

Not everyone who is Single is Lonely

Not everyone who is Taken is in Love

Better to be alone and happy, than to be with someone and be miserable.

Too many people stay for all the wrong reasons.

Love yourself! If you don’t love yourself how can you love another, you can’t define yourself by who your with.

7 Reasons Why Single People Are Happier Alone

The world has long sold us the idea that relationships are what make us happy. But there are single people across the planet thriving and living a lifestyle of independence, without a partner of any kind. The concept that you need someone else to make you happy and whole is far from true, and it’s even a little harmful to perpetuate.

But are single people that happy? How and why? And if you’ve been considering being single or are trying to enjoy it, maybe you want to know if happiness is possible without a partner. We’re pleased to inform you that it very much is! Here are seven reasons why single people are happy alone and won’t apologize for it:
  • They Have More Freedom To Make Decisions
  • Single People Have Time For Restorative Solitude
  • Many Single People Exercise More
  • They Choose Independence and Stay Single By Choice
  • Single People Are Not Alone, and They Enjoy the Independence
  • They Have Better Work-Life Balance
  • It’s Correlation, Not Causation
Final Thoughts On Some Reasons Why Single People Are Happy Alone - Single people experience so much happiness thanks to their freedom, refreshing solitude, thriving social life, and general lifestyle enjoyment. They may even benefit by exercising more and working less! In other words, the idea that being single is somehow lonely is entirely inaccurate. Staying single has its fair share of pros and cons. But if you’ve been feeling pressure to continue being in relationships or finding a partner as soon as possible, why not slow down a little? You might find that you love and enjoy life on your own. There can be something truly wonderful about your own company!

The Good Reasons Why Some People Are Happy Being Single

A journal article with the title "Happily Single" slipped through the academic gates and exploded into the media. Suddenly, all sorts of articles and blog posts had the words "happy" and "single" right next to each other, and my inbox flooded with alerts.

After well over a decade of complaining about singlism (the stereotyping, stigmatizing, and discrimination against single people), it was heartening to see something different. But something about this latest study also rubbed me the wrong way. It seemed to be damning with faint praise, and more importantly, the authors seemed oblivious to the truly positive reasons that some people are drawn to single life.

Let me explain. In Part I, I'll tell you about the research. Then in Part II, I'll explain what it missed about the real joys and rewards of a meaningful single life:
  • The New Research on Happily Single People
  • The Positive Reasons Why Some People Are Happy Being Single

9 Reasons Why Your Life Is Better Staying Single

Just because you’re staying single doesn’t mean you are lonely. Whether you’ve always been single or just left a relationship doesn’t matter. You will no doubt dodge many invasive questions from friends and family members. 
While these prying family and friends mean well, you can remain a party of one and still be happy. A motto to live by is that it’s better to be single than to waste your life with the wrong person.

Recent statistics report that about 50.2 percent of people in the United States are single, which is more than double the percentage in the 1950s. Of course, some of these people are widowed or divorced or are in a relationship but live separately. However, some are just enjoying their independence without a significant other, which is completely acceptable. 9 Reasons Why Many People Are Happier by Staying Single:
  • You Make the Rules
  • More Personal Space
  • Decorate Your Way
  • No More Extra Messes
  • The Remote is Yours
  • No Fighting Over the Thermostat
  • A Room of Your Own
  • No Pet Dilemma
  • Living Solo Can Save a Little Bit of Cash
Final Thoughts on Staying Single - Living alone does not mean that you have shunned society or are uninterested in love. It’s possible to enjoy a fulfilling love life and social calendar without sacrificing your private space. Staying single may give you the peace and quiet you want, and you can invite people to visit as you choose.

17 surprising reasons single people are happier

Despite the long-running stigma that single people are miserable, research is showing that single people are experiencing happy and healthier lives than their married counterparts.

Don’t believe me? Then go ahead and check out these 17 reasons:
  • Single people are more social
  • Single people have more time to themselves
  • Single people have more time for leisure
  • Single people report experiencing more personal growth
  • Single people have fewer legal liabilities
  • Single people tend to have less credit card debt
  • Single women tend to earn higher salaries
  • Single men tend to work fewer hours than married men
  • Single people tend to exercise more
  • Single people tend to sleep better
  • You can decide when and where to do things
  • You can hang out with whomever you want
  • You are focused on your things right now
  • You aren’t yourself when you are in a relationship
  • You like new things and not routine
  • You don’t get upset when people aren’t available to you
  • You don’t want to be responsible for anyone’s happiness

Four single women share why they’re happier alone

EVERY woman who is single knows by heart how to respond to the sympathetic phrases thrown in their direction like “don’t worry, you’ll meet someone soon,” or “you’re a catch”.

A smile and shrug of the shoulders is the standard reply but as new statistics reveal more than half of 25 to 44-year-olds are single, why is there still such a stigma surrounding it? Despite so many young adults being unattached, adverts for sofas, beds and new homes suggest these item should be bought by happy couples, not someone who is single.

To mark Gal-entine’s Day, the day before V-Day – when women celebrate the love for their girlfriends – Jenny Francis meets four single women each in a different decade of their lives.

Feeling Lonely in Your Relationship

Being lonely is not just an emotion reserved for those who are single or alone. But there are ways to work through it. “It’s very common that people find themselves in long-term relationships feeling lonely,” says Niloo Dardashti, a New York-based psychologist and relationship expert.

People in a relationship can be lonely because something isn’t working in the relationship itself or because they look to their partner to fill a void that they’ve been carrying within themselves, according to Dardashti. Whatever the culprit, here, a few experts explain why you might be feeling this way and provide ways to address the root of the loneliness you may be experiencing.

Why do some people feel lonely in their relationship? One reason for feeling lonely could be that your relationship is not working as well as it once did. A 2018 Pew Research Center survey found that 28% of people who are dissatisfied with their family lives feel lonely all or most of the time. And the number of people who are unhappy at home is rising — the most recent General Social Survey conducted in 2016 by NORC at the University of Chicago recorded the highest number of unhappily married couples since 1974.