

Acquittal of maid warrants further investigation

Update 22 Jun 2021: High Court dismisses Parti Liyani's bid against AGC for $10,000 compensation
Ms Parti Liyani and her lawyer Anil Balchandani at the Supreme Court on Oct 27 last year.PHOTO: ST FILE

The High Court judge who acquitted former domestic worker Parti Liyani last year of stealing from her employer has dismissed her application seeking compensation of $10,000 from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC).

Justice Chan Seng Onn said on Monday (June 21) that Ms Parti has not succeeded in proving on a balance of probability that her prosecution was “frivolous or vexatious”.

The judge said in a 102-page judgment: “The decision to bring the charges against Parti was based on sufficient evidence such that there is a case fit to bring before the court.

Former domestic worker Parti Liyani seeks disciplinary action against prosecutors who handled her theft trial

The former domestic worker of businessman Liew Mun Leong has taken legal action in a bid to begin disciplinary proceedings against two public prosecutors who handled her case.

Ms Parti Liyani’s lawyer, Mr Anil Balchandani from Red Lion Circle, attended a pre-trial conference in the High Court on Wednesday (Sept 23).

The Indonesian worker’s case was thrust into the spotlight three weeks ago when a High Court judge overturned her conviction for stealing more than S$34,000 worth of items from Mr Liew’s household.

Liew Mun Leong steps down as chairman of CAG, Surbana Jurong after ex-maid acquitted of stealing
Mr Liew Mun Leong's former Indonesian maid Parti Liyani has been cleared of all criminal charges.PHOTOS: ST FILE

Mr Liew Mun Leong has stepped down as chairman of Changi Airport Group and Surbana Jurong, days after the High Court acquitted his former maid of theft and raised questions about his motivations in lodging a police report against her.

He has also resigned from his positions as senior international business adviser at Singapore investment company Temasek and as a board member of Temasek Foundation.

In a statement on Thursday (Sept 10), Mr Liew, 74, said he had decided to bring forward his retirement from these roles.

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Shanmugam cautions against prejudging acquitted ex-maid case

On Tuesday (Sept 8), Home Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam said that Singapore's justice system is impartial to all and fair, and cautioned against prejudging what part of the process had gone wrong.

He was commenting on the ongoing reviews by the different agencies looking into the case of former domestic worker Parti Liyani, who was acquitted of stealing from Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family.

Meanwhile, a survey by the Singapore Commercial Credit Bureau (SCCB) revealed that employment expectations among businesses in Singapore have taken a turn for the worse, with overall business sentiment remaining negative.

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PSP’s Tan Cheng Bock calls for independent review of lapses in acquitted maid’s case
Ms Parti Liyani leaving the State Courts with her lawyer Anil Balchandani on Sept 8

Progress Singapore Party secretary-general Tan Cheng Bock on Sunday (Sept 13) called for an independent review into whether there were any “underlying systemic faults” in the case of foreign domestic worker Parti Liyani.

“Proper accountability demands that we find the root causes for these lapses. Not just whether mistakes were caused by individual human errors. Scapegoating or witch hunts will do us no good,” wrote Dr Tan in a Facebook post, weighing in on the case for the first time.

The solution has to go further than blaming or removing personnel in question, he added. “We must examine if there are underlying systemic faults — whether there are any failures in safety processes, protocols, checks and balances. If not, we risk repeating the same mistakes again,” said Dr Tan.

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CAG chairman Liew Mun Leong has contributed to S’pore, public should hear his side of the story: Temasek executive
Mr Liew Mun Leong (pictured), a senior international adviser at Temasek, was CEO of CapitaLand before becoming chairman of Changi Airport Group and Surbana Jurong

Changi Airport Group (CAG) chairman Liew Mun Leong has contributed to Singapore and its people, and the public should hear his side of the story regarding the case involving his former domestic worker and not be too quick to judge, a top executive of state investment firm Temasek Holdings said on Tuesday (Sept 8).

Mr Dilhan Pillay Sandrasegara, chief executive officer of Temasek International, said during the firm’s year-in-review briefing: “There are many individuals who have contributed to both public service and for the private sector in Singapore for the benefit of Singapore and our population. Liew Mun Leong is one of those persons and his track record at CapitaLand, CAG and Surbana Jurong will attest to that.”

