

10 Smart Ways To Respond To A Negative Person

Negative people are similar to black holes in outer space – appearing from nowhere while attempting to engulf everything else around them. Negative as a person they may be, it is paramount – if not only for our own healthy and sanity – to resolve the situation in an intelligent and healthy way.

First, it may be helpful to understand what constitutes a potentially negative person. Negative people have a way of draining energy from others around them. They’ll cause demean, attack and defame you; they’ll make you feel unsafe, on guard or tense; they’ll send negative energy through an unwanted vibe, or just flat-out dehumanize you. For some reason if they cannot “reach you,” they’ll attack someone or something else you care about.

So, how can you appropriately handle such people while still respecting their humanity? It’s certainly not easy, as the negative among us would enjoy nothing more than to witness an emotional outburst of frustration and discontent. The problem is that by engaging in the behavior as mentioned earlier, you simply feed their motivation.

In good conscious, we cannot – nor should we – pretend to have the ultimate solution as it pertains to negative people in your life. There are, however, ways that you can (constructively) handle negative people and their shenanigans without inflicting any type of self-harm.

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Is the Glass or Half-full or Half-empty?