man who works at Crowne Plaza Changi Airport is on Friday (Jan 8) the second reported local COVID-19 case who tested preliminarily positive for the new B117 strain.

He is also the third person working at the Azur restaurant in the hotel who tested positive for the coronavirus in the last week.

The man, known as Case 59084, delivered pre-packed meals to air crew members and hotel guests - the same duties that the other two cases linked to the restaurant carried out. The Ministry of Health (MOH) said he did not interact with diners at the restaurant.

What you need to know about the shot
Pfizer said the vaccine was 95 per cent effective in preventing illness in its large, late-state trials. PHOTO: AFP

Singapore became on Monday (Dec 14) the first Asian country to approve Pfizer-BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine and said it expects to start receiving doses by the end of the year.

The United States, Canada and a handful of other countries have approved the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, with a mass inoculation programme also underway in Britain.

Pfizer in November said the vaccine was 95 per cent effective in preventing illness in its large, late-state trials.

The Coronavirus is Mutating: What We Know About the New Variants

A few weeks ago, news broke that a more transmissible strain of the coronavirus, the B.1.1.7 lineage, has been circling around the United Kingdom. The strain, thought to be up to 70 percent more transmissible than the original strain, thrust the United Kingdom into a lockdown. And the B.1.1.7 lineage has already been detected in several locations in the United States.

On Jan. 4, South African health officials announced they, too, have detected a new, seemingly more contagious strain. It’s no surprise that the coronavirus has mutated — that’s what viruses do. Most mutations are useless, but every so often, a mutation will improve a virus’s ability to infect people.

Given the swift spread of the new variants, experts suspect the new strains contain mutations that make it easier for the virus to bind to our cells. There’s currently no evidence the variants will affect the efficacy of the vaccines or cause a more severe illness.

UK detects second potentially 'more transmissible' Covid-19 strain from South Africa
Shoppers walk along Regent Street in the main high-street shopping area of London on Dec 15, 2020. PHOTO: AFP

A new, potentially more infectious variant of the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19 has been found in Britain in cases linked to South Africa, British Health Secretary Matt Hancock said on Wednesday (Dec 23).

South Africa’s health department said last week that a new genetic mutation of the virus had been discovered and might be responsible for a recent surge in infections there.

“Thanks to the impressive genomic capability of the South Africans, we’ve detected two cases of another new variant of coronavirus here in the UK,” Hancock told a media briefing.

Singapore confirms first case of new Covid-19 strain from UK, a 17-year-old student who recently returned from Britain
Attendants at Changi Airport’s Terminal 3 handling luggage belonging to passengers from a flight which arrived from London on Dec 22 2020. ST PHOTO: MARK CHEONG

One case of a new coronavirus strain reported in the United Kingdom to be potentially more contagious has been detected here, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Dec 23).

The patient is a 17-year-old Singaporean girl who had studied in the UK.

The Health Ministry said that with the B117 strain circulating in the UK, the National Public Health Laboratory is performing viral genomic sequencing for confirmed Covid-19 cases who arrived from Europe recently.

Healthcare workers to receive Covid-19 vaccine from Dec 30, S’pore residents aged 70 and older from Feb ’21: MOH
The committee has also assessed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is suitable for use in people aged 16 and above. ST PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG

Singapore’s Covid-19 vaccination exercise will begin on Dec 30 with healthcare workers at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases, followed by the elderly aged 70 and older next February.

Vaccinations will roll out to more healthcare institutions in the coming weeks, with public healthcare institutions and private hospitals to arrange for their staff to be vaccinated at their respective premises.

This is in line with recommendations by an expert committee that front-line and healthcare workers and those most vulnerable to severe complications if they contract Covid-19 should be vaccinated first, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Sunday (Dec 27).

Government accepts committee's recommendations on vaccine strategy, to begin vaccinating healthcare workers from Dec 30
A woman holds a small bottle and a medical syringe in this illustration taken Oct 30, 2020. (Photo: Reuters/Dado Ruvic)

The Government has accepted in full the recommendations of the Expert Committee on COVID-19 Vaccination on the overall vaccination strategy of Singapore, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Sunday (Dec 27).

Healthcare workers will be vaccinated first starting Dec 30, beginning with those at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID). Vaccinations will subsequently roll out to more healthcare institutions in the coming weeks.

