

Acupressure Points for Constipation

Acupressure can help in relieving constipation symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and gas by applying pressure to specific points on the body. The following are the commonly used acupressure points to relieve constipation that you can do on your own. Instead of pressing with your fingers, you can also use acupressure stick:
  • Tianshu (ST25) - Tianshu can improve digestion. You can place three fingers parallel and alongside the centre of the belly button. Tianshu is located at the edge of the last finger, away from the belly button. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with finger.
  • Guanyuan (CV4) - Guanyuan is used for relieving abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is located at 3 inches below your belly button. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with finger.
  • Zhigou (TE6) - Zhigou is an effective pressure point for relieving chronic constipation. It is located at 3 inches up the back of your arm from the crease of your wrist. Use your thumb and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with thumb. This procedure should have been repeated for the other wrist.
  • Zusanli (ST36) - Zusanli can strengthen the digestive system. It is located on the outer calf, about four finger widths under the knee bone. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure. This procedure should have been repeated for the other foot.

Where is Your “Poop Button”?

According to acupressure experts, there’s a pressure point that, when pressed, makes going number 2 a lot easier.

4 Best Acupressure Points for Constipation to Help You Feel Regular Again
Acupressure can help with constipation by promoting movement in the bowel system to encourage elimination

For each of the following acupressure points, "use your thumb to gradually apply increasing pressure on a point until you find the sweet spot where it’s just enough pressure to feel some resistance without discomfort or pain," says Dr. Auth. "Then hold constant pressure and make a circular motion with your thumb, gently massaging the point."

The best acupressure points for constipation:
  • Large Intestine 4 - Dr. Auth says that the tighter and sorer this spot is, the more benefit it can give you. "Gently pinch the web between the index finger and thumb of your left hand with your right thumb and right index finger. Rotate the right thumb in a circular motion applying just enough pressure to feel resistance without pain," says Dr. Auth. "As the resistance releases, gradually apply more pressure. Breathe slow and deep as you do this and then switch sides. Keep rubbing until you feel a release in the area for at least 10 deep breaths.
  • Ren 12 - To find this point on the abdomen, Dr. So says to look in the mirror. "Draw an imaginary line from the bottom of your sternum, the part of your chest where your ribs start to curve away from each other in an upside-down V shape, and your belly button," says Dr. So. "Right at the midpoint of the line drawn from between these two landmarks is a point called Ren 12. You can begin your acupressure by pressing firmly into this point with your thumb or middle finger. Often times, it will feel full or tender to the touch. Hold for 30 seconds and then knead in small clockwise circles for another 60 seconds."
  • ST 25 - Dr. So says this point is located bilaterally on either side of your belly button, about two or three inches out from the centerline. "The distance from your belly button will be slightly different on people of different sizes," she says. Ideally, it is best to find the highest point of your [abdominal] muscles. If you are at the highest point of this band of muscle and are in line with your belly button, you’re in the right spot! Start with the point on the right side of your abdomen, pressing in firmly for 30 seconds and then kneading in small, clockwise circles for 60 seconds. Repeat the same technique on the left side point."
  • Stomach 36 and 37 - "Stomach 36 is a big point, so best to use the first two fingers to dig deep," says Dr. Auth. She says it's located at the top of the shin about a palms length below the knee. "Gradually apply pressure using a circular motion, don’t be afraid to apply deep pressure here. You should not experience any pain but should feel some sensation. As the resistance releases gradually apply more pressure. Breathe slow and deep as you do this and then switch sides. Keep rubbing until you feel a release in the area. Move down the shin another palm width and do the same with Stomach 37."
  • Final breaths - "Finally, end by placing both hands on your low abdomen just below your belly button," says Dr. So. "Place your right hand so that it is touching your abdomen and your left hand so that it is stacked on top of your right. Take five to 10 deep abdominal breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth."

Acupressure Approach for Relief of Constipation

We are going to start with the most commonly used acupuncture points for constipation. Then we are going to focus on two groups of points located near and just below the elbow and points just below the knee. These areas are almost mirror images of each other. Both clusters of points are good for regulating the activity of the intestines.

