

Qingming Jie Festival 清明節 2024

Qingming is celebrated on the 15th day after the Spring Equinox, between April 4-6

Qing Ming is an important observance in Singapore for the remembrance of one’s ancestors, that is celebrated mainly by those of Chinese ancestry. It is also called “Tomb Sweeping Day” since cleaning and sweeping out your ancestors’ tombs is a part of the traditional way to commemorate it.

Qing Ming is not an official public holiday, but people will often take annual leave to participate in family ceremonial activities.

On Qing Ming, people bring all manner of offerings for their deceased relatives. It could be food items, wine, paper crafts, imitation gold bars or paper money, incense sticks, or chopsticks. Whatever is brought, it is supposed to show respect for the dead and is believed by some to help them have all necessaries in the next life.

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