

The J-20 Vs The F-22 Stealth Fighter

America's F-22 Raptor vs. China's Stealth J-20: Who Wins?
The eagle vs. the dragon in a 5th generation fighter showdown. Who would dominate the skies over Asia?

Despite its recent economic troubles, the People’s Republic of China is likely to be the only peer level competitor to the United States over the next fifty years. While a conflict is unlikely—a Third World War is in nobody’s interests—the United States must be prepared for such an eventuality.

As with all modern conventional wars, airpower and air superiority will play a key role. For the United States, the stealthy Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor will be America’s premier weapon to ensure dominance over the skies until it is eventually replaced by whatever comes out of the U.S. Air Force’s F-X program.

The most direct Chinese analogue to the Raptor is the Chengdu J-20. How would such a jet fair against America’s best?

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How China’s stealthy new J-20 fighter jet compares the the US’s F-22 and F-35
The Chengdu J-20

Two Chengdu J-20 stealth fighters headlined China’s Airshow China in Zhuhai Tuesday while only flying for only minutes, Reuters reports.

But Justin Bronk, a Research Fellow specializing in combat airpower at the Royal United Services Institute, said the display left many questions unanswered.

On paper, the J-20 represents a “big leap forward in terms of the capabilities of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) have on scene,” said Bronk.

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It is ridiculous to say J-20 copied U.S. fighter jet

To say that the J-20 jet, China's new-generation stealth fighter, copied the technologies of U.S. F-117A fighter, which the U.S. Air Force first flew in the 1980s, is simply ludicrous, People's Frontline said in a commentary. The newspaper argued that such voices reflect the jealousy of the U.S.

The original remarks were made by U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein in August. People's Frontline refuted Goldfein's claim, remarking that if the two models do share similarities, it is only that they both have wheels and wings.

The article exposed the truth behind the dismantled F-117. The aircraft sacrificed aerodynamic design for stealth, rendering it unable to fly at supersonic speeds. In addition, the F-117 could only cover a range of 1,000 kilometers with two land-attack missiles. Its performance is not even compatible with the J-5 and J-6.

China showcases J-20 fighter jet at public air show
China's latest developed J-20 fighter launches test flight

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China’s New Fighter Jet Can’t Touch the US Planes It Rips Off
The J-20 fighter jet flew publicly for the first time at the Zuhai Air Show on November 1, 2016

CHINA’S CHENGDU J-20 fighter jet, which made its public debut at China’s Zhuhai Airshow last week, cuts an imposing, even frightening, figure.

The supersonic, twin-engine fighter and attack aircraft packs advanced radar and sensor capabilities, with a 360-degree helmet display system that allows the pilot to see through the aircraft itself. It boasts the same kind of stealth technologies the US Air Force has been honing for decades. And it’s bigger than the F-22 Raptor it rivals, so it can carry more fuel and more weapons, extending its lethality deep into enemy territory.

The jet’s debut generated ripples of panic across the globe in the wake of its boisterous exhaust. Can this plane best the best of Western stealth tech, the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighters?

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China's first stealth fighter enters service
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China has put its first stealth fighter into military service, state-run media reported on Friday, in the latest milestone highlighting the modernisation of the country's armed forces. PHOTO: EPA

China has put its first stealth fighter into military service, state-run media reported on Friday, in the latest milestone highlighting the modernisation of the country's armed forces.

Swift, stealthy, and armed with long-range missiles, the J-20 represents a leap forward in China's ability to project power in Asia and potentially compete with the United States.

The fifth-generation stealth fighter made its public debut at the Zhuhai Air Show in southern China in November.

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Can you differentiate China’s J-20 and J-31 fighter jets?
On the pictures in Tsai’s slideshow, one jet featured two pairs of wings while the other had only one pair of large wings in the centre of the aircraft

Taiwan’s defence minister and its air force chief of staff failed a lawmaker’s test asking them to differentiate two of Beijing’s latest stealth fighter jets during a legislative meeting on Tuesday.

The lawmaker, Tsai Shih-ying, showed Taiwanese defence minister Feng Shih-kuan and air force chief Fan Ta-wei photos of two stealth fighters that Beijing has been developing and asked the officials to name the jets, Taiwanese newspaper China Times reported.
Both officials answered “J-20” to the photos, but when probed further by Tsai, a Democoratic Progressive Party lawmaker, to say exactly which plane was the J-20, Feng was stumped while Fan identified the wrong plane, the report said.

