

Sexual Harassment Scandal At Singapore's Top University

Update 12 Apr 2021: 71 sexual misconduct complaints involving students in past 5 years: NUS
NUS said in its report that it received 12 sexual misconduct complaints last year. Seven cases took place on campus while the rest occurred either off campus or online

A total of 71 sexual misconduct complaints involving students were made to the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the past few years. About a third of these complaints, or 24 incidents, involved verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature, NUS said in its first report on sexual misconduct which was sent to students and staff members on Wednesday (Jan 6).

The report covered complaints made between 2016 and 2020 involving students and staff members. Eighteen complaints were linked to voyeurism while six were related to taking upskirt photographs or videos. Five were classified under sexual assault.

Two reports were made regarding rape where the victims alleged that they had non-consensual sex, said NUS, adding that no further action was taken following investigations by the university and the police.


NUS had 71 complaints of sexual misconduct involving students in past five years
The number was highest in 2019, when 25 such reports were made.ST PHOTO: JASON QUAH

A total of 71 complaints of sexual misconduct involving students were made to the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the past five years. The number was highest in 2019, when 25 such reports were made. This was the year former NUS student Monica Baey sparked a discussion about sexual misconduct by voicing her frustration that the university had not done more against a male student who had filmed her in the shower at the Eusoff Hall student residence.

In its first report on sexual misconduct, sent to students and staff on Wednesday (Jan 6), NUS laid out a summary of past and present cases, including the type of complaints it received, and a breakdown of last year's cases. The university said the report will be provided every six months, with the hope of strengthening and deepening trust within the NUS community.

NUS had 12 complaints of sexual misconduct in 2020. During the year, its board of discipline or disciplinary appeals board also dealt with another three cases involving students, acting on complaints made before 2020.

Recap of NUS staff dealt with for alleged inappropriate behaviour, sexual misconduct this year

The dismissal on Tuesday (Dec 1) of Professor Theodore G Hopf by the National University of Singapore marked the third time in less than two months that the institution had taken action against a member of its staff or a former staff member over allegations of inappropriate behaviour or sexual misconduct.

Here is a recap of the three cases:
  • DR JEREMY FERNANDO - A lecturer and fellow at the residential Tembusu College, Dr Jeremy Fernando was sacked by NUS on Oct 7 following an internal investigation of two complaints alleging that he had “behaved inappropriately as a teaching staff”.
  • PROFESSOR ZHENG YONGNIAN - On Nov 17, NUS announced that it had completed its review of a complaint made against former East Asian Institute (EAI) director Professor Zheng Yongnian and found that he had behaved inappropriately towards a colleague in May 2018.
  • PROFESSOR TED HOPF - On Dec 1, NUS said in a media release that it had dismissed Professor Theodore G Hopf - better known as Ted Hopf - over a case of sexual harassment against a student following an anonymous complaint sent to the university in August.

National University of Singapore professor fired for sexual misconduct after sexting, harassment investigation

A member of academic staff at the National University of Singapore was dismissed on Tuesday for sexual misconduct following investigations into an anonymous complaint in August. The complaint alleged that Professor Theodore G Hopf from the university’s political science department in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences had sexually harassed a student, the NUS said in a statement. The university said it had conducted interviews with the student and Hopf, following which on September 15 the professor was prohibited from contacting any NUS student. He was later suspended and told to stay off-campus while investigations were ongoing, the NUS said.

The case is the latest in a string of actions – the third in less than two months – taken by the university against professors for inappropriate behaviour or sexual misconduct. Two weeks ago, the NUS revealed that a former professor from its East Asian Institute, Zheng Yongnian, had acted “inappropriately in a professional setting” by hugging a colleague without her consent.

A month before that, the university sacked Dr Jeremy Fernando, who taught at Tembusu College, after he was found to have behaved “inappropriately” with students.

NUS sacks American professor for sexually harassing student

Yet another professor from the National University of Singapore has been accused of sexually harassing a student. Two months after firing an instructor it said sexually assaulted two students, the university today dismissed political science professor Theodore Geoffrey Hopf for sexually harassing a student, saying the 61-year-old academic had given the student alcohol and made an “offensive” comment about the student’s body. Hopf, the school said, made an unconvincing excuse for sexting the student two years ago.

“Prof Hopf was found to have sexually harassed the student, and this behaviour falls short of the standards of professionalism expected of a teaching staff of the University.” the school said in a statement. “Given the serious nature of the offences, the University decided to dismiss him on 1 December 2020 with immediate effect.”

