

The World's Youngest Grandmothers

Ah Girls Go Army actress Shirli Ling becomes grandma at 34
'Since it's already happened, I'll teach them how to face it'

Shirli Ling shocked netizens recently when she announced that she became a grandmother at age 34. Although the Ah Girls Go Army actress, now 35, has previously mentioned it briefly, she discussed her experience in greater detail in an Instagram video on March 7. In her caption, she wrote that becoming a grandma at that young age was both "good and bad". "Depends on how you look at it and how you manage it," she added.

Shirli, a mother of five, gave birth to her first son at 17. Her oldest son turns 18 this year and her other children are aged 17, 13, 10 and eight. She revealed in a follow-up video yesterday (March 11) that her son was also 17 when he got his girlfriend pregnant last year. "When he told me that his girlfriend got pregnant, I felt that I wanted them to decide for themselves and be responsible for their own actions," she shared.

Shirli explained that she couldn't make the decision to keep or give up the child for them, "because this is your future". "If I help you decide, you will dislike me if you regret it in the future," she said. She added that she would never "encourage" her children to have kids young, as she knows the difficulties as a young mother herself. "Being a parent at a young age is not advisable, but since it's already happened, I'll teach them how to face it, how to decide, how to be responsible for your own actions," she said. Shirli added that she can't guarantee if they aborted the first baby, that they wouldn't have another one. "If they don't know how to think, they will still make the same mistake," she said.

Woman Became World's Youngest Grandmother At The Age Of 23
Rifca Stanescu gave birth to daughter Maria when she was just 12 years old. But despite her mum's warnings, Maria fell pregnant even younger

A Romanian woman who gave birth at the age of 12 holds the title of the world's youngest grandmother, having welcomed her first grandchild into the world at the age of just 23. Rifca Stanescu gave birth to daughter Maria when she was just 12 years old, but despite warning her child not to follow the same path, she had a child of her own when she was only 11.

The young grandmother, from the village of Investi, Romania, told how she pleaded with her daughter to stay in school, but she fell pregnant with son Ion at an even younger age. Rifca, who is now in her early 30s, told the Sun in 2011: "I am happy to be a grandmother but I wished something else for Maria - and something else for me. "Ion is a good boy - and he is already engaged to a girl aged eight. Boys are always good to have - they don't have to suffer as much girls, I think."

Born in 1985, Rifca rebelled and went against her family's wishes for her by running away with jewellery seller Ionel Stanescu when they were 11 and 13 respectively. The two got married and soon after that Rifca fell pregnant. She said: "I wanted to marry him, so I agreed, and of course after we had spent the night together then there was no way anyone could separate us. I had been promised to another boy's family since I was two years old but I didn't want that." In Rifca's culture, women are married early to guarantee their virginity, thus ensuring a good dowry from the families of prospective husbands.

Woman, 23, Becomes World's Youngest Grandmother

A woman from Romania said she became the world’s youngest grandmother – at the age of 23. Ridca Stanescu, who gave birth to her daughter Maria when she was just 12 years old, said she urged her daughter not to follow in her footsteps – but Maria gave birth to her son when she was just 11.

Now 25, Stanescu, said she wanted more for her daughter. “I am happy to be a grandmother but I wished something else for Maria – and something else for me,” she said. Stanescu said “marrying young” is a way of life in the Romanian gypsy culture. She was married at the age of 11.

“I did not try to stop my daughter getting married because this is the tradition, it's what happens,” she said. The youngest British grandmother was an unnamed 26-year-old from Rotheram, Yorkshire, whose 12-year-old daughter gave birth in 1999.

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UK Grandmother at 26

Britain's youngest grandmother has spoken of her shock over learning that her 12-year-old daughter had given birth. The 26-year-old woman said she had been devastated by the news but intended to support her daughter and baby grandson. The youngster, who is in her second year at comprehensive school, had the baby in the bathroom of their home in Rotherham, South Yorkshire on Thursday. She had not known she was pregnant. The girl and child were taken to Rotherham District General Hospital, where they are both said to be doing well.

The baby's grandmother, who gave birth herself at 14, told a news conference at Rotherham police station: "We had no idea she was pregnant. Nobody in the family did. "She had put on a little bit of weight but we didn't suspect anything. "I couldn't believe it when it started happening and I even threatened to smack an ambulance man when he said she had given birth." The family revealed the youngster had been to see her GP in the weeks before the birth but the pregnancy had not been detected. The day before the birth the girl was at hospital for a dental visit, but again nobody realised anything was amiss. The grandmother, who lives in a council house, described her daughter as a normal youngster who enjoyed playing on her bike, watching television and listening to pop music. Her favourite group is Boyzone. The child's grandfather added: "It would have been better if this had happened in a few years' time but we won't turn her away. "We are obviously all upset but our main concern has to be the child and the baby in hospital. We just want to be left alone to get on with things." Police and social services are investigating and will question the girl about the identity of the father.

