

The Importance of Sleep

Just how much should you be sleeping every day?

If you think that sleep is just a period of inactivity, think again. Our nightly shut-eye allows our brains to consolidate our learning and memory so we can perform tasks better the next day. If you’ve ever been sleep deprived, you would have noticed your inability to concentrate, slow responses, impulsive decision-making and even felt easily annoyed or depressed. Not to forget those dark eye circles that refuse to budge.

Perhaps sleeping in on the weekends could make you feel better, but what’s lost is lost. Two days of better rest cannot compensate for a week’s worth of impaired performance. What is considered good sleep?

The quantity and quality of sleep determine whether you wake up feeling energized or like a walking zombie. So do yourself a favour and consider adopting the following practices.


  • Sleep for 6-8 Hours Daily
  • Create a Consistent Sleep Pattern
  • Bask in the Sun a Little
  • Get Active During the Day
  • Follow a Bedtime Routine
  • Get Comfy


  • Avoid Working Out Before Bedtime
  • Avoid Starving or Heavy Meals Before Sleep
  • Don’t Catch Too Much Winks in the Day
  • If You are Wide Awake, Don’t Force it
  • Avoid Caffeine or Alcohol Before Bedtime
  • Eliminate Distractors from the Bedroom

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