The first point we are going to use is Sanjaio 6. To find this point, look at the back of your wrist and measure three fingers widths up on your forearm. Sanjiao 6 is located in between the two bones on your forearm. The area around and including Sanjiao 6 is the most important for constipation. You can also massage the point next to Sanjaio 6, which is Sanjiao 5, located 2 finger widths from the back of the wrist. Both of them are good for treating stagnation in the large intestine which keeps things from moving. Next, find your elbow and place your thumb in the fleshy area just above the crease when you bend your arm. This is Large Intestine 11. Continue to massage your forearm along the bone covering an area measuring about the width of your four fingers put together. Here you are covering Large Intestine points 11, 10, 9, and 8. All of these points are good for treating fullness in the stomach and abdominal pain.

And finally, you are going to massage points on the Stomach Channel on the lower leg, Stomach 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40. To find these points, first located the bottom of your kneecap and measure and hand-width down on your lower leg between the two bones. This is Stomach 36. Press and massage Stomach 36 and and continue to press and massage the space in between the two lower leg bones until you reach the center of the front of your lower leg. Now that you have covered 4 major points on the Stomach channel for regulating the intestines, you can drag your thumb outward over the fibula bone on the outside of your lower leg. This point is Stomach 40. It’s one of the most crucial points for transforming phlegm and mucus in the body. Acupuncture students usually refer to it as “Phlegm 40.”

Acupuncture Moves Stool, Relieves Constipation
Clinical trials demonstrate that acupuncture relieves chronic constipation and produces greater long-term patient outcomes than drugs

Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine researchers find true acupuncture more effective than sham acupuncture for the relief of constipation. In another study by Yang et al., acupuncture combined with herbal medicine relieves constipation in the elderly and demonstrates superior patient outcomes to pharmaceutical medications. Acupuncture plus herbs produced a high total effective rate and very low relapse rate. Let’s take a look at the results of the investigations.

Zheng et al. (Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) conclude that acupuncture is safe and effective for the treatment of functional constipation, often referred to as chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC). This type of constipation does not have a known anatomical or physiological etiology in biomedicine. CIC often involves infrequent defecation, hard stools, straining during bowel movements, and incomplete evacuation of stools. Secondary symptoms include stomach cramping, pain, and abdominal bloating or distention. The study examines the efficaciousness of front mu (ST25) and back shu (BL25) acupoints of the large intestine meridian. This approach is consistent with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles. The large intestine foot-yangming channel is often an integral aspect to treatments for constipation.

The researchers note that functional constipation is classified in the Da Bian Nan (difficulty in bowel movement) category in TCM. They cite prior research indicating that acupuncture effectively treats the root causes of constipation. As a result, acupuncture patients have lower relapse rates than patients having taken mosapride, a medication used to facilitate bowel movements. Although the drug is effective, the research indicates a relatively high relapse rate (54.2%) following discontinuation of the drug. The researchers add that acupuncture is effective without significant adverse effects whereas mosapride may cause loose stools, dizziness, headaches, insomnia, abdominal pain, and borborygmus. Mosapride is a serotonin 5HT₄-receptor agonist and serotonin 5HT₃-receptor antagonist that is a gastroprokinetic agent.

Pressure Points for Relieving Constipation

It’s common to feel constipated every now and then. It can happen for many reasons, like dehydration or stress. Some medications and medical conditions can also cause constipation.

Fortunately, it’s possible to relieve constipation with natural remedies like acupressure. This involves applying physical pressure to various points on your body to support digestion and induce bowel movements. You can do acupressure on yourself or have it done by a trained professional. In either case, it’s important to understand how it works, as well as the potential side effects.

Read on to learn how to use pressure points for relieving constipation:
  • San Jiao 6: Branching Ditch
  • Stomach 25: Celestial Pivot
  • Spleen 15: Great Horizontal
  • Liver 3: Great Surge
  • Large Intestine 4: Joining Valley
  • Kidney 6: Shining Sea