A spokesman for South Yorkshire Police said: "We are treating this as a 12-year-old girl who is a victim of crime. "The sexual offences unit is investigating but we will not be able to speak to the girl until after the weekend. Her welfare is paramount." Rotherham has one of Britain's highest incidences of teenage pregnancy. Only this week its health authority announced that more cash was being provided to tackle the problem. In some parts of the town, one in six pregnancies involve girls under the age of 19. Britain's previous youngest grandmother is understood to have been 28 when her daughter gave birth.

'Becoming a grandmother at 29 is my worst nightmare' says mum after discovering her 14-year-old daughter is pregnant
History repeating itself: Kelly John and Shem Davies became parents at 14 - now their daughter Tia is expecting a child with her boyfriend Jordan Williams

A woman who is set to become Britain's youngest grandmother at 29 said it was 'her worst nightmare' when she discovered her 14-year-old daughter was pregnant. Kelly John said she always hoped Tia would not repeat her mistake and become pregnant at 14. But after getting over the shock, the grandmother-to-be has vowed to do 'everything' to bring up the new baby.

Schoolgirl Tia and her baby-faced 4ft 11in 15-year-old boyfriend Jordan Williams have vowed to prove they can be good parents despite their age. But Tia's father - Shem Davies - who split with her mother years ago, said at the same age he had expected to stay with Kelly forever and bring up his daughter. He told the News of the World: 'I just didn't know how to be a dad - I was still a kid myself.' The couple broke up at the age of 15 - and now his daughter has fallen pregnant he is hoping she will not do the same thing. Tia and her boyfriend Jordan said they usually used condoms - and see the baby as a blessing.

The teenager, from Bridgend, Wales, was preparing to break the bombshell news to her mother when she found the positive pregnancy test results. Kelly told the Sunday newspaper: 'My worst nightmare has always been that Tia would repeat my mistake and get pregnant young. '(When I found out) I felt the colour drain from my face and all I could do was cry.' Kelly, a £92 per week cafe waitress, have vowed to help her daughter to get through her GCSEs while the baby grows up. Father-to-be Jordan is hoping to become a fitness instructor in the marines - as long as he gets good enough GCSE results. When Tia's child is born in August there will be six generations of the same family still alive - including the newborn's 92-year-old great great great grandmother Mabel. Tia's unemployed father Shem still lives six doors away and has a newborn 16 week old son with his 21-year-old partner. Both the schoolgirl and her mother went to the Ynysawdre school in the Welsh town. Kelly John lives with boyfriend Carl Zaccardelli, Tia and three other children from a marriage that collapsed.

I’m becoming a grandma at 32 — and I’m ready for it

She’ll be one glam gran. A young TikToker is going viral after revealing she’s set to become a grandmother at the tender age of 32. The British blond — known only as Shannon — shared the news in a video earlier this month, revealing that her teenage daughter, Molly, is set to welcome a baby boy in early 2023.

“You’re a mom to a 16-year-old and now she’s carrying your first grandchild,” the nana-to-be wrote in the clip, which has garnered more than 338,000 views. The footage shows Shannon sassily dancing around with pregnant Molly who sports a burgeoning baby bump.

“She’s my double,” Shannon further cooed in the caption, appearing thrilled about her 16-year-old’s pregnancy. “10 weeks to go!! I got her fully! I had her at 16 with no support & I swear on my life I’ll never ever let them down! I got you fully.”

Woman becomes Britain's 'youngest grandma' at just 33 years old

Ruth Clayton gave birth when she was 15, with her own daughter then giving birth at 18 years old. A woman has become a grandmother aged just 33. Ruth Clayton, now 34, gave birth to her daughter Rose in 2005, aged 15, while she was still at school. Rose then had her own daughter last year, aged 18 - making Ruth one of Britain's youngest grandmothers.

The support worker from Lincoln says she initially tried to talk Rose out of having birth but, is now delighted with granddaughter, Cora, reports SWNS. Ruth, 34, said: "Once I knew Rose was serious about having this baby I was fully on board and so, so excited. "I met up with her boyfriend's family. They were so amazing; they are the most amazing family. I was in tears watching her give birth - she was like a warrior. Seeing my daughter turn into an amazing mum is the best gift she could have given me."

