

Unprecedented wife-sharing fantasies

Update 21 Nov 2023: Last man in wife-sharing case found guilty of raping woman on her wedding anniversary

The last of seven men to be dealt with in a case where husbands with wife-sharing fantasies had their own partners drugged and raped was convicted by the High Court on Nov 20. The 45-year-old finance executive, O, had been invited by J to rape J’s unconscious wife on their wedding anniversary. J, the central figure in the case, had fed his wife sedatives and invited five men over to rape her on separate occasions between 2010 and 2018. One of these five men also invited a seventh man to rape his wife, but the attempt was unsuccessful. O was the only one of the men to claim trial instead of pleading guilty. He contested a charge of conspiring with J so that he could rape J’s wife at J’s flat between 2010 and 2011.

During O’s trial, which began in August, J testified that he had invited O over to rape his wife in March 2011 on their third wedding anniversary. J testified that he and his wife had wine to celebrate the occasion, and he spiked her drink with sleeping pills. He said that when he saw O having sex with his unconscious and blindfolded wife, he felt anger, thrill, and then guilt. But O denied that there was an agreement between him and J for him to rape J’s wife. He also denied raping the victim. He contended that the reason J had asked him over was to confront him for having an affair with J’s wife. She and O had consensual sex in September 2010, after J gave him her contact details. O claimed that he “freaked out” inside the flat, and that when he was asked by J whether he wanted to touch the victim, he pretended to touch himself sexually in an attempt to get out of the situation. He said he then chatted with J for a while before he left the flat.

These claims were rejected by Justice Mavis Chionh, who said O’s account was inconsistent, illogical and implausible, and defied common sense. The judge said it made no sense for J to make his wife unconscious if he wanted to confront her and O for having an affair. She noted that O made no attempt to check on the woman after he saw her lying motionless on the bed, despite his claim that he had gone to the flat out of concern for the victim. Justice Chionh added that O’s assertion that J was angry with him was irreconcilable with the fact that in the years following the incident, both men continued to interact with each other to talk about their sexual fantasies. She said the prosecution has proved that the two men were engaged in a conspiracy. As for whether O had raped the victim, the judge said J’s account of what happened in the bedroom was internally and externally consistent, and corroborated by other evidence; in contrast, O’s account was “not only riddled with inconsistencies; it defies common sense”. The case was adjourned to 12 Jan 2024, for sentencing.


Wife-sharing rapes: Last man convicted of raping accomplice's unconscious, drugged wife

The last man in a series of wife-sharing cases has been convicted of raping a drugged woman in a conspiracy with her husband. The 45-year-old man, referred to only as O as the victim cannot be identified under gag orders, was the last in a group of seven men to be dealt with in the larger case involving other wives.

The men involved had met each other online, largely on Sammyboy Forum, to discuss wife-sharing fantasies before turning them into reality. O is the only one to claim trial, and is one of five men who raped the same victim — the wife of a man referred to as J. The long-running case stems from an incident in 2011 that was exposed only in 2020 when the victim discovered explicit photos of herself on her husband's phone. On Monday (Nov 20), Justice Mavis Chionh convicted O, finding that his account was "riddled with inconsistencies" and "wholly lacking in credibility". Not only were O's accounts in court incongruent with his own defence's case, they also did not make sense, said Justice Chionh. She found that the prosecution had proven its case beyond reasonable doubt.

O, who wore dark spectacles, a mask and a suit, stood stiffly in the dock as the judge read out her decision. He faces other charges, including circulating obscene images and possessing obscene videos, which are pending. Sentencing arguments will be heard at a later date. J was sentenced to 29 years' jail and the maximum 24 strokes of the cane in May for his role. The other men in the larger network received jail terms ranging from three to 22 years, depending on their involvement. Some of them also received caning.


Last suspect in wife-sharing rape cases goes on trial
Over a span of 8 years, a group of 7 men conspired with each other to rape each other's wives. (Illustration:Rafa Estrada)

The last suspect in several "wife-sharing" rape cases, which were carried out by men who met online, went on trial at the High Court on Tuesday (Aug 15). The 44-year-old man, named only as "O" in court documents, claimed trial to a charge of conspiracy to commit rape on an occasion between 2010 and 2011.

He also faces eight charges of circulating obscene images on the Sammyboy forum, and possessing 118 obscene videos. These have been stood down during the trial. O is the last of the seven men in the "wife-sharing" network to be dealt with in court, and the only one to claim trial. Five other men have been convicted of rape, and one man of attempted rape.

