

Finding it hard to live healthier?

This could be why

Eating healthier or exercising more is at the top of everyone’s to-do list – but eating only salad every day? Spending hours at the gym?

Actually, you’d be surprised how good you can look and feel simply by combining a good balanced diet with physical activity in your everyday life. It doesn’t need to be troublesome! You can start with small changes – beginning by shaking off myths that might be keeping you from looking and feeling your best.

Myth 1: Eating healthier means eating less
Actually, eating healthier means eating a well-balanced meal with nutrients from all food groups– healthy fats, proteins and carbs included!

Myth 2: Healthier drinks taste bland
There are loads of healthier drinks which are full of flavour even with less/no sugar. For example, Teh-C siu dai, Teh-halia siu dai, lower-sugar soy milk, etc.

Myth 3: Eating healthier is expensive and troublesome
While cooking at home is a great way to cut down on calories, not everyone has the time. Luckily, there are inexpensive healthier options all across Singapore – even in your friendly neighbourhood hawker centre!

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