

What is Our SG Heritage Plan?

Singapore’s heritage is found all around us and experienced as we go about our daily lives. From stately historical buildings and precious museum artefacts to festive celebrations and food offerings, Singapore’s rich and diverse multicultural heritage is one of the defining traits of our country, and of our identity as Singaporeans.

Heritage can be broadly categorised into tangible and intangible cultural heritage:
  • Tangible heritage includes buildings, historic sites, monuments and landscapes that serve as physical reminders of our history and culture. It also includes objects that institutions and people create and/or collect. These objects, which form an important part of a nation’s history and cultural identity, include artefacts, artworks, documentary records, photographs, films and other objects of significant historical value.
  • Intangible cultural heritage comprises the practices, events, expressions, knowledge skills and trades which communities recognise as part of their cultural heritage. These different forms of heritage are typically passed down from one generation to another. Intangible cultural heritage, which includes our traditions and living expressions, will continue to evolve with the times and be constantly reshaped by communities in response to changes in their environment.
Under Our SG Heritage Plan, we have outlined strategies to safeguard and promote both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Our efforts will make sure that what has been left to us from the past will become a legacy for the future.