


It’s not uncommon to think about changes we’d like to make in our lives

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, we all know the drill: exercise most days of the week; eat a variety of nutritious foods; get enough sleep; keep up with your numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar; don’t smoke; limit alcohol. Reducing stress, improving relationships, and developing new interests or hobbies can also contribute to healthy living.

Making healthy lifestyle changes affects not only our risk for disease and the way we feel today but also our health and ability to function independently later in life. Yet making healthy changes is easier said than done. Even when we’re strongly motivated, adopting a new, healthy habit – or breaking an old, bad one – can be terribly difficult.

But failure to take an active interest in your health can have devastating effects – especially later in life. Uncontrolled blood pressure and cholesterol can lead to a serious condition called PAD.