Ruth fell pregnant with Rose when she was 14 and decided to have an abortion, but on the way to the clinic she realised she couldn't go through with it, which she now says was "the best decision ever". Ruth said: "I arranged for an abortion but me and my friend got on the bus to Lincoln and I turned to her and said, 'I can't do it'. It was the best decision ever. I still got my GCSEs, went to college and everything was fine." Ruth gave birth to her daughter Rose on May 17, 2005 at home, Rose weighed 7lbs 9oz. Rose then told Ruth she was pregnant in February 2022, when she was 17.

Grandma, 34, Reveals She And Her Daughter, 18, Are Often Mistaken For Sisters

Mother and daughter welcomed babies together, which has “brought them closer than ever.” Last year Clare Milner, 34, welcomed her youngest son Hunter. Within just a few months, her oldest daughter, Elisse, 18, fell pregnant with her son Lucas. Having the amazing opportunity to raise their babies together, the mother-daughter due have never felt so close to one another.

Interestingly, the young grandma shares strangers often assume she is actually Elisse’s sister, especially when they are out and about with the babies. Speaking to Daily Mail, Clare said: “Becoming a mum again at a similar time to my daughter has brought us closer together than we have ever been before.”

The 34-year-old granny revealed she is no longer in a relationship with Hunter’s father because his behavior drastically changed when she told him she was pregnant. Instead of chasing after him, she decided to raise her baby on her own. With the help of Elisse, of course. Clare explained: “I decided to leave the relationship and go it alone, for my own sake and the children’s sake. I have three elder children, Elisse, 18, Makenzie, 16, and Macauley, 13.”

'I became a grandma in same year I had my son - at 34 I'm one of UK's youngest nans'
Clare and her daughter Elisse are raising their sons together

Clare Milner, from Newport, Shropshire, had her eldest child when she was just 16 years old. Now her daughter has welcomed her own son into the world - just a year after Clare's youngest was born. A woman has become a grandmother in the same year she welcomed her own baby boy - and is now helping to raise both children.

Clare Milner from Newport in Shropshire is often confused for 18-year-old daughter Elisse's sister, after having her when she was just 16 years old. And now Elisse has welcomed a baby boy, Lucas, making Clare one of the UK's youngest grandparents. Just 12 months earlier, Clare welcomed a son of her own - little Hunter. Now the pair take their boys - who are uncle and nephew at just a year apart - out together in the pram, confusing people on the street who think the mum and daughter are siblings.

But Clare is used to turning heads after becoming a teenage mum and brushes off a lot of comments she receives. "People would tell me I was too young to be a mum and then when my daughter fell pregnant people were saying I'm too young to be a nana," she said. "If Elisse and I are out together with Hunter and Lucas, they assume we are sisters rather than mother and daughter. "Or people assume that both of the boys are my kids when in fact, one is my son and the other is my grandson."

Woman reveals what it was like to be a grandmother at 34 years old

The UK woman discovered she was pregnant at 15 and last year her 17-year-old daughter announced she would be having a child as well. A model has revealed she has become a grandmother at the age of 34 – yet still gets asked for identification when she goes to the pub.

UK woman Rachel McIntyre had her first child after finding out she was pregnant at 15 and, last month, became a grandmother after her 18-year-old daughter gave birth. She said she had some reservations about being a grandmother so young, knowing the difficulty of being a teenage mother, and often gets mistaken for her grandchild’s mother. Rachel, who is an OnlyFans model and swinger, told Caters News: “My daughter’s only just turned 18, and I was very shocked when I found out she was pregnant.

“But once it sunk in, I started getting excited. I knew that I was obviously going to support her as well. “People don’t even believe I’m my daughter’s mum. They look at me in complete shock when I tell them. They’re like, ‘Wait, are you not sisters? When I say I’m a granny too, it’s even more of a shock.’ “I always get asked for ID because I look so young. It’s annoying, but it’s a bit of a compliment too.” Rachel, who also has a 10-year-old daughter, also revealed it was stressful watching her daughter experience labour, adding it was a horrific birth but her granddaughter was a well behaved baby.

I Was A Grandmother At 34
I learned that it’s OK to not have my life revolve around my grandchildren

When Julie Baines discovered she was going to become one of Britain's youngest grandmothers at the age of just 34, she was shocked and disappointed. "I became a first-time mum at 15 years old and had tried to instil in my own kids the importance of having the chance to grow up yourself before becoming a parent.

