

10 Most Intelligent Animals

Dogs are intelligent animals. Kim Christensen / EyeEm / Getty Images

Animal intelligence is hard to pin down because "intelligence" takes different forms. Examples of types of intelligence include language comprehension, self-recognition, cooperation, altruism, problem-solving, and mathematics skills. It's easy to recognize intelligence in other primates, but there are many other species that may be smarter than you think.

Here are some of the most intelligent:
  • Ravens and Crows
  • Chimpanzees
  • Elephants
  • Gorillas
  • Dolphins
  • Pigs
  • Octopuses
  • Parrots
  • Dogs
  • Raccoons
Other Smart Animals - Really, a list of ten animals barely touches the surface of animal intelligence. Other animals that boast super-smarts include rats, squirrels, cats, otters, pigeons, and even chickens. Colony-forming species, such as bees and ants, display a different sort of intelligence. While an individual might not accomplish great feats, insects work together to solve problems in a way that rivals vertebrate intelligence.