

COVID-19: Singapore exits 'Circuit Breakers'

Update 20 Sep 2021: Moving into Phase 2: What activities can resume

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 15 Jun 2020 that Singapore will move into Phase Two after 18 June 2359 hours. This is because community infection rates have generally remained stable, cases in migrant worker dormitories have declined, and there are no new large clusters emerging.

The aim is to ensure that Singapore’s efforts are sustained by limiting close contact amongst individuals, whilst maintaining hygiene and safe management principles.

These safe distancing principles will apply for all activities that are allowed to resume in Phase Two:
  • Ensure safe distancing of at least one metre at all times
  • If safe distancing is not feasible, the one metre requirement can be enforced between groups, if group sizes do not exceed five people. There should be no mixing between groups. This applies to small-group social gatherings and households, who may receive up to five visitors at any one time.

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Singapore’s daily Covid cases breach 1,000 over the weekend — first time since April 2020

Singapore reported more than 1,000 Covid cases for two straight days over the weekend —the first time infections breached that level since April 2020, at the height of the pandemic.

The Southeast Asian country confirmed 1,009 new infections on Saturday, and 1,012 new cases on Sunday, according to data from the health ministry.

That’s the highest number since April 23, 2020 when 1,037 cases were reported. At that time, majority of Singapore’s cases were detected in migrant worker dormitories. Infections hit a record high of 1,426 on April 20, 2020.

S'pore's new Covid-19 cases cross 1,000 mark; unvaccinated man, 90, dies from complications

Singapore saw its 60th Covid-19 fatality when an unvaccinated 90-year-old man died on Friday (Sept 17), said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Saturday.

Singapore also saw more than 1,000 Covid-19 cases on Saturday, with a total of 1,009 new cases reported, the highest daily number since April 23 last year.

The man had a history of cancer, heart disease and pneumonia and was taken to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases on Friday with symptoms, and tested positive for Covid-19 infection that day.


Singapore reports 1,004 new local COVID-19 cases; 90-year-old man is the latest fatality

Singapore's daily count of local COVID-19 cases has topped 1,000, after three consecutive days of increases. A total of 1,004 new locally transmitted infections were reported as of noon on Saturday (Sep 18).

There were also five imported cases, taking Singapore's daily tally to 1,009. This is the highest number since Apr 23 last year, when there were 1,037 cases.

As of Saturday, Singapore has reported a total of 76,792 COVID-19 cases and 60 deaths from the disease.


Singapore reports 142 new COVID-19 cases, including prison inmate on social visit pass

Singapore reported 142 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jun 19), bringing the national tally to 41,615.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said that there was one case in the community - a prison inmate on a social visit pass who arrived in Singapore before the implementation of border measures.

"He had been segregated from the general inmate population since his admission to Changi Prison Complex on Jun 6, and was tested positive for COVID-19," MOH added.

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257 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 4 in the community

Singapore reported 257 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Jun 18), including four in the community, bringing the national total to 41,473.

The cases in the community comprise one Singapore permanent resident and three work pass holders.

The remaining 253 cases are work permit holders in dormitories, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its daily preliminary update.

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Singapore reports 247 new COVID-19 cases, including 5 in the community

Singapore reported 247 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Wednesday (Jun 17), including five infections in the community.

This takes the total number of cases in the country to 41,216.

The community cases include two Singaporeans or permanent residents and three work pass holders.

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Singapore reports 151 new COVID-19 cases, including 2 in the community

Singapore reported 151 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Jun 16), taking the national total to 40,969.

The new infections include two work pass holders in the community while the vast majority of the cases are work permit holders living in dormitories, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its daily preliminary update.

Singapore will begin the second phase of its reopening on Friday.

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Singapore reports 214 new COVID-19 cases, including 3 in the community

Singapore reported 214 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Monday (Jun 15), including three cases in the community.

This brings the national tally to 40,818.

All three new community cases are work pass holders, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its daily preliminary update.

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Singapore reports 407 new COVID-19 cases, including 9 in the community

Singapore reported 407 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jun 14), taking the total number of coronavirus infections in the country to 40,604.

The new cases include nine in the community - four are Singaporeans or permanent residents and five are work pass holders.

The remaining cases are work permit holders living in dormitories, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update.

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Singapore's COVID-19 cases rise past 40,000 with 347 new infections, one more death reported

Singapore reported 347 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Jun 13), and recorded one more death, said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

This takes the total number of coronavirus infections in Singapore to 40,197, with the number of fatalities at 26.

A 73-year-old man, known as Case 161, died on Friday due to COVID-19 complications, said the ministry. The man, a Singaporean, was linked to the cluster involving a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong.

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463 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, including 18 in the community

Singapore reported 463 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jun 12), including 18 cases in the community.

This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country to 39,850.

