

10 Ways to Look 10 Years Younger

 Without a Facelift
Look and feel younger by doing a few simple things

There is no way to stop the hands of time and prevent the aging process from actually happening. However, there are a number of ways to help improve longevity and even look much younger than you are. Eat This, Not That! asked a variety of experts the question everyone wants answered: what can I do to look 10 years younger? Read on to find out what they had to say—and to ensure your health and the health of others:
  • Maintain Good Posture
  • Don't Forget to Wear Sunscreen on Your Hands
  • Eat Anti-Aging Foods
  • Smile More
  • Exercise
  • Get A Good Night's Sleep
  • Take Care of Your Skin
  • Eat Lots of Veggies
  • Put Down the Pack
  • Keep Yourself—and Your Skin—Hydrated