

All You Need to Know About Aloe Vera

Not Just for Sunburns

DIY beauty vlogger Farahdhukai shared on her video how aloe vera can be very beneficial to keeping our hair healthy and shiny- a perfectly cheaper hair mask- and millions of followers gobbled up all about the succulent plant. Now it’s more popular than it ever was, especially being called by the vlogger one of her “personal hair care secrets.”

Aloe has been known for its soothing qualities, and it’s been used to aid sunburned skin or scalp, doubling also as a styling product. Its ph level is similar to our hair’s, and it’s composed of beneficial vitamins and minerals. Penny James, a salon owner, shares Farahdhukai’s obsession for Aloe and cites its 75 active ingredients are like “essential amino acids and minerals like copper and zinc that have been clinically proven to help with healthy hair and hair growth.”

In spite of Aloe’s positive reputation as a potent product, Stephen Ko, a cosmetic formulator, reminds us that no actual scientific evidence supports all these claims:
  • Aloe Vera is a Great Conditioner
  • Aloe is Magic
  • Aloe Can Help With Scalp Irritation
  • Does Aloe Help With Hair Growth?

7 things you can do with an aloe vera plant

If you love plants, an aloe vera plant should be in your home. Moreover, this versatile plant is quite inexpensive. Although aloe vera does a lot for your interior decor, this plant also does a lot for your health. It is not without reason that the plant is called the ‘miracle plant’. Aloe vera is useful for many purposes.

Aloe vera is a real miracle plant. For example, it is an air-purifying houseplant. The plant filters harmful substances from the air. But that’s not all. Today you can find aloe vera as an ingredient in various medicines and cosmetics.

Therefore, put an aloe vera plant in your home without delay, and occasionally remove a stem to use for the things below:
  • Treat dandruff
  • Works after sunburn
  • Against pimples
  • Use it to treat wounds
  • Make-up remover
  • Exfoliate
  • Make a mouthwash