This is the school’s third sexual misconduct case in as many months. In October, it fired professor Jeremy Fernando in the wake of accusations he made sexual advances toward two students, drawing complaints it waited weeks before notifying the student body. Earlier, in September, a Chinese research professor resigned after a colleague accused him of groping her.

NUS prof sacked for sexual misconduct: 3 allegations investigated by Committee of Inquiry

A National University of Singapore (NUS) professor was dismissed on Tuesday (Dec 1) for sexual misconduct against a student.

An anonymous complaint was sent to the university in August against Professor Theodore G. Hopf, the provost chair professor at the department of political science in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. In October, NUS appointed a Committee of Inquiry (COI) to look into the allegations against the professor, who is better known as Ted Hopf.

Here is a look at the three allegations and the COI's findings:
  • October 2018: Prof Hopf sent a sex-text message to the student.
  • August 2020: During a meeting between the student and Prof Hopf on campus, he offered and drank alcohol with the student, and also made an offensive remark about certain parts of the student's anatomy.
  • August 2020: In the same meeting, Prof Hopf pulled the student forcefully towards him twice, during which the student resisted, moved back and told him to stop.

NUS dismisses professor over sexual harassment of student
The National University of Singapore (NUS) on Tuesday (Dec 1) dismissed a professor over a case of sexual harassment against a student. Tan Si Hui speaks with Professor Theodore Hopf, who has denied all allegations

The National University of Singapore (NUS) on Tuesday (Dec 1) dismissed a professor over a case of sexual harassment against a student.

An anonymous complaint was sent to the university in August alleging that Professor Theodore G Hopf, listed on the NUS website as Ted Hopf, had sexually harassed a student, said NUS in a media release.

Prof Hopf was part of the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). NUS did not indicate the gender of the student.


Another NUS academic sacked for sexual misconduct towards student

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has dismissed a US-born political science professor due to sexual misconduct towards a student, it said in a statement on Tuesday (Dec 1).

An anonymous complaint regarding Professor Theodore Geoffrey Hopf, a Provost Chair Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, was first sent to the university in August this year. The NUS then began investigations into the complaint.

This is the second time in a span of two months that an academic from NUS has been sacked for sexual misconduct. On Oct 18, Dr Jeremy Fernando, a fellow at Tembusu College, was sacked by the NUS after it investigated allegations that he had engaged in sexual misconduct involving two female students. A police report was also filed against him.

A 23-year-old Singaporean is seeking justice after her university imposed a light punishment on a ‘Peeping Tom’

All You Need To Know

A 23-year-old Singaporean is seeking justice after her university imposed a light punishment on a ‘Peeping Tom’.

Monica Baey, a third-year communications and new media undergraduate at the National University of Singapore (NUS), took to Instagram on 18 April to share about a traumatic incident that took place last November.

Here are 10 things you need to know about the case and how it escalated to this point:
  • Baey was showering at her student residence Eusoff Hall on 25 November when she noticed an iPhone being held underneath the cubicle's door
  • When Baey met up with Lim and his girlfriend to discuss the incident, he justified his actions by claiming that he was heavily intoxicated and inspired by a genre of pornography
  • After a two-month investigation, the university decided to give Lim a 12-month suspension and ban him from entering Eusoff Hall
  • Baey argued that the punishments hardly affect Lim as he did even not live in a campus hall, and he was still allowed to visit the university campus
  • In a series of Insta Stories, Baey called NUS out for what she deemed to be an inadequate response towards a serious crime
  • Baey also slammed Lim's one-page apology letter, arguing that she has to continue living with the trauma while he walks off with a slap on the wrist
  • Since then, almost 30,000 people have signed two separate online petitions calling for NUS and the police to impose harsher punishments on perpetrators of sexual offences on university campuses
  • After Baey's posts went viral, a Singaporean company publicly declared that it will no longer work with the university unless the perpetrator is expelled
  • On 20 April, NUS issued a statement saying that they are in the process of reaching out to Baey to offer support and assistance
  • On 22 April, Great Eastern Singapore - where Lim had been working as a financial advisor - said that they had suspended him

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Police: Allegations that NUS Pervert has “Influential Parents” are Untrue
Police have rubbished allegations that the NUS pervert who was caught filming a friend bathing was given a 12-month conditional warning because he has “influential parents”

In a statement released today, the police said that the undergrad’s father is a driver and mother is a housewife, and that their occupations are irrelevant to the case. 23-year-old Nicholas Lim was publicly outed by his victim, Monica Baey, earlier this week.

