

What to know about senility and dementia

A person may use “senility” to describe a decrease in the ability to think, concentrate, or remember

Senility and “being senile” are old-fashioned terms, and some people use them to refer to dementia.

A contemporary term that doctors use is “neurocognitive disorder” which might be either minor or major. For example, they may diagnose minor neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s disease — a type of dementia.

Below, learn more about what senility and dementia mean, as well as dementia’s symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention.


Don't let Vascular Dementia Take Control of Your Life

Vascular dementia is one of the most common forms of dementia in Singapore, yet many of us have never heard of it. Let’s change that. Keep reading to learn more about what causes vascular dementia and how you can reduce your risk.

Did you know that almost half (45.5%) of dementia cases in Singapore are vascular dementia? You may also be surprised to learn that you can take steps now to lower your risk of vascular dementia.

So, keep reading and let’s demystify this disease together.