How to Ease Constipation with Acupuncture

Method 3 - Using Acupressure to Ease Constipation:
  • Try point CV6 (qihai). This point is located three finger widths below your belly button. Place your index, middle, and ring fingers in a straight line against your belly with your palm facing your body. Your CV6 point is located at the intersection of the bottom of your ring finger and an invisible line you can trace straight down from your belly button. Close your eyes and press the point gently to a depth of no more than one inch. Maintain pressure for 30 seconds. Breathe normally. Release pressure after 30 seconds. The English translation of this point is the Sea of Qi. In Chinese, “qi” means life force or energy.
  • Use point CV12 (zhongwan). The zhongwan point – also known as the “center of power” – is located halfway between the belly button and the base of the breastbone. Press the zhongwan point for no more than two minutes. Use gentle downward pressure to a depth of less than one inch. Do not eat before pressing the zhongwan point. CV12 is also useful for treating other digestive problems, heartburn, and stress. When combined with breathing exercises, it can help treat depression, too.
  • Press LI4 (hegu). LI4 is the fleshy webbing on the hand where the thumb and index finger connect. Simply squeezing the flesh of this area gently for about one minute while taking slow, deep breaths. In translation, hegu means Joining Valley. In addition to constipation, pressure on LI4 might relieve toothaches, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the severity of allergies. Massaging the hegu point is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Massage the LI11 point. The LI11 point is located on the outer edge of your elbow’s crease. To find it, extend your arm in front of you with your palm up. With your opposite hand, lay your index finger across the crook of your elbow. The tip of your index finger should naturally lie on LI11. Push the point inward gently for about one minute while breathing deeply. This point is also known as the crooked pond. Massaging LI11 can help stiff joints in the arm, including elbow pain, and may regulate body temperature.
  • Try perineal massage. Perineal massage is a specific type of acupressure that involves massaging the perineum (the area between the anus and genitals). Use repeated gentle, circular motions on the perineum. These motions should help you break up, pass, or soften your constipated stool.

Chinese Medicine Treatment for Constipation

From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, constipation can be divided into four types according to different causes: excessive heat, food stagnation, insufficient blood and insufficient energy. Excessive heat in digestive system is the most common type of constipation.

For excessive heat and food stagnation, you need to stimulate bowel movement. Healthy diet is often recommended. You should eat more high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, drink adequate amounts of water. For insufficient blood and insufficient energy, TCM practitioners will address the root cause of the illness, offer acupuncture treatment combined with herbal formula to restore balance.

There are many factors that can cause constipation such as low-fiber diet, changes in life, lack of exercise, irritable bowel syndrome, abuse of laxatives and medications. Constipation is a side effect of many drugs. Long-term persistent constipation must be examined by doctor to ensure that there is no underlying disease or disorder. Once other factors have been eliminated, you can pursue Chinese medicine as an alternative treatment.

Hematochezia: Blood in Stool

Blood is supposed to stay in your body. Seeing blood in your bowel movement is very frightening. It is an indication that something is not working right, but it is not always a herald of colon cancer. Rectal bleeding has many causes, but only one of them is colon cancer.

When You Note Blood in the Stool - The best action you can take now, to advocate for yourself, is to pay attention to this symptom and be prepared to discuss it with your doctor. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Was the blood in the stool, toilet bowl or on the toilet paper?
  • Was the blood bright red or dark red?
  • Approximately how much blood did you see? (Keep in mind, a drop of blood in a toilet bowl will turn all of the water red.)
  • Did you have to strain to pass the bowel movement?
  • How frequently do you have bowel movements?
  • Do you have other symptoms?
  • When was your last colon screening exam or colonoscopy?
  • Do you have a history of polyps or a family history of polyps?

Causes of Blood in the Stool:
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • Colon Polyps
  • Constipation
  • Bowel Infections
  • Colon Cancer

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Hematuria: Blood in urine

Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in the urine. If there are enough red cells, the urine can become bright red, pink or cola colored. Often, however, the urine appears completely normal because there is not enough blood to cause a color change. In this case, the condition is called "microscopic" hematuria. There are many possible causes of hematuria, including:
  • Urinary tract infection — Hematuria can be caused by an infection in any part of the urinary tract, most commonly the bladder (cystitis) or the kidney (pyelonephritis).
  • Kidney stones
  • Tumors in the kidney or bladder
  • Exercise — Exercise hematuria is a harmless condition that produces blood in the urine after strenuous exercise. It is more common in males than females.
  • Trauma — Traumatic injury to any part of the urinary tract — from the kidneys to the urethral opening (the connection between the bladder and the outside world) — can cause hematuria.
  • Drugs — Hematuria can be caused by medications, such as blood thinners, including heparin, warfarin (Coumadin) or aspirin-type medications, penicillins, sulfa-containing drugs and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan).
  • Glomerulonephritis — Glomerulonephritis is a family of illnesses that are characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli, the filtering units of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis is a rare complication of certain viral and bacterial infections (including strep throat). It can also occur in people with certain auto-immune diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus or SLE) and vasculitis. Sometimes there is no identifiable cause.
  • Bleeding disorders — This includes conditions such as hemophilia and von Willebrand's disease.