Taking to social media to express her anger at the perceived lenient punishment meted out to Lim by the police and NUS, she urged authorities to impose harsher punishments to serve as a deterrence. Police said that in considering the magnitude of the punishment, the police and Attorney-General’s Chambers took into account that he was remorseful and had high potential for rehabilitation – citing that no other obscene material was found in his possession.

In aiming to temper punishment and deterrence, it was decided that he would be given a conditional warning rather than face prosecution – which would leave him with a criminal record. Police said that the punishment is consistent with the approach taken in other similar cases.

NUS student took photos of woman in shower a month after he was spotted by another victim
NUS student Ryan You Jun Chao pleaded guilty in a district court on Feb 28 to two counts of insulting a woman's modesty.ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

A National University of Singapore (NUS) student who used his mobile phone to snap photos of a woman in a campus shower ran away when his victim spotted the device, only to reoffend less than a month later.

Undeterred despite the near miss, Ryan You Jun Chao targeted another woman in the university as she was in the shower.

You, 25, pleaded guilty in a district court on Friday (Feb 28) to two counts of insulting a woman's modesty. Two criminal trespass charges will be considered during sentencing.

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Ex-NUS student admits to taking photos of 2 female students showering in campus toilet
Ryan You Jun Chao leaving the State Courts on Friday (28 January). (Photo: Wan Ting Koh/Yahoo News Singapore)

A former National University of Singapore student on Friday (28 February) admitted to photographing two fellow female students as they showered in a residential hall toilet on campus.

Ryan You Jun Chao, 25, pleaded guilty to two counts of insulting the modesty of the two female students, both 23, in February and March last year, and will have two counts of trespassing into the toilet taken into account when he is sentenced. Both victims cannot be named due to a gag order.

On 14 February last year, You woke up and felt tempted to check if there were any women showering in the common female toilet. He found the main door of the common female toilet held open by a door stopper and heard showering sounds.

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NUS student pleads guilty to taking photos of two women showering on campus
Ryan You Jun Chao, 25, is accused of breaking into toilets and taking pictures of women. (Photo: Nuria Ling/TODAY)

A National University of Singapore (NUS) student pleaded guilty on Friday (Feb 28) to taking shower photos of two women on campus.

Ryan You Chun Chao, 25, pleaded guilty to two charges of insulting a woman's modesty, with two other charges of trespassing into the ladies' toilet taken into consideration. The court heard that You and the victims, both aged 23, were staying at an NUS residential hall at the time of the offences.

The first incident occurred on Valentine's Day last year. You woke up and felt tempted to check if there were any women showering in the ladies' toilet, said Deputy Public Prosecutor Pavithra Ramkumar.

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2 male students insulted women's modesty in different universities, third offender tried to commit offence in poly

In separate incidents, three male students targeted women in different tertiary institutions and preyed on their victims in toilets.

Two of them, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) student Pham Nguyen Tuan Anh and Zachary Lim Yong Hao, who was then studying in a junior college, also insulted the modesty of their victims.

The third offender, Republic Polytechnic (RP) student Tee Ze Qian, followed his schoolmate into a toilet and attempted to insult her modesty.

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Yet another peeping tom case surfaces at NUS after the Monica Baey incident

Just when National University of Singapore can breathe a sigh of relief, another peeping tom case has surfaced.

This time, a female student has alleged that she was filmed by a student when she was in a bathroom at a residence hall on May 11. The case is now the fourth of its kind since Monica Baey's revelation on how her peeping tom case was handled a month back. She was filmed showering by Nicholas Lim.

A police report has been lodged with the unnamed suspect having been detained by the police to assist in investigations.

related: NUS in the spotlight after 160 cases of questionable disciplinary decisions

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Suspected voyeur caught in NUS dorm
Police said they received a call for assistance around 8.10am and later arrested a 26-year-old male National University of Singapore student, also a resident of Raffles Hall, for criminal trespass.PHOTO: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS

Another Peeping Tom case has surfaced on a university campus.

This time, a female student at the National University of Singapore (NUS) was allegedly filmed by a student in a bathroom at a residence hall last Saturday.

This is the fourth reported case since NUS student Monica Baey took to social media last month to express her frustration over the punishment given to fellow student Nicholas Lim for filming her showering in Eusoff Hall.

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25 cases involving sexual misconduct in NUS from 2015-2018 and how they were dealt with
The National University of Singapore (NUS) voyeurism saga is not all that uncommon

Three PDF documents leaked online detailing a comprehensive list of offences from 2015 to 2018 shines light on the consideration given in the cases, and the penalties meted out.

