

Teacher who 'humiliated' pre-schooler suspended

Update 16 Jul 2016: Pre-school teacher who humiliated 5-year-old boy suspended

A pre-school teacher who humiliated a 5-year-old boy for spotting long hair has been temporarily suspended by the school. The boy’s father had written a lengthy email post on Saturday (9 Jul) recounting how the teacher made his son stand in front of the class for sporting long hair, and put a “girl hair clip” on him, “much to the amusement of all the other kids”. The teacher further threatened to repeat the action the next school day if the boy did not cut his hair by then.

In his Facebook post which has since gone viral with over 2000 shares, the boy’s father Eric Cheong said that his son told him that he felt like dying. The father, painted the teacher who he identified as Ms Theresa, as ‘monster’ who the pre-schoolers were terribly afraid of. Eric said:
“What has happened to my son today is just one of the many, I would have to say improper conducts, for an early childhood teacher to be exhibiting. A few other parents also feedback Ms Theresa would use marker or pen that she is holding to poke on our children’s foreheads when they answered wrongly to her questions. She will use a water spray and spray into the kid’s mouth if they ever seen yawning in her class. She had in a few situations, tied up the kid’s legs together if they swing their legs in class. Just last week, my boy’s classmate vomited in class and she had the decency to make the kid clean up the vomit by herself, even though she was unwell.”
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Eric Cheong added 6 new photos — feeling disappointed with Honey Swee

On Wednesday night after I received the email from Zoo-phonics saying that they will resume the duties of teacher Theresa and my son will be dropped out of school, I turned to my son and told him. My son asked, why teacher do bad things to me but can return to school but I did nothing wrong and cannot go back school anymore. Does that means we can do bad things to anyone and nothing will happen? I went speechless... He then follow, I will miss all my friends so much. My heart was completely scattered...

I believe by now most of u who are following the news might have already know part of the school's decision. I can't believe what they have replied. By twisting your words doesn't change anything. U have decided to punish the victim and release the culprit. Well done!!! Anyone with the slightest intelligence will know what u are trying to do. By covering up your teacher doesn't give u a better reputation. Knowing not 1, not 2 but 6 cases of child abuse by the same teacher doesn't ring a bell to u? How many teachers can u cover over the years? After my FB post about this incident, I have more and more parents either taught by Theresa or schooled in Zoo-phonics have come forward to reveal more abuse cases. And what I have stated in my previous post non are fake allegations. With 11 students as witnesses, text messages and CCTV footages, it's impossible to hide.

We will continue to assist the police and MOE in investigation till justice is served.

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Pre-school teacher in hair clip saga to remain at centre
A back view of the 6-yr-old involved in the incident. His teacher found his hair too long and clipped it with a girl's hair clip. The incident came to light after another teacher noticed his "abnormal and despondent" behaviour, his father said in a Facebook post. FOTO: COURTESY OF MADAM SWEE

A pre-school teacher who put a girl's hair clip on a 6-yr-old boy in front of his classmates will continue to teach at Zoo-phonics School's Serangoon Central branch.

This follows an internal investigation into the matter that blew up after the boy's father posted about the incident publicly on Facebook, sparking a debate on ways to discipline children.

In a 5-page letter to parents yesterday, the school said: "The management believes that Teacher Theresa is deemed fit to continue teaching at Zoo-phonics School (Serangoon)."

related: Teacher who 'humiliated' pre-schooler suspended

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Pre-school teacher in hair clip saga to remain at centre
Zoo-phonics School’s Serangoon Central branch and a back view of the 6-yr-old involved in the incident Foto: Eric Cheong / Facebook, Mdm Swee

After viewing closed-circuit television footage, the school said yesterday that the teacher had summoned the boy, borrowed a hair clip from a female pupil and put it on him. Turning him to face the class, she then spoke about how much neater he looked.

The school said the child had worn the clip for only 50 seconds, & that his parents had blown the matter up.

After consulting other parents, it said it found that most wanted the teacher to stay, with only some parents in the boy's class seeking a change in teacher.

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Pre-school teacher suspended after complaint of 'humiliating' punishment

A pre-school teacher at Zoo-phonics School's Serangoon Central branch has been suspended after she was accused of punishing one of her students and supposedly humiliating him in front of his class.

According to the boy's father, Mr Eric Cheong, the teacher had singled his son out for having long hair.