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Nocturia: Excessive Urination at Night

Nocturia is a condition that causes you to wake up during the night to pee. This condition is also called nocturnal urinary frequency — having to pee more often at night. Nocturia becomes more common as people age (usually older than 60) and occurs in all genders and sexes, sometimes for different reasons. It can be common for people to wake up once during the night to pee, but peeing more frequently may be a sign of an underlying condition or problem.

When a person pees too much during the daytime, but can limit the amount of trips to the bathroom at night, it’s referred to as frequent urination. Nocturia is strictly using the bathroom multiple times after bedtime and before you wake up in the morning. Whether it’s happening due to an underlying medical condition or something else, it can leave you feeling tired because your regular sleep cycle is disrupted.

How common is nocturia? Nocturia is a common condition affecting more than 50% of adults after age 50. It’s more common in men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB) after age 50. Before 50, nocturia is more common in women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB). It affects up to 1 in 3 people over the age of 30.

Pneumaturia: Gas in urine

What Is Pneumaturia? Having small bubbles in your urine is called pneumaturia. It isn’t a diagnosis on its own but can be a symptom of certain health conditions. Common source causes for pneumaturia include urinary tract infections (UTIs) and passageways between the colon and the bladder (called fistula) that don’t belong.

If you have pneumaturia, you’ll feel gas or a bubbling sensation interrupting your urine stream. Your urine may appear to be full of small air bubbles. This is different than urine that looks foamy, which is usually an indicator of too much protein in your urine. Since pneumaturia is a symptom of other conditions and not a condition all by itself, you may want to look out for other symptoms that sometimes come along with it, such as:
  • burning sensation while urinating
  • difficulty urinating
  • feeling the need to “go” all the time
  • discolored urine
All of these symptoms could indicate an infection in your urinary tract. Common causes:
  • One common cause of pneumaturia is infectious bacteria. Pneumaturia can indicate a UTI, as the bacteria create bubbles in your urine stream.
  • Another common cause is a fistula. This is a passage between organs in your body that doesn’t belong there. A fistula between your bowel and your bladder can bring bubbles into your urine stream. This fistula can be an outcome of diverticulitis.
  • Less often, deep sea divers will have pneumaturia after a period of time underwater.
  • Sometimes pneumaturia is a symptom of Crohn’s disease.

Diabetes: Early Signs & Symptoms

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of diseases that affect how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is an important source of energy for the cells that make up the muscles and tissues. It's also the brain's main source of fuel. The main cause of diabetes varies by type. But no matter what type of diabetes you have, it can lead to excess sugar in the blood. Too much sugar in the blood can lead to serious health problems.

Chronic diabetes conditions include type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Potentially reversible diabetes conditions include prediabetes and gestational diabetes. Prediabetes happens when blood sugar levels are higher than normal. But the blood sugar levels aren't high enough to be called diabetes. And prediabetes can lead to diabetes unless steps are taken to prevent it. Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy. But it may go away after the baby is born. Diabetes symptoms depend on how high your blood sugar is. Some people, especially if they have prediabetes, gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes, may not have symptoms. In type 1 diabetes, symptoms tend to come on quickly and be more severe.

Some of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are:
  • Feeling more thirsty than usual.
  • Urinating often.
  • Losing weight without trying.
  • Presence of ketones in the urine. Ketones are a byproduct of the breakdown of muscle and fat that happens when there's not enough available insulin.
  • Feeling tired and weak.
  • Feeling irritable or having other mood changes.
  • Having blurry vision.
  • Having slow-healing sores.
  • Getting a lot of infections, such as gum, skin and vaginal infections.

Constipation and Urinary Incontinence
Bloating and cramps are two common symptoms of constipation

Being constipated means your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. You might be constipated if you have less than three bowel movements per week.

