

Debunking myths about your perception of Alcohol

Almost any social gathering without an ample supply of alcohol is likely to end early. After all, many regard it as the “life of the party.”

It certainly comes with negative effects if we consume too much, but we usually turn a blind eye on them. There are plenty of alcohol related myth out there, from which one is healthier or how to get rid of a hangover.

Here are some common alcohol myths debunked:
  • Some Drinks are Less Intoxicating Than Others
  • Mixing Beverages Gets You Drunk Faster
  • Need To Sober Up Quickly? Shower, Drink Some Coffee and Breath Some Fresh Air
  • Stuff Your Belly to Stay Sober
  • Old Wine is Always Better Than New Wine
  • Puking to Get Over a Hangover
  • Beer is a Great Post-Workout Drink