Mr Cheong took to Facebook on Sat (Jul 9) to lodge a public complaint about the incident which reportedly happened on Tue (Jul 5).

related: Mummy, teacher hit me with a pen

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Pre-school teacher suspended after parent complains about 'humiliating' punishment

According to Mr Teoh, the suspended teacher has received several letters of commendation from parents since joining the school in 2011. The "majority of the parents" want her to stay on despite the incident, he added.

In his post, which has been shared over 1,500 times, Mr Cheong said that a school should be a place where learning is "fun, encouraging and engaging", & was worried about the psychological impact of the incident on his son.

He wrote: "A simple verbal warning or even standing for a period of time is acceptable. But to humiliate a kid, made to wear a classmate's hair clip in front of the class, is totally unnecessary & intolerable in a school environment."

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Preschool teacher suspended after "humiliating" 5-year-old boy in class for having long hair

All in all, pretty much old-school punishments that any kid would have gone through in the past. It is 2016 though — one would think that teachers now would be more informed and be inclined to create an encouraging environment for learning, instead of relying on disciplinarian techniques.

Nonetheless, "Ms Theresa" is said to have gotten support from parents despite the incident. Most of them want her to stay, according to Zoo-phonics School director Vincent Teoh.

Cheong would beg to differ, of course. "Such teacher should never be allowed in the educational industry, especially pre-school as we strongly believe that at this age it's important as it nurture a child's character."

Teacher suspended after 'humiliating boy'

Zoo-phonics School is a private enrichment centre registered with the Ministry of Education (MOE). It runs kindergarten and enrichment classes at franchise outlets islandwide.

While the school does not have any regulations governing hairstyle, Mr Teoh noted that teachers "may have different expectations on what constitute a neat hair cut".  He said: "It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that their child has a reasonably neat hair cut. In the meeting, Mr Cheong did say he was not free when he was asked by the child to have his hair cut."

According to Mr Teoh, the suspended teacher has received several letters of commendation from parents since joining the school in 2011. The "majority of the parents" want her to stay on despite the incident, he added.

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Suspension for pre-school teacher after alleged humiliating punishment

A pre-school teacher at Zoo-phonics School's Serangoon Central branch, has reportedly been suspended after a parent lodged a public complaint regarding the teacher's behaviour her son. The parent had also mentioned in his Facebook post that the other parents have complained of inappropriate punishments by Ms Theresa.

Mr Teoh reportedly added that once the investigation is complete, the school will arrange a meeting between the teacher and the family. He added that the school “does not condone any form of ridiculing a child in front of the class as a form of punishment”, and that teachers found to have done so will be counselled and reprimanded.

He said that the suspended teacher has allegedly received several letters of commendation from parents since joining the school in 2011. The “majority of the parents” want her to stay on despite the incident, he added.

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Eric Cheong added 2 new photos — with Honey Swee at Zoo-Phonics School@Serangoon Central. 8 July at 11:21 · Singapore
This is a case of regrettable teacher’s action on my child from Ms Theresa of Zoo-phonics Serangoon branch.

Incident happened on 5th July 2016 during class, Ms Theresa singled out my son to stand in front of the class for sporting “long hair” which is NOT a school regulation that boys are not allowed to have long hair. Subsequently, she used a girl hair clip and clipped my boy's hair up as if he is a girl, much to the amusement of all the other kids. Then she threatens she will to do the same action to him if he did not cut his hair by the next school day. This very act of clipping my boy's hair subjected him to the laughter of the entire class.

This incident was narrated to me, thereafter by the next teacher who teaches him for 4 years, chinese teacher Ms Peng. She noticed his abnormal and despondent behavior and asked him and the class what happened. My son did not answer; the other classmates filled her up with what happened.

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Teacher who 'humiliated' pre-schooler suspended

In a statement to The Straits Times yesterday, Zoo-phonics director Vincent Teoh said the teacher has been "temporarily suspended", pending an investigation.

Mr Cheong alleged in his FaceBook post that other parents have complained of inappropriate punishment by Ms Theresa.

Mr Teoh said that once the investigation is completed, the school will arrange a meeting between the teacher & Mr Cheong and his family. Mr Teoh added that the school "does not condone any form of ridiculing as a form of punishment", and that teachers found to have done so will be reprimanded.

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Following a complain of how a child was humiliated in class, the pre-school teacher from Zoo-phonics School's Serangoon Central branch has been suspended.

