

Eating ginger every day for a month

This will happen to your body
We didn’t know ginger is so healthy

Are you planning to eat ginger every day for a month? Then we will not stop you!

Eating ginger daily has many health benefits. Side note: you do not have to nibble on a piece of ginger every day. Cut a large piece – about 1.5 centimeters – into small pieces and mix it with your smoothie, tea or Asian dish. Wondering what this does to your body? We will explain it to you.

It does this to your body:
Anti-inflammatory - Inflammation in the body is reduced faster.
Nausea disappears - Are you often nauseous in the morning? We bet that eating ginger every day will help you!
Reduction of muscle pain - Do you have muscle pain or pain in the limbs? Eating ginger can have a good influence on this.
Promotes bowel movements - Eating ginger on a daily basis does a lot of good for your bowel movements.
Menstrual pain - Are you in constant pain during this time of the month? Then eating ginger daily may help you.
Lowers cholesterol - Eating ginger every day for a month can help lower “bad” cholesterol in the body.
Boosts the Immune System: The anti-inflammatory properties in ginger strengthens the immune system.

Health Benefits of Ginger
The root has been used medicinally for more than 2,000 years (Photo: grafvision/Shutterstock)

Ginger is well-known for its tummy-calming properties, but it also can help with painful menstruation and migraines.

If you’ve ever taken ginger ale for an upset tummy, you understand the health benefits of ginger. Going back more than 2,000 years in China, the herb has been used to treat nausea, upset stomach and help with digestion and diarrhea.

Used in stir-fries and Asian cooking, the spicy, pungent underground rhizome of the ginger plant is firm with a striated texture. It may be yellow, white or red, depending on the variety, and is covered with a thin or thick brownish skin, depending on whether the plant was harvested mature or young.

Health Benefits of Fruits
Health Benefits of Apples

Apples have been a symbol of health for thousands of years, coming in over 7000 varieties and each packed with superior nutrition and health benefits.

They can be pressed into a delicious golden juice, eaten sliced, chopped, grated or whole.  They can also be baked into pies, tarts and beautiful desserts and can be added to salads and smoothies, as well as often being made into healthful apple cider vinegar. They are delicious and juicy, filled with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and have been known to keep the Doctor far, far away. Studies have shown that apples can lower cholesterol, improve digestion, strengthen the heart, stimulate weight loss and prevent illnesses and disease.

Here are 12 reasons to pack an apple in your bag wherever you go:
  • They Stimulate Weight Loss
  • They Balance Blood Sugar Levels
  • They Strengthen Immunity
  • They Improve Your Eyesight
  • They Are Great for Your Teeth and Gums
  • They Build Stronger Bones
  • They Give You Energy
  • They Relieve Muscle Tension
  • They Improve Fertility in Women
  • They Improve Cardiovascular Health
  • They Improve Brain Function
  • They Are Incredibly Alkalizing