In one case, a NUS student entered a children’s toilet and filmed children in the adjacent cubicle on multiple occasions.

Interestingly, if the victims involved male students, it is less likely that police reports will be made.

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Seeking closure, Monica Baey says 'change has finally come', but more needs to be done

In a lengthy statement on Instagram captioned “Closure”, National University of Singapore (NUS) undergraduate Monica Baey addressed the criticisms that she has received since going viral, called on trolls to stop harassing the peeping tom who filmed her and encouraged other victims of sexual crimes to speak up.

Ms Baey, 23, has been a national talking point since a week and a half ago, when a series of Instagram stories she posted went viral.

In them, she expressed her anger at the light punishment that had been meted out to a fellow student who had filmed her while she was showering at Eusoff Hall in NUS last November.

NUS held a town hall for students
NUS convened a review committee to relook its disciplinary & support frameworks
Education Minister Ong Ye Kung:penalties against voyeur “manifestly inadequate”

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NUS accepts recommendations for tougher penalties on sexual misconduct; minimum 1-year suspension for serious offences
NUS undergraduate Monica Baey's Instagram posts in April had sparked a discussion about disciplinary processes in universities and how sexual misconduct cases are handled. PHOTO: ST FILE

The National University of Singapore has accepted all the recommendations by a review committee on sexual misconduct, including tougher penalties such as a minimum one-year suspension for serious offences and immediate expulsion for severe or aggravated cases.

The committee was set up to review the university's disciplinary and support frameworks after an undergraduate who was filmed in the shower at a hostel said that the punishment meted out to the perpetrator was too lenient.

Madam Kay Kuok, a barrister-at-law and a member of the NUS Board of Trustees, set out some of the recommendations in an e-mail to students, staff and alumni on Monday (June 10).

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Monica Baey’s case won’t be reopened even as NUS accepts review committee’s call for tougher punishments

The National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Board of Trustees has accepted in full a set of recommendations for tougher penalties for sexual misconduct on campus and greater support for victims. But among these recommendations is for past cases that have already been dealt with to remain closed.

In an email to staff and students on Monday (June 10), Mdm Kay Kuok, the chair of the committee that had been tasked to review NUS’ disciplinary and support frameworks, said the committee had “consulted with external legal advisors and determined that past cases on which the Board of Discipline had formally ruled, and for which sanctions have been meted out, cannot be reopened”.

With NUS accepting the recommendations, this means that the case involving undergraduate Monica Baey, which first catapulted the issue into the national spotlight, will not be reopened.

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12 NUS students would have been expelled if new, tougher sanctions for sexual misconduct were in place

A review committee on sexual misconduct at the National University of Singapore (NUS) said the current sanctions did not act as a “strong deterrent” and that 12 offenders would have been expelled under its tougher new framework.

The school convened a review committee in April this year after undergraduate Monica Baey called for tougher sanctions against a fellow student Nicholas Lim, who filmed her in a hostel shower. Education Minister Ong Ye Kung had previously called the penalties “manifestly inadequate”.

In the committee’s report on Monday (Jun 10) to the NUS Board of Trustees, seen by CNA, they said there was a “significant number of sexual misconduct incidents every year” at NUS and concluded that the current sanctions framework for serious offences “does not act as a strong deterrent against such offences”.

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NUS gets tough on sexual misconduct
Review committee recommends that students making sexual innuendos be suspended for a year, those revealing details of sexual encounters be expelled

National University of Singapore (NUS) students who make sexual innuendoes can face mandatory suspension of at least a year.

Repeat and recalcitrant offenders may face expulsion. Anyone who posts intimate details of sexual trysts with another person on social media will be expelled.

The enhanced penalties were part of 10 recommendations made by an NUS committee set up to review sexual misconduct and address gaps in victim support, offender rehabilitation, penalties and campus security.

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NUS student charged for allegedly filming hostel mate in shower; believed to be involved in similar cases

A 26-year-old National University of Singapore (NUS) student was charged in court on Monday (May 13) for allegedly filming a female student showering in their hostel.

Joel Rasis Ismail is accused of trespassing in a female bathroom at the Kuok Foundation House — a building in NUS’ Raffles Hall — on Saturday around 6.30am, as well as insulting his 23-year-old victim’s modesty.

The police said they were alerted to the incident at about 8am, and arrested him later that day through follow-up investigations and with the help of closed-circuit television footage.

