

5 Ways to Quiet the Negative Voices in Your Head

That’s the gist of a conversation I had recently with an attendee of our Think Better, Live Better conference (I’m sharing this with her full permission).  She literally started the conversation by telling me that expecting negative things to happen is her default way of coping with life’s challenges.  If you can relate in any way at all, it’s time to revamp your mindset.

Believing in negative thoughts and acting on them is the single greatest barrier to living a healthy, productive life.  If you allow these thoughts to dwell for too long, they will succeed in robbing you of peace, joy, productivity, meaning, and ultimately your life.  You will think yourself into endless disappointment, heartache, and even bouts of depression.

And make no misunderstanding about it, when you are feeling down on a consistent basis, the battle you are going through isn’t fueled by the words or actions of others, and it isn’t fueled by what did or didn’t happen in the past either.  It’s fueled entirely by your mind that gives negativity a voice.  In a very real sense, you are what you think—you can’t change anything if you can’t change your thinking.
  • But, are you ready for the silver lining?
  • YOU CAN change the way you think!
  • And when you change the way you think, you can gradually master a new way to be.

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Is the Glass or Half-full or Half-empty?