

Ways to Help Your Laptop Battery Last Longer

11 adjustments that will help keep your laptop charged for a lot longer:
  • Adjust the Display - Start with turning the brightness of your screen down as much as you can without straining your eyes.
  • Don’t Keep it Plugged in - Your laptop should never be fully charged at all times, or dead at all times.
  • Turn it off - The best way to get the most out of your laptop battery is to turn your computer off at the end of the day.
  • Keep Your Settings Updated - Make sure that your computer is always on the latest version of its operating system.  when you are prompted to install an update, do not ignore it.
  • Keep it Cool - You want to make sure that your battery never overheats or gets too cold.
  • Unplug - Although it might not seem like a big deal, turning off simple aspects of your computer will have a big impact on your battery life.
  • Shut Down Apps - After you finish using an app, always exit out of it. If you have applications running in the background they will be draining your battery.
  • Turn off Spotlight Search - On Macs, the ‘Spotlight Search’ feature can definitely come in handy, but it will also drain your battery!
  • Disable Automatic Updates - Be sure to change your settings to only update applications when you are plugged in.
  • Disable Notifications - Most apps that you use every day, such as Twitter, Facebook, and even news sites, will enable notifications that alert you of activity.
  • Go Incognito - Search the internet on an incognito browser tab, use a private window to disable the auto-fill function on the websites you visit the most.