Of the cases in the community, eight are Singaporeans or permanent residents and 10 are work pass holders, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in its daily preliminary release.

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Singapore reports 422 new COVID-19 cases, including 5 cases in the community

Singapore reported 422 new cases of COVID-19 as of noon on Thursday (Jun 11), including five cases in the community.

This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore to 39,387.

The vast majority of the cases are work permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) in their daily preliminary release.

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Singapore reports 451 new COVID-19 infections, 7 cases in the community

Singapore reported 451 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Wednesday (Jun 10), including seven cases in the community.

Three of the community cases are Singaporeans or permanent residents, and four are work pass holders, the Ministry of Health said in its preliminary daily update. The remainder of the new cases are work permit holders living in foreign worker dormitories.

This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore to 38,965.

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Singapore reports 218 new COVID-19 cases, 6 cases in the community

Singapore reported 218 new cases of COVID-19 as of noon on Tuesday (Jun 9), including six cases in the community.

The community cases are all work pass holders, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update. The rest of the cases are work permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories.

The new COVID-19 cases put Singapore’s total at 38,514.

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Singapore reports 386 new COVID-19 cases, including 2 community infections

Singapore reported 386 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Monday (Jun 8), including two infections in the community. One community case is a Singaporean while the other is a work pass holder.

The vast majority of the new cases are work permit holders residing in dormitories, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update.

Singapore's tally of COVID-19 infections now stands at 38,296.

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Singapore reports 383 new COVID-19 cases, including 14 community cases

Singapore reported 383 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Sunday (Jun 7), the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its daily preliminary update.

This takes the total number of novel coronavirus infections in Singapore to 37,910.

There were 14 new community cases – 10 are Singaporeans or permanent residents, while four are either student pass holders or work pass holders.

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Singapore reports 25th COVID-19 death, 344 new cases

Singapore reported 344 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Saturday (Jun 6) and recorded one more death, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH).

This takes the total number of coronavirus infections in Singapore to 37,527 with the number of fatalities at 25.

A 41-year-old male Chinese national, known as Case 11714, died on Thursday, more than two weeks after being discharged.

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261 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore; decline partly due to fewer swab tests conducted

Singapore reported 261 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jun 5) – its lowest in nearly two months – but the decline was partly due to fewer swab tests being conducted, health authorities said.

This takes the total number of coronavirus infections in Singapore to 37,183.

The number of new cases was the lowest daily figure since Apr 12, when 233 cases were reported.

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Singapore reports 517 new COVID-19 cases, including 15 asymptomatic cases in the community

Singapore reported 517 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Thursday (Jun 4), including 15 community cases that are all asymptomatic. Two of these cases are Singaporeans or permanent residents while 13 are work pass holders.

"All 15 cases were close contacts of earlier confirmed cases, and have already been placed on quarantine. They are all asymptomatic, but we had swabbed them to confirm and verify their status," said the Ministry of Health (MOH).

The new infections take the total number of cases reported in Singapore to 36,922.

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Singapore's COVID-19 cases top 36,000 after 569 new infections reported

The number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore crossed the 36,000 mark on Wednesday (Jun 3) with 569 new infections confirmed as of noon.

The new cases bring the total number of cases in the country to 36,405.

There were seven cases in the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update. Of these, one is a Singaporean or permanent resident while six are work pass holders.

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Singapore reports 544 new cases of COVID-19, including 4 community cases

Singapore reported 544 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Tuesday (Jun 2), bringing the nation's total to 35,836.

There are four cases in the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary daily update. Of these, one is a Singaporean or permanent resident while three are work pass holders.

Further details will be shared later in the day, the ministry added.

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From dawn to dusk, Singapore as it exits its COVID-19 circuit breaker
Runners and cyclists along Singapore's Jubilee Bridge in the evening of day one post-circuit breaker. (Photo: Jeremy Long)

People across Singapore started returning to work and school on Tuesday (Jun 2) as the country entered Phase 1 of lifting its “circuit breaker” measures, seven weeks after the curbs were implemented.

Circuit breaker measures first came into effect on Apr 7, and were further tightened after three weeks as COVID-19 continued to spread. The restrictions included the ban of social gatherings, suspension of schools, closing of workplaces and shuttering of most businesses, among many others.

Here’s what the day looked like for Singaporeans who began adjusting to the "new normal", post-circuit breaker.

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Life after circuit breaker - retail, entertainment & leisure won’t be the same again

After nearly two months, the circuit breaker that was imposed on Apr 7 to curb the COVID-19 outbreak is set to be eased on Tuesday (Jun 2).

But hold the champagne. Singapore residents who have been largely confined within their homes during this period will still have to wait before they can indulge in retail therapy, dine out or just watch a movie. Instead, Jun 2 will mark the start of a three-phase gradual resumption of activities, with the initial phase allowing economic activities that “do not pose high risk of transmission” of the coronavirus to resume.