The main culprit in the case, a 42-year-old man known as "J", was sentenced in May to 29 years' imprisonment and the maximum 24 strokes of the cane. J conspired with five other men to have his wife drugged and raped over a period of eight years. He also conspired with two men to rape their wife or ex-wife. O's alleged victim is J's wife. All parties in the case cannot be named due to gag orders imposed by the court.


Seventh man in wife-sharing case had consensual sex with victim prior to alleged rape, court told

A finance executive, who is the last of seven men to be dealt with in a case where husbands with wife-sharing fantasies had their own partners drugged and raped, denied a rape charge against him on Tuesday (Aug 15). The 44-year-old, O, is on trial for conspiring with the main perpetrator, J, so that he can rape J’s wife at J’s flat between 2010 and 2011.

J is the central figure in a network of men who met on online platforms and discussed their wife-sharing fantasies in private and group chats. He admitted that between 2010 and 2018, he fed his wife sedatives and had her raped by five men, including O. But O disputes the events surrounding the rape he is accused of committing. He is the only one of the seven men not to plead guilty to the conspiracy charges against him. O does not dispute eight other charges, including those for posting obscene images in a thread titled “Wifey Pic to Share” on online sex forum Sammyboy. These charges have been stood down for now.

It emerged on Tuesday that prior to the alleged rape, J’s wife had consensual sex with O on Sept 2, 2010, after getting to know him online. Prosecutors said that without the knowledge of J’s wife, J had provided O with her contact details and told O to “court” his wife. Using the fake persona of “Brad Chan”, O contacted the woman and started to chat with her online. About a month later, they met for dinner at Punggol Park. Prosecutors said O then told J about his meet-up with J’s wife. “This unusual arrangement shows that the liaison did not arise from a mere desire by the accused to have sex with the victim,” said the prosecutors.

‘Shocking betrayal of marital trust’: Main culprit in wife-sharing rape cases gets 29 years’ jail, caning

The main culprit in several wife-sharing rape cases carried out by men who met on an explicit online forum was sentenced to 29 years in jail and 24 strokes of the cane by the High Court on Thursday (May 4).

The 42-year-old Singaporean conspired with five other men to have his own wife drugged and raped over a period of eight years. He also conspired with two men to rape their wife or ex-wife. The man, named only as J, is at the centre of the cases that the judge called "a shocking betrayal of marital trust and egregious sexual perversion".

J faced the most charges among the offenders, pleading guilty to five counts of conspiring to commit rape and one charge of sexual assault on Thursday. Another 11 charges were taken into consideration. He was previously represented by two different sets of lawyers but dropped them and acted for himself. All parties in the case cannot be named due to gag orders imposed by the court.


29 years’ jail for man who drugged wife and had her raped by 5 men to fulfil wife-sharing fantasies

A 42-year-old man was sentenced to 29 years’ jail and 24 strokes of the cane after he admitted in court that he fed his wife sedatives and had her raped by five men to fulfil his wife-sharing fantasies over a period of eight years.

The father of four, identified as J, also admitted that he had raped the wives of two of the men. The assaults were often carried out without the use of protection, with the men taking photos and videos of the acts.

J is at the centre of an unprecedented case where husbands with wife-sharing fantasies conspired with other men to have their own partners drugged and raped. Of the seven men who have been hauled to court, J, a safety officer, faces the most number of charges. On Thursday, he pleaded guilty to six charges, with another 11 charges taken into consideration.


29 years' jail, 24 strokes of cane for main culprit of wife-sharing rape case

The main instigator involved in an unprecedented case of wife-sharing rape incidents was sentenced to 29 years' jail and 24 strokes of the cane on Thursday (4 May).

The Straits Times reported that the 42-year-old man, a father of four, conspired with five other men to have his own wife drugged and raped over a period of eight years. He also conspired with two men to rape their wives. These assaults were carried out with the men taking photos and videos of the acts, and without the use of contraceptive protection.

The man, who was identified only as J in court documents to protect the identities of the victims, was hit with the most number of charges among the seven men who were hauled to court for this case. He pleaded guilty to six charges - five counts of conspiring to commit rape and one charge of sexual assault - with another 11 charges taken into consideration.

Singaporean with wife-sharing fantasy gets 29 years’ jail for letting 5 men rape his spouse

The main culprit in several wife-sharing rape cases carried out by men who met on an explicit online forum was sentenced to 29 years in jail and 24 strokes of the cane by the Singapore High Court on Thursday.

