

3 Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Do you have sleep problems such as trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

Sue tries to get in bed by 11.30 pm every night to get her seven hours of sleep. She then struggles to fall asleep for the next hour or so. She has difficulty staying asleep and often wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. At the same time, every day at 6.30 am, the alarm goes off and she hits the snooze button. By 7 am, she’s made herself a big cup of coffee—the first of many for the day. She gets through the day constantly battling yawns and refilling her coffee mug. The cycle repeats.

If this scenario is familiar to you, then you may not be getting the quality sleep that you need. Experts tell us that the long-term effects of sleep deprivation can affect us negatively in several ways. Having stressed the importance of sleep, here are some simple tips on natural sleep remedies that you can incorporate to hopefully achieve more restful sleep.

How to Sleep Better and Improve Sleep Quality:
  • Making Lifestyle Changes
  • Creating a Conducive Sleeping Environment
  • Diet Changes