US deal in Zhuhai Airshow puts China planes on world map
J-20 stealth fighter’s public debut likely to steal the limelight
VIPs flock to Zhuhai airshow as J-31 stealth fighter takes to the skies

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‘Giant leap’: China’s 5th-gen stealth fighter enters service

Months after unveiling its first fifth-generation J-20 fighter jet, China’s People’s Liberation Army announced that the advanced aircraft has entered service. The jet is meant to counter the US and its regional allies in a potential battle for air superiority.

The brief announcement on Friday made on state broadcaster CCTV’s military and agricultural affairs channel said the J-20 had entered service in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The report did not provide further details.

The announcement did not come as a big surprise; in November, the Chinese military demonstrated two J-20s during a pre-announced brief fly-past at the Zhuhai Air Show in Guangdong province, signaling that the aircraft was about to enter service.

related: China unveils advanced J-20 stealth fighter in fly over at air show

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China inducts J-20 stealth fighters as part of military revamp

China has inducted J-20 stealth fighters in its arsenal, marking a solid incremental step in the transition of its air force to the next level.

Video footage on CCTV Channel 7 on Friday showed the indution of the fighter jets in the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), along with the Y-20 transport planes and H-6K bombers, which are already part of the country’s military aviation assets.

The Y-20 planes, inducted last year, are essential for force projection as they can carry heavy loads of personnel and equipment, possibly China’s Type 99 series tanks and troop carriers over long distances. The J-20 stealth fighters are designed to compete with other fifth generation fighter jets, such as the F-22 Raptor of the United States and the Russian PAK-FA.

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Chinese Stealth J-20 Jet Enters Service With PLA

China has put its new Chengdu J20 stealth fighter jet in service, in efforts to develop a marine corps and a “first class” Navy, while simultaneously narrowing the military gap with US. Beijing’s military is undergoing major upgrades, complete with advanced submarines and anti-satellite missiles, all under the supervision of President Xi Jinping.

Chinese planespotters first saw the J20 in 2010, and the public got its first glimpse of the craft at the Zhuhai airshow in November 2016. The military channel on China’s state television confirmed that the plan had entered service on Thursday.

In November 2016, aviation journalist Andreas Rupprecht wrote in the Aviationist, "The J-20 is a giant leap for the PLAAF both capability-wise and technology-wise. Did anyone of us expect a Chinese stealth fighter to be operational before 2020 when asked in, let’s say, 2010?"

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China activating J-20 stealth fighters now in advance of South Korea getting 40 F-35s in 2018

China's state media reports that that the fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter has been put into active military service and this is two years earlier than previously expected. China's military has not confirmed this.

Military insiders said the appearance of J-20s in the air force was meant as a warning to Japan and South Korea, which are expected to buy US F-35 stealth fighters now that China has equally advanced warplanes.

The J-20 stealth fighter has weaker engines and is not as stealthy as the US F-22. However, the J-20 would be able to put US Aircraft carriers at risk and would be able to attack refueling planes and AWAC radar planes.

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Did China Just Turn All Fighter Jets Invisible?

A team of researchers from China is said to have created a material that could hide the world's best war machines from the all-seeing eyes of the most powerful anti-stealth microwave radars… and they have made the technology publicly available.

Similar materials have been available for some times but the one developed at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology is ten times thinner making it possible to use it to hide anything ranging from ships to planes. Some speculate that it could be even used to construct stealth fighter jets. The team described the material as "an ultra-thin broadband AFSS absorber with a stretching transformation (ST) pattern for use in ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) applications" in a paper released by the Journal of Applied Physics.

It does sound like a mouthful but this is how it works: microwave radars broadcast signals and use arrays of antennas to detect them as they bounce off objects. This helps radars to see what is obscured by clouds, for instance. The new material is capable of absorbing some of these signals broadcast to make an object it covers appear smaller than it actually is.

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The two most recent production J-20 fighters, probably numbered "2103" and "2104", are fresh out of the Chengdu factory. Notice the PLAAF insignia stenciled on the lower fuselage and underside of the wings

In July 2016, the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation rolled out two more low rate initial production (LRIP) J-20 stealth fighters. This brings to a total of four J-20 fighters built for service into the Chinese air force, as opposed to the original eight J-20 prototypes, which are still undergoing a rigorous flight testing regimen. At this rate of production, China may have 12 production J-20 ready to hand off to a PLAAF squadron for operational and flight familiarization, with an initial operating capability (IOC -- meaning those fighters can conduct combat operations) in 2017-2018.

