

Want to Raise Successful Kids?

7 Things the Most Successful Parents Do, According to Science

The rich aren’t like you and me, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote almost a century ago. One of the ways that’s most obvious today is how they choose to raise their kids.

Let’s assume that the most successful and wealthiest people love their kids as much as the rest of us do.

They can literally do anything to ensure their kids have the best chance of growing up to be happy and successful, too. So here are some of the things they choose to do.

Most of these are backed up by science–but as well-known, successful people understand, they have more of a platform to preach their practices:
  • Help them develop emotional intelligence
  • Encourage them correctly (and let them fail)
  • Help them date and marry the right people
  • Work from home when you can
  • Eat meals with them
  • Don’t hover like a helicopter
  • But be by their sides when they need you

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