

How technology can help those living with diabetes

Better manage their condition

Diabetes could affect any of us, either directly or indirectly, since its prevalence continues to rise and one in three Singaporeans are at risk of developing the chronic disease.

Singapore began its war against diabetes more than four years ago but as Second Minister for Health Masagos Zulkifli said on World Diabetes Day last November, “we need to continue our fight against diabetes as a nation — as individuals, healthcare professionals, and the broader community”.

In Singapore, a third of people living with diabetes are not even aware they have the disease, while one in three of the remaining two-thirds have poor control over it. If left unchecked, the prevalence of diabetes could more than double from 440,000 in 2014 to one million by 2050, Singapore’s Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health projected. Yet there are challenges in keeping diabetes in check.