

Causes Of Fatigue And What They Might Mean

Feeling Tired All Day?

Have the signs of tiredness something you’ve been noticing a lot in yourself these days? Is waking up worn a thing that has become a normal occurrence for you? Has it become a routine for you to feel exhaustion build up from the time you open your eyes to the time you fall asleep? If any of these apply to you then you might be experiencing something known as fatigue.

Fatigue is a term used to describe the feeling of exhaustion or overall lacking energy to get things done the way you once did. This doesn’t depend on merely being tired, on quite the contrary it renders a person’s ability to do something as simple as getting up in the morning. Motivation is something nowhere to be found and getting their daily tasks done proves to be a tiresome chore.

Fatigue can be of two types, one being physical fatigue and the other mental fatigue. These two may be different but they often occur together. Repeated physical fatigue if left unchecked for long periods, can stress out your mind causing mental fatigue to take place.
  • A person with physical fatigue may find it hard to keep up with the things that are done daily such as going for a walk or even climbing up a set of stairs. Physical strength evaluation can be a part of their exam while getting their diagnosis. Symptoms may include a drop in muscle strength or sudden weakness in the overall strength of the body.
  • A person with mental fatigue will struggle with aspects such as giving their complete concentration and focus on the task they are doing. Being drowsy, falling asleep at random points of the day, and having trouble staying awake would be a few symptoms they will probably experience.