Mr Pillay was asked about a recent high-profile case involving Mr Liew’s family and their former domestic worker, Ms Parti Liyani.

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HO Ching 6 August

I remember Liew Mun Leong saying the mission of CapitaLand is to build people to build for people.

That was why he was chosen to be the founding CEO of CapitaLand.

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The Saga of Liew Mun Leong

It is not surprising that the saga of Changi Airport Group Chairman Liew Mun Leong has attracted such prominent attraction not only in Singapore but maybe outside. This is no doubt one of the most iniquitious injustices that could be imposed on a defenceless Indonesian maid who had given eight years of conscientious service to the Liew family.

The process of the police investigations and the District Court judgement for the alleged theft by this unfortunate victim were so full of unimaginables and unconventionals that they boggle the common mind of the people completely. It was by the grace of God (or Allah in this case) that the appeal was heard by such a courageus and perceptive High Court Judge as Justice Chan Seng Onn who minced no words in his highly critical judgement of the judicial proceedings of the district court and his unbridled contempt of the iniquitious conduct of Liew Mun Leong and his son Karl Liew in trumping up theft charges against the defenceless maid.

Justice Chan laid bare the inexcusable inadequacies of the police investigations under the direction of the Attorney-General Department and the unbelievable blunder of the District Judge in convicting the accused on the questionable evidence before her.

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Singapore to study judge’s findings after acquittal of Indonesian domestic worker
Singapore authorities will assess if further actions are needed after a judge acquitted Parti Liyani. Photo: Twitter

The findings of a Singapore High Court judge, who recently acquitted a foreign domestic worker accused of theft by her former employer Liew Mun Leong, raise questions which warrant further investigations, according to the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC).

In a media statement on Sunday, the AGC said it will study the judgment of Justice Chan Seng Onn to assess whether there are any further actions that should be taken in light of Justice Chan’s comments about Parti Liyani’s case.

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) also said in a statement that it is consulting the AGC to see whether it should further look into the matter. It had earlier issued a warning to Liew’s wife and an advisory to his son in May 2018, for making Parti work illegally at other premises, including the son’s home and office. The police said on Sunday that they noted the High Court’s judgment on the case, and that several observations about the investigation had been raised, which they are looking into.

related: Indonesian maid says she forgives Singapore’s Changi Airport Group boss Liew Mun Leong for accusing her of stealing

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Courts Drop Ex-Helper’s 5th & Final Charge, Now Her Name Is Cleared

A dramatic trial involving Parti Liyani, a former domestic worker under Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong, ended with her full acquittal on Tuesday (8 Sep).

The 46-year-old Indonesian was cleared of her 5th and last charge in the State Courts today. Previously the High Court had dropped 4 other charges, after she was initially found guilty. For the 5th charge, she was found with several items which she was accused of obtaining fraudulently, according to Channel NewsAsia.

Ms Parti was cleared of her 5th charge, for fraudulent possession of property. The Straits Times reports that she was found with a total of 18 items on Dec 2016 at the airport, which she allegedly couldn’t account for on her possession.

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Timeline: How a maid was acquitted of stealing from Changi Airport Group chairman's family
Parti Liyani with her lawyer Anil Balchandani outside the High Court on Sep 4, 2020. She was acquitted of stealing from Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family. (Photo: Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics)

An Indonesian maid was acquitted last Friday (Sep 4) of stealing from the family of Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong, nearly four years after she was fired by her former employer.

In March 2019, Ms Parti Liyani was convicted of four charges of stealing, before the convictions were overturned in the High Court by Justice Chan Seng Onn. In his judgment last Friday, Justice Chan laid out the reasons for Ms Parti's acquittal.

Here is a timeline of events related to the case:

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Acquittal of Liew Mun Leong's former maid prompts AGC to look further into case
Ms Parti, who worked for Mr Liew (above) and his family for nine years, was cleared by the High Court following an appeal against her conviction and sentence. BT FILE PHOTO

THE Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) is studying whether any further action is needed following the acquittal of Parti Liyani - the Indonesian maid whom corporate bigwig Liew Mun Leong and members of his family falsely accused of stealing items from their homes.