These refer to those in manufacturing and production facilities, businesses with employees working in offices or selected services such as motor vehicle servicing, air-conditioner servicing and basic pet services.

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Ending circuit breaker: phased approach to resuming activities safely
Safe Re-opening: Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three

The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 19 May 2020 that Singapore will exit the Circuit Breaker when it ends on 1 June, and embark on a three-phased approach to resume activities safely.

While new daily cases would likely increase once activities resume, the Government will continue to detect and contain cases quickly to prevent new clusters from forming.

Here’s what you need to know about the three phases:
  • Phase One: Safe Re-opening
  • Phase Two: Safe Transition
  • Phase Three: Safe Nation

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Singapore's Covid-19 circuit breaker ends on Jun 1; economy to reopen in 3 phases

Singapore's circuit breaker will formally end on June 1, the multi-ministry task force on the Covid-19 outbreak announced on Tuesday (May 19), saying the economy would then be reopened gradually in three phases.

At a virtual press conference, the task force outlined the broad plan to transition Singapore in phases out of its period of stringent measures eventually into a new normal that will be remain until an effective vaccine or treatment for Covid-19 is developed. But the ministers stressed that reopening plans are not a return to life before Covid-19.

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong also noted that phases could be rolled back should the outbreak flare up again. He also said that a rise in number of cases is likely as Singapore reopens.

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Singapore to exit circuit breaker on Jun 1, visiting of parents, places of worship allowed with restrictions

Singapore will exit the circuit breaker as planned on Jun 1, with measures to be progressively lifted in three phases from the next day, the authorities announced on Tuesday (May 19).

As the risk of a resurgence in community transmission remains high, the Government will first resume economic activities that do not pose a high risk of transmission in the first phase, the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) said in a joint media statement.

Besides the essential businesses that are already operating, businesses that operate in settings with lower transmission risks will be allowed to open. These include manufacturing firms, subject to the issued guidelines set for the manufacturing sectors and most offices. Nevertheless, the authorities said that tele-commuting must be used to the “maximum extent”.

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Singapore confirms 408 new COVID-19 cases, 24th COVID-19 death

Singapore reported 408 new COVID-19 infections as of noon on Monday, with no new cases in the community. The new cases bring the national total to 35,292.

It is the first time in more than three months that no new community case has been reported in MOH's daily updates.

A 51-year-old migrant worker from China has died from complications due to COVID-19, becoming Singapore's 24th fatality from the disease. The man, Case 17329, is the youngest so far to die from the novel coronavirus here. He tested positive for the virus on May 1.

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C0VID-19 Lockdown Laughs

Here’s every Wuhan virus infection in Singapore on a map

At least 10 Singaporeans have now been infected with the Chinese coronavirus inside the city-state and on Friday afternoon the authorities formally raised the alarm that the disease threat is severe and spreading in Singapore. 

Raising the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition, or DORSCON, level from yellow to orange on Friday means schools will suspend off-campus activities, according to the Health Ministry. The change was announced after Singapore announced three new infections in people who had not been to China, bringing the total tally to 33.

Two of the new cases involved people who had recently traveled to Malaysia, while the third was a teacher at the Victoria Junior College. All three are Singaporeans.