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Another female student allegedly filmed in bathroom, male student arrested
A National University of Singapore spokesman said footage of the male suspect was captured via a newly installed CCTV camera.PHOTO: ST FILE

 female student at the National University of Singapore (NUS) was allegedly filmed by another student in a bathroom at one of the residence halls on Saturday morning (May 11).

A police report has been made about the incident at Raffles Hall and the suspect has been apprehended by the police for further investigations, said an NUS spokesman.

Police said they received a call for assistance around 8.10am, and subsequently arrested a 26-year-old NUS male student, a resident of the same residential hall, for criminal trespass.

related: 56 cases of sexual offences during academic years from 2015 to 2018

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Voyeur arrested after allegedly filming female student in NUS hostel bathroom
The latest voyeurism incident allegedly happened at the National University of Singapore's Raffles Hall

A man was arrested on Saturday (May 11) by the police after he allegedly filmed a female student in a bathroom at a National University of Singapore (NUS) hostel.

In an internal circular sent to NUS students which TODAY has seen, the university's campus security office said it was alerted to the incident at NUS' Raffles Hall on Saturday morning.

"The matter has been reported to the police and we are assisting in their investigation," said the email, which added that the university is providing the victim with "dedicated support and assistance".

related: 56 sexual misconduct cases at local universities in last 3 years

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A breakdown of the 56 sexual misconduct cases at local universities in last 3 years

There were 56 cases of sexual misconduct involving students from the six local universities in the last three years, 14 of which were committed off campus, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung told Parliament on Monday (May 6).

Of the 56 cases:
  • Twenty-five involved students from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and two involved students from Yale-NUS, which has its own Board of Discipline separate from NUS
  • Twenty were from Nanyang Technological University
  • Six were from the Singapore Management University
  • The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) had one case each
In 37 of the cases, the victims made police reports:
  • Four cases are still under investigation, while there was insufficient evidence to make out offences in two cases.
  • Of the remaining 31 cases, 16 were prosecuted in court and 10 resulted in jail terms of between 10 days and eight months, said Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam. The cases which resulted in jail terms were for serious offences involving outrage of modesty or multiple instances of voyeurism, said Mr Ong.
  • Of the six who were not jailed, four were put on supervised probation, one received a discharge not amounting to an acquittal, and one case is awaiting sentencing.
  • Thirteen other offenders were given a conditional warning and two were given a stern warning. Of the 13 given conditional warnings, one re-offended. The student from NUS was sentenced to eight months’ jail and fined S$2,000 for both his offences committed in 2015 and 2017, said Mr Shanmugam.

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Four peeping tom cases at unis in a month

Joel's case is the fourth reported case involving voyeurs at universities since NUS undergraduate Monica Baey took to Instagram last month to vent her frustrations after being filmed while showering in NUS' Eusoff Hall.

Three peeping tom cases were reported to have taken place at Nanyang Technological University halls in recent weeks, according to local media reports.

Baey had called for tougher action to be taken against the perpetrator, who was made to write an apology letter and undergo mandatory counselling, in addition to being banned from entering Eusoff Hall and suspended from school for a semester.

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NUS undergrad filmed in shower; claims school ‘wants to keep it quiet’

Frustrated with the inadequate response by her school and the police, a National University of Singapore (NUS) undergrad chronicled her experience of being filmed in the shower by a fellow NUS student on her personal Instagram account.

The victim claimed that the school “wants to keep it quiet”. Observer+ understands that a police report was filed and the perpetrator let off with a 12-month conditional warning by the police.

In defence, the offender claims he was intoxicated at the time of the incident.

NUS has responded with an apology
Victim’s mother says “trust (in NUS) is now broken.”

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'We fell short': NUS president apologises to alumni over handling of sexual misconduct case
Professor Tan Eng Chye is the president of the National University of Singapore. (Photo: NUS)

The president of the National University of Singapore (NUS) on Tue (Apr 23) apologised to the school's alumni for the way a sexual misconduct case was handled, after the victim took to social media to call for tougher action against a fellow student who had filmed her having a shower.

This comes after NUS undergraduate Ms Monica Baey revealed in a series of public Instagram Stories on Friday that she had caught a fellow 23-yr-old student filming her in the hostel shower with a mobile phone in November last year. The man was given a 12-month conditional warning by police.

Ms Baey's Instagram Stories were viewed thousands of times and triggered the spread of at least two online petitions, one of which had garnered more than 33,000 signatures demanding "stiffer punishment" for the accused.