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Maid accused of theft at CAG chief's house, then acquitted: Judge notes serious risk of evidence contamination
Justice Chan Seng Onn said Mr Karl Liew's testimony against Ms Parti Liyani at trial was internally inconsistent.PHOTO: ST FILE, WONG KWAI CHOW

The bulk of the items that Ms Parti Liyani was accused of stealing allegedly belonged to Mr Karl Liew.

These included over 100 pieces of clothing, two wallets, bed linen, kitchen utensils, a damaged luxury watch and two iPhone 4 phones.

At the end of the trial, the district judge removed the wallets - a Gucci and a Braun Buffel - and some women's clothing from the charge as there was doubt over whether they were his.

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Accused of theft, then acquitted: Police report by CAG chief's family was to stop maid from complaining to MOM, says judge
Once Ms Parti Liyani made clear - upon being fired - her desire to complain to MOM, the Liew family "followed up with the police report to ensure her return would be prevented", said Justice Chan Seng Onn

For the nine years from 2007 that she worked for Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family, Indonesian Parti Liyani had a relatively harmonious relationship with its members.

They gave her generous red packets and raised her monthly salary from $300 to $600. However, from time to time, she clashed with her employer's son, Karl, over her household chores at the Chancery Lane family home.

Things got more heated when Mr Karl Liew moved out with his family in March 2016 to a house nearby.

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Agencies looking into issues judge raised in case of ex-maid acquitted of stealing from CAG chief
Miss Parti Liyani and her lawyer Anil Balchandani leaving the Supreme Court building on Sept 4, 2020.PHOTO: HUMANITARIAN ORGANISATION FOR MIGRATION ECONOMICS

The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC), the police and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) are looking into the case of a former domestic worker acquitted of stealing from Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family.

This comes after Justice Chan Seng Onn, in his 100-page judgment on the case last Friday, found the trial judge's conviction against her to be unsafe.

He cited the handling of the evidence by the police, the recording of the allegedly stolen items and the improper motive behind the allegations of some family members.

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CAG chairman's wife cautioned, son given advisory in 2018 after maid complained about illegal deployment: MOM
Parti Liyani with her lawyer Anil Balchandani and his intern Ajay Singh outside the High Court on Sep 4, 2020. She was acquitted of stealing from Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family. (Photo: Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics)

The wife of Changi Airport Group (CAG) chairman Liew Mun Leong was issued a caution and his son issued an advisory by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in 2018 after their former maid Parti Liyani complained of being illegally deployed.

Ms Parti was acquitted on Friday (Sep 4) of stealing about S$34,000 worth of items from Mr Liew Mun Leong and his family, after she was sentenced to jail in March 2019 for four counts of theft.

Justice Chan Seng Onn overturned her convictions on Friday and said in his judgment that the Liew family had taken a "pre-emptive first step" to terminate her employment suddenly on Oct 28, 2016 and given her insufficient time to pack, in hope that she would not use the time to make a complaint to MOM.

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Acquitted Indonesian domestic worker receives donations of S$28,000 in less than a day
On Sept 4, 2020, the High Court acquitted Ms Parti Liyani (front row, third from right) of all four charges of theft that had been levelled against her

A fundraiser for an Indonesian domestic worker who was recently acquitted of theft has raised its target of S$28,000 less than a day after it was launched.

The money will help Ms Parti Liyani, who was accused by her former employer Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong of theft, set up a food business in Indonesia.

Non-governmental organisation (NGO) Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (Home) set up the fundraiser. Its spokesperson said on Monday (Sept 7): “We are very encouraged by the many kind-hearted Singaporeans who are concerned for Parti Liyani and stepped forward to offer help.”

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Ho Ching lambasted by netizens for praising former CapitaLand’s chief executive Liew Mun Leong of “building people”, after the case of Parti Liyani

The CEO of Temasek Holdings, Ho Ching, has once again lambasted by netizens over her support towards the former chief executive of CapitaLand, Liew Mun Leong, who was involved in the convictions of his former Indonesian domestic worker, Parti Liyani.

In a Facebook post on 7 August, Madam Ho cited a quote from an American author Zig Ziglar and praised Mr Liew’s belief in “building people”.