Every Wuhan virus infection in Singapore:
  • 1: Chinese man, 66, from Wuhan traveled to Singapore 7 with his family on Jan 20.
  • 2: Chinese woman, 53, from Wuhan traveled to Singapore with her family on Jan 21.
  • 3: Chinese man, 37, from Wuhan, and son of first confirmed patient.
  • 4: Chinese man, 36, from Wuhan traveled to Singapore on Jan 22 with his family.
  • 5: Chinese woman, 56, from Wuhan traveled to Singapore with her family on Jan 18.
  • 6: Chinese man, 56, from Wuhan traveled to Singapore with his family on Jan 19.
  • 7: Chinese man, 35, from Wuhan arrived in Singapore on Jan 23 with family and friends.
  • 8 & 9: Chinese married couple from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on Jan 19.
  • 10: Chinese man, 56, from Wuhan arrived in Singapore on Jan 20.
  • 11: Chinese woman, 31, arrived in S'pore Jan 22 and traveled with 4th confirmed patient.
  • 12: Chinese woman, 37, from Wuhan arrived in Singapore with her family on Jan 22.
  • 13: Chinese woman, 73, from Wuhan arrive Spore with family Jan 21, contact of 2nd patient.
  • 14: Chinese man, 31, who works in Singapore where he stays at Jurong East Street 13.
  • 15 (Singaporean): woman, 47, was 1 of the 92 Sporeans evacuated from Wuhan on Jan 30.
  • 16: Chinese man, 38, from Wuhan arrived Spore Jan 22 & stayed at his home at Nathan Rd.
  • 17 (Singaporean): Singaporean woman, 47, among those evacuated from Wuhan on Jan 30.
  • 18: Chinese woman, 31, from Wuhan travel to Spore with 12th confirmed patient on Jan 22.
  • 19 (Singaporean): woman, 28, contact group of 20 Chinese tourists from Guangxi province.
  • 20 (Singaporean): woman, 48, colleague of 19th patient, developed symptoms on Jan 25.
  • 21 (Indonesian): woman, 44, worked for 19th patient as domestic worker, symptoms on Feb 2.
  • 22 (Singaporean): man, 41, tested positive after being evacuated from Wuhan on Jan 30.
  • 23 (Singaporean): A 17-yr-old man tested positive after evacuated from Wuhan on Jan 30.
  • 24 (Singaporean): woman, 32, a tour guide who brought Guangxi tourists to Yong Thai Hang.
  • 25 (Singaporean): Singaporean man, 40, is the husband of the tour guide.
  • 26: Chinese woman, 42, from Wuhan arrived Spore Jan 21 with mother, who is 13th patient.
  • 27 (Singaporean): Singaporean private-hire driver, 45, tested positive on Feb. 5.
  • 28 (Singaporean): Six-month-old baby boy is son of the private-hire driver and 19th patient.
  • 29 (Singaporean): man, 41, tested positive Feb 5 admitted to Mt Elizabeth Novena Hospital.
  • 30 (Singaporean): man, 27, tested positive Feb 6 attended business meeting at Grand Hyatt.
  • 31 (Singaporean): man, 53, tested positive Feb 6, after he visited Malaysia on Jan 6, 11 & 17.
  • 32 (Singaporean): woman, 42, teacher Victoria Jr College admitted Parkway E Hospital Feb 5.
  • 33 (Singaporean): Woman, 39, tested positive Feb. 6 after visiting Malaysia from Jan. 22-29.
  • 34 (Singaporean): 40-yr-old female Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 35 (Singaporean): 64-yr-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 36 (Singapore PR): 38 yr-old female Sg PR no recent travel to China but in JB 25-28 Jan.
  • 37 (Singaporean): 53 yr-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 38 (Singaporean): 52 yr-old female Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 39 (Singaporean): 51 yr-old male no recent travel to China, traveled to Malaysia 23 Jan-2 Feb.
  • 40 (Singaporean): 36-yr-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 41 (Singaporean): 71-yr-old man no recent travel to China, had no links to previous cases.
  • 42 (Bangladeshi): 39-yr-old Bangladesh who is Spore WP holder no recent travel to China.
  • 43 (Singaporean): 54-yr-old with no recent travel to China, but visited Malaysia on Jan 26.
  • 44 (Singaporean): 37-yr-old man who works at Certis and had been on duty at Chingay.
  • 45 (Singaporean): 2-yr-old girl who was evacuated from Wuhan Jan 30 on a Scoot flight.
  • 46 (Singaporean): 35-yr-old male Spore PR live in JB work at Resorts World Sentosa Casino.
  • 47 (Bangladeshi): 39-year-old male Bangladesh worker, worked at Seletar Aerospace Heights.
  • 48 (Singaporean): 34-yr-old man, employee Grace Assembly God church, symptoms Feb 1.
  • 49 (Singaporean): 46-yr-old man, employee Grace Assembly God church, symptoms Feb 3.
  • 50 (Singaporean): 62-yr-old man, employee of DBS confirmed infection on Wed morning.
  • 51 (Singaporean): 48 yr-old male with no recent travel to China and stays at Bishan St 13.