Constipation is very common. Around 2.5 million people visit their doctor each year in the U.S. because they are constipated. It's usually not serious, and home remedies can get you back on track. How often should you poop? The normal length of time between bowel movements varies from person to person. Some people have them three times a day. Others have them just a few times a week.

But going longer than 3 days without one is usually too long. After 3 days, your stool gets harder and more difficult to pass. Constipation Symptoms You may have:
  • Few or no bowel movements
  • Trouble having a bowel movement (straining to go)
  • Hard or small stools
  • A feeling that everything didn’t come out
  • Belly bloating
  • A feeling like your rectum is blocked
  • A stomachache or cramps

Acupressure Points for Constipation

Acupressure can help in relieving constipation symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and gas by applying pressure to specific points on the body. The following are the commonly used acupressure points to relieve constipation that you can do on your own. Instead of pressing with your fingers, you can also use acupressure stick:
  • Tianshu (ST25) - Tianshu can improve digestion. You can place three fingers parallel and alongside the centre of the belly button. Tianshu is located at the edge of the last finger, away from the belly button. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with finger.
  • Guanyuan (CV4) - Guanyuan is used for relieving abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is located at 3 inches below your belly button. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with finger.
  • Zhigou (TE6) - Zhigou is an effective pressure point for relieving chronic constipation. It is located at 3 inches up the back of your arm from the crease of your wrist. Use your thumb and apply pressure or you can do circular motion with thumb. This procedure should have been repeated for the other wrist.
  • Zusanli (ST36) - Zusanli can strengthen the digestive system. It is located on the outer calf, about four finger widths under the knee bone. Use your thumb or forefinger and apply pressure. This procedure should have been repeated for the other foot.

15 signs your stomach is functioning badly

A queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, dreading even the idea of food, and having to constantly run to the washroom; these are all unpleasant symptoms of stomach issues. There are all sorts of reasons why you may have a poorly functioning stomach. Sometimes, it’s from food poisoning or a gastro bug going around; however, if your stomach is chronically upset, it might be a sign of a bigger problem. If you are experiencing any of these 15 signs that your stomach is functioning badly, be sure to make an appointment with your healthcare provider:
  • Frequent and chronic diarrhea
  • Blood in your stool
  • Severe cramps after eating
  • Chronic constipation
  • Frequent heartburn
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Sudden intense abdominal pain
  • Feeling full after eating a small portion
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Skin issues

What your poop tells you about your health
5 Things Your Poop Can Tell You About Your Health

Having a bowel movement is a critical part of digesting the food we eat. Stool formed by the large intestine is the body's way of getting rid of waste.

While you should talk to your doctor about any concerns, changes in poop color and consistency could show what is happening inside your digestive system:
  • Rocks and Pebbles - Poop that is hard and shaped like tiny rocks or pebbles is likely just a sign of constipation. You can still be considered constipated even if you are able to pass a small amount of stool. The large intestine helps to concentrate waste by absorbing water. If muscle contractions in the large intestine are not working properly, waste left in the colon becomes even more concentrated, resulting in harder stool.
  • Color Changes - A change in stool color is one of the most common concerns patients ask about. The foods you eat and the kind of bacteria living in your colon can both cause such changes, and added food colorings are frequent culprits. This is one reason why patients preparing for a colonoscopy are instructed to avoid food and beverages with certain added colors the day before. Doctors note that when they perform a colonoscopy, they can actually tell what color the beverage was that the patient drank during their preparation for the procedure. Most changes in the color of stool are not cause for concern. The exception is poop that appears black or bloody, which could signal other problems with the digestive system.
  • Black and Tarry - The most common cause of black and tarry poop is taking iron supplements or a medication containing bismuth, such as Pepto-Bismol. However, it could mean you're losing blood somewhere in your gastrointestinal tract, such as in the stomach or small intestine.
  • Oily or Greasy Stools - If you have poop that appears oily, has a greasy consistency and is difficult to flush, it could be a signal that your body is not able to properly digest fat. The consistency changes could be caused by an infection, nutrients not being digested due to celiac disease or a problem with the pancreas, such as pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis.
  • Pencil Thin - Stool that is only occasionally very thin is not a cause for concern. It is likely due to muscle contractions in the large intestine as it helps to concentrate waste. If there is a sudden and consistent change in your stool always being thin, it could mean there is a blockage in your colon, and you should see your doctor.