The two newest J-20 fighters are painted with a very dark grey paint job, along with new low visibility PLAAF insignias on the lower fuselage, beneath the wings. If the J-20 meets its 2017-2018 IOC target date, it will give China a technological edge in air to air combat over all its Asian neighbors, who do not yet have 5th generation planes. As a heavyweight stealth fighter, it is armed with long range missiles, electronic warfare, advanced radar and passive sensors, making it a respectable competitor to even the new US F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters. CAC is already planning a series of future updates to keep the J-20 state of art; domestic WS-15 engines are just one of them.

Images have also shown that the second J-31/FC-31 prototype is being transported on Chinese highways, similar to the transportation of the first J-31 prototype in the summer of 2012. The fighter was moved from the Shenyang factory to a testing range in another part of China. China's second fifth generation fighter, the J-31 is a twin engine, medium weight stealth fighter built by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation. It is undergoing testing, while waiting for firm domestic and export orders. A display floor model of an improved J-31, with a larger fuselage, improved indigenous engines, stealthier features and improved sensors, was prominently displayed at the Zhuhai 2014 Airshow. The second J-31 prototype, incorporating those improvements, is expected to make its first flight soon, if it already hasn't done so. A first flight of the improved J-31, just in time for the 2016 Zhuhair Airshow, would greatly improve its sales prospects at home and aboard.

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Here’s how US fifth-generation aircraft would win in a war against China
F-35s and F-22s fly in formation

A recent report from the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, written by Maj. Gen. Jeff Harrigian and Col. Max Marosko of the US Air Force, gives expert analysis and never before seen detail into how the US’s fifth-generation aircraft would fare in a war with China.

The report starts with a broad overview of fifth-generation capabilities and their roles in the future of air combat, and it concludes with a hypothetical war in 2026 against an unnamed nemesis after “rising tensions in a key region abroad.”

However, the locations mentioned in the scenario are all in the Western Pacific and clearly seem to indicate the rival is China, whose advanced radar and missile capabilities make for very interesting challenges to the US Air Force’s force structure.

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Flight debut of China’s J-20 stealth jet wows enthusiasts
China's new J-20 stealth fighter was unveiled to the public for the first time at the Zhuhai air show © EPA

China has flown its J-20 stealth fighter in public for the first time, highlighting Beijing’s growing military might at a time of heightened tensions with the US, Japan and other regional powers.

The aircraft, which has a passing resemblance to the US air force’s advanced F-22 fighter jet, wowed crowds of Chinese military enthusiasts and aviation industry executives at the biennial Zhuhai air show in the southern province of Guangdong on Tuesday.

The development of an advanced stealth fighter will significantly boost China’s deterrent power against the US, which remains the dominant air force in the Asia-Pacific region. It also underlines President Xi Jinping’s ambitions to build a modern military force and an advanced defence industry to support it.

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Chengdu J-20
The two Chengdu J-20s that made its first public appearance at Airshow China 2016

The Chengdu J-20 (simplified Chinese: 歼-20; traditional Chinese: 殲-20) is a stealth, twinjet, fifth-generation fighter aircraft developed by China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation for the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The J-20 made its first flight on 11 January 2011, and started in service in 2016

The J-XX program was started in the late 1990s. A proposal from Chengdu Aerospace Corporation, designated Project 718, won the PLAAF endorsement following a 2008 competition against a Shenyang proposal that was larger than the J-20. In 2009, a senior PLAAF official revealed that the first flight was expected in 2010–11, with an service entry date by 2019.

On 22 December 2010, the first J-20 prototype underwent high speed taxiing tests outside the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute

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China shows its stealth J-20 in flight for the first time
China has finally unveiled its top-of-the-line stealth fighter jet, in a bid to show off its domestic defense industry

With the new jet, called the J-20, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force is making a very public statement that it’s serious about modernizing and upgrading its home-made military hardware.

The J-20 has been in production since at least 2009 and has been kept tightly under wraps since then. Its maiden public flight, at the Zhuhai Air Show in China’s Guangdong province on Tuesday, was a flashy affair.

The new aircraft, perhaps not by accident, roughly resembles America’s F-22 Raptor fighter jet, and is just one of two fifth-generation stealth aircraft that the Chinese military hopes to have in operation within the next few years.

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China’s new J-20 “Mighty Dragon” stealth fighter officially unveiled and ready to enter active service
Two LRIP (Low-rate Initial Production) J-20A stealth jets did a brief 60-second fly-past at the Zhuhai Air Show 2016 in Guangdong province on the Show’s first day on Nov. 1, 2016, marking the first public appearance of the “Mighty Dragon” fighter that performed its maiden flight back in 2011

Even though the J-20s did not fly a dramatic flight demo, the two fighters thundered above hundreds of spectators as well as political and industrial dignitaries and executives, made a few climbs, turns and formation fly-bys and then disappeared again. The public appearance was far from being unannounced, due to the preparation at CAC earlier this month.