  • 52 (Bangladehi): 37 yr-old male Bangladeshi, a Spore WP holder, no recent travel to China.
  • 53 (Singaporean): 54 yr-old male, works at NUS linked to cluster at Grace Assembly of God.
  • 54 (Singaporean): 54 yr-old female Singapore Citizen).
  • 55 (Singaporean): 30 yr-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to China.
  • 56 (Bangladeshi): 30 yr-old male Bangladesh national with no recent travel history to China.
  • 57 (Singaporean): 26 yr-old male Singapore Citizen.
  • 58 (Singaporean): 55 yr-old male are linked to the cluster at Grace Assembly of God.
  • 59-67: 9 new cases confirmed in Singapore with 6 linked to Grace Assembly church.
  • 68-72: 5 new cases, 3 linked to Grace Assembly church. (69 is a 26-yr-old Bangladeshi).
  • 73-75: 3 new cases confirmed in Singapore, including a SAF regular.
  • 76-77: 2 new cases reported, 5 COVID-19 patients in Singapore discharged from hospital.
  • 78-81: new cases diagnosed, 3 linked to Grace Assembly of God church.
  • 82-84: 3 new cases, 5 discharged, include Chinese national who was 1st confirmed patient.
  • 85: 1 new case diagnosed, 3 discharged, 4 remain in ICU.
  • 86: 1 new case, 10 more COVID-19 patients discharged.
  • 87-89: 3 new cases, mother & 6-mth-old baby discharged.
  • 90: 1 new case confirmed in Singapore, 2 more discharged.
  • 91: 1 new case, 5 more COVID-19 patients discharged in Singapore.
  • 92-93: 2 new cases in Singapore, bringing total to 93.
  • 94-96: 3 new cases in Singapore, including RI student.
  • 97-98: 2 new cases, as new cluster emerges at Wizlearn Technologies in Science Park II.
  • 99-102: 4 new cases linked to Science Park cluster, including Filipino maid.
  • 103-106: 4 new cases, 3 of which linked to Wizlearn Technologies cluster.
  • 107-108: 2 new cases, 1 of which linked to Wizlearn Technologies cluster.
  • 109-110: 2 new cases, as Wizlearn Technologies cluster continues to grow.
  • 111-112: 2 new cases, including non-teaching staff at Jurong preschool.
  • 113-117: 5 new cases, new cluster involving a private dinner function SAFRA Jurong.
  • 118-130: 13 new cases, 9 of these from Safra Jurong cluster.
  • 130-138: 8 new cases confirmed, 8 more patients discharged from hospital.
  • 139-150: 12 new cases, 9 linked to SAFRA Jurong cluster.
  • 151-160: 10 new cases, 6 linked to SAFRA Jurong cluster, including a 5-yr-old.
  • 161-166: 6 new cases, 3 linked to SAFRA Jurong cluster.
  • 167-178: 12 new cases, including RSAF servicemen who were on duty in France.
  • 179-187: 9 new cases, including 2 who attended mass religious gathering in Malaysia.
  • 188-200: 13 new cases, 1 more discharged from hospital.
  • 201-212: 12 new cases in Singapore, 8 discharged.
  • 213-226: 14 new cases, including 9 imported cases.
  • 227-243: 17 new cases in Singapore in largest single-day increase to date.
  • 244-266: 23 new cases in Singapore reach another high.
  • 267-313: 47 new cases in Singapore reach another high.
  • 314-345: 32 new cases, 75% of which are imported.
  • 346-385: 40 new cases, including 30 imported infections.
  • 386-432: 47 new cases, more than 80% imported.
  • 433-455: 23 new cases, including 18 imported infections.
  • 456-509: 54 new cases in highest daily spike.
  • 510-558: 49 new cases with 32 imported cases; most travelled to UK.
  • 559-631: 73 new cases, new cluster PCF Sparkletots centre linked to 18 cases.
  • 632-683: 52 new cases, new infections linked to PCF Sparkletots in Fengshan.
  • 684-732: 49 new cases, new cluster at SingPost Centre.
  • 733-802: 70 new cases exceed 800 with 70 new infections.
  • 803-844: 42 new cases, new cluster at The Wedding Brocade bridal studio.
  • 845-879: 35 new cases, 3 new clusters identified.
  • 880-926: 47 new cases, including 31 local cases.
  • 927-1000: 74 new cases, number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore reaches 1,000.
  • 1001-1049: 49 new cases, Mustafa Centre among 3 new clusters identified.
  • 1050-1114: 65 new cases, including 17 unlinked cases.
  • 1115-1189: 75 new cases, wedding events in Tanjong Katong among 4 new clusters.
  • 1190-1309: 120 new cases, record daily spike of 120 cases.
  • 1310-1375: 66 new cases, 2 new clusters at Little Gems Preschool & Kranji Lodge.
  • 1376-1481: 106 new cases, with 52 linked to existing clusters.
  • 1482-1623: 142 new cases, record spike, 20 linked to largest cluster at S11 dormitory.
  • 1624-1910: 287 new cases, a record with more than half linked to dormitory cluster.
