

Could You Go Meatless One Day a Week?

It’s highly probable that you are considering ways to follow a healthier lifestyle after the New Year. Regardless if your desire is to lose ten pounds, improve your cholesterol levels or gain more vigor. Try these 5 tips below that will aid you in attaining your objectives:
  • Mindful eating
  • Cook at home
  • Meatless meals one day a week
  • More fruits and veggies
  • Water
Studies have consistently revealed that diets based on plants are associated with a lesser chance of acquiring obesity, hypertension, heart ailments, type 2 diabetes, and cancer,” revealed Sharon Palmer, a registered dietitian, and author of “Plant-Powered for Life.”

Palmer stresses that even with the slightest changes to your diet, you can notice a difference. People often think that switching to a more plant-based diet means having bland food. There are in fact many foods to choose from— beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits. According to Palmer, these foods have components that contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.