The 42-year-old Singaporean conspired with five other men to have his own wife drugged and raped over a period of eight years. He also conspired with two men to rape their wife or ex-wife. The man, named only as J, is at the centre of the cases that the prosecution described as unprecedented.

The father of four hatched a plan to sedate his spouse for other men to have sex with her after she rejected her husband’s threesome fantasy.

29 years’ jail for man who had wife raped by five men to fulfil his fantasies

A 42-year-old man was sentenced to 29 years’ jail and 24 strokes of the cane after he admitted in court that he fed his wife sedatives and had her raped by five men to fulfil his wife-sharing fantasies over a period of eight years.

The father of four, identified here as J, also admitted that he had raped the wives of two of the men. The assaults were often carried out without the use of protection, with the men taking photos and videos of the acts. J is at the centre of an unprecedented case where husbands with wife-sharing fantasies conspired with other men to have their own partners drugged and raped.

Of the seven men who have been hauled to court, the safety officer faces the most number of charges. On Thursday (May 4), he pleaded guilty to six charges, with another 11 charges taken into consideration.

4 men jailed 13.5 to 22 years after conspiring to drug, rape women to fulfil wife-sharing fantasies

Four of the seven men involved in an unprecedented case where husbands with wife-sharing fantasies conspired with other men to have their own partners sedated and raped were sentenced to between 13½ years and 22 years in prison on Wednesday. They were each also ordered to be given 20 strokes of the cane, except for one man who was above the age of 50 and cannot be caned.

“This is one of the most astonishing and atrocious cases of sexual assault to come before the court,” said Justice Pang Khang Chau before sentencing the four men. Three of the men – Husband K, 45; Husband L, 53; and Husband M, 45 – had helped another man gain access to their respective partners and then watched as the accomplice raped, or tried to rape, the unconscious women. These three men, as well as a fourth, Bachelor N, 37, each also conspired with another accomplice, Husband J, 41, to rape J’s wife. K’s wife was raped by J on three occasions between 2012 and 2013, while M’s former wife was raped by J in 2018. 

K and M recorded the assaults and shared the photos and videos with other men. L’s wife regained consciousness before P, her husband’s colleague, could rape her in 2017. J’s wife was raped and sexually assaulted by five men between 2010 and 2018. His case is still pending in court. Some of the men met one another on the SammyBoy online forum and other platforms for people looking to exchange sexual partners and share their wives, and also introduced the other men to each other. In both private and group chats, they discussed wife-sharing fantasies where the husband would watch another man have sex with his wife. They also exchanged details of their sex lives and shared explicit images or videos of their wives or partners with one another.

Cuckolding: Wife-sharing Fantasies
Wife Sharing: Why Does My Husband Want To Share Me Sexually?

Dental surgeon Melanie Chan (name changed), 32, has been married to her college sweetheart for over nine years. Although she describes her relationship as ‘wonderful,’ she says there is one problem: the idea of wife sharing. “My husband wants to share me sexually,” she wrote, looking for answers.

In her letter, Chan says that after one whole year of persuasion, she finally caved. “I decided to have sex with our common college friend. It wasn’t special at all, but my husband was turned on by it. I try to understand this, but I fail to,” Chan writes. “Weirdly enough, this didn’t stop there. We even had a swapping episode with another couple. I thought this would be the end. But he asked to persuade another friend of ours just months after this. I reluctantly did,” says Chan who has two kids with her husband. She says that she is unable to understand why her husband wants to share her sexually. “If it wasn’t for my kids, I would’ve left. I don’t see how my husband’s desire to share me sexually is ‘normal.’ I want him to stop. What should I do?” she writes.

In recent years, the term “wife sharing” has gained attention and sparked controversy within many social circles. This practice, also known as “cuckolding,” involves consensually sharing one’s spouse with another person for sexual pleasure. While this may seem like a taboo subject, it has become a popular topic of discussion and debate. Some view it as a form of open-mindedness and exploration, while others see it as a betrayal of traditional monogamous values. With the rise of the internet and social media, the concept of wife sharing has become more accessible and prevalent, leading many to question its morality and impact on relationships. So then why do couples indulge in wife sharing? The answer could very well lie in how a woman is coerced into this practice, her husband’s motivation to watch his wife with another man, and the factors that drive this motivation.