  • 1911-2108: 198 new cases, second death from Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home cluster, the 7th.
  • 2109-2299: 191 new cases, 8 deaths linked to COVID-19, the 8th.
  • 2200-2532: 233 new cases, 7 new clusters including MBS restaurant and McDonald's.
  • 2533-2918: 386 new cases, record 386 new COVID-19 cases and another death, the 9th.
  • 2919-3252: 334 new cases, situation remains 'critical' total exceed 3,000, 10 deaths.
  • 3253-3699: 447 new cases, record 447 new cases, 68% linked to known clusters.
  • 3700-4427: 728 new cases, record 728 new cases, mostly from foreign worker dormitories.
  • 4428-5050: 623 new cases, one more person dies of the disease, the 11th.
  • 5051-5992: 942 new cases, daily high of 942 new cases.
  • 5993-6588: 596 new cases, vast majority from dormitories.
  • 6589-8014: 1426 new cases, mostly foreign workers in dormitories.
  • 8015-9125: 1111 new cases, cases top 9,000 cases.
  • 9126-10141: 1016 new cases, top 10,000; 12th person dies.
  • 10143-11178: 1037 new cases, top 11,000.
  • 11179-12075: 897 new cases, bringing tally to 12,075.
  • 12076-12693: 618 new cases, 7 new cluster at Northpoint City.
  • 12694-13624: 931 new cases, bringing tally to 13,624.
  • 13625-14423: 799 new cases, total tally stand 14,423, 13th & 14th deaths.
  • 14424-14951: 528 new cases, total tally stand 14,951, 15 deaths.
  • 14952-15641: 690 new cases, bringing tally to 15,641.
  • 15642-16169: 528 new cases, bringing tally to 16,169.
  • 16170-17101: 932 new cases, bringing tally to 17,101 & 16 deaths.
  • 17102-17548: 447 new cases, bringing tally to 17,548 & 17 deaths.
  • 17549-18205: 657 new cases, bringing tally to 18,205 & 18 deaths.
  • 18206-18778: 573 new cases, bringing total to 18,778.
  • 18779-19410: 632 new cases, bringing total to 19,410.
  • 19411-20198: 788 new cases, bringing total to 20,198 & 20 deaths.
  • 20199-20939: 741 new cases, bringing total to 20,939.
  • 20940-21707: 768 new cases, bringing total to 21,707.
  • 21708-22460: 753 new cases, bringing total to 22,460.
  • 22461-23336: 876 new cases, bringing total to 23,336.
  • 23337-23787: 486 new cases, bringing total to 23,787 & 21 deaths.
  • 23788-24671: 884 new cases, bringing total to 24,671.
  • 24672-25346: 675 new cases, bringing total to 25,346.
  • 25347-26098: 752 new cases, bringing total to 26,098.
  • 26099-26891: 793 new cases, bringing total to 26,891.
  • 26892-27356: 465 new cases, bringing total to 27,356 & 22 deaths.
  • 27357-28038: 682 new cases, bringing total to 28,038.
  • 28039-28343: 305 new cases, bringing total to 28,343.
  • 28344-28794: 451 new cases, bringing total to 28,794.
  • 28795-29364: 570 new cases, bringing total to 29,364.
  • 29365-29812: 448 new cases, bringing total to 29,812 & 23 deaths.
  • 29813-30426: 614 new cases, bringing total to 30,426.
  • 30427-31068: 642 new cases, bringing total to 31,068.
  • 31069-31616: 548 new cases, bringing total to 31,616.
  • 31617-31960: 334 new cases, bringing total to 31,960.
  • 31961-32343: 383 new cases, bringing total to 32,343.
  • 32344-32876: 533 new cases, bringing total to 32,876.
  • 32877-33249: 373 new cases, bringing total to 33,249.
  • 33250-33860: 611 new cases, bringing total to 33,860.
  • 33861-34366: 506 new cases, bringing total to 34,366.
  • 34367-34884: 518 new cases, bringing total to 34,884.
  • 34885-35292: 408 new cases, bringing total to 35,292 & 24 deaths.
  • 35293-35836: 544 new cases, bringing total to 35,836.
  • 35837-36405: 569 new cases, bringing total to 36,405.
  • 36406-36922: 517 new cases, bringing total to 36,922.
  • 36923-37183: 261 new cases, bringing total to 37,183.
  • 37184-37527: 344 new cases, bringing total to 37,527 & 25 deaths.
  • 37528-37910: 383 new cases, bringing total to 37,910.
  • 37911-38296: 386 new cases, bringing total to 38,296.
  • 37911-38514: 218 new cases, bringing total to 38,514.
  • 38515-38965: 451 new cases, bringing total to 38,965.
  • 38966-39387: 422 new cases, bringing total to 39,387.
  • 39388-39850: 463 new cases, bringing total to 39,850.
  • 39851-40197: 347 new cases, bringing total to 40,197 & 26 deaths.
  • 39851-40604: 407 new cases, bringing total to 40,604.
  • 40605-40818: 214 new cases, bringing total to 40,818.
  • 40819-40969: 151 new cases, bringing total to 40,969.
  • 40970-41216: 247 new cases, bringing total to 41,216.
  • 41217-41473: 257 new cases, bringing total to 41,473.
  • 41474-41615: 142 new cases, bringing total to 41,615.

