

The secret to Happiness

These things will make you happier

According to the happiest country in the world, this will make you happier.

For six years in a row, Finland has held the top position when it comes to happiness. Finland is, according to the World Happiness Report, the happiest country in the world. But what is the secret to this happiness? Frank Martela, a Finnish philosopher and psychology researcher provides some insight into the factors that contribute to happiness. In an article he wrote for CNBC, he names three things that you should stop doing in order to become happier:
  • Stop comparing yourself - The Finnish don’t compare themselves to others. In fact, there isn’t a whole lot to compare.
  • Don’t ignore nature - The Finnish love nature. In a survey from 2021, it turned out that 87% of Finns view nature as an important part of their lives. Just because it gives them peace and causes them to relax. That is why a lot of Finnish people like to spend their vacation in nature.
  • Don’t break trust - Another characteristic of the Finns is that they are very trustworthy. They trust one another and cherish honesty. This means that when you lose something valuable in Finland, the chances of getting it back are really high. And the Finns don’t just trust their friends and the people around them, they also trust their government, the police and their politicians. With that comes a feeling of responsibility. Everyone feels responsible for the general success of the country and a lot of people volunteer for volunteer organizations.