Four days ago even the PLAAF itself announced in an official statement, that it would demonstrate its latest J-20 stealth fighter jet at the Zhuai Air Show: Senior Colonel Shen Jinke, PLAAF- spokesman noted, that “the J-20 was designed by our aircraft researchers for future aerial combat. Test pilots from the Air Force will use it to perform at the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition.”

The Chinese Chengdu J-20 is a fifth generation stealth aircraft developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

related: Fighter generations comparison chart

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New-look J-20

As reported in Combat Aircraft October 2016, the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (CAC) is involved in preparation for some kind of aerial display involving the low-rate initial production (LRIP) J-20A. This included what was essentially a semiofficial ‘presentation’ of the J-20A with a flurry of news reports and images issued between September 30 and October 1. Four pre-production aircraft — two of them apparently in the new ‘tactical’ light gray with low-visibility markings as well as two more in yellow primer — performed a display over the factory at Chengdu on that occasion.

More recent images reveal that one of those two gray aircraft seen at Chengdu actually wears a striking, all-new splinter scheme. The two aircraft in yellow primer currently remain without camouflage. As such, we now have confirmation of one plain gray jet, one in the new splinter scheme, and two more in yellow primer. In addition, there may be two more LRIP aircraft that have already left the CAC factory at Chengdu.

If the latest reports are to be believed, seven pre-production aircraft have already been built and the first two examples have reportedly been delivered to a flight test center at either Cangzhou, or more likely, Dingxin air base.

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China’s New J-20 Stealth Fighter Makes Its Public Debut, But the US Isn't Impressed
A J-20 stealth fighter streaks across the sky at the 11th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, China, Nov. 1, 2016. (Xinhua/Liu Dawei)

At an airshow held earlier today in southern China, a pair of J-20 stealth fighters streaked across the sky as Beijing proudly debuted the latest edition to its military arsenal.

The world has known about the Avic J-20 stealth fighters since their first test flights back in 2011, but this is the first time these fifth-generation planes were showcased to the public. Chinese air force pilots flew two of the twin-engine prototypes for several minutes at the International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in the southern city of Zhuhai, as crowds cheered on below.

A spokesperson for the People’s Liberation Army (CLA) said the J-20—a long-range, radar-evading stealth fighter—will add a significant boost the fighting capacity of the Chinese air force, while “safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.” Should all go according to plan, the J-20 will become fully operational in 2018.

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Chengdu J-20

First photos of the Chinese J-20 stealthy fighter aircraft appeared in 2010. It was designed to compete against other fifth-generation fighters, such as the US F-22 Raptor and Russian PAK-FA. It is speculated, that development of the J-20 was assisted by the Russian MiG aviation company. After collapse of the Soviet Union this aviation giant suffered from loss of orders and uncertain future. Externally the J-20 strongly resembles a cancelled Russian MiG 1.42 multi-role fighter. The MiG 1.42 demonstrator was first publicly revealed in 1999. It made its first flight in 2001, however the Russian program was suspended due to funding problems.

It is quiet unusual that photos of this stealthy fighter aircraft came out even before the first flight, considering that all Chinese military programs are kept in high secrecy. However during the last decade China has taken a more transparent approach to its military programs. Still though there is little official information on this plane.

When the first photos appeared some sources suggested, that this aircraft is a high-flying long-range interceptor. Other sources suggested, that it might be a long-range interdictor or tactical bomber. Most likely that it is a long-range air superiority fighter, like the US F-22, which might also have a secondary ground attack capability. Actually the new J-20 might be an advanced forth-generation fighter, rather than a true fight-generation fighter. Still though it easily outclasses older forth-generation fighters, such as the US F-16 or the Russian Su-27.

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Why the F-22 Raptor Is Such a Badass Plane

On an otherwise unremarkable day in March 2013, an American MQ-1 Predator drone was flying in international airspace off Iran, conducting a routine surveillance flight over the Persian Gulf. But the U.S. Air Force knew trouble might be lurking ahead.

Several months earlier, a pair of Iranian Sukhoi Su-25 attack planes had attempted unsuccessfully to shoot down another patrolling Predator. After that, the Pentagon decided subsequent drone patrols would be escorted, either by F/A-18 Hornets from the USS John C. Stennis aircraft carrier or F-22s deployed to nearby Al Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates. On this day, Lt. Col. Kevin "Showtime" Sutterfield was the escort, heading toward the drone in case of trouble.

