

There was a time when we respected the computer

Photo of Classic Computer Setup Taken When the Internet Was Still a ‘Place’ Sparks Nostalgia

A viral photo of a classic home computer setup from the early 2000s has sparked a wave of nostalgia from millennials.

The photo shows the quintessential computer station at the beginning of the millennium complete with an enormous box-like monitor, bulky CD-ROM hard drive, printer, speakers with small twiddly knobs, cd rack filled with computer disks, zip drives, and floppy disks. Some of those words will mean nothing to younger readers but these items were once ubiquitous across homes in the Western world. Teenagers would log in to chat with their friends on MSN Messenger as parents discovered the world of word processing.

The picture of the setup struck a chord as it received 17.4 million views and hundreds of comments on the platfrom formerly known as Twitter. It was posted with the caption: “There was a time when we respected the computer.” It is difficult to fathom now but in the early 2000s, the internet was confined to a single space rather than being omnipresent as it is in the 2020s.