MOH said public healthcare institutions – including acute hospitals, community hospitals and polyclinics – as well as private hospitals, will progressively arrange for their staff members to be vaccinated within their respective premises.

Details of vaccine roll-out here likely to be out in Jan
A nurse attending to a worker as he and others waited for their swab test results at Jurong Community Hospital in April. Priority for the vaccines will be given to groups such as healthcare and front-line workers. ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM

More details of the effort to inoculate Singaporeans against Covid-19, including the different phases of the vaccination programme and who will go through them, will hopefully be released by as early as next month, said Education Minister Lawrence Wong yesterday.

The exact details on the roll-out of the vaccine will depend on multiple variables, including their supply and delivery schedule, and when other vaccines get authorised for use here, added Mr Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry task force on Covid-19.

These factors are still uncertain for now, he said.

Covid-19 vaccines will be free for S'poreans; vaccination recommended but voluntary for adults
Those who are at greatest risk will be given first priority, including healthcare workers and front-line personnel. PHOTOS: TIMOTHY DAVID, REUTERS

Covid-19 vaccines will be free for all Singaporeans and long-term residents who are currently here, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday (Dec 14).

Those who are at greatest risk will be given first priority, including healthcare workers and front-line personnel, as well as the elderly and the vulnerable, he said in a televised address.

"Thereafter, the committee proposes to progressively vaccinate the rest of the population, and to cover everyone who wants a vaccination by the end of next year," said PM Lee, referring to a committee of doctors and experts set up by the Health Ministry to recommend a vaccination strategy for Singapore.

First shipments of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Singapore by end-Dec
Singapore is one of the first countries to obtain this vaccine.PHOTO: REUTERS

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine in Singapore, with the first shipment of the vaccine expected to arrive here by the end of this month.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong revealed this in his address to the nation on Monday (Dec 14), saying: "I am very happy to tell you that after studying the scientific evidence and clinical trial data, the Health Sciences Authority has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for pandemic use."

This makes Singapore one of the first countries to obtain this vaccine, he added.

A nurse in the Pfizer vaccine trial said her side effects were so bad she worried she had the virus — but it was worth it

A couple of hours after getting her second shot in a trial of Pfizer and BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine in September, Kristen Choi felt chilled, nauseous, and light-headed.

Choi hadn't experienced any side effects beyond a sore arm when she received her first injection a month earlier. As a nurse and researcher, she knew her reaction to the second shot most likely meant the vaccine candidate had activated her immune system and was doing its job.

But when her fever worsened throughout the night and spiked at 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit the next morning, she started to feel scared, she wrote in a JAMA Perspective published Monday.

Here are the common side effects you should expect if you get Pfizer's coronavirus shot
A nurse prepares to inject staff with the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine

US regulators on Friday greenlit the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, kicking off the biggest vaccination drive in US history.

Their decision was based on a detailed review of evidence showing that the shot is safe and highly effective, and likely to be an important tool in combatting the pandemic. Pfizer and BioNTech, its German biotech partner, tested their vaccine in a global study that randomized more than 40,000 volunteers to either get two doses of its vaccine or two doses of a placebo injection.

Still, most immunized volunteers had temporary side effects shortly after being vaccinated, including fatigue, headaches, and pain at the injection site. Here are the side effects to know about from Pfizer's shot:
  • Pain at the injection site (84%)
  • Fatigue (63%)
  • Headache (55%)
  • Muscle pain (38%)
  • Chills (32%)
  • Joint pain (24%)
  • Fever (14%)

Anyone with a history of 'significant' allergies to food or medicines should avoid the current Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
Two recipients of Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine had adverse reactions Tuesday, the UK's National Health Service said Wednesday morning

The UK's drug regulator has warned that people with a history of "significant" allergic reactions should not receive Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine in its current state, after two recipients had reactions.

The UK began rolling out the vaccine Tuesday, following approval by its Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency on December 2. Two healthcare workers with a history of severe allergies reacted to the vaccine, Stephen Powis, the national medical director for the National Health Service in England, said.

"As is common with new vaccines the MHRA have advised on a precautionary basis that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination after two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday," Powis said, using an abbreviation for the UK drug regulator. This includes people with a history of reactions to medicines, food, and vaccines, the MHRA said.