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Ministry of Health News Highlights: Press Releases

19 Jun 2020 747 More Cases Discharged, 142 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
18 Jun 2020 774 More Cases Discharged, 257 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
17 Jun 2020 775 More Cases Discharged, 247 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
16 Jun 2020 797 More Cases Discharged, 151 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
15 Jun 2020 777 More Cases Discharged, 214 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
14 Jun 2020 781 More Cases Discharged, 407 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
13 Jun 2020 768 More Cases Discharged, 347 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
12 Jun 2020 754 More Cases Discharged, 463 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
11 Jun 2020 754 More Cases Discharged, 422 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
10 Jun 2020 655 More Cases Discharged, 451 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
9 Jun 2020 509 More Cases Discharged, 218 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
8 Jun 2020 482 More Cases Discharged, 386 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
7 Jun 2020 327 More Cases Discharged, 383 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
6 Jun 2020 350 More Cases Discharged, 344 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
5 Jun 2020 305 More Cases Discharged, 261 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
4 Jun 2020 322 More Cases Discharged, 517 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
3 Jun 2020 407 More Cases Discharged, 569 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
2 Jun 2020 709 More Cases Discharged, 544 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
1 Jun 2020 767 More Cases Discharged, 408 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
31 May 2020 972 More Cases Discharged, 518 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
30 May 2020 1096 More Cases Discharged, 506 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
29 May 2020 1337 More Cases Discharged, 611 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
28 May 2020 1018 More Cases Discharged, 373 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
27 May 2020 832 More Cases Discharged, 533 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
26 May 2020 706 More Cases Discharged, 383 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
25 May 2020 862 More Cases Discharged, 334 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
24 May 2020 994 More Cases Discharged, 548 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
23 May 2020 927 More Cases Discharged, 642 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
22 May 2020 838 More Cases Discharged, 614 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
21 May 2020 910 More Cases Discharged, 448 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
20 May 2020 842 More Cases Discharged, 570 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
19 May 2020 530 More Cases Discharged, 451 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
18 May 2020 495 More Cases Discharged, 305 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
17 May 2020 998 More Cases Discharged, 682 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
16 May 2020 1094 More Cases Discharged, 465 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
15 May 2020 1275 More Cases Discharged, 793 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
14 May 2020 1164 More Cases Discharged, 752 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
13 May 2020 958 More Cases Discharged, 675 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
12 May 2020 626 More Cases Discharged, 884 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
11 May 2020 504 More Cases Discharged, 486 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
10 May 2020 425 More Cases Discharged, 876 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
9 May 2020 256 More Cases Discharged, 753 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
8 May 2020 328 More Cases Discharged, 768 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
7 May 2020 78 More Cases Discharged, 741 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
6 May 2020 115 More Cases Discharged, 788 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
5 May 2020 62 More Cases Discharged, 632 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
4 May 2020 49 More Cases Discharged, 573 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
3 May 2020 61 More Cases Discharged, 657 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
2 May 2020 79 More Cases Discharged, 447 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
1 May 2020 24 More Cases Discharged, 932 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
30 Apr 2020 56 More Cases Discharged, 528 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
29 Apr 2020 62 More Cases Discharged, 690 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
28 Apr 2020 33 More Cases Discharged, 528 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
27 Apr 2020 35 More Cases Discharged, 799 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
26 Apr 2020 58 More Cases Discharged, 931 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
25 Apr 2020 46 More Cases Discharged, 618 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
24 Apr 2020 38 More Cases Discharged, 897 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
23 Apr 2020 36 More Cases Discharged, 1037 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
22 Apr 2020 57 More Cases Discharged, 1016 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
21 Apr 2020 39 More Cases Discharged, 1111 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
20 Apr 2020 33 More Cases Discharged, 1426 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
19 Apr 2020 26 More Cases Discharged, 596 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
18 Apr 2020 38 More Cases Discharged, 942 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
17 Apr 2020 25 More Cases Discharged, 623 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
16 Apr 2020 31 more Cases Discharged; 728 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
15 Apr 2020 41 more Cases Discharged; 447 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
14 Apr 2020 25 more Cases Discharged; 334 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
13 Apr 2020 26 more Cases Discharged; 386 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
12 Apr 2020 32 more Cases Discharged; 233 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
11 Apr 2020 35 more Cases Discharged; 191 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
10 Apr 2020 32 more Cases Discharged; 198 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
09 Apr 2020 54 more Cases Discharged; 287 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