"But here was my own daughter repeating my mistake and facing a teenage pregnancy, just as I had," she explains. Her daughter Jade was 18 when she told Julie she was pregnant. Julie adds that she didn't feel ready to become a grandma when many of her own aged friends were just starting their own families. "I half expected the tabloids to come knocking on my door," laughs Julie, who is mum to Charlotte, 22, Jade, now 21, Rebecca, 18, and Sam, 10.

Indeed, there's only a handful of British grandmothers reported to be younger than Julie, although the youngest one on record had her first grandchild at just 26 in 1999. But Julie admits she has been surprised and impressed by her daughter's parenting skills. "Having had her son, who is now three, Jade went on to have a little girl, who is eight months old and she's a good mum.

Woman who still gets asked for ID becomes one of the UK's youngest grandmothers at 34
Rachel McIntyre has become one of the UK's youngest grandmothers at the age of just 34. (@rachelmcintyre6/Caters)

A woman, who looks so young that she still gets asked for ID, has become one of the UK's youngest grandmothers at the age of just 34. Rachel McIntyre, a model from Edinburgh, Scotland, welcomed her first grandchild at the end of July and shared the happy news on social media, where users claimed she looked far too young to be a granny and others congratulated her on what they assumed to be hew own newborn.

McIntyre found herself pregnant for the first time when she was just 15, so when she discovered that her then 17-year-old daughter was pregnant last year, she had some reservations about being a young granny because she knows how hard it is being a young, full-time mum. "My daughter's only just turned 18, and I was very shocked when I found out she was pregnant," McIntyre explains. "But once it sunk in, I started getting excited. I knew that I was obviously going to support her.

"People don't even believe I'm my daughter's mum," the new gran continues. "They look at me in complete shock when I tell them. They're like, 'Wait, are you not sisters? When I say I'm a granny too, it's even more of a shock.' "I still get asked for ID because I look so young," McIntyre adds. "It's annoying, but it's a bit of a compliment too."

Youngest grandma at 34

AT the age of just 34 Shila Begum is one of Britain's youngest grandmas. In fact Shila, from Werneth, Oldham, was just 32 when little Mehrunnissa was born.

"When people find out I'm a grandma they are always really shocked, but it's brilliant and I love every moment of it," she said. Mum-of-four Shila gave birth to daughter Rubaiyath at the age of 16 and she also had her first baby at just 16.

Shila said she is glad to be a young grandma so she has the energy to help her daughter with childcare. She realised that she is among Britain's youngest grandparents after a TV programme called `Britain's Youngest Grannies' spotlighted a 34-year-old woman.

GRAN YOU BELIEVE I’m a nan at 34, I wasn’t happy when I found out my grandson was on the way and I refuse to be called granny

A 34-year old woman who has become a grandmother says everyone thinks her grandson is her child. Rosie Morant, from Edinburgh, always knew she would be a young grandmother, as she had her daughter Morgan at 16.

However, Rosie had not even reached her mid-30s last November when now 19-year-old Morgan,gave birth to baby Rox. Rosie has since turned 35, and says that she had mixed emotions becoming a nan so young. She said: "I knew I would always be younger than most grandparents but I didn't think it would happen so soon." "I was apprehensive and I had no idea what I wanted to be called to my grandson because I wasn't comfortable with any of the terms" she added.

Rosie said that she felt uncomfortable being a granny at her age, and when she is out with baby Rox people assume she is his mum. "But I am totally not surprised because why on earth would they think I would be his gran?" she said. Although surprised, Rosie sai she happy she gets to have such a good oppertunity to bond with baby Rox. "Although I was nervous about the whole thing, it has been a really good experience and I am happy to take such an involved role in my grandson's life."

The Ups and Downs of Being a Young Grandparent

Many grandparents are more running shoes than rocking chairs, more social media than social security. The average age of becoming a grandparent is 50, although many individuals become grandparents even earlier, perhaps even in their 30s. These younger grandparents may face a number of challenges. Becoming a grandparent at a young age can scramble all expectations for the second half of life. It can also increase joy and, ironically, keep grandparents young.