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NUS Peeping Tom given conditional warning due to high likelihood of rehabilitation: Police

The police have explained their decision to give a 23-year-old male undergraduate from the National University of Singapore (NUS) a conditional warning for trespassing & filming a female student in the shower without her consent.

Two online petitions had called on the university and the police to take tougher action against the undergraduate after the female student,  Ms Monica Baey, a third-year NUS communications and new media undergraduate, posted her unhappiness with the punishment on her Instagram account last Thursday and Friday.

In a statement on Tue (Apr 23), the police said the accused in this case was assessed to have a “high likelihood of rehabilitation, and was remorseful”.

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NUS voyeur given conditional warning as he was 'assessed to have high likelihood of rehabilitation'

The 23-yr-old male National University of Singapore (NUS) undergraduate who committed criminal trespass & insulted the modesty of a female student last year was given a 12-month conditional warning because he had been assessed to have a high likelihood of rehabilitation and was remorseful, said Singapore police in a statement on Tue (Apr 23).

The authorities were responding to "public discussions" that had been building up around the case since the victim, NUS undergrad Monica Baey, first opened up about it on her Instagram account last week.

Police highlighted that one of the points of discussion was rules ensuring that premises like NUS provide a safe environment and noted that NUS was reviewing its rules on how such conduct should be treated.

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Police on why NUS peeping Tom was given conditional warning

The police have responded to public debate on the 12-month conditional warning given to a 23-year-old male National University of Singapore (NUS) undergraduate who took a video of a female student while she was showering in her hostel bathroom.

Monica Baey, 23, took to Instagram on Friday (Apr 19) to publicise how she was recorded by a fellow student and personal friend while she was showering in her hostel bathroom at Eusoff Hall last November.

After he was slapped with a 12-month conditional warning, she wrote she wanted "real consequences for perpetrators that commit such acts".

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Victim's action may come under new 'doxxing' laws

While the attention surrounding Ms Monica Baey's Instagram stories has caused a furore, one aspect that may have escaped attention is her decision to post the perpetrator's Instagram profile online.

The post included his name, photographs of him, his faculty at university, as well as his place of employment.

Lawyers The New Paper spoke to yesterday said this could be an offence under changes to the Protection from Harassment Act (Poha) proposed in Parliament earlier this month.

NUS peeping tom case: Victim's action may come under new 'doxxing' laws

Lawyer Fong Wei Li said: "Under the new laws, which are yet to come into force, the information that was posted online can be deemed to cause harassment if the intention to do so can be proven."

Mr Fong said that even though Ms Baey was a victim of a crime, it would not make a difference under Poha.

He also added that it is for the perpetrator to take action against Ms Baey if he feels that he has been harassed or alarmed by her actions.

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‘Doxxing’ to be criminalised under amendments to Protection from Harassment Act

The act of “doxxing”, which involves the publishing of someone’s personal information such as their photos, contact numbers or employment details with the intention to harass, will be criminalised under proposed changes to the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA).

The amendments, which were tabled in Parliament on Monday (Apr 1), are meant to enhance protection for victims of harassment & falsehoods, and to make it easier for victims to obtain remedies.

The act was enacted in 2014 to provide a range of criminal & civil remedies against harassment, and civil remedies for false statements of facts. Since it came into force in November 2014, the Ministry of Law (MinLaw) says many people have benefitted from the civil and criminal measures it provides, with more than 1,700 prosecutions and over 3,000 Magistrate’s Complaints filed.

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Singapore could criminalise doxxing under changes to Protection of Harassment Act

Doxxing – the act of publishing someone’s personal details with the intention of harassment – could soon be criminalised in Singapore under proposed changes to the Protection of Harassment Act (POHA) introduced in Parliament on Monday (1 April) by Senior Minister of State for Law, Edwin Tong.

According to media reports, the proposed amendments to the five-year-old Act are meant to enhance protection for victims of harassment and falsehoods, and to make it easier for victims to obtain remedies.

Since the act came into force in November 2014, more than 1,700 prosecutions and over 3,000 Magistrate’s Complaints have been filed to obtain criminal and civil remedies against harassment, as well as civil remedies for false statements of facts. More than 500 people have also made applications for Protection Orders.

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NUS penalties for sexual misconduct case 'manifestly inadequate': Ong Ye Kung

Education Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Mon (Apr 22) the penalties meted out by the National University of Singapore (NUS) on a recent sexual misconduct case were "manifestly inadequate".

