

What To Do If Your Throat Is Sore

Are you one of those people who avoid medication for as long as possible? Especially for sore throats, there are many home remedies that do not require any chemicals. Here you will find the best tips:
  • Lollipops - When the throat bites and scratches, lollipops are always a good first remedy. In fact, your throat hurts because the mucous membranes are too dry. Sucking a candy stimulates saliva production and moisturizes the mucous membranes.
  • Drink A Lot - Regular drinking also moisturizes the mucous membrane. The liquid also reduces the feeling of scratching. It is best to drink hot herbal tea, because the warm drink also has a soothing effect.
  • Warm Milk With Honey - This household remedy enjoys perpetual popularity – no wonder, since it is effective, healthy and tasty at the same time. The warm milk is good and soothes the irritated mucous membranes.
  • Gargle - Gargling is good for the throat. Your grandmother already knew that. Nothing has changed in the gargle recipe to this day: It is best to gargle with salt water, as it has a disinfecting effect.
  • Neck Wrap - Long before there were throat sprays, lozenges, and painkillers, you wrapped your throat in thick compresses and went to bed. This free home remedy for a sore throat is as timeless as it is effective.
  • Preventive Measures Against Sore Throat - You already know that you have to whip your immune system into shape when you have frequent colds. You probably also know that this works best with a healthy diet and regular exercise.