

5 Essentials That Will Boost Your Immune System

When it comes to staying healthy, we want to do anything and everything in our power to ensure we’re protecting ourselves. The more levelheaded we are, the easier it is to thrive. Here are five things to keep in mind and to work into your routine to ensure you boost your immunity all year round:
  • Your Diet - Our immune system relies on nutrient-dense whole foods to function correctly. We need to direct energy on improving the quality of our diet; vegetables are a great way to do so! They are the foundation of a wholesome diet and render so many immune-supporting nutrients. For example, vitamin C is found in broccoli, bell peppers, and spinach; carotenoids are found in carrots, sweet potatoes, and kale. Try integrating at least two servings of fruits and eight servings of vegetables into your diet each day!
  • Spices & Everything Nice - In addition to balancing out your diet, you should be sure to add garlic, onions, and spices like turmeric to your menu. They go great in soups and dishes, so you don’t have to worry about incorporating them into your diet; just think of them as an extra perk. Using fresh ginger and lemon in your smoothies and tea is a sure way to include antimicrobial properties!
  • Drink Up - Consuming the right amount of fluids supports your body’s functions, including your immune system. Broths, soups, teas as well as keeping a bottle of water with you at all times is critical! Try avoiding concentrated fruit juices and beverages that have been sweetened as the sugar content has been proven to harm the immune system.
  • Sleep, Sleep & More Sleep - We’re well aware that sleep restores the body; without a sufficient amount of sleep, optimal immune function is almost impossible. Try heading to bed earlier, aiming for between seven to eight hours a night. To help yourself better fall asleep, incorporate relaxation and breathing techniques throughout the day to alleviate stress, allowing the mind to relax!
  • Sweat it Out - Between 30 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise helps support the immune system. Avoid overexertion such as exercise for strength events when you’re feeling beat; it will lower your immune system’s strength!