08 Apr 2020 29 more Cases Discharged; 142 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
07 Apr 2020 33 more Cases Discharged; 106 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
06 Apr 2020 24 more Cases Discharged; 66 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
05 Apr 2020 23 more Cases Discharged; 120 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
04 Apr 2020 15 more Cases Discharged; 75 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
03 Apr 2020 16 more Cases Discharged; 65 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
02 Apr 2020 21 more Cases Discharged; 49 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
01 Apr 2020 5 more Cases Discharged; 74 New Cases of Covid-19 Infection Confirmed
31 Mar 2020 12 more cases discharged; 47 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
30 Mar 2020 16 more cases discharged; 35 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
29 Mar 2020 14 more cases discharged; 42 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
28 Mar 2020 15 more cases discharged; 70 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
27 Mar 2020 11 more cases discharged; 49 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
26 Mar 2020 12 More Cases Discharged, 52 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
25 Mar 2020 Five more cases discharged; 73 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
24 Mar 2020 Three more cases discharged; 49 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
23 Mar 2020 Eight more cases discharged; 54 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
22 Mar 2020 Four more cases discharged; 23 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
21 Mar 2020 Nine more cases discharged; 47 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
20 Mar 2020 Seven More Cases Discharged, 40 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
19 Mar 2020 Seven More Cases Discharged, 32 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
18 Mar 2020 Three More Cases Discharged, 47 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
17 Mar 2020 Five more cases discharged; 23 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
16 Mar 2020 Four more cases discharged; 17 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
15 Mar 2020 14 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
14 Mar 2020 Eight more cases discharged; 12 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
13 Mar 2020 One more case discharged; 13 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
12 Mar 2020 9 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
11 Mar 2020 Three more cases discharged; 12 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
10 Mar 2020 6 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
09 Mar 2020 Three more cases discharged, 10 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
08 Mar 2020 12 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
07 Mar 2020 Eight more cases discharged, 8 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
06 Mar 2020 One more case discharged; 13 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
05 Mar 2020 Two more cases discharged; 5 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
04 Mar 2020 One more case discharged; 2 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
03 Mar 2020 2 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
02 Mar 2020 Four More Cases Discharged, 2 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
01 Mar 2020 Two more cases discharged; 4 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
29 Feb 2020 Three more cases discharged, 4 new cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
28 Feb 2020 Three More Cases Discharged; 2 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
27 Feb 2020 Four more cases discharged, 3 new cases of COVID-19 Infection confirmed
26 Feb 2020 Four more cases discharged; 2 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
25 Feb 2020 Five More Cases Discharged: 1 New Case of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
24 Feb 2020 Two More Cases Discharged: 1 New Case of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
23 Feb 2020 Two More Cases Discharged; No New Confirmed Case of COVID-19 Infection
22 Feb 2020 Two more cases discharged; 3 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
21 Feb 2020 Ten more cases discharged; 1 new case of COVID-19 infection confirmed
20 Feb 2020 Three More Cases Discharged; 1 New Case of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
19 Feb 2020 Five more cases Discharged, 3 new cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
18 Feb 2020 Five More Cases Discharged; 4 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
17 Feb 2020 Five More Cases Discharged; 2 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
16 Feb 2020 One more case discharged; 3 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
15 Feb 2020 One more case discharged; 5 new cases of COVID-19 infection confirmed
14 Feb 2020 Two More Cases Discharged; 9 New Cases of COVID-19 Infection Confirmed
13 Feb 2020 8 More Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Infection
12 Feb 2020 Six more cases discharged; 3 new cases of COVID-19 Infection confirmed
11 Feb 2020 Two more cases discharged; 2 new cases of novel coronavirus infection confirmed
10 Feb 2020 One more case discharged; 2 new cases of novel coronavirus infection confirmed
09 Feb 2020 Four more cases discharged; 3 new cases of Novel Coronavirus Infection
08 Feb 2020 7 more confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection in Singapore
06 Feb 2020 2 more confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection in Singapore
05 Feb 2020 4 More Confirmed Cases of Novel Coronavirus Infection in Singapore
01 Feb 2020 2 More Confirmed Imported Cases of Novel Coronavirus Infection in Singapore
31 Jan 2020 3 More Confirmed Imported Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus Infection in Singapore
30 Jan 2020 3 more confirmed imported cases of Wuhan coronavirus infection in Singapore
29 Jan 2020 3 more Confirmed Imported Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus Infection in Singapore

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Singapore reports deaths from COVID-19

COVID-19: Singapore enters Phase 2 reopening of 'CB'
Died but not classified as a Covid-19 death
COVID-19: Singapore exits 'Circuit Breakers'
Charged with COVID-19-related offences
COVID-19: Returning to Normalcy
Dormitory Infections Push Singapore Covid-19 Cases to New Record
Singapore activates 'Circuit Breakers' to minimise spread of Covid-19
How Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan are responding to Covid-19
When A Mask Is A Must
COVID-19: Singapore enters new phase of community transmission
Singapore reports first deaths from COVID-19
COVID-19: Deers & Monkeys roaming for food
Was Coronavirus Predicted in 1981 or 2008?
Singapore urges calm after panic buying hits supermarkets
Singapore reports its first cases of local COVID-19 transmission
Singapore confirms cases of COVID-19 Virus