Commenting publicly for the first time on the incident, Mr Ong said in a Facebook post: "2 nights ago, I spoke to the NUS President, and then the Board Chairman, to convey my concerns that the penalties NUS applied were manifestly inadequate in the recent sexual misconduct case.

"From here on, for offences that affect the safety of students on campus, we have to take a tough stand, and send a strong signal to everyone," he added. "2 strikes and you are out cannot be the standard application. NUS has to make its campus safe for all students, especially female students."

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NUS to convene review committee after student calls for tougher action against man who filmed her in shower
Ms Monica Baey said she noticed an iPhone being held underneath the door after she finished showering. PHOTO: MONICABAEY / INSTAGRAM

The National University of Singapore (NUS) will convene a committee to review its disciplinary & support frameworks after a female undergraduate accused it of not doing enough to punish a fellow student who had filmed her showering.

The committee, which will include members from the NUS Board of Trustees, will study the approaches taken by other international institutions and solicit views from various stakeholders, NUS dean of students, Associate Professor Peter Pang, said in a statement on Saturday (Apr 20).

The findings of the study and follow-up actions will be shared in the new academic year, he added. The new academic year begins this August.

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Mother of undergrad Monica Baey filmed in campus shower speaks up: Trust in university ‘is now broken’

The mother of an undergraduate who was filmed in the campus shower by a perv has spoken up about the incident, claiming her trust in her daughter’s university is now broken.

Mary Baey, the mother of third-year communications undergraduate Monica Baey, released a comment on Facebook about the incident commending her daughter for speaking up and criticizi;ng the sanctions that National University of Singapore (NUS) gave the perv as “completely unacceptable”.

In a Facebook comment on Saturday, Mary said that she was shocked when she learned about the incident from her daughter and slammed the 12-month conditional stern warning that the police gave the perv as “completely ridiculous”.

related: Lessons everyone can learn from the Monica Baey NUS shower video incident

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National University of Singapore in the spotlight after 160 cases of questionable disciplinary decisions

You've might have heard, the National University of Singapore is no longer the top higher education institute in Asia Pacific.

However, take a peek into its corridors - or in our case, taking a look at these statistics - would make you understand why.

A group of students of the prestigious Singaporean university who run the Facebook group, NUS Students United (NUSSU), recently uploaded data of disciplinary cases from 2015 to 2018.

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20 insult/outrage of modesty cases in NUS from 2015 – 2018
Here’s how they were dealt with

The recent National University of Singapore scandal regarding a man filming a lady while she was showering has set off a firestorm of outrage with regards to the punishment meted out against the perpetrator.

NUS has stated they will convene a committee to review the current disciplinary and support frameworks. Others feel that isn’t really enough. However, to understand what needs to be done, it is quite important to review what has been done for previous cases.

Here are all the insult/outrage of modesty cases over the past few years, and the disciplinary measures meted out in regards to them.

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26 incidents of sexual offences reviewed by NUS Board of Discipline over past 3 years, no expulsions

Over the past three years, 26 cases of sexual offences were brought before the National University of Singapore's (NUS') disciplinary board, according to a summary of cases available on the university’s student portal.

Eighteen cases involved sexual voyeurism, with some students also taking upskirt videos and photographs, or filming both male and female students showering.

Five involved outrage of modesty, or touching the thighs or buttocks of female students.

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Other local unis also reviewing how they handle sexual misconduct

The five other local universities are also reviewing their disciplinary processes for sexual misconduct, even as the National University of Singapore (NUS) came under fire for how it handled a Peeping Tom case on its grounds.

In response to queries, all of them said they are paying more attention to sexual misconduct & are looking at how to improve their policies and support victims better.

They also said they have existing security measures such as surveillance & campus patrols, as well as 24/7 hotlines for students to report suspicious persons & call counselling centres.

