

China entering the era of health and wellness residence

In the 40 years of reform and opening up, material wealth has grown prosperous, but no one dared to investigate the happiness of the Chinese. In this era, everyone is striving for the top, overworked, overdrafted health, successful career, but also a happy love, Haruki Murakami but also Li Zongwu, material and spiritual lose the other. How to be happy? This is a problem facing most Chinese people.

Everyone has a way to return to a simple life. Some people choose to spend time in teahouses and bars and spend their time flirting with strangers and saliva; some people choose TV and contribute their lives to Korean dramas and mango channels; but only those who have worked hard, With those who are able to see the future in front of their eyes, they have the ability and insight to choose a more quality life-find a place with good mountains and rivers, buy a house or rent a house, and occasionally change life patterns, use The way of life is to travel, to live in the way of travel, not to indulge in the mountains and rivers, but to find the true self.

Surrounding mountains and rivers and blooming in spring are the metaphysical yearning of the elite, the pastoral imagination of the new rich, and the pursuit of quality in this era. Find a place to hide, escape the smog, escape the city, escape the concrete forest, and melt into the mountains and rivers. The elites began to choose to take the initiative to keep their distance from society. It is because of their practice in life that we understand the pursuit of this era. This is an era like this-"fame and wealth" is not a luxury, but "happiness" is, "success" does not represent personal charm, "the true self" is.