It's possible to become a grandparent at a very young age by marrying someone older who has children from an earlier marriage. Technically, those who acquire grandchildren in this way are step-grandparents, but for many, the difference is academic. They consider themselves grandparents. The way most young grandparents are created, however, is when a parent who reproduced at a young age has a child who does the same. Of course, this is happening less often, as the average age of first-time childbearing has risen to over 26 for American women. Still, teen pregnancies continue to occur, accounting for approximately 13% of first births. Many times, young grandparents-to-be are more concerned about the young parents' situation than they are their own. The statistics on teen pregnancy are fairly scary. The infant mortality rate is considerably higher than average when the mother is a teenager, particularly for Black mothers who may have less access to quality prenatal care.3

Only around 40% of teen moms finish high school, and as a group, they are much less likely to earn a college degree than their peers—only 2% have graduated from college by age 30.4 Teen fathers aren't as well tracked, but what data there is suggests a similar pattern. Of course, grandparents are concerned. Translating that concern into the right kind of assistance can be tricky. Give too much help, and young parents may not mature into fully responsible adults. Give too little, and everyone in the young family could be at risk. Grandparents want the best for their grandchildren. In seeking to make that happen, it's easy for them to overstep boundaries. In the end, families have to find their own way. Measures that work for one family may not work for others. Clear communication helps, but what helps the most is for grandparents to let the parents do it their way as much as possible while being available when needed.

Too young to be a grandparent

People who become grandparents at 40 or 50 may have more energy to keep up with their grandchildren but may also experience conflicted feelings. When her daughter gave birth to a baby girl, Ms L. Loh found it hard to accept becoming a grandmother at the age of 43. She asked her granddaughter to call her "auntie", but the girl, now five, persisted in calling her "ah ma".

Putting aside the joy of welcoming a new addition to the family, becoming a grandparent in your 40s and early 50s can be unsettling. There can be an uncomfortable period of self- scrutiny, with conflicting emotions. Some, like Ms Loh, a manager in the logistics industry, feel that being called "grandma" or "grandpa" makes them feel old. Others, like Mr Mohd Shariff Mohd Yatim, 55, feel they want to look more mature. When his first grandchild, Ryanna Sofia Raihan, was born five months ago, he grew a beard. The executive director of Jamiyah Halfway House, a rehabilitation centre, wanted to signal - to others and himself - that he was "ready to lead as a grandfather". But when people started offering him their seats in public places, he felt embarrassed.

Young grandparents may experience other kinds of conflicted feelings about arriving at a stage of life earlier than expected, says Ms Theresa Bung, principal therapist at the non-profit Family Life Society. She specialises in counselling families and couples. Some have to set aside projects or plans. Some may still be working and feel guilty about the limited time they can spend with their grandchildren, especially if they have their own children to care for. Some are unhappy that their unwed teenaged children become parents. But those The Sunday Times interviewed say there are more advantages than disadvantages to their early grandparenthood.

Lina Medina, the world’s youngest mother gave birth at 5
Lina Medina with her baby born on 14 May 1939

In 1939, in the remote area of a small Peruvian village, Lina Medina became what historians consider the youngest mother in the world at the age of 5. While hard to believe, doctors determined that Lina was physically able to get pregnant due to a rare medical condition called precocious puberty. Many of the circumstances around the young girl’s pregnancy remain unknown to this day, and her situation has baffled doctors and drawn public attention for the last century.

It was early spring when Lina’s parents noticed their daughter’s engorged stomach. As one of nine kids, the family lived in one of the poorest villages in Peru. But upon discovering their daughter’s stomach, they feared she had a tumor or some other deadly condition. They rushed her to the closest hospital in Pisco — a two-hour drive through the bumpy roads of Peru’s countryside. Upon examination by the doctors, it was determined that the cause of Lina’s enlarged stomach wasn’t due to cancer — she was in her seventh month of pregnancy. Based on her September birthday, it was determined that Lina got pregnant at the age of 4. Word began to spread across the world that there was a five-year-old girl in Peru pregnant, as fascination and curiosity took over the world. Newspapers and reporters from all over the world asked the interview her, and there were scientific institutions that wanted to record her birth for educational purposes. However, Lina and her family adamantly did not want to be a part of the international attention that this was bringing.

Just a few weeks after the pregnancy was discovered by doctors, Lina gave birth to a baby boy via a Caesarian section on May 14, 1939. The small size of her body didn’t allow for a natural birth, but the baby’s delivery was successful and safe. The baby was named Gerardo, after Dr. Gerardo Lozada, the overseeing doctor on Lina’s case. Front page headlines worldwide read, “Five-and-Half-Year-old Mother and Baby Reported Doing Well.” Doctors worldwide tried to study and understand how a four-year-old girl could get pregnant and successfully carry a healthy baby to full term. After giving birth, Lina brought the baby back to their village, where they lived a mostly normal life. Doctors who visited her post-birth determined that Gerardo was a “perfectly normal” baby with an “above normal intelligence.” For the first several years of baby Gerardo’s life, he was raised to believe that Lina was his sister — not his mother. But when Lina was 15, he discovered that his sister was his mother.