Full Coverage:
Police: Punishment meted to Nicholas Lim 'consistent taken in other similar cases'
National University of Singapore is no longer the top university in Asia-Pacific
3,300 signatures, 2 petitions demand more done for student filmed showering
NUS peeping tom case: Victim's action may come under new 'doxxing' laws
NUS peeping tom case: Victim's action may come under new 'doxxing' laws
Great Eastern suspends employee who alleged filmed NUS undergrad shower
NUS' penalties for sexual misconduct case were 'manifestly inadequate'
Company breaks ties with NUS as fallout over uni’s response to ‘peeping tom’
Commentary: University campuses must be safe places for all
Mother of NUS female undergraduate in peeping tom incident speaks out
Great Eastern suspends adviser who allegedly filmed student
Police warnings issued based on discretion of authorities, lawyers say
Ong Ye Kung: "2 strikes and you are out cannot be the standard application"
NUS students come together to petition for school to withdraw from fossil fuels
NUS' policy on sexual misconduct cases: 'Second strike and you are out'
Expel Lim or no business from us, says urban farm company to NUS & insurer
Not rare for young offenders to be given warnings: Ex-DPP
The significance of Monica Baey's judgement call to challenge the status quo
OnHand Agrarian to cease all dealings with NUS until voyeur is expelled
Mother of undergrad Monica Baey filmed in campus shower speaks up
Ong Ye Kung calls punishment 'manifestly inadequate'
Great Eastern suspends employee Nicholas Lim following outcry over NUS
NUS to hold town hall on sexual misconduct
Peeping Tom caught filming in NUS hall shower: Thousands sign petitions
NUS to hold townhall meeting on sexual misconduct following complaint
NUS to hold town hall this week to address concerns of sexual misconduct
Lessons everyone can learn from Monica Baey NUS shower video incident
NUS in the spotlight after 160 cases of questionable disciplinary decisions
Former student: NUS expulsion usually involves academic dishonesty
Mother of NUS student filmed in shower says trust in school “now broken”
Company cuts off ties with NUS, students express 'deep concern' as fallout
21000 signatures for NUS student seeking stronger deterrents against perverts
Student leaves Great Eastern after being suspended 'inappropriate misconduct'
NUS condemns sexual harassment, urges students not to harass peeping tom
NUS' policy on sexual misconduct cases: 'Second strike and you are out'
Almost 500 NUS students issue statement of concern on sexual harassment
NUS Students' Union to consider 'heavier punishments' for sex harassment
Group of NUS students surface past disciplinary cases: Only 1 student expelled
NUS penalties for sexual misconduct 'manifestly inadequate': Ong Ye Kung
Netizens chide university decision to form committee, student exco speaks up
Students’ union condemns sexual harassment, urges not to harass Peeping
Company cuts ties with Singapore varsity, students deeply concerned over
Singapore university student Monica Baey hopes for case to be re-opened
NUS Review Their Disciplinary After Girl Filmed in Shower Asks for "Justice"
Sporean woman filmed in school shower wants stricter punishments from uni
NUS sets up committee to review discipline, support frameworks after peeping
NUS convene review committee after undergrad calls for 'justice' against man
Student Secretly Filmed Bathing by Friend's BF, NUS Wants to "Keep it Quiet"
All You Need To Know About The Sexual Harassment Scandal At NUS

Singaporean woman filmed in school shower wants stricter punishments
Man takes photos of another man in NTU hall shower, police investigating
Former NUS student who fought 12-yr legal battle against University questions
26 incidents of sexual offences reviewed by NUS over past 3 yrs, no expulsions
NUS peeping tom case becoming 'trial by social media 'dangerous precedent'
'Want to test your phone's waterproof power ah?': Mrbrown mocks NUS
SMU, NTU take steps to better protect students from harassment on campus
19-yr-old man investigated for peeping Tom incident in male toilet at NTU
WP member blasts Govt inaction in NUS sexual misconduct case as police
Response from public over NUS sexual case shows internet can be scary place
Punishment alone won't change culture of sexual harassment at NUS
A brave new world as students rekindle the real kampong spirit of Singapore
Tan Kin Lian says voyeur & parents are victims of NUS sexual misconduct case
NTU, SMU make changes to tackle sexual harassment cases
Why culprit wasn't prosecuted; police rebut untruths
Local universities reviewing sexual misconduct and support for victims
NUS president apologizes for university case: ‘We hope to set things right’
NUS president Tan Eng Chye apologise how sexual misconduct case handled
Monica Baey overwhelms with public support & hopes case will be re-opened
Police rebut untruths in NUS peeping Tom case
NUS' prestige lies in ability to act with integrity too
NUS apologises for falling short in providing support to victim
Police explain decision not to prosecute culprit
NUS president admits school 'fell short' in sexual misconduct case
Woman Secretly Filmed in Her Shower & All She Got Was an Apology Letter

NUS Students’ Union to consider if ‘heavier punishments’ are needed for sex

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NUS Molester Avoids Jail As He Has “Potential to Excel”
NTU investigating inappropriate student behaviour
Sexual Harassment Scandal At Singapore's Top University
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Sexualized Freshman Orientations at NUS
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"Modesty" and "Outrage of Modesty"
The Upskirt Scourge
Full Monty SG Style
Immodest Anti-Social Behaviours
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