Pfizer ends Covid-19 trial with 95% efficacy, to seek emergency-use authorisation
Pfizer said efficacy of the vaccine was consistent across age and ethnicity demographics, and that there were no major side effects.PHOTO: REUTERS

Pfizer Inc said on Wednesday (Nov 18) that final results from the late-stage trial of its Covid-19 vaccine show it was 95 per cent effective, adding it had the required two-months of safety data and would apply for emergency US authorisation within days.

The drugmaker said efficacy of the vaccine developed with German partner BioNTech was consistent across age and ethnicity demographics, and that there were no major side effects, a sign that the immunisation could be employed broadly around the world.

Efficacy in adults over 65 years, who are at particular risk from the virus, was over 94 per cent.

Fact check: Photo does not show three recipients of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine that developed Bell’s palsy

A photo circulating on social media has been falsely labelled to claim it shows three out of the four recipients of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine that developed Bell’s palsy - a condition, temporary in most cases, of partial facial paralysis. This image, which appears to show some sort of paralysis caused by Bell’s palsy, has been circulating at least since 2019.

A tweet with the mislabeled photo here (archived version ) reads: “Vaccine informed is a more accurate name. These are 3 of the 4 volunteers who developed Bells palsy after being vaccinated with the Pfizer (SIC) covid experimental vaccine. Masks anyone?” Other posts are visible on Instagram here and Facebook here, here. The same photo appears in an article about Bell’s Palsy here which, according to the website, was last updated on Nov. 20, 2019.

On Dec. 11, the FDA said it authorized the use of Pfizer Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine, which was shown to be 95% effective in preventing the disease in a late-stage trial (here). According to the FDA’s briefing document dated Dec. 10 here, Bell’s palsy was reported in four vaccine participants and none in the placebo group, out of the 44,000 total participants of the late-stage vaccine trial (here).

Dr Well Hello Dolly @dollysaysno

Vaccine informed is a more accurate name.
These are 3 of the 4 volunteers who developed Bells palsy after being vaccinated with the Pfizer covid experimental vaccine.
Masks anyone?

Peripheral facial nerve palsy associated with COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic revealed several neurological syndromes related to this infection. We describe the clinical, laboratory, and radiological features of eight patients with COVID-19 who developed peripheral facial palsy during infection. In three patients, facial palsy was the first symptom. Nerve damage resulted in mild dysfunction in five patients and moderate in three. SARS-Cov-2 was not detected in CSF by PCR in any of the samples. Seven out of eight patients were treated with steroids and all patients have complete or partial recovery of the symptoms. Peripheral facial palsy should be added to the spectrum of neurological manifestations associated with COVID-19.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide and revealed several neurological syndromes related to this infection. Anosmia/ageusia, encephalitis, encephalopathy, cerebrovascular complications, myelitis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome, among other neurological complications, occur in a significant proportion of patients (Ellul et al. 2020; Paterson et al. 2020).

Acute facial nerve palsy commonly occurs in clinical practice and is associated with considerable distress due to possible functional and esthetic sequelae (Jowett 2018). There are many potential mechanisms implicated in its occurrence, including viral infections. Herein, we review the clinical and laboratory features of eight patients with COVID-19 who developed peripheral facial palsy during the clinical course of the infection or as its first symptom.

COVID-19 vaccine trials report cases of brief facial paralysis. That's not as scary as it sounds

Americans are increasingly concerned about vaccine safety after four people in Pfizer-BioNTech trials and three people in the Moderna trials developed Bell’s palsy, a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles.

While it may sound scary, experts say Bell’s palsy is more common and less severe than people think.

Bell’s palsy, also known as peripheral facial nerve palsy, can occur at any age, according to the Mayo Clinic. The exact causes are unknown, but it’s believed to be the result of swelling and inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on one side of the face, or a reaction after a viral infection.

Bell's palsy

The symptoms of Bell's palsy include sudden weakness in your facial muscles. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over weeks. The weakness makes half of your face appear to droop. Your smile is one-sided, and your eye on that side resists closing.

Bell's palsy, also known as acute peripheral facial palsy of unknown cause, can occur at any age. The exact cause is unknown. It's believed to be the result of swelling and inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on one side of your face. Or it might be a reaction that occurs after a viral infection.

For most people, Bell's palsy is temporary. Symptoms usually start to improve within a few weeks, with complete recovery in about six months. A small number of people continue to have some Bell's palsy symptoms for life. Rarely, Bell's palsy can recur.

