

Everything you should know about Vitamin C but don't

A nutritionist shares top health tips
A nationwide online survey of more than 1,000 adults aged 18 and over found that most are unaware of the benefits of vitamin C

Many of my friends, myself included, have stepped up our immunity-boosting measures during the pandemic: popping vitamin C supplements consistently. However, a recent YouGov survey commissioned by Zespri, “Nutrition and Vitamin C Matters”, found that one in two Singaporeans (56%) are either unsure or unaware if they are meeting their daily nutritional needs. The nationwide online survey of more than 1,000 adults aged 18 and over covered questions on nutrition and their eating habits.

The survey also showed that Singaporeans still have a long way to go in their awareness of the benefits of vitamin C. For example, while most knew it supported overall immunity, 85% did not know the amount of vitamin C required daily, and 75% did not know that we need to consume it daily because our bodies cannot produce or store it.

I took this opportunity to speak with Dr Verena Tay, a dietitian-nutritionist with more than 15 years of diverse experience spanning clinical nutrition, academia, research and corporate work, to answer our burning questions on all things Vitamin C. I bet there are things you didn't know about Vitamin C. So read on, and our families will benefit from our knowledge too.