"Showtime" was in a Raptor. At the annual conference of the Air Force Association later that year, USAF Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh would tell the crowd what happened next: As the Predator flew its pre-planned route, two Iranian F-4 Phantoms approached and acquired the drone on their radars. One of the Phantoms got to within 16 miles of the MQ-1. On another heading, Col. Sutterfield closed in on the F-4.

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Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor
An F-22 flies over Andrews Air Force Base in 2008

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation, single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the United States Air Force (USAF). The result of the USAF's Advanced Tactical Fighter program, the aircraft was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare, and signal intelligence capabilities. The prime contractor, Lockheed Martin, built most of the F-22's airframe and weapons systems and did its final assembly, while Boeing provided the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and training systems.

The aircraft was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 before it formally entered service in December 2005 as the F-22A. After a protracted development and despite operational issues, the USAF considers the F-22 critical to its tactical air power, and says that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter. The Raptor's combination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and situational awareness gives the aircraft unprecedented air combat capabilities.

The high cost of the aircraft, a lack of clear air-to-air missions due to delays in Russian and Chinese fighter programs, a ban on exports, and development of the more versatile F-35 led to the end of F-22 production. A final procurement tally of 187 operational production aircraft was established in 2009 and the last F-22 was delivered to the USAF in 2012.

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F-22 Raptor
The Collier Award-winning F-22 Raptor has delivered on its promise to provide unprecedented air dominance. The F-22 has demonstrated precision attack capabilities, defeating both air- and ground-based threats with unparalleled lethality and survivability

The F-22’s ability to collect and share tactical information with friendly assets enables U.S. and allied forces to engage targets with unmatched battlespace awareness. The Raptor makes other coalition aircraft more survivable.

Lockheed Martin and the F-22 Team are committed to total support for the F-22 by providing higher readiness rates, faster response and lower life-cycle cost to our U.S. Air Force customer. This is achieved by Follow-on Agile Sustainment, a comprehensive weapons management program and an award-winning performance-based logistics contract that provides a highly integrated F-22 support system. The F-22 program was awarded the Air Force Association’s 2015 John R. Alison Award for outstanding contributions by industrial leadership to national defense.

The F-22 is the world’s most dominant fighter, but potential adversaries continue to develop capabilities intended to challenge the ability of U.S. and allied air forces to gain and maintain air superiority. With that in mind, Lockheed Martin is dedicated to working with the U.S. Air Force on a robust F-22 combat enhancement program to bolster the Raptor’s asymmetric advantage over current and potential adversaries. The capabilities of the F-22 Raptor remain essential to deter and defeat threats and ensure regional and global security well into the future.

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America's F-22 Stealth Fighter vs. Russia's PAK-FA and China's J-20: Who Wins?

The United States, Russia and China all have one thing in common: they are all building some of the most advanced fighter jets in the world. Specifically, 5th generation fighters that, at least on paper, could dominate the skies for decades to come.

The planes that get the most interest, America's F-22, PAK-FA and J-20 all have their strengths and weaknesses, but could any really beat Washington's F-22 Raptor?

Could China's 5th generation fighter take down America in the sky?

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Full Coverage:
Singapore committed to planned F-35 orders
Singapore to buy a few F-35 jets
The F-35 JSF Super Maneuverability
The J-31 Vs The F-35 Stealth Fighter
The J-20 Vs The F-22 Stealth Fighter
Top 10 Fighter Aircraft
6 Most Lethal Aircraft in History
S'pore cannot outsource its security & defence to anyone else
Defending Our Lion City
Singapore buys new “BMW” submarines
Singapore acquires 2 more 218SG submarines
2 New 218SG Sub For Singapore
Singapore to get eight new warships
"Singapore - US" Bilateral Ties

China’s J-20 5th-generation Stealth Fighter
China's forefront of global space race
China’s Quantum Satellite
China plans to tap the Sun’s boundless energy
China Looks to Build New Powerful Rocket
China launches Manned Spacecraft Shenzhou-11
China launches Tiangong-2 space lab
China Joins Ranks of Moon Explorers
China unveils jet to rival Boeing and Airbus
China's AG600: World's largest amphibious aircraft
The J-20 Vs The F-22 Stealth Fighter
The J-31 Vs The F-35 Stealth Fighter
China's World’s Largest Telescope
The World’s Largest Airport Terminal
Made in China 2025 initiative