Fact check: Clarifying claims around Pfizer vaccine deaths and side effects

Social media users have been sharing a post that makes several claims of serious negative health effects from the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, including that 6 people died during late-stage trials. These claims are partly false. Six people did die during the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine trials, but only two of them were given the vaccine. The other four were given a safe placebo solution of salt and water. No causal relationship was established between the vaccine and the two deaths, which occurred in line with the normal death rate for the general population. The first person to get the vaccine in the UK is not in critical condition. Four cases of Bell’s Palsy (partial facial paralysis) were also not considered to necessarily be caused by the vaccine but the symptom will be under surveillance when the vaccine is distributed. Precautions have also been added for allergic reactions.

The posts (herehere) says, “Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 #vaccine […] (4 of the 6 died from the placebo injection, why would #Pfizer have to use a deadly #placebo, short of manipulating data […] Warning over UK vaccine rollout as two NHS staff given jab suffer ‘anaphylactic reaction’: Regulators urge people with history of ‘significant’ allergies NOT to have Pfizer injection […] Also four people in the United States, who got COVID-19 vaccine shot developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, developed Bell’s Palsy […] Update – Now the first woman to receive covid-19 vaccine in the UK is in critical condition.”

Vaccinations with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have begun in the UK and the vaccine has been also authorized for use in Bahrain and Canada (here). At the time of writing discussions were underway at the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about whether to approve the vaccine in the United States, after FDA staff said in briefing documents that the vaccine’s efficacy and safety data met its expectations for emergency use authorization (here). Reuters has recently debunked other claims about the first person to receive the vaccine in the UK (here) and the vaccine itself (here, here, here).

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.

Most common symptoms:
  • fever
  • dry cough
  • tiredness
Less common symptoms:
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
  • diarrhoea
  • conjunctivitis
  • headache
  • loss of taste or smell
  • a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • chest pain or pressure
  • loss of speech or movement
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.

Singapore confirms first case of new Covid-19 strain from UK, a 17-year-old student who recently returned from Britain
Attendants at Changi Airport’s Terminal 3 handling luggage belonging to passengers from a flight which arrived from London on Dec 22 2020. ST PHOTO: MARK CHEONG

One case of a new coronavirus strain reported in the United Kingdom to be potentially more contagious has been detected here, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Wednesday (Dec 23).

The patient is a 17-year-old Singaporean girl who had studied in the UK.

The Health Ministry said that with the B117 strain circulating in the UK, the National Public Health Laboratory is performing viral genomic sequencing for confirmed Covid-19 cases who arrived from Europe recently.

Possible Side Effects After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 vaccination will help protect people from getting COVID-19. Adults and children may have some side effects from the vaccine, which are normal signs that their body is building protection. These side effects may affect their ability to do daily activities, but they should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects, and allergic reactions are rare.

Serious side effects that could cause a long-term health problem are extremely unlikely following any vaccination, including COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine monitoring has historically shown that side effects generally happen within six weeks of receiving a vaccine dose. For this reason, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) collected data on each of the authorized COVID-19 vaccines for a minimum of two months (eight weeks) after the final dose. CDC is continuing to monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines even now that the vaccines are in use.

The benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known and potential risks. Rare cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the outer lining of the heart) in adolescents and young adults have been reported more often after getting the second dose than after the first dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Police can use TraceTogether data for criminal investigations
The Government has put in place stringent measures such as allowing only authorised officers to access TraceTogether data. PHOTO: ST FILE

The police can obtain any data under Singapore's jurisdiction for the purposes of criminal investigations, and this includes TraceTogether data, Minister of State for Home Affairs Desmond Tan told the House yesterday.

Mr Christopher de Souza (Holland-Bukit Timah GRC) had asked if data collected under the programme will be used for criminal investigations, a concern expressed by some online.

Mr Tan replied that TraceTogether was conceived and implemented for contact tracing to fight Covid-19, and measures had been put in place to protect the data. But this does not preclude its use in criminal investigations as the police are empowered under the Criminal Procedure Code to obtain the data for such probes, he added.

Singapore reports deaths from COVID-19

Singapore urges calm after panic buying hits supermarkets
Singapore reports its first cases of local COVID-19 transmission
Singapore confirms cases of COVID-19 Virus