In a Facebook post that has since gone viral, Mr Eric Cheong wrote of how the teacher, known only as Ms Theresa had singled out his son for sporting long hair. She thenproceeded to clip his hair with a "girl's hair clip". As a result of Ms Theresa's action, the entire class laughed. According to Mr Cheong, his son was thoroughly humiliated by the incident.

In the same post, the parents claimed that other parents had issues with the inappropriate punishments meted out by Ms Theresa.


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Preschool kid made to wear hair clip in front of class

Well, thanks to Mr Cheong’s complaint, someone risks losing her job, and further aggravates the burden on aspiring educators who have to face the wrath of overprotective parents if they believe that the best way to instill discipline in a brat is to make an example of him in front of the rest. ‘Ms Theresa’ didn’t drag the boy around like a rag doll like another abusive teacher did in a high profile case some years back. Dad should count himself lucky that the teacher didn’t cut the boy’s hair herself. Now that you probably need to send in the SWAT team and SCDF too.

Kids used to be taunted for being sissies all the time by other kids, and our parents didn’t come rushing to our rescue back then. Old school parents adopted a ‘serves you right attitude’. Today, they witch-hunt teachers for abusing their darlings. We eventually grew out of the harassment, and if our teachers punished us by shaming, whether it’s throwing chalk at our faces or mocking our masculinity, we learnt to forget and eventually thank them for their tough love.

Today, parents are so afraid of kids being emotionally scarred they don’t realise their constant meddling will only do more good than harm in the long run. Ms Theresa was simply preparing the kid, albeit a bit prematurely, for the shit he’ll get in the army, which will be far worse than simply putting on a Hello Kitty hair clip for laughs. Don’t worry kid, if your drill sergeant calls you a ‘gu-niang’ for your long hair, Daddy is there to make sure he gets sent to detention barracks.

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Comments in The Straits Times Facebook
JZ Cai
The parent knows that they r responsible to keep his child hair short when in school. So, if the parent's play their role well I think suck incidents will be greatly minimize . There must be a balanced approach for parent n teachers. Complain too much about the teachers then the supply of teachers will be a problem. Parents nowadays expect n also depend too much on the teachers. It should be a shared responsibility.
340Hide · 10 July at 09:42

Kyra Kylie Rachel
Dear Parent. I really hope you are reading this... A preschooler does not know what exactly is considered 'humiliating'. Its probably your own ego. If you think gg thru months and probably years of early childhood education training is not good enough.. You should home school and take over and see how well this child takes setbacks when he is 20yrs old.
Edited · 199Hide · 10 July at 17:10

David Mak
Aiyo, during my school days, long hair students even displayed at school assemblies.
170Hide · 10 July at 09:33

Zain Jasin
Asking for teacher to be sacked the moment they made a mistake, so parental rights should be revoked if they're deemed to be unfit parents? Many of those around.
97Hide · 10 July at 10:11

Ah Kit
When i was in primary, my teacher make us suck a pacifier and stand in front of class. it was a good punishment and for this.. its a good way to educate kids at young.. i dont see any wrong in that
76Hide · 10 July at 09:58

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Comments in The Straits Times Facebook

Ee Sze Min
The parents should be punished instead of the kid. Teacher had given repeated reminders that the boy's hair is too long but it had fallen into deaf ears. So it is the failure of the parents that led to this episode.

No doubt it might also be a little harsh to put on a hair clip on the boy in front of his entire class. But as parents, one can also seize this opportunity to teach their kid to stand strong in such small setbacks instead of crying that he wants to die. Resilience is built from young and being extra protective of their own kids is not gonna help the child develop into a person who is emotionally strong.

If the teacher really does get sacked from this incident, isn't the parent also sending a wrong signal to the child that he will get whatever he wants in the future just by crying death? If 5 is not the right age, then what would the right age be?

Instead of crying foul all over the Internet, shouldn't the parents work with the teachers to sort out the differences for the benefit of the kid? Both sides should work harder tog to determine what's best to move forward from this issue from the kid's point of view.
Edited · 21Hide · 10 July at 16:52

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All Singapore Stuff July 11 at 11:52pm

Following a complain of how a child was humiliated in class, the pre-school teacher from Zoo-phonics School's Serangoon Central branch has been suspended.

In a Facebook post that has since gone viral, Mr Eric Cheong wrote of how the teacher, known only as Ms Theresa had singled out his son for sporting long hair. She then proceeded to clip his hair with a "girl's hair clip". As a result of Ms Theresa's action, the entire class laughed.

According to Mr Cheong, his son was thoroughly humiliated by the incident.

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Comments in All Singapore Stuff Facebook

John NG: This parent is totally irresponsible. When you are over protective this child is going to grow up with a stupid mentality that the world owes them a living. Imagine when you are not around how is the child going to stand up for himself? How is he going to rationalise what is right and what is wrong? The school is very wrong to suspend this teacher. Henceforth the teachers will not discipline nor teach the children. Who are the losers? Not the teachers but it is the children. Crazy parent.
12 July at 03:53

Patricia Selva: Cheer up preschool teachers or any teacher. it's never easy disciplining when you meant well. Just have to watch the way you discipline. Not all parents comprehend discipline cause they feel the 'hurt of their own ' ( which is understandable ). Do your best in nurturing, teaching and being the best teacher ever.
11 July at 22:37

Kaka Chan: Instead of using this opportunity to teach your kid to be stronger, you are teaching him how to destroy people by going all out??? Really despicable!!!!
12 July at 07:20

Careene Valerie SeeToh: During our old school days, oftenly humiliated, curse, yelled, bully & harassed by class teachers and our parents jus go kowtow to them even thou we r in the Right Position! We r jus kids, what a kid can do to a Teacher. I felt quite amazed to stand up for your kids, but provided u think ur Kid is in his/her Right way! 😊
11 July at 17:00

Tatay Lo: The stupidity of the parents. I used to remember how of a rascal we used to be but we had respect for teachers. We have turned out to be very responsible unlike youngsters nowadays. Shame to the parents who spoil their kids. Their kids will never learn respect or learn to be responsible because of parents like this who will always complain. I bet your kids are the type who wails when they do not get what they want and you will indulge them so that you don't look like a fool in the open or at home. I say bring back the old days of disciplining the kids.
15 · 11 July at 11:38

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Comments in All Singapore Stuff Facebook

Jaggit Singh: You the parent of the child is at fault knowing that his hair is Long have it cut or tie a rubber band to make him look cool. What the teacher did was right she was educating your child. When the hair gets in the way that's what one will do. Thank you for making yourself a fool. The school should not have suspend her I hope that the school will reinstate her.
Like · Reply · 62 · July 12 at 12:26pm · Edited

Nesh Hajah: time we should not have discipline master in school....and I clearly remember getting rotan in principal office for cutting hair like Snow(singer of song "Informer") .....lucky that time no social media.....if. Not I pity my principal......anyway this teacher deserve to be in a better school....Full Stop!!
Like · Reply · 31 · July 12 at 4:57am

Keith Lee: A boy should have a boy look. This teacher was doing her job teaching the kids and the social media and the overprotective parents ruined her job.
Like · Reply · 48 · July 12 at 12:49am

Uli'akap Komeng Mat Rock: Haiyaaa..... When my time, parents affraid of teachers. Now days, teachers affraid of parents. Juz a small boy, today kena laugh....tomorrow they forget about it. Their parents only extra2 cheap publicity. Wat happen if ur boys NS, then kena tekan by his encik? Also want to suspend? Nex tym keep ur son inside a big bubble or people can see n talk to ur son, but cannot touch. Ciisss!!
Like · Reply · 18 · July 12 at 8:06am

Duncan Yang: That is why a lot of young teachers are just sticking to academic teachings. Where moral education and discipline are concerned they are leaving it to the specific specialists, headmaster or parents themselves. No idea how many times the boy defied o ... See More
Like · Reply · 20 · July 12 at 1:15am

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HONEY SWEE added a new photo to All Singapore Stuff's Timeline

This is a case of regrettable teacher’s action on my child from Ms Theresa of Zoo-phonics Serangoon branch.

Incident happened on 5th July 2016 during class, Ms Theresa singled out my son to stand in front of the class for sporting “long hair” which is NOT a school regulation that boys are not allowed to have long hair. Subsequently, she used a girl hair clip and clipped my boy's hair up as if he is a girl, much to the amusement of all the other kids. Then she threatens she will to do the same action to him if he did not cut his hair by the next school day. This very act of clipping my boy's hair subjected him to the laughter of the entire class.

This incident was narrated to me, thereafter by the next teacher who teaches him for 4 years, chinese teacher Ms Peng. She noticed his abnormal and despondent behavior and asked him and the class what happened. My son did not answer; the other classmates filled her up with what happened.

Comments in HONEY SWEE Facebook

Nurulain Suwaimi: Teachings should start from home. But whatever it is, it is unethical to post someone else's photo with the intention to shame. What will you do if someone who is not happy with you shame you on social media?
Like · Reply · 26 · July 10 at 1:55pm

Catherine Wong: Hi Honey Swee i think you should take down the photo. The teacher can sue you for defaming her on social network instead. you don't wish ur son with hair clip on social network as well right?
Like · Reply · 6 · July 11 at 1:09pm · Edited

Aaron Yeo: My Daughter is being taught by teacher Theresa for K1 and I don't think it's right to post such post in Facebook especially with the teacher pic on and making such comments without hearing the teacher's side of the story. She is a very good teacher. A ...See More

Comments in HONEY SWEE Facebook

Ross Blackmore: Honey Swee...I'm sorry that your son had to go thru such a traumatic experience...and I can understand your anger and frustration that nothing much has been done despite the feedbacks that u had given to the school management with regards to this particular teacher. ..And becos of this...u decided to create awareness to others by sharing your son's unfortunate incident with this particular teacher...While I do understand where u are coming from...I do however agree with Mr Aaron with regards to posting the teacher's picture in social media...
Like · Reply · 15 · July 11 at 2:13am

Kattie Goh: I also feel tat public shaming is not the way. If our kids did something wrong in school.. To raise awareness go such a bad deed, the teacher put my kid pics on social media.. I wod sue the teacher's pants down.. It's really not right and honey Swee, u can get sued for that. I am jus telling u for ur interest over here. *no intention of arguing. Please consider taking it down.
Like · Reply · July 12 at 12:21pm

Primary school teacher investigated for abusive punishment of students
The Gongshang Primary School crest

Several parents, unhappy with how a mathematics and science teacher was disciplining students in Gongshang Primary School, have lodged complaints with the school & the Ministry of Education (MOE).

According to the parents, the female teacher from the school in Tampines -- who has been relieved of her teaching duties & cannot be named as investigations into the case are still ongoing -- had resorted to abusive punishment of her students in the classes she taught.

The punishments ranged from the students being called names, having to kneel beside the teacher’s table, and getting objects thrown at them.

No more 1st, 2nd or last in class for primary and secondary students
MOE said cutting the mid-year examinations will provide students with more time to adjust during "key transition" years. FOTO: ST FILE

Whether a child finishes first or last will no longer be indicated in primary & secondary school report books from next year - a move which Education Minister Ong Ye Kung hopes will show students that "learning is not a competition".

Report books will not just stop showing a student's position in relation to class or cohort. The information to be dropped includes:

  • Class and level mean
  • Minimum and maximum marks
  • Underlining and/or colouring of failing marks
  • Pass/fail for end-of-year result
  • Mean subject grades
  • Overall total marks
  • L1R5 (English plus five relevant subjects), L1R4 , EMB3 (English, maths, best three subjects) and EMB1 for lower secondary levels

The Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Friday (Sept 28) that the change is to allow each student to focus on his or her learning progress and discourage them from being overly concerned about comparisons.

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Update 1 Feb 2021: Briton, 29, pleads guilty to molesting his three-year-old female student at learning centre
Richard Christopher Monks was seen caressing the victim's buttocks in footage from a CCTV camera at the learning centre. ST PHOTO: KELVIN CHNG

A 29-year-old British educator has pleaded guilty on Monday (Feb 1) to molesting a nearly four-year-old female student at a learning centre in the west of Singapore.

The court heard that the man, Richard Christopher Monks, molested the girl in October 2018, when she was enrolled at the centre as his student.

At the time of the offence, Monks was 27, and the student was three years and 11 months old.

Reading specialist admits he molested 3-year-old girl during language class
Richard Christopher Monks is seen leaving State Courts on Feb 1, 2021. (Photo: Ili Nadhirah Mansor/TODAY)

During a class at a language training and literacy centre, a reading specialist molested a three-year-old pupil while the children watched a video.

British national Richard Christopher Monks, 29, pleaded guilty on Monday (Feb 1) to one charge of using criminal force to outrage a minor's modesty. He had originally been set for a trial but decided to admit to the charge. The court heard that Monks worked at a language centre that was not named in court documents. The students there were aged between two-and-a-half and 12.

The victim was 3 years and 11 months old at the time of the offence and attended Monks' lessons at the centre every Saturday, calling him "Teacher Richard".