“I remember Liew Mun Leong saying the mission of CapitaLand is to build people to build for people. That was why he was chosen to be the founding CEO of CapitaLand,” the Prime Minister’s wife wrote. Mr Liew had left CapitaLand in 2012 and is currently the Chairman of Changi Airport Group.

related: Liew Mun Leong who accused his domestic worker of theft, received Meritorious Service Medal from President back in 2011

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Accused of theft, then acquitted: Police report by CAG chief's family was to stop maid from complaining to MOM, says judge

Once Ms Parti Liyani made clear - upon being fired - her desire to complain to MOM, the Liew family "followed up with the police report to ensure her return would be prevented", said Justice Chan Seng Onn.

For the nine years from 2007 that she worked for Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong and his family, Indonesian Parti Liyani had a relatively harmonious relationship with its members. They gave her generous red packets and raised her monthly salary from $300 to $600.

However, from time to time, she clashed with her employer's son, Karl, over her household chores at the Chancery Lane family home.

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Law firm says it ‘only played a very small part’ in surprise acquittal of Changi Airport chief’s ex-maid
Parti Liyani with her defense lawyer, Anil Balchandani, and the HOME team. Image: HOME: Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics/Facebook

The Singapore law firm gaining widespread recognition for helping a domestic helper win a case against her former employers is redirecting their success to the hard work of migrant worker activists.

The Red Lion Circle law firm and its lawyer Anil Balchandani had defended Indonesian domestic helper Parti Liyani, 46, from the state to the high court, after she was accused by former employer, Changi Airport chief Liew Mun Leong, of stealing S$34,000 worth of items.

“A lot has been said regarding counsel’s participation at the trial and at the appeal. Red Lion Circle wishes to state that counsel for Parti Liyani only played a very small part in her acquittal,” the firm said in a statement.

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Mr LIEW Mun Leong is the Chairman of Surbana Jurong Private Limited and also the Chairman of Changi Airport Group.

Mr Liew has spent 22 years in the public service developing Singapore’s Changi Airport, military airports and establishments. He was involved with the construction of Changi Airport Phase I and II from day one in 1975. He was also the CEO of two government statutory bodies, the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR) and concurrently the National Science and Technology Board (NSTB), the forerunner of A*STAR. He was the Registrar of the Professional Engineers Board, granting engineers’ licenses to practise in Singapore and regulating engineering practices in Singapore. He has also served the Executive Board of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for which he was later elected and served as its President for one term.

In the private sector, he has another 24 years of experience leading 10 public listed companies in four countries. In 2000, he was appointed as the founding CEO of CapitaLand Limited, a public listed real estate company, which has become the largest real estate group (by market capitalization) in South East Asia, operating in over 20 countries with more than 12,000 staff. He is a Senior International Business Advisor appointed by Temasek to advise the Group on long term real estate investments in New York, London and Tokyo. Currently he also sits on the boards of Singapore Exchange, NUS Business School, Human Capital Leadership Institute, Chinese Development Assistance Council and the Singapore China Foundation. He also chairs Dymon Asia Real Estate Limited, a private equity fund investing in real estate in several key Asian cities and Temasek Foundation Nurtures CLG Ltd.

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Liew Mun Leong (Singapore Businessman)

Liew Mun Leong (born June 1946) is the chairman of Changi Airport Group (CAG) and Surbana Jurong Private Limited, an urban and infrastructure consulting firm. A decorated civil engineer and businessman who has had experience in the real estate and aviation industries, Liew Mun Leong was conferred the Meritorious Service Medal by the President of Singapore in 2011. He was also bestowed the rank of Knight (Chevalier) in the French National Order of the Legion of Honour (Ordre national de la Légion d'honneur) in recognition of his contributions to France’s economy

Liew Mun Leong is married to Ng Lai Peng. Together they have a son, Karl Liew and a daughter, Liew Cheng May.

Liew Mun Loong was a student of Queenstown Technical School. He then went to the University of Singapore where he graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1970. Liew Mun Leong has held various positions in Singapore’s public and private sectors. With professional beginnings in the 1970s as a civil engineer with the Ministry of Defence,[9] he then forayed into the private sector in the 1990s.

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More than S$28500 raised for maid acquitted of stealing from CAG chairman
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Agencies